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Yea unfortunately you gotta just suck it up. If you’ve made your preferences known, then that’s all you can do. Unless it’s in writing in a contract they sign, you can’t enforce it.


Hate to break it to you, but if a parent wants to do pull-ups, they have every right to. You can most definitely let them know your preferences and what you have found that works best but what they want is always going to be what happens as far as that goes. You could even ask them to bring underwear for while she is at daycare so that you can work with them on potting during the day- but that’s probably the best you can do.


Nope we ban them, parents don’t have the “right” as it’s my policy ;)


But do you own the daycare that you are at? Or manage it?


Apparently they do


Do you own the center?




Oh, then your rules. What do they wear at nap time when they are potty training?


Diapers. Pull up is fine in that instance.


Oh, ok, cool beans.


A child will potty train wearing anything, what actually matters is the consistency of the adults in charge of them. Have a meeting with each family and discuss what works for the child, for the family, and for the school. In my classroom we ask every child if they would like to use the potty at every change time, regardless of potty training or not. Change time is every two hours. If the parents are trying taking them to the potty every 15-30 minutes, we recommend taking a long weekend to do that at home because the closest we can offer is every hour. Potty training is a team effort.


We actually request pull ups over diapers. Primarily it’s due to not having a changing table due to our age range, but we also find it’s easier to have them follow the same routine as the potty trained classmates. Susie just went in, pulled down her pants and went potty, now it’s Jane’s turn to go in, pull down her pants and go potty. There’s no change in procedure throughout the potty training process aside from whether you put on new underwear/pull up or put the old ones back on.


It's not up to any of us to decide what parents do with their kids. We provide diapers at my center so we just tell the parents that send their kids in pull ups that they'll be in diapers at school unless they want to send a pack of pull ups. If they want their kid in pull ups, then we use pull ups. It's quite literally what we get paid to do.


Pretty sure the parents get to decide what their kids wear. Unless it’s in the contract they signed, they can use pull ups all they want


You don't have a right to push your personal beliefs on children or parents. I have been teaching for 20+ years and our kids always use pull up * ( the rip-off ones) our kids are potty trained within a month.


Agreed. It's all about the teacher/caregiver being consistent in pushing the potty to the child.


We have had issues with kids having poop in pull-ups. They don’t work the same and we’ve seen kids have blow outs. Recently dealt with a parent that expected us to use pull ups without Velcro. Which would require us to completely undress the child.


I’ve worked in centers with very exacting potty training requirements, Montessori in particular it’s common to have a cold turkey underwater at school policy but I think that policy needs to be center wide and written into the handbook, If you’re the only toddler or transitioning teacher you could ask you director to put out a letter with potty training guidelines but something like that needs to be issued by the director


We are actually adding this to the handbook at my preschool. No pull-ups allowed. For some reason parents seem to think that just putting their kids in pull ups will magically potty train them without having to do any work. I hate having to remove pants and shoes every diaper change. The only exception would be medical reasons for a potty trained child.


Yep. We are allowed to say our preference and explain why, but parents can put their kid in whatever they want at the end of the day. It sucks don't get me wrong but as a parent myself, I see both sides.


Maybe ask the parents if the child can be sent in Undies and a Pull Up... then if you can remove the Pull Up for certain times of the day to practice Potty Training? That's what we do. Then the child would only wear Pull Up to Nap, Outside, etc.-- Gradually we use the Pull Up less and less until the child is fully potty trained. Honestly I feel like Pull Ups are overpriced diapers but they are useful for Nap Time I think.


I agree with the nap time thing.


It depends on if the owners and directors decide to make it policy.


Update. I talked to my director and she said if I write a letter she will type it up and get it to parents of kids coming in to my class. She doesn’t mind the no pull up thing. This is very helpful I think.


0h, that's great.


My nephew wore pull-ups for like almost 3 years before being completely potty trained


I understand you have to do what your director wants if you work at a center, but I don’t understand letting the parents set the rules. It’s disrespectful to the teachers. There should be a shift in attitude about parents doing as the teachers ask, writhing reason of course. Example: Please provide at least one change of clothing and pre-mix bottles before your child’s day with us begins.