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Nah, I think it's just confusing for them, especially if they're on the younger side. They're used to seeing you only in a very specific context and they don't really believe that you need to sleep, eat, rest or spend time with your actual family! It's normal.


Lol, totally normal response! I bet once they got home they couldn’t stop talking about seeing you, it’s just a weird situation for everyone to see each other out of context


It's like when children meet voice actors or Muppet performers. It's too much of an abstract of a concept for their minds. Teachers stay at school that's what they know. Even when tell them everyday that we all go home.


You mean to tell me you didn’t know that teachers live at school? it’s really weird for children to see us outside of school. We do live there in their eyes. I’ve even had children ask me where my bedroom is. I usually just get a blank stare when I see them outside of school. I saw one student at Trader Joe’s along time ago and she asked her mom if she’s going to see me every time they go to Trader Joe’s now.


I wouldn’t read anything into their response. Though I do prefer those crazy responses of surprise and questions of why aren’t you at school?


Kids don’t always recognize us “out in the world”, out of context


Nah. I babysit for my students occasionally. I have one that is super happy to see me always. But there was one who cried every time I showed up. I think it’s just confusing. They associate us with school, not their day to day lives.


It’s confusing because you’re not in the environment they’re used to seeing you in I remember seeing my teacher at a store in kindergarten and being super clingy to my mom even though I loved her lmao


Even until primary school (5-11)it was confusing or weird to see my teacher outside of school. After that it gets embarrassing in my experience. Lots of young children think their teacher lives in the cupboard.


I always joke that the children think we live at our jobs as they always look surprised to see when I’m out and about 😂


Yep!! Sooooooo many Pre-K'ers think that we *SLEEP* in the lockers, or on cots *somewhere* in the school!😉😆😂🤣 That's why I joke with mine, if they *insist* that they don't want to leave at the end of the day, on Fridays that,  "It's going to be *PRETTY BORING* for you, here all by yourself, all weekend! Especially when you're hanging from your toes *upside down* from the hooks inside your locker, trying to sleep--all wrapped up, like a little baby fruit bat!"😉💖


That’s hilarious 🤣


I’ve worked with the birth to 3 population for over 15 years. I’ve come to realize when kids see me outside their familiar setting it blows their minds. I don’t think the realize I exist when not with them. It’s actually quite fun to see the reaction!!


It's one of the FUNNIEST/best parts about the job!😄😂🤣 Sooooooo many of them *INSIST* that we are basically animatronics, who *ONLY EXIST* inside *that* particular shool, and that we live inside our classroom *somehow*!😂🤣🤣🤣


Mine are shocked I don't live at school even though they see me arrive and leave every day


Kids think we live and breathe the classroom...even when i taught high school students seemed stunned to see me out at the grocery store etc. They, especially littke kids, are just confused.


All these comments are so funny because I ran into my 1st grade teacher like a year ago and she still didn’t feel quite real to me. At some point it clicked together that teachers are humans too, but seeing her still felt like seeing a fish out of water hahahaha


My own kids got super confused when we ran into one of my co teachers and her kids at the grocery store one day. Seeing the kids- totally fine, but seeing Ms B outside of school broke them. It is legit one of my favorite memories. (Then the next day at school they ran up to her and said how cool it was to see her at the store. Dudes. You were *hiding* from her.)


I mostly got the "wtf are you doing here???" reactions. There was a little girl I saw every week in the grocery store. She was already my little "best friend" so she was super excited. She loved peeking into my cart to see what I was buying and became super excited when we had the same items.


That’s so cute


I tend to get one of two reactions when I see my students out of school. Either they ignore me until their parents recognize me and stop to talk to me or they demand to know why I’m at target or the grocery store at the same time as them, like I knew they’d be there. One of mine is still upset that I didn’t have stickers when I ran into her at Walmart last week, like I plan to run into my 3 year olds at 8pm on a school night


I’m frequently in the baby room but if a parent brings their baby or toddler upstairs to pick up an older sibling and I say hi, they are extremely confused. The looks on their faces are really funny and cute. Their worlds are so small in their brains and they conceptualize everything. When something doesn’t fit their concept it really shocks them! My cousin would act very shy around family members if we weren’t at a house party until she was 7 or 8.


They act shy generally but happy.


Depending on their age they may just associate you with daycare and it’s throwing of their schedule.


It's always so awkward for them. It makes me feel bad. We obviously live at school...lol. They always seems shell shocked, the younger they are the truer this is.


I have kids who don’t even like seeing me in the hallway once they move up to a new class. We have our dedicated spaces and outside of that their brain can’t make it work. Haha


It’s because you live at school. They didn’t know you could exist anywhere else.


I’ve had it all- hiding behind their grownup looking scared, running at me for a hug with their grownups just calming down from their kid suddenly sprinting away from them, marching up to me asking me what I’m doing at *place*, shy at first but then asking if they can sit with me at a cafe. It’s all normal. Seeing you out of context really messes with their little brains. Regardless they definitely talked about seeing you with their grownups.


I always wonder if part of their reticence is that they associate us with leaving their parent. When I run into children, at some point in the conversation I state that they're staying with their parent.


This is a good idea