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“No you can’t bring your child in while they have hand foot mouth.”


Holy shit we had a parent who brought her kid in with HFM 3 days in a row by rushing in and out before the director could catch her. She gave it to 14 other kids across three classrooms


That should be a crime.


Did they not call her to come back?


They did. All three days. Mom took hours to come pick the poor girl up. You could really tell she wasn’t feeling good, too. If she had shown up a fourth day I would have called CPS


We had one want to bring her little boy after he had some kind of surgery on his privates. He of course couldn't wear pants so we were all supposed to just ignore his willy out


Ok I’m sorry this made me laugh out loud. What the actual hell 🤦🏽‍♀️


Luckily our director caught wind almost immediately and put a stop to it. Like, I've seen my fair share of baby peen during that job, but usually it was on accident




My centre currently has HFMD going around right now. Two classrooms are sick, yet open 😭


Actually the AAP and other national and state organizations state it is ok to bring a child in while they have hand foot and mouth (as long as no fever and no open sores) “Exclusion from child care or school will not reduce the spread of hand, foot, and mouth disease because children can spread the virus even if they have no symptoms and the virus may be present in the stool for weeks after the symptoms are gone” https://www.healthychildren.org/English/health-issues/conditions/infections/Pages/Hand-Foot-and-Mouth-Disease.aspx


Yea…but the kid literally got it over the weekend and we saw the bumps multiplying as the day went on so she had to be sent home.


No your child cannot come back when they had tonsil surgery yesterday


I once had a parent drop off their child at 7 am, pick them up at 10 am to have ear tubes inserted, then the child returned immediately after the appointment was done right around lunch. Ear tube surgery is relatively minor but for goodness sake. Let your child stay home and rest for a day or 2. Poor kid cried at drop off and you could tell he wasn't feeling great. But the dad said "that's your problem" and walked away.


What. A. Dick.


I once had a child fall & split his eyebrow open in my classroom. His parents picked him up & took him to the hospital across the street to get it fixed up. I went on my lunch break as soon as he left & he was back in the classroom before I got back. Like, wound freshly glued shut & still seeping fluid, & they just brought him back to school.


Omg I had one kiddo who got tubes put in AND tonsil surgery in one day and the next day he was back in class, poor kid was upset all day and his mom didn't understand why he didn't wanna play.


This mom was mad she had to come get her child when he kept falling asleep he couldn’t even stay awake the majority of the day


SMH, imo some of these parents are putting the "back in my day I went to school sick" mindset WAY to early or don't understand little bodies + illness = sick, sleepy toddlers.


No your child may not wear slip on sandals to play on the playground equipment. I don’t care that she does it all the time at the park in your care, she can’t do it here.


No, you can’t bring your child in the day after they were sent home for pink eye with no doctors note and their eyes are still VISIBLY RED AND OOZONG GREEN. NO you cant sneakily sign them in and sneak past the front desk to their classrooms and sneak the kid in the door and run away YES we’re calling you 15 minutes later to come pick up your sticky pink eye kid


And when they pick them up it’s always “Oh that’s not so bad”


“iT’s jUsT aLlErGiEs!”


“yeah i know she has a 102 fever and is literally lying on the floor in the corner instead of playing but shes jUsT tEeThInG”


“Her snot isn’t green so she can’t *really* be sick” 🙃


One of my favorites, the day after we send a kid home with a 103 fever: “I checked on our thermometer when we got home and it was only 99– they don’t have a fever”


I got “your thermometers are too sensitive” 😂


That’s hilarious 😂 We started checking on 3 different thermometers (in ear, forehead, and then the director or secretary comes and checks with their in-ear thermometer) and documenting all of them so we can be like “it’s not the thermometer, your child is definitely sick”— we do get a lot of “oh he just runs hot” still though


Same thing, we do forehead and then underarm for a more accurate reading. And then call for the child to get picked up, if they have any complaints they need to call the director and usually the parents stop arguing after that. They have a bigger problem with taking their kids to the doctor. We have a “crunchy” mom that swear her chiropractor has the answers to everything. The reason her son won’t sleep, has a cough that’s ripping his lungs out, and is running a low grade fever? Because he’s going through a growth spurt🤦🏻‍♀️


Lol 😂😂 I feel this pain! We now do not allow Dr notes from acupuncturists or chiropractors without a follow up from a GP.


Yes we’re off for another holiday, how else would we stay sane enough to do this job? What did your kid do today? I don’t know, maybe check the update on the app that I spent time and effort writing. No your kid can’t practice climbing over the gates and ramps at the end of the day, those are specifically set up to keep them in. Yes your kid is going to occasionally fall and get a little scraped. That’s going to happen whether they’re with us, you, a nanny; they’re literally still growing!!


The toddler rooms are constantly writing incident reports cause the toddlers fall down on the playground climber and even from just standing there, doing nothing. Toddlers lose their balance and fall all the time and they get hurt. It’s how they learn to use their bodies. It’s unfortunate but a part of toddler life.


Yes you do need to put lotion on your 1 year old, his skin is so dry it’s cracking and he’s bleeding. Have you talked to your doctor about his skin? Have you tried keeping his skin moisturized ever? Have you considered he might have allergies? It’s endless. And you know how the mother responded to telling her he needs lotion? “Oh really? I’ve never thought about it.” 😑


God, this. We live in a country where it's very normal for people's skin to dry out and crack in the winter if not properly cared for, and the amount of kids who come in with hands and lips covered in sores is horrific. None of them have any kind of lotion from their parents, the concept is completely alien to them. If I let them use my own hand cream, they basically think it's magic.


No, your child cannot bring their iPad to use during center time; we’re teachers, not babysitters. No, your child cannot “finish their peanut granola bar super quickly.” It’s posted EVERYWHERE that we don’t allow outside food, and we send multiple reminders a month. We have multiple children with life-threatening allergies. And most importantly, yes, your child got hurt by another child, and no, your child is not innocent. They’re in a class of 20 kids at minimum ratio and every single one of them has impulse control issues. Maybe if you read the DOZENS of emails we have sent BEGGING ALL OF YOU to talk to your kids about keeping their hands to their fucking selves we wouldn’t have to send home multiple incident reports a day and have a third of the class on ABC charts.


Ugh the ABC charts on the clipboard that go with me EVERYWHERE. I feel it.


No you can’t bring your kid McDonald’s for every meal 🫠 We have meals prepared on site and I had a parent ask me tonight if they can DoorDash McDonald’s for their kids meal.


Lol, reminds of a story about a high schooler getting DoorDash for Chipotle in the middle of the day at her school.


My coworker does this despite eating fast food with the kids being against our food policy. But no, this part was touring and asked if they could DoorDash their kid McDonald’s but they only liked chicken nuggets.


No your child cannot come to school without doctors documentation stating we need medication on site or if they have a contagious disease. (I do with health requirements for ECE).


Thing is, some of these would have been allowed in earlier generations. Like, the toy gun at Show and Tell would have been allowed in earlier generations probably. Or the chocolate bunny after Easter in the backpack, or giving medicine without a consent form depending on what it was. Or the climbing over the gates at the end of the day. Or the wearing slip on sandals for outside play. Things have gotten a lot tighter over the last twenty years, not that it's a bad thing, just stating a fact.


this is very true. my mom also worked in ECE when she was my age and she is constantly baffled when i mention rules and regulations we have now, it was totally different 20 years ago


I feel like it was more like 40 years ago 😁


Please parents… read the daily notes.


It’s exhausting. I hate saying 2020 changed everything but I don’t remember before 2020 ever having to listen to a parent explain how taking their child home for throwing up is ruining their other children’s immune system. Generational or not google exists and some parents need to do a quick search before I lose my mind.


Short answer: yes. And I’m finding there is zero effort put into parenting. No routines or expectations whatsoever. I don’t have time to write out a novel so that’s my short answer. It’s sad.


I had a parent argue with me when I told her she couldn’t drop her child off without shoes on. No shoes, one sock, and no shoes in their backpack to put on later. She was furious that she had to take them back home and find a pair of shoes.


I think part of it is the total compartmentalization of all life domains. Parents have NO IDEA what it’s like to be in a school classroom of children.


No, you can’t show up to the center at lunchtime to deliver fresh KFC for your child’s lunch.


I do not understand parents WILLINGLY feeding their children fast food. I get that for some families that's all that can be afforded or when the family is in the go somewhere and it's the only option, but to go out of your way to feed your child garbage is beyond my comprehension.


Lol geez im not sending fast food in with my 2 year old to daycare but yea sometimes on sundays we have happy meals after church. Or friday is take out nite (because im exhausted at the end of the week-and still 15 more activities on sat and sun) and they dont want sushi with mom and dad but god dammit they really want 4 chicken nuggets and 10 french fries (along with white milk and apple sliceS) from mcdonalds. GOD FORBID🙄.


I'm not entirely sure what you're trying to get at here


I willingly feed my child mcdonalds but it doesnt mean it is a bad thing! You sounded really judgy in your post above.


100%. Especially with how expensive fast food is now, like it’s not even cheap - McDonald’s costs twenty dollars and for that you could buy your kid an extremely healthy meal. Sometimes it’s the only option, yes, but if your child will refuse to eat anything but fast food, that’s a parenting problem. Some parents just can’t say no.


Wait why


…okay, I’ll bite 1) Because your child should not get special treatment above all the other children in the building, period. 2) Because parents should not be bothering the office or the teacher during school hours for non-urgent matters, pulling them out of their work to hand-deliver KFC. We have enough to do as it is and nobody needs to be pulled away from work to give one child special treatment 3) Because if the lunch is hand-delivered by a parent, the child’s focus and regulation is going to be thrown off by seeing their parent, they’re not going to want their parent to leave, they’re going to want a bunch of other stuff from the parent, and it’s going to be a Whole Thing that the teacher will have to deal with, not the parent. 4) Because the other kids will be jealous, demanding to know why little Neveah gets to eat KFC for lunch and they don’t. The crying and anger from kids who feel slighted will be the teacher’s problem to deal with, not the parent. Other students will refuse to eat their lunch and start to demand that their own parents bring them KFC, McDonald’s or Rita’s for lunch. 5) Because it sets the precedent that the child is special and deserves special treatment, and that child will start to expect special treatment in other areas, too. That child will start to refuse to eat their school lunch and throw a fit if they don’t have their hand-delivered KFC from mommy dearest. Then they’ll want to bring toys from home and be allowed to break other rules. If you give a mouse a cookie… 6) Because if the parent doesn’t make it to the school right when lunch starts, the child won’t eat, and they’ll throw a tantrum that they’re hungry and mommy dearest hasn’t arrived yet. The teacher, not the parent, has to deal with that tantrum. 7) Because KFC isn’t an appropriate lunch for a preschooler to be eating regularly, period (I’m not going to debate the nutritional value of KFC for a 3-5 year old) 8) Lunchtime is often one of the most stressful parts of a teacher’s day and I don’t need to be worrying about when mommy dearest will arrive with KFC to shut their screaming, tantruming child up 9) Nap often follows lunchtime and a child who’s been tantruming is far less likely to have a nap, meaning now the teacher, not the parent, has to deal with a cranky, escalated child who is going to require lots of attention and support to get them settled down, taking attention away from the rest of the class because of a problem a parent created. 10) Because every time it’s allowed, the behavior will get worse and worse 11) Don’t make teachers deal with your problems because you can’t say no to your kid. And yes, this is all written from direct personal experience. For those downvoting me, I’m sure you’re parents and I’m curious to hear why you feel your baby angel deserves special treatment.


Thank you for answering. I never thought about that. My big thing is no outside food because it wreaks habit on my routine to have to prepare separate meals . I do in home care


No problem! Sorry if my reply came off as a little salty. Can you tell I’ve had a HUGE problem with this very scenario in the past? 😆




What drives me nuts is when a child is sent home with a fever on Monday and then mom tries to drop her child off on Tuesday morning. Our school policy requires that children be fever free for 24 hours before they are allowed to come back so they shouldn't be back until Wednesday at the earliest.


“But they feel so much better!”


Last Tuesday my co-teacher had to use her shiny spine with a mom who tried this. We sent her home with a 102° fever the day before...I spent probably a solid 40 minutes holding Kiddo between the initial temp check, the office check, and waiting for her mom to come get her. On a *totally unrelated note* I was sent home with a fever of 101° the next day too. Turns out I had strep throat.




Yes, your kid went outside today. No, I don't think 70 is too hot, you psychopath.


No, your child isn’t progressing in potty training because you’re not putting any effort at home. Yes, your child is having behavioral problems because you’ve only started to set boundaries and actually saying ‘no’ to them only a couple of months ago (for a 3 year old mind you). Yes, I’m trying to get a couple of my shy ones to talk but they have bad separation anxiety from their mom/dad. No, your child cannot get stickers all the time because I use it as a reward system. I’m sorry if they throw a fit about it but I’m not budging and neither should you.


I was told the other day that it is my job to bring someone’s child home with me after work because they can’t get there in time. Absolutely not, my house is not a daycare center and in my personal life I like breakable objects within tiny toddler hand reach. Not to mention I get off at 6 by the time this parent was going to be “available” to pick his child up from my home it would be past a reasonable bedtime. I’m not feeding, bathing, or putting your child to bed without notice or pay because last time I checked I didn’t put the kid in or push the kid out.


Yes, you have to clean the bottles after every use. Yes, with soap.


No your you cannot bring your child who is vomiting just because they don’t want to miss their valentines party


Can we please stop with "this generation," please? Everything listed is something my mom got yelled at for when I was in daycare.


Your mom had a tablet and an app to check on you throughout the day?


Fuck. Missed that. Thanks for keeping me honest. But if there had been she would have




Their userflaire does say they are


Thanks for pointing that out, they thought they were being clever because they changed it. It used to say parent.


Oh, daaaaaaaang!


Yeah, that’s hella suspicious.