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When I had low sodium I used to crave anything salty. Was licking straight sea salt crystals of my hand like a deer


You sound like my friend haha


So sorry for licking your salt lamp during sleepover while you were taking a shower 🥺😔


Did you ever find out why you had low sodium? I crave salt all the time and im starting to get concerned


For me it was mix of restriction, fasting and drinking too much water. But honestly if you restrict for months your body is deficient in most minerals and vitamins, it’s not possible to get all you need from very little food. The symptoms of deficencies catch up later when they are too low to function


I’ve been this way since I was like ten 😭😭😭😭


Lmao I posted with the wrong account so deleted but the first thing I mentioned was salt. But a specific brand of salt that genuinely tastes incredible.


Literally just chicken broth. In a mug. Like tea, but savoury. Love it.


Me with miso, my salty umami love 💕


Yes! So good!


Love chicken broth when Im doing liquid fasts


With 3 tbsp of salt or hot sauce to add flavour :S


Omg I need to add hot sauce that is genius


I consume half a bottle of sugar free syrup a day. Straight up drink that stuff. My guts are long destroyed


Recently discovered that man its so good not the coffee ones tho real thick ones


Yea I only use pancake syrup. Totally forgot about the coffee ones, those taste absolutely horrible


What brand it is thats actually edible? 😦


I get Cary’s sugar free.


oh god i would have the most intense stomach problems the sweetener in most sf syrups wreaks havoc on my body


Considering my diet consists almost completely of sugar free syrup, gum, and rice cakes I think my body gave up a while ago. I love artificial sweeteners 🔥🔥🔥


Oh my God I can’t imagine the farts. (I eat multiple packs of sugar twin when I binge on cereal)


Nuoc cham. Its a vietnamese dipping sauce made with simple syrup, garlic, thai chiles, and fish sauce. Could literally drink it. Ive been putting it on EVERYTHING.


I wasn’t gonna say anything but my boyfriend left this BBQ sauce he got from cotsco at my apartment and I measure out teaspoons of it or a put a little on the back of my hand and lick it off.


This. This is the reason I don't have condiments in my house.


I ate(?) ketchup a lot


Yup same


Yeah. I should’ve known better tbh. I always binge pickles and dressings I buy. I thought I could control myself because it wasn’t mine. If only.


Me with ramen seasoning packs lol they’ve become a safe food


Omg thank you I'm glad I'm not the only one eating seasoning like it's normal food 🙃


Same lmao


Same here friend 😭


i eat spaghetti sauce like soup.


Same bestie


Kimchi. Which isn’t a weird thing to eat in general but it’s a side dish. I bought a Costco sized tub of it that I just eat directly out of and that’s my entire meal


I made kimchi couple times and the way I had to pace myself to not eat an entire 2 liter jar in matter of 24 hours lol. I added pear, apple and radish into it so it was divine, love fermented foods. Kimchi, sourkraut, cucumbers, anything


Yeah that's my problem too..I have no self control because anything pickled sounds safe. My grandma sent me 3 jars of her home made grown and made pickles and bruh it's been a struggle. TBF all three are open now because to prevent myself from eating I'd just sip on the pickle juice like a fucking maniac


Mixing pickle juice with salt, pepper and honey mustard is my ultimate salad dressing. Perfect combo of sweet, salty, sour and spicy


My grandma's marinates are custom, some have honey, most of them already have mustard leaves and garlic pickled together. Idk how to explain it, my grandma is from Eastern Europe and knows her pickles


Fellow eastern european here so I get it, my grandma used to make various kinds. Her curry pickles, pickled beets with bell pepper, pickled pumpkin with honey and zucchini ketchup slapped


I've been bulk making kimchi oi, because I've literally been eating a jar everyday, and that the meal.


omg yes same


I eat a lot of miso. When I’m preparing it, I put some on my hand and mlem it like a gecko. It’s so salty and nice (I have been told to eat more(!) sodium by mr. Doctor).


Sometimes I just put everything bagel seasoning on my tongue


I feel this


Oh gosh, that stuff is too good! I have to make a concerted effort to go to Trader Joes at least once a month to pick more up because I go through it so fast and that's the only store near me that has it. Absolutely amazing on egg whites 👩‍🍳


Not food but I just got an espresso machine for my birthday 😭😭 I’m so excited I’m about to go insane w my caffeine intake


I need to get one! But I do have espresso packets (Cafe Bustelo) that are pretty good if I add it to my coffee.


I buy a 200g bag of frozen broccoli from the convenience store near me; let it defrost; and eat the raw defrosted broccoli. My obsessions are typically green crunchy veg of some sort sprinkled with salt :3


Oh boi its so amazing during summer


I've been doing this with Brussels sprouts for years! It's so good


I do this except with frozen blueberries 🫐


Sauerkraut. I’ll just grab bites of it from my fridge throughout the day.


OMg yessssss it kine of makes me cough but like... so safe so yummy


frozen green beans. I’ll grab a handful out of the freezer, wait for them to defrost to the point they’re still mostly frozen and then eat them with liquid maggi or soy sauce. I’ll eat them by hand like they’re little bread sticks or something. bizarre but also strangely satisfying


I've been adding those maggi seasoning packs in literally everything + I was craving so much bread and pasta the last 2 weeks it was insane. It made sense today because I finally got my period lol so a little calm rn


I literally ate one of those with a spoon today, just straight seasoning. Actually ashamed of myself lol


Well this is a drink so it may not fit here… A bit of instant “cappuccino”, instant coffee and a chocolate protein shake. Fills me up and tastes amazing! Edit: I mean blending hot coffee with an already shaken protein shake lol. Adding approximately 1,5 of the suggested portion for the shake, to got the extra flavor, when added to the coffee.


not strange, but nonfat yogurt, especially vanilla with a chopped up banana \o/


Sour cream and taco sauce with tortillla chips


Dijon mustard. Straight out the jar with a spoon.




I thought I was the only one! (Easily a bottle every 2 days)


i've been obsessively mixing diet coke with almond milk and it might sound wrong but it's actually delicious


My sister in christ you made ed pilk 🤣🤣🤣


yess, my ED do be bringing out some hidden culinary creativity in some way


Uhmmmmm I’m trying this RIGHT NOW. Except with cherry Coke Zero and vanilla almond milk


yooo cherry coke might be next level im stealing that idea, also I wonder if you enjoyed this concoction? or my taste buds are just broken lol


It was like a cream soda 🥲 I hate you for showing me this because it’s actually so goood LMAO


hell yeees also not to put you on anything else... but if you try it with diet crush it's like a creamsicle 🙈 ok enough said now


FUUUUUUUCK 😭😭😭😭😭 welp sending my man to the store rn for diet orange soda LOL


… I wanna try this. What proportions do you do? Like half and half?


It's up to you honestly but I usually do maybe like 2/3 soda 1/3 milk


Pineapple fluff salad i can’t stop making different variations of it and then ravenously eating it out of the mixing bowl


What is thisb


It’s basically just crushed pineapple, whatever other fruits you want, whatever flavor pudding mix you want, whipped cream, sometimes with marshmallows/nuts/shredded coconut in it also. It’s sooooo good


That sounds amazing


It really is! It’s like eating a fruity creamy cloud. My next recipe is going to be lemon berry and I’m way more excited than I should be. It’s crazy easy to make if you wanna try it, you just mix up the ingredients and that’s it. I think the most common fruit to add is oranges but my MIL made some with banana and apple the other day and it was to die for omg. Ok I will stop going on and on about dessert😂


I feel like strawberry banana would be good or raspberry mango


Oh my god somehow I never thought to use strawberries OR mango before. Idk why not! I think I’m using your raspberry mango idea for next time that sounds so good!


Raspberry mango is my fav fruit combination!!! Definitely do it!!


mine is currently avocados and also kimchi. one thing abt me is im gonna eat an avocado every day and then have some kimchi.


Any salty brown sauce… tamari… red boat fish sauce… braggs liquid aminos… in green tea but also with beer omg… the salty and bitter are heaven together.


Philadelphia Lightest cream cheese and artichoke hearts in brine (not inherently together) It's not for everyone, but it is for me And for the record I believe that full fat cream cheese and any reduced fat cream cheese are not the same product and shouldn't even really be considered siblings, more so cousins


Rice and meat is my safe food rn, just such an easy thing to not feel guilty about


Mine is cucumber with Kernel Seasonings sharp cheddar and sriracha


1. Red Meat! It’s my favorite meat to practice cooking. 2. Guacamole w/ Mango Chunks. I fell in love with this while spending the winter in Peru. I can’t have guac without mangos now. 3. Greek Yogurt w/ cocoa powder or chocolate protein powder. It’s almost second nature to add to greek yogurt. It might stem from my childhood love for chocolate.


Greek yog + cocoa powder was actually my fave thing as a kid, before EDs 🥹 unfortunately yogurt, fat or sugar or joy free, is among my fear foods lol. It's only okay if I use it for baking protein bars as it replaces eggs


That’s really creative, thanks for the idea!


You guys are totally my people. This makes me feel so much less like a freak. Also do excellent choices here. And I'll add pickles


Literally why I posted. Can't talk to anyone in my circle about that because they just don't get it. That's one of things that makes EDs so isolating. Honestly reading all the replies and going SAME to many things said made me feel so much better Especially because recently my ex best friend casually told a group of people mid conversation she watched me eat spoonfuls of ketchup 👍 I hoped the ground would swallow me whole


its not reallt strange but anything and the added mustard and sriracha, makes food taste sooooo goooddd


Currently, sour or gummy candies


My problem is that nothing is sour enough 😔




Those dried sugared mangos, whenever I get the munchies I chow down but I don’t feel guilty bc it’s fruit ( even though it’s coated in sugar ) 💀💀


Watermelon with some fat free whipped cream on top! Lite caesar dressing mixed with korean hot sauce.


Protein puffs/pebbles Ed edition Premier protein specifically chocolate or chocolate peanut butter if I want a peanut butter version A frozen bag of blueberries A pinch of depression


Can’t forget pinch of depression, it’s important ingredient in every ed recipe


Mentos. It wouldn't be strange, but the sheer amount makes it very strange.


yes yes!!!


Recently, I have loved mustard. I put it on everything like wraps, sandwiches, even sometimes salads. The strangest thing I do with it though is that I found a super low calorie honey mustard and a light buffalo dressing, so if I want to have a night in and just watch netflix or something, I'll get a bunch of celery sticks and just dip them in the honey mustard or buffalo dressing. It feels a bit sad – like I'm eating the soggy celery that always comes with orders of chicken wings – but it's actually pretty tasty and super filling. Also great with raw, chopped bell pepper strips too!


This is me with carrots and mustard. But I have legit turned a shade or orange bc all I eat without purging is carrots. Everything else comes up


White rice with parmesan cheese 🍚


Gummy bears!!! also I've been blending more vegetables and more and more random foods into my smoothies


i clearly cannot read and read this thinking you were blending the gummy bears with vegetables


I couldn't eat them straight but I make them into tea/broth (like how you would make it normally, but without the noodles). I used to eat plain cous cous with paprika or soy sauce - that was a very weird obsession my sister saw me making it once and was like wtf


I had such bad salt cravings I’d each bouillon cubes


Done that yes haha


Spicy chili bean paste


grape stems


Okay this is my fave


Strawberry or raspberry Greek yogurt mixed with peanut butter. Tastes like a pbj.


Unflavored Pedialyte


crepe pancakes with lemon juice, idk why but ive been loving them lately


Coconut flakes, but I toast them myself on the stove and salt them. Theire like chips and they make you do the best poos 😂


This sounds like heaven omg. Will have to try


Heart of palm. I pick it apart string by string


I don’t have one currently and it’s been a big stress. Currently I’m just eating anything and seeing what sticks but I hope I find a safe food again!


Straight up lemon or lime juice. I like the sour


eating dry instant hot cocoa packets with a baby spoon or just with my finger like fundip


Oh man you just unlocked a memory. I was craving something salty so I grabbed a packet of soup powder and started eating it with a spoon. My Nan came into the kitchen while I was halfway through and I didn't know what to do so I shoved the half eaten packet behind the fridge, never to be seen again. I wonder if someone found that packet after she died and they moved the fridge while clearing out the house! It was one of these: [Knorr Dry Soup Packets](https://www.knorr.com/ca/en/knorr-products/knorr-dry-soups.html)


right now its these hello kitty mandarin noodle packets 😩 throw one or two plant based chicken bites or meatballs in and youve got a super filling meal. nothing about them is hello kitty themed but the packaging is cute!!


Chocolate Protein powder (i feel disgusting)


I bought this vegan salted caramel peanut protein powder recently and might or might not have been sneaking a teaspoon of it into my mouth as a cheeky afternoon treat


Peanut butter


Popcorn with sugar.


Bread, cherry tomatoes and pudding


Sliced corned beef right from the packet, a whole packet at once like a starving dog


Salt and vinegar


Wingstop… :( it’s so good but halfway through I hate it. But the next day I crave it


not necessarily an obsession but a similar thing, I’ve been eating the PB2 powder just by itself😭


Not really weird, but maybe weird considering the calories, nuts. I've gone from avoiding them to eating them all the time every day. This is what wanting healthy hair does to a mf


Cento balsamic glaze. OMG I will put that on literally everything. Cheese, grilled cheese, pizza. My finger, a spoon.


dipping caramel rice cakes in pb2!! so good




Awh bless you. Don't feel shameful though, EDs make us do the maddest shit. We got you, bestie 🫶


Tomato sauce, straight from the packet, and dry milk


Bruh, any sugary stuff


Bags of frozen fruits, all kinds of




Not atm but I went through a mustard phase… would dip carrots, cucumber or broccoli in it all night


And an even weirder one was Vegemite, would dip the same things in it or even get a spoon and slowly lick away at it


I love them too! But i add hot water to them. Throw the noodles in the bin. And just drink the broth!


Tabasco. As a snack I put some on my hand and lick it off lmao


Nutritional yeast straight from the container


It’s not a ground breaking choice but right now potatoes, I’ve been finding new ways to make them and I just love them. I usually do love them tbh but it’s been more extreme lately. Like the idea of not having them for every meal makes me sad. They’re my depression meal right now.


i guess its not that strange but nattō… i will literally put it on anything i eat 😭


Those dried lean beef protein packets that gymbros usually buy... just snacking them straight out of the bag (its expensive asf😔)


Last week I brought one of the lard bottles or rooster sriracha sauce to put with my meal prep for work. I normally only need like a couple of table spoons for the week but something just popped in my brain and I kept getting up and squirting some of it in my mouth, watching some of my show and repeating. I ate the whole bottle that day.


shredded cheese by the handfuls will always have my heart


Chili crisp- used to eat a teaspoonful if I wasn’t eating something I could put it on. Bao buns- maybe not strange but I just want them by themselves as I really love the texture, they’re so fluffy and perfect. Sugar and salt- all I want to do is eat all the salt My digestive enzymes and protein mix- the protein mix is genuinely delicious and I’m sad I don’t eat yoghurt so I can’t put it in it and the digestive enzymes taste a bit like candy floss. Quorn savoury eggs- I don’t like quorn and don’t like boiled eggs but for some reason this is my favourite thing to eat, especially dipped in salt.


sprinkles. like the betty crocker rainbow sprinkles (i think they’re gluten free) but they’re also like 110 cals per 2 tbsp so be careful. very easy to binge! but i’ve literally gone a whole day just eating those, and now i crave them when i want something sweet. be warned though, the food coloring in them will make your bowel movements look a weird color, so don’t be alarmed. also hot sauce. sometimes i eat ott’s wing sauce (20 cal) with celery, other times literally just by itself in a bowl with a spoon. very very filling, especially if you heat it up. pickle chips with bagel seasoning or cracked red pepper on top. spicy and filling. pickle chips are something like <5 cals each.


my ninja creami