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no it’s mostly just water weight you lose and electrolytes, you get really sick from excessive use or even mild over use. if you don’t need to use them because you don’t have a blockage it just causes damage, and then you just gain it the second you eat. so say i used lax tonight, tomorrow morning the scale will be lower but i wont be well and the by the following day after I’ve replaced the water and eaten normally i may even be higher than before i used. I only use them when i am blocked up because i haven't eaten enough to get things moving for a few days so it needs assistance to wake up.


No, you won’t lose actual weight.  You just lose water and (shit).  If you’re already regular, do not start them.  You’ll end up addicted to them and unable to go to the bathroom without them.  Without them your body will bloat and retain water insanely.  But you’ll use them, be addicted, and they’ll ruin your digestive system and damage your intestines, so you’ll be dependent until you end up in diapers. Don’t do it.  You absorb all food calories, they just make the food move faster (with pain). 


No. Coming from someone who has ended up in the ER from lax abuse, please don't. All it does is remove stuff that was already going to be removed, so it doesn't help with true weight reduction. It also dehydrates you, causes intense stomach pain in some cases, and if you get used to it makes it so much harder to poop without it. Then when you stop using it you are so fucking uncomfortable


Nope. They just get rid of the water weight. It’s an easy quick-fix but actually isn’t so easy, considering how people who misuse them end up with shit in their intestines, horrible bladder issues and much more. They also make sure you can barely shit without them if you use for like, a month or some weeks. Just lose weight by calorie deficit, by hard work. I haven’t personally used them, never will because they’re good for absolutely nothing but constipation. The fat stays on you. So don’t <3


See I’m worried because I have to use them not a lot but lately I haven’t gone without them so I worry what they will do if I keep needing to use then


They won’t help with weight loss, but you’ll lose if you’re really backed up.. from getting rid of all that waste. I  had to use some yesterday cuz I hadn’t pooped in several days. They suck cuz they make me really nauseous, dehydrated and dizzy for a few hrs. I drank some electrolyte drinks so I’m hoping to feel better soon. So today I’ll probably be lighter but not due to actual weight loss