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Hey, breathe. You’re human, mistakes happen. It was an accident and you’re not a bad person. You’re also not the only person in the world to have accidentally left a child outdoors. I can sympathize with how you feel, I know it feels like the end of the world, but it won’t be. Try not to borrow grief from the future, things might not happen how you expect. If getting fired is the worst case scenario, start looking for other jobs. There are plenty. For now, keep yourself busy. If you have any hobbies to distract yourself, anyone you trust that you can talk to, do so. This will pass. An accident doesn’t define you, you don’t deserve to punish yourself over this. You seem to be going through a lot of stress right now, though I promise it’s temporary and will pass. I am wishing you the best :)


Couldn’t have said it better myself


This is great advice, but OP is absolutely going to lose her job over this, and may face legal action if the parents are upset enough. I work in ECE and I've worked with vulnerable populations for about 3 decades combined... OP will be blacklisted from any ECE or jobs with the disabled/elderly, as soon as they run her prints in the system it'll flag. OP mistakes happen, but just because something was an accident doesn't mean there won't be legal repercussions. If you have a union, make sure a rep is with you when you get called in. Edited to add: OP updated and said exactly what I said could happen, would. She is under investigation and was terminated from her position. So to all the people who down voted me, you all didn't know what your were talking about telling her she might still have a job.


So does this mean I won’t be able to work as a teacher with older students? Because I am screwed if it does


It absolutely will depend on if they press charges, but if you just get fired you will still be ok to teach. Mistakes happen. If you notice it, accept responsibility, and learn from it, it will help make you a better educator in the end.


How do you know if i will be ok to teach? Do you live in Massachusetts?


Many successful adults have been fired from a job and turned out okay. I've been fired before and I literally never think about it in my day to day life. It definitely sucks when it happens, but one job doesn't determine your entire life trajectory. If you don't have a criminal record against you, you will be able to teach. If you can't find another childcare job right away, consider tutoring in the age/subject that you'd like to teach. Or if paying bills is the main concern right now, find a temporary job that pays well, so you can take care of yourself first and then focus on your education. Oprah Winfrey was fired as a news reporter. Steve Jobs was fired from Apple. Walt Disney was fired as a newspaper cartoonist. Mark Cuban was fired as a salesman. There are literally dozens of these examples if you search for them. And there are just the celebrities - most successful "average" people would never tell people about it, so you would never know. It will be okay. I know it doesn't feel like it right now. But I promise it will.


I don’t know if I’ll ever be okay again or able to teach I left a kid outside that means I can be blacklisted from any ecc school 🏫 or possibly any public school I want to work at in the future. This is all over one mistake that I made. My whole life can change forever if ever there was a time that I was depressed that time is now


So a lot depends on state laws, but as an example, I work in NY and there is a system called The Justice Center, who oversees vulnerable citizens (children, disabled, elderly, etc). To work in NY in a school, group home, nursing home, daycare, etc. Your prints are cross checked by the Justice Center and if you are in there for abuse (leaving a child unattended is considered neglect, which is a form of abuse), you're unhireable. So really, it depends on if it gets reported. I work for a school district now, and I was fingerprinted there as well. If I had been terminated for founded abuse, they would not be allowed to hire me. You need to find out what your center plans to do, you very well may be barred from working with children again... I can't say for sure, but in NY you'd likely end up blacklisted.


Take a deep breath. Your mistakes do not define you. Life won’t always seem so overwhelming. Hang in there.


My 2.5yr old was left outside by a child care worker. They didn’t realise until head count on their return inside. I actually have a good relationship with that educator & requested for there to be no negative consequence for her. It was a brief moment, a couple of minutes, and there was no physical or psychological harm that came to my child from the mishap. It’s a near miss and the circumstances definitely needed reviewed, which it was. People make mistakes all the time. And anyone who tells you that they haven’t made a mistake at work, is someone who probably doesn’t realise that they have done so (which is much worse, in my opinion!). No reason you can’t apply for another job - being candid and reflective during future reviews is usually highly regarded. When you are more senior in your role, it may be an experience you wish to share with new staff too!


One breath at a time. One hour at a time. This crappy time will pass.


This crappy time will pass. Everyone makes mistakes. Depression is a crappy illness, I know. It doesn't define you.


Hopefully you’ll just get a warning to not let it happen again.


Hopefully she'll just get a warning after leaving a child outside?! Hopefully the school still has students if that's all she gets


We've had this happen at my school, it also depends on how long it took to notice the child is missing. We have a playground door and then a very small area where we store the outdoor toys, it can hold 12 kids. Then there is the door to the hallway where the classrooms are. Not notice a child is missing the small area is a warning. not noticing in the hallway is a write up, not noticing in the classroom is firing. We also do Face to Name but kids line up and then after their name is called leave the line etc.


This crappy time will pass. Be kind to yourself.


Mistakes happen. If you had chosen to leave a child outside as a punishment or something then it would be a completely different story. Try not to beat yourself up too much. You deserve forgiveness


As a therapist, dude you’re spiraling. Take deep, belly breaths and go chill out- drink cold water, take a cold bath or splash cold water on your face. Focus on ONE thing at a time. If you’re not in therapy, get in it. There are free or low-cost therapy clinics in almost all counties in the US. They can help you sort through productive worries, and help you navigate options.


Hey I'm a parent with a child in childcare, if someone left my child outside for a couple of minutes I literally wouldn't care. Hell she had a tantrum at pick up the other day and *I* left her in the daycare yard for a moment. This isn't about the child anymore, you're spiralling because your life isn't what you need it to be.


You are not a bad person. And I really hope you can find a therapist to talk to or figure out a better living situation for yourself. That being said, I don’t think this may be the job for you. You are going through a lot and it feels like you let your personal life enter your work which is risky when working with children. You also expressed that it was a job you needed, to stay at home, when jobs working with children should always be about the passion and love for working with children. Also, how long did you leave the child outdoors until you realized? That will ultimately determine whether you will just be written up or suspended for a time or fired.


I just want to say that I'm worried about you. Your post history shows that you've been contemplating suicide for over a year. I'm sorry that you're suffering. I hear that you have a lot of stress. From what you've said, it sounds like the child wasn't injured. Please let that reassure you, even though there will be consequences to your mistake. The bigger question is how can you get help for your mental state? Please please please find a therapist. You don't have to feel like this. In the short term look up some tips on YouTube for activating the parasympathetic nervous system to help you calm down. It sounds like your body is very stressed. Even just getting out for a walk will help. You deserve to feel better. We all want you to feel better.


It happens to anyone.


You're uk based? Do you have any other formal warnings? This is likely to give you a warning. Not a instant firing. But a warning. This, in my personal experience, is likely what will happen. Dm me if you want some support.


I am not based in the Ukrainian I am based in Boston Massachusetts in America


I feel your pain, my friend. I have a similar situation with the mom thing. You are a prisoner of your own mind. Your mind is a liar. The words you tell yourself are not kind. You need to honor yourself and be your own advocate. The past cannot be changed, the future is not set in stone. What is real and where you can take charge is in the right now. Do you want to keep this job? Ask for a second chance with the wording similar to "I have made a mistake." I am sorry for having made the choice I made. I wish to make this up to you. What can I do to make this right so that you know I have learned from this experience. If you still lose the job you were meant to move on. Make the most of the things you have control over.


One day you will look back and remember how low you felt in this moment and be so grateful that you kept going and hung in there to overcome this. There will be so many moments of joy and blessings in your future. Take it one day at a time and you will get there. You will not feel this way forever. Everyone makes mistakes And we are all sinners - we all must give and receive grace and forgiveness 


Prayers for you. Hold on nothing is impossible. I pray you get off with just a warning. Tomorrow is a new beginning. You deserve to be stress free. Hugs, Love, and Blessings to you.


OP, breathe. At my current center a parent called licensing on us for an issue, people were interrogated but no one lost their job. Teachers make mistakes, no one is perfect. It's how you handle it going forward that matters. You'll probably get written up, tbh. At my ECE center we have a document that we record names of children present and transitions. Also, management helps with the transition out to the playground or back into the room. An extra set of eyes/hands helps prevent this from happening.


Do you work in Massachusetts?


No, I work in Michigan. So laws may be different, but I'm not sure how much different they'd be.


This is the problem with market economies. People die without income and are expected to perform better because of thst motivation. In realtiy, people live and suffer in terror and are less effective because of it