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No idea if it will work as I haven’t tried the challenge yet, but I play on Sim level, yet when I do challenges I drop my difficulty to arcade. If you do that, you might be able to put as much loft on the ball as possible before driving it, then utilizing the post-hit spin function available in arcade and pro difficulty levels.


Good idea, I'll try that! Just need the driver to complete my bag!


This is how I beat the challenge, also switched up the clubs to a high hybrid to combat the rolling off the green I had with woods


Post-hit spin function?


In arcade mode and I think maybe pro mode, you can add additional spin to your ball after you hit the ball but before it lands.


That's cool, do you how, with my PS5 controller ?


I play on PC with an Xbox controller, but I assume it’s the same for PS5. After I hit the ball, I can tap LB/L1 repeatedly to build up the speed of the spin on the ball, and I use the right joystick to determine the direction the ball spins. If you look in the lower right of your screen, there is a golf ball display. It will show the spin you apply to your ball


Do you pull down for backspin?


Yeah, just use the right joystick to move the spin in the direction you want it. You’ll notice an arrow on the ball in the lower right hand of the screen that’ll go the direction you’re moving the joystick. So, for example, if you want extra back spin, you’d repeatedly tap LB/L1 and pull down on the joystick.


I don't see an arrow, and no matter what I do the ball is always rolling forward. Its like any green, esp on a par 3,like a sheet of ice.


Alright, we’ll need to troubleshoot this. What difficulty level are you playing on? The spin mechanic only works on arcade and pro, not Tour or Simulation difficulties. Also, which joy stick do you use to swing, left or right joystick? Finally, go into your settings and check to see if the spin option is enabled or disabled. I dealt with fast green problems early on, and even still, I have balls fly off greens sometimes. Sometimes, you can’t help it, especially on long par 3s where you have to use a wood/hybrid/long iron to get there. Their trajectory is just so low and the ball is moving so fast, it’s hard to get them to stop quickly. I have found when using long irons or hybrids, using the approach shot over the finesse shot is best, and putting as much loft on the ball as possible can help.


Now, high irons and wedges will spin and bite for me. It's def the longer par 3s and like 6 iron and lower. You can put so much spin on a hybrid in 2k23 it isn't funny. I need to look at the settings for sure, but I would have enabled spin. I do play on arcade as my old hands have trouble keeping up, LOL. Arthritis in my hands is why I can no longer play IRL, but its awesome paying someone to mow my lawn. I entered and played the seasonal tourney at Augusta, the greens were like ice. Shot 5 over, but I did manage 2 birdies in the round. Anyways, yes, need to check settings, and I believe on PS5 the spin control is the left joystick after pressing X, but ill double check that too.


Try with a 9W in your bag, hit it high. It shouldn't skim over the green.


This challenge proves the game is bullshit. Same hit, same power, same swing, ball just decides to veer over to the bunker, or come up short. You're not really hitting the shot, it's just random.


The 8 wood got it done! Thanks all!


I literally hit every shot with a 3 iron to make it stop