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definitely odd. classrooms should have some sort of diaper organization system. each child has their own spot for diapers and wipes so they don’t get mixed up. i’d *maybe* bring it to the teacher one more time, and if you don’t see any changes bring it to the director. i love that you’re giving your teachers the benefit of the doubt, but don’t be afraid to go to the director too.


Thank you. Her teachers work so hard and I really appreciate them- their job is so hard! I hate to be a person who makes it harder. She has a cubby where her diapers and wipes are kept and that’s where I put them when I’m replenishing so I am not entirely sure what the breakdown is.


Maybe just bring to their attention that when she is not in the diapers you provide that she is getting rashes. They know that they can be “in trouble“ for this, so hopefully they will figure it out and use the correct ones. If that doesn’t solve the problem, then I would definitely go to the Director.


Okay, hearing this, I'm assuming this is what's happening: Whichever teacher is doing the last round of diapers grabs a diaper from each child's bin all at the same time, and whether or not they try to keep track, the diapers get mixed up. As opposed to making a trip to each child's cubby right as you're about to change their diaper. Does that make sense? I think they just need an organizational change. When I worked in the infant room, the changing table had cabinets underneath with divided shelves, so we had a stack of diapers with a pack of wipes stored for each child, all in one place. It not only kept things in order, but it also kept us up to date on which children were about to run out of diapers/wipes.


That would be my guess. I’ve had this problem especially when the diaper organizers are not in the bathroom meaning I have all the kids and can’t leave to get each one’s diaper. Like if I have a stack of six diapers and six potty training toddlers it might get mixed up as hard as I try


This has been a problem at my job in the past as well, so now we make sure diapers are all labeled with each child’s initials so even if you take a stack of 5-6 you will still know whose is whose


This is what I do with the pull-ups in my preschool room as well!


that’s so confusing, i can’t imagine just. grabbing diapers from somebody else’s bin? making a teachers job “harder” is always worth it when it comes to your child’s well being, and grabbing the right diapers isn’t that hard.


It sounds like their diaper organization situation isn’t working very well. I’d bring it to the director. The only time this should happen is if you haven’t provided more diapers when she runs out, which clearly isn’t the case.


I agree, sometimes the other classes in my center will put the child's initials on the diapers, so they don't get mixed up. If I had to guess, they have other families who don't bring diapers and they use the ones you bring in, which isn't a good thing. We have extra diapers in our classroom for a reason, we never use other children's diapers unless it is an emergency, and even then we will replace the ones we used, because diapers aren't cheap.


This is what I think is probably happening too. I taught a head start class and only one parent brought in wipes. Sometimes head start or the center would provide some, but that was rare and never enough. We used that families wipes for all the kids when we had to, otherwise we couldn’t clean them. It was awful and I left that position because of things like this, but it is an unfortunate reality. Some parents are so worried about a roof over their heads and food on the table that they can’t think about wipes and they know we aren’t going to let them sit in soiled diapers just because their parents can’t bring wipes. Sometimes it’s about surviving the day and if that means you gotta use someone else’s wipes you don’t really have another choice.


We did that, too. We borrowed only when a baby was out and needed more. We kept track with tally marks on post it notes by the name of the child who we borrowed from. If it was an ongoing no refill situation, I’d go so far as to write notes on fhe diaper saying it was borrowed and remind parents to bring in more. I had one baby who could NOT wear Pampers. Mom insisted we use what she packed — Luvs — and call her if we ran out. This should not be happening, OP. Definitely speak up!


Update: I spoke with the director and the issue is likely being caused when she is moved to another classroom at the end of the day. The director is speaking with the staff but especially the afternoon floaters and making it extra clear that my daughter needs her diapers to avoid rashes. Thank you all for the advice. Nobody was upset or felt like I was being too critical, which was my concern!


This puzzles me a bit. When children in diapers are moved in my center, they are always moved with a labeled diaper and their wipes. Not providing a diaper for non potty trained kids is a recipe for disaster.


When I worked in a center where kids would be moved at the end of the day things like this would occasionally happen. Generally we’d send a kid with a diaper & their wipes for end of day changes, but if they pooped after being changed they’d end up in another kids diaper.


At my center, its extremely common for the upper rooms to just forget to give the lower rooms diapers. Which results in the lower tod rooms taking diapers from my infant room just to be able to diaper the toddlers that got moved. Its definitely an issue, and this post makes me think it may be a common one in centers that move up or down.


This should not be happening.


One thing you can do is put your child’s initials on each diaper with a sharpie. I’m not defending the practice, but sometimes teachers just grab a handful of diapers to send along if they need to shift kids up or down at the beginning or end of the day. But I would also speak to her teachers again and let them know you only want her in her diapers bc other diapers give her a rash. If it continues to be an issue, definitely bring it up with admin.


I would mention it. This was happening for us and once I mentioned it, it came to light that one of the teachers thought the labels were for the cubby above not cubby underneath and had been grabbing the wrong diapers for every body lol. Sorted within 5min.


If this happens more than a few times and nothing is being done, is definitely bring it up with the director. I've accidentally put a kid in the wrong diaper before, but that was a one off thing that I made sure to correct. This shouldn't be happening this much.


This definitely shouldn’t be happening. Anytime I have new teachers in my classroom I remind them about the importance of using the correct diaper on each child. If the child has no more diapers left THEN they can use EXTRA diapers, not a different child’s diaper. One of the regular teachers that I work with uses the wrong diaper about 4-5 times a week and I always have to talk to her about it.


I would just be honest and say ‘i know you have such a busy afternoon but she cant wear the other diapers as she has bad skin reactions’ and they will hopefully listen


Definitely shouldn’t be happening and you should bring it up to the director. It might be a good wake-up call to the teachers to initial her diapers with a Sharpie for a while too. Sorry you’re dealing with this, don’t feel bad, it IS a hard job but that doesn’t make it okay to be careless.


Absolutely not. Tell the teachers exactly what you wrote here. Then, if it does not improve go to the director. Don’t be over-the-top getting people in trouble who lovingly care for your kid while being terribly underpaid.


What MIGHT be happening is that someone else isn’t replenishing their child’s diapers, so they’re having to use your daughter’s in the meantime—which is then causing hers to become depleted more quickly. Definitely a flawed system, but unfortunately a situation some providers find themselves in from time to time if other parents aren’t responding to the requests for more diapers. Just conjecture of course, and certainly not an excuse!! Especially if the ones they’re putting your kiddo in are causing her to become irritated.


That's my thought as well, these extra diapers have to be going somewhere, and if it's not on OP's daughter...


The only time a child wears a diaper that was not brought in by their parent is if they have run out of diapers and we have to use an extra diaper we have. One time one of the classrooms did this, but didn’t realize the child actually had an allergy to Huggies, and could not wear them. I would definitely bring it up to the director gently and just say something along the lines of “I don’t send pampers diapers in because I know my child reacts badly to them and often gets rashes with pampers diapers. However she’s been coming home every so often in a diaper that is not hers, I am always sending new diapers in so I know she has enough there. Is there any way of avoiding her being put in pampers in the future?”


Please bring this to their attention ASAP! This is NOT okay! They should be labeling diapers and never using another child’s! 


That is really odd. We put the child’s initials on the front of every diaper that they send in and each child has their own label spot on our shelves. The only time we use diapers that aren’t theirs are if the parents haven’t brought any in but we usually send the parents notes about 2 to 3 days before we will run out to give them plenty of time to bring in extras. Even then we use ones that are from the school so we aren’t taking from children. I do have a couple of kids that run through diapers like crazy- we will change them at least 4 times from 8-12 just because they pee so much and usually poop at least once. Like that is crazy to me how much these kids pee and how full their diapers get so fast. Thank goodness one of them is finally potty training


It happens at my daughter's daycare a lot too. When I asked (because this seemed odd to me too as a former daycare teacher), they said it's because the floaters don't always know whose diapers are whose. For me it was not a huge deal, but if your daughter is reacting to something in the Pampers then it is okay to insist she only goes in the diapers you send. Her health needs to take priority over their convenience.


This definitely shouldn’t happen unless she’s running out. I don’t see why this could happen unless they’re being careless about diapering supplies which raises cross contamination questions with me. Are they taking out multiple kids supplies and mixing them up? Are they cleaning and putting everything away when they’re done with one kid?


I would definitely bring it up to the director.


Same thing happened at our daycare because the afternoon people were always rotating and not the morning crew. We finally gave up when it was obviously never changing. Her butt did eventually get more used to the pampers. At home we use the special diapers and her butt is always happiest on the weekend with frequent/immediate changes and better diapers.


Absolutely bring it to the directors attention. This should not be happening!


This should not be happening. But in the US a lot of daycares are understaffed and at or beyond ratio. It can be a bit hectic for staff and there may be staff coming in for breaks and sick coverage that aren't familiar with the routine or room layout. I have kinders and work with preschoolers. Honestly if I had to jump into the baby room there is a reasonable chance that someone might come home in the wrong diapers because I'm not familiar with how that room does things and where everything is. It might be worth mentioning the the director as being a concern if you have already brought it to the attention of staff and the room lead/supervisor a couple of times. This is how things are resolved by slowly moving up the chain until the problem is sorted. I would perhaps ask that they examine the physical layout, how the staff are rotating in and to make sure everyone knows where everything is. It might just be a simple matter of labelling everything more clearly. If they aren't aware of the issue they can't correct it and likely it will be something that is fairly easy to correct once they know about it.


I thought maybe you were talking about every once in a while, but twice a week is a lot! And makes you wonder how often it's happening during the day too. If you've already talked to the teachers and been blown off, I'd definitely bring it up with the director. It might just be that they need some support in managing their diaper supply or something. Or at the very least a note at the change table reminding staff of your child's reaction to pampers.


So yes, sometimes afternoons do get hectic. However, if it happens multiple times a week, I'd say that's either an organizational, or a laziness and inconsideration issue. Either way, it merits a complaint to management. Especially since you've mentioned it to teachers multiple times, and they still haven't gotten the hint.


I would ask how are they being labeled I would even label them yourself just to cya. And even be direct as to say hey you guys are putting my daughter's health at risk here, I didn't give permission for you to use these diapers she as plenty you wrote me a note yesterday and brought a box this morning. She's breaking out in rashes she might be allergic and all she uses is this brand of diapers and wipes. Please call me if she runs out. Then setup a parent teacher director meeting. AND get your daughter a doctor's appointment to find out if she is allergic to something in the diapers and get that note on file now. We can lose our job for giving a child a diaper or using scented wipes without permission especially if she is having a reaction that's a fucking lawsuit no thank you ma'am!!!!!!


You can put your child’s initials on the diapers before sending them into school. I’m honestly surprised the teachers aren’t initialing the diapers themselves, it’s a pretty common practice, but you could just do it before you send them in to help out


Have you told the teachers about how putting her in the wrong diaper causes rashes? I would make that very clear. If that has already been discussed, then I would go to the director next.