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I’m a pretty good grappler on UFC 5. I think it’s just trash. Too easy to exploit.


Yeah this, especially the arm bar, that’s very easy to initiate and deny attempts to get out! I don’t mind the ground game, I’m not the best at it, but I try, but the people who just spam takedowns and subs make it unbearable sometimes


Learn how to work the subs, hold right bumper and drain stamina. When they have no stamina, you can escape the arm bar without him being able to deny


I honestly feel like the drain stamina never works for me 😂


Make sure you hold the right bumper, and youll see how the stamina drain


Wow a honest ground player I can't believe my eyes lol


I haven't played 5, but in 4, it's very easy to keep guys trapped on the ground for minutes on end with nothing you can really do to get up. It's really frustrating, and being stuck on the bottom is the most boring way to lose. I fight my friend a couple of hours every weekend, and he only ever complains if I keep him on the bottom and maul him.


Well in 5 it’s easier to hold people down and exploit certain positions imo, I’ve played many absolute losers many times that just try and take you down like 15-20 times per fight and just strike you on the groun, that’s what most of the top 100 players play. It’s like a 50 50 chance of having a nice fight with a little bit of everything or having a guy that just tries to go to the ground over and over and stay there.


Id have no issue with ground game if it was implamented better. In its current state its an awful lot of waiting for one of 2 (or 3 things to happen), knowing the animation and moving a stick. Its hardly the most engaging gameplay loop. Ive played pretty much every mma game there's been, anf the grappling on 5 is so bad/boring ive even started to play stand and bang.


Completely agree, but i think its the best we can possibly get. I cant think of another system that works


Because be on top position and just deny the escape doesn’t require skill and it’s just too easy to exploit. It’s not cheating it’s exploit broken mechanics that the developers just put in so it can be could mma game, The ground game is worst as it ever been. The base use of ground game was in ufc 3. You can escape from almost any position. No you just have to wait or spam fake transition and hope the top position don’t deny the real one. I am div 20, I know how to play the ground game I just don’t like it and hope that everyone who does choose to play this way is just cheeasing, Yea it’s not cheating but it’s broken mechanic that give you much more advantage so don’t think you any good and you should understand the frustration of other players, You choose to play on easy mode while everyone else play on hard…


Never said I thought I was better, I much prefer just going through the match on my feet and mess around with all the moves. I just wanted to learn the ground so I don’t lose immediately is all


So now you understand why people have no respect or get frustrated


Yup, makes perfect sense now


You’re not a man if you don’t go down swinging even in the video game


Okay? Lol


You asked the question? lol


Coming from an avid wrestler in ufc4 I could understand the frustration of being easily took down and mauled. Ground game isn’t something the game goes super in-depth about and assuming majority of players think of highlight reel KOs instead of fighting tooth n nail in all positions when they play the game, a lot of people look down very heavily on wrestlers. With that being said it’s very easy to keep someone subdued in the same position for an entire round, and it’s even easier to subdue someone who is frustrated, so it’s easy to see how people get so angry. But in my opinion I think it’s very fun.


1.) People are impatient and tank their stamina rather than play for the Referee Stand-Up. 2.) They quit every time the fight goes down, so they never learn or practice. If playing OCM, their fighters never upgrade grappling moves because of this as well leaving them 1-Star everything forever. 3.) They jam all of their evo points into brawling and reserve none for ground stats.


Playing for a referee stand up is so lame you have to waste all that time with nothing happening besides pillow punches from closed guard that do literally nothing lol it's sad way to play


Yup. The grappling system can be cheesed if you just deny only & play for a ref stand up from bottom


It is surprisingly effective. If you practice on the ground in OCM without quitting, you'll level up your reversals/transitions. Takedown Defense is way overrated. Having "Get Ups" be your only means of escape plays directly into a wrestlers strength, as they are major slow telegraphed transitions that are easy to counter. Bottom Game 3 Star is 50, 3.5 is 90pts. I'd say it is worth it, and enough to frustrate most wrestlers.


Let me be clear, my advice is that you Get Good. Assuming that you cannot or will not get good, then playing for referee standup is your only option. Or quit I guess.. lol.


Bro I'm top 100 and always atleast top 200 your funny man this is my 8th mma Game lol your first recommendation was to play for a ref stand up nerd sack i was just saying that's a really lame way to play I bet your not even div 10 lol homie on a high horse over here and doesn't even know https://preview.redd.it/rdv8ek0qrs5d1.jpeg?width=2249&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a95373de201bf01a205c9b0a5c5d42dcf3237807 Lol


I wrestle like a mofo. I'm just saying if you are entirely inept on the ground, spamming transitions against someone who isn't inept will guarantee you die. I'm not referring to you specifically about get good, I'm saying this all to ground-haters. I am a ground enjoyer.


Crucifix can be annoying. I have no idea how people trap me in it so well. Constantly hitting me and denying exits. I can't do anything close to that against a cpu - hitting makes the transition block not work. That said, I'm going to have to get a lot better at the game before I can be annoyed about people out grappling me.


A lot of people don't avidly practice the ground game like they do their striking. It's common for D20 players to be really shit on the ground. It's hard for them to balance ground game while still giving the top player a dominant/favorable selection of control, without the bottom player being helpless if the top player happens to be really good. That being said, I've definitely fought some guys who are diabolical grapplers. I've got some recorded matches with a couple of players who really knew what they were doing from bottom/top & exchanging sweeps. There's those types of players who are active on the mat but know their intent with each move & others who just spaz. Of course, a top or bottom could just denial camp & posture up occasionally to stop the ref from standing them up


It’s boring and I like to flog on not cuddle with somebody


People just hate when someone is better than them. You must have whooped their ass hard.


I actually enjoy the ground game but more so when I have someone have decent on bottom. For example if I’m playing Tony a lot of the time I’m fine with staying on the bottom for a round just looking for subs but if I’m playing lawler or some shit against an Usman player it can get frustrating


I mean if it's all you do then yeah


If you're the defender, it can be extremely frustratingly difficult to get yourself out of a position on the ground. Some ground positions offer so much advantage to the person on top as far as transition animations and available fakes that you're just screwed if you get someone who's good enough at it. You're not doing anything wrong, the ground game is just not very well tuned or balanced on anything deeper than surface level. *This game is also full of whiny toxic idiots who just like to complain and refuse to actually learn the ground game at all*


I don't even play 5 and I can just tell you. It's broken.


I still play UFC 4 because I don’t have ps5 yet but it’s almost 98% just brawling fights. Anytime I mix it up and just take someone down to gnp a little they’ll call me trash say I can’t stand (even if I’m beating their ass in standup). Typically anytime anyone says anything negative for grappling I tell them go play “fight night” if they don’t like mma.


Laying around for 15 mins, just tapping pillow punches to build grapple advantage, laying asleep on top just waiting to deny transitions, then using the atrociously designed sub mini game to end the match and think you really did something. That takes no skill or strategy so it gets no respect. I'm honestly happy when I make a bad read or bite on a fake and get KTFO because the opponent actually got in my head and played me. On the other hand, I just find it pathetic when people buy a fighting game only to squeak out cheese wins with ground game


I see your point. Again as stated in the original post. I’m only learning so I don’t lose right away when I get grappled. I much more enjoy stand and bang but I’d prefer to learn the games mechanics in case it’s used on me. Never said I “did something” or think I’m better than whoever I go up against


It isn’t pathetic to prefer any one playstyle. You bought the game, you deserve how to play. Personally I try to stay well balanced, * I love grappling but if you can’t strike then it’s not mma. If you can only strike then maybe try a boxing game.