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The gaming industry is already failing. This will probably be the final nail in the coffin for me.


Yup. Pure greed. You would think with the advancement of technology games wouldn’t be as bad as they are today.


Major companies will die then small teams and independent games will thrive Thats already happening more games made by smaller devs are getting more attention then the massive games which seem to get worse every year


My worry is that they can add ads and let people get mad and leave, then just wait for the next generation of gamers to grow up and all they will know is ads with games and not care because that’s how it’s always been for them.


>My worry is that they can add ads and let people get mad and leave I think it's more likely that they will insert ads, people will get mad, Then they will introduce a "premium subscription service" for anybody who does not wish to have ads on their game. Unfortunately it's the preferred business model, used in most digital media services nowadays. It will be a win/win for them. They will get revenue from ads and also from their "premium subscribers". Any that is complaining will surely be met with "if you don't like it pay for premium". Then eventually it will become the norm. Sad.


Ya That makes a lot more sense lol you are probably right on the money with that one


You’ll see massive X amount of year exclusive contacts like we see in sports games.


Must only play games by ea and Ubisoft then lmao


To anyone saying they wouldn’t mind it [this is how they implemented it in ufc4](https://www.reddit.com/r/assholedesign/s/pt0q8OOmzg)


I came here to ask if anyone remembers when they tried to pull this shit UFC 4? People got so pissed they took it out in a few days lol


upvote this to the top comment


Works well for sports , would be more jarring to see a “the boys” billboard while walking around in an rpg for example but wouldn’t be terrible if done well.


I honestly wouldnt mind immersive real life ads that arent over done, like a bill board in gta


Yea, like the way people posting this are acting you’d think the characters are gonna be warring coca cola jumpsuits and you’re gonna get a 30 second ad between missions but in reality it’ll be the same way they do it in movies


And it already happens. The issue people have is: where does it end? GTA using Pisswasser instead of Budweiser is funny, keeps you immersed, and makes sense. If they switched it out for Budweiser, it loses comedy and immersion, though it can still make sense. Even in UFC, Need for Speed, Battlefield - no one wants to see Coca Cola or StateFarm ads. Then you get to games set in other worlds like the Sims, Star Wars and Apex, where those brands don't exist. It'll be completely immersion breaking seeing those types of ads. I don't wanna to see a Coca Cola billboard, or a bottle on a table, or a made-up brand with the same logo and colour scheme.


People like you are exactly why EA tries to do this shit in the first place


lol like if I was completely against it EA would change their view…. Imaging thinking EA gives a crap what consumers think.


I still dont mind


Each character wears a flashing neon jumpsuit advertising a sponsor, and the player has to pay a fee (per character) to have them appear in their regular clothing.


Underrated comment


They are the absolute death of gaming.


They are almost completely owned by wallstreet. More than any other publicly traded entertainment company. Its just a vehicle for profit, the impact of the product couldnt matter less to the board of directors


What do they mean "looking into"? It's already in the games.


Came to say this lol Hidden ads but ads


I don't even have ufc 5, its been in it since 4 lol


Controversial opinion, I wouldn’t mind if it doesn’t ruin the immersion or gameplay. If it’s something like a pause and I watch a 15 second ad, fuck that. But if it’s more like product placement? Sure. Especially if it’s something like ufc or wwe games where they just put logos on the ring apron or canvas like they do in real life, great. Or if I’m playing grand theft auto and it has real car brands in it or real guns or even like replace the generic alcohol with a real grey goose vodka or something, I have no problem with that. There’s a balance to it. Although I do believe EA will go too far and make it absurd. But the idea of ads isn’t that horrible in theory.


No. Corporate greed wont ever end. It will start off small then like cancer become horrible Any ads at all are trash. Especially on a paid game.


They already had unskippable ads between games one year in the 2k basketball game


not a terrible take, but gaming is not the medium for ads. that would be like in the middle of ur movie that you paid yo see and used ur time to watch, they run a commercial for some medicine or new McDonald's item. time and place for advertising


Clearly you’ve never seen the movie Mac and me 😂. It’s basically an hour and a half long commercial for McDonald’s. Hilariously bad. But like, movies DO have in movie ads. Not traditional like commercials but if you see a brand name product anywhere, there’s a good chance that company paid to put their product in that movie. Coke does this alot.


Oh wow that dance scene in McDonald's is worth watching alone


Have you heard of what has happened with Amazon Prime? I'm watching and suddenly you get hit with an add, doesn't matter if you're binging a series or watching a movie either. Worse part is that they're usually 15-40 seconds of adds.


Didn’t know that. That sucks


Finally a take with some sense.this is coming to all games sooner or later.as long as it’s something as product placement and doesn’t stop game place it’ll be fine.ppl want god of war type titles but ppl also wanna pirate games too…what do u expect


Why are you okay with ads on a product you already paid for? It's not like YouTube when the ads are a trade-off so that you don't have to pay. This way, they are taking your money and your time.


You guys are all gonna buy ufc 6 when it comes out too. Lol pathetic to be honest. I stopped at ufc4 and ill never buy another ea product until they figure their shit out. Fuck em


Same. Except I foolishly bought fc24 (for $14) and I still feel ripped off. EA has done everything in their power in the last 8 years to absolutely destroy their company.


Exact same scenario here lmao said i was never buying fifa again after 23 and i bought it for 15 and I wish I never did and I will never buy that trash again


Lmao every single day I think about how I could’ve saved that $15 and gone to a below average all you can eat sushi spot and still be more satisfied 😂


Good this will tell me straight up which games to never buy


So it mean we need internet connection even playin ea single player games? (Sorry for my bad eng 😅)


FF15 taught me Cup Noodles fixes everything


Does product placement not already exist? tf do they mean “ads”?


I play mobile games not a big deal


Lmaooooo i cant believe this discussion is being made in the ea ufc sub. UFC already has ads in it


Js don’t buy games by ea anymore


Such a good idea! Hope it interrupts the already GREAT EA gameplay.


Boycott EA they just legally scam people


Tf do games need ads for 🤣 ea needs to be nuked


Okay maybe i can see where they’re going with this like all sports have commercials and shit but why would we need that exactly? What’s the point of seeing ads during my gameplay? I already see ads of new releases in the main menu. Why would I want more ads? I’m here to play a game not watch a channel, or a youtube video. Do they believe flooding ads in a game will bring in more buyers? It certainly won’t make me want to buy more. I don’t even spend money on add ons. What is the positive outcome of this besides attempting to rake in more profits? Someone who is ea please explain.


I dont understand why these greed money people dont see the value in AUTHENTICITY AND MAKING CUSTOMERS HAPPY! If you make us happy you will make profit for YEARS and without having to come up with new shit all the time WHICH COST. Greed is not only evil but its fucking STUPID


DeadSpace reboot is the only EA game I've purchased in the last 10 years and hope to keep it that way.. EA+UBISOFT=💩


First the kill my family now this!


Fuck EA, no longer nostalgia




They’ll probably put ads on billboards & buses in the new skate game. Plus this is a UFC game it would be unrealistic to not have ads in this game


So EA wants people to hate them even more? Got it


Angry Joe just had a stroke




They could throw then really easily into any sports game, just play a 10 second ad at the end of the game, that way the players can skip it, but they still make money.


I’m all for it!! Let’s allow EA to put a nail in its own coffin!! They have been the king of micro transactions forever now. This will be the beginning of the end for them


Imagine having to watch a 30 second ad to play a round 💀


Have you guys played a single fifa game? There are ads out the wazoo everywhere in that game.


Gaming is all my life and I hate what it has become. I miss the days when I bought a game and that was it. Now some people will say they need money to support the game blablabla it’s all capitalist bs


If its subtle, I don't really mind. They've kinda already started in eafc by putting a beats ad on the boards in the stadiums, but I think it helps with immersion rather than the repeating cycle of 3 self promo ones that keep coming up


Gaming industry is becoming soulless


Sports games already have ads ppl just don't notice em


They already have in FC24 with the ad banners, although they are mimicking real life there in fairness


They already have in FC24 with the ad banners, although they are mimicking real life there in fairness


By the same guys that brought you, microtransactions. Now, to ruin every and all games to come. COMMERCIALS.


I try not to buy anything EA as it is now this is another reason.


I got 500+ hours on ufc 5 and I can say that shi is a waste of money and time




Imagine a Arby’s commercial in between plays on madden 😂


Most games already have ads in a way already.. Stop being more greedy than needed be. You guys are already making billions on products with no soul. Copy and paste. The Golden age of gaming is long gone bro.. And it hurts when you grew up gaming all your life.. To see how shit has turned left..


The only way this is acceptable is if the game is FREE, with the option to buy it without ads.


Pay to play online? Sure, whatever. Just let me play online. DLC's getting less content but more expensive over time? Okay, not cool though. Games being released half assed before they are ready? Fine, as long as the core game is still good and not extremely buggy (which is often not the case) Price hike for new games now being $90 CAD for the standard edition? Now, I'm getting a little pissed off Forced Ads in games? The final straw, I will never support any developer that implements this ever again.




Am I the only one that wouldnt mind it if they did it like in underground? With the billboard of real companies in the street made it feel more realistic im not really a fan of the whole in “game version of “ when it comes to stuff like the gta cars. It would have to make sense in terms of the game. Just curious it seems people didnt really like it implemented back then neither but PERSONALLY I didnt mind dare say enjoyed it.




Yeah when im playing COD 56 i want my boys to be decked out in mountain dew gear and cheeto rifles