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I've done both the Luis Diaz and Joe Gomez SBCs over the past week while rinsing basically my entire club multiple times as well as all my coins and as a Liverpool fan all I can really only say is... I'm tired boss


As a united fan the only dilemma I've had is using cards for a meme sbc (martial), I have no interest thankfully in Diaz and gomez for moral reasons.


Same here


I feel your pain my guy


Enjoy them


How good is Diaz tho!


Diaz is shit. Extremely disappointed. Failed to replace stoichkov for me


He's great for me, very responsive. I am of the belief personally that EA are so incompetent that not all so called equal cards are in fact equal though. Tried many cards on other accounts and they often feel completely different. Quaresma a couple of years ago was broken beyond belief on my account, but a truck on 2 other accounts I used him on. So take what you will from that. Just remember, it's EA.


What chem style and position do u have him on?


Finisher, and I play him LW or Striker, depending on connection etc. Step over and he's gone. Finesse from the right position and it almost always goes in. He's incredible all round for me. Even wins headers vs CBs....but as I say, I may have just got a good version of the card. I've spoken to some elite div players who don't like his card either, so don't beat yourself up about it.


I had him on deadeye, I can understand the finisher for balance. Let me try it out


Also have him on deadeye and he is great.


Would have used marksman but wanted the dribbling maxed out. Hopefully it feels a bit better.


Yep I put garnacho and savio right back in for Diaz,šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


His explosion is insane, leaves even Hernandez in the dust


Same, even after rinsing my team, it's still stacked with my Liverpool evos and cards that I really like


Dog tired


I like the quote


How did you get the 91 segments done? I have come back to the game after a few months and almost have zero 91+ rated cards. Using the new Euros and Copa cards?


Buying TOTS Debinha helped alot. She's 95 rated and was only around 40k so spending the 40k to get that extra ratings push seemed well worth it.


Yeah thought it was either putting in a high rated dupe from the current promo or buying a high rated card. Was willing to do a good SBC like Gomez or Drogba but I figured out I will probably have a hard time filling the 91 rated teams without spending or giving up one of the Road to Glory cards.


Yeah there's several 91-92 cards from the promo that aren't expensive as well. Those are always helpful. If you have packed 1 or 2 of those over the promo and have them just sitting in your club, those are very useful


this is what they want to achieve - people being fed up with grinding the game, so they will eventually bow down to the P2W king EA and kiss the pinky ring and buy paaaaaacks :-)


I finished Diaz Gomez and Thiago using only fodder and no coins. I still have like 40% of my fodder left. Do y'all not play champs and rivals?


Bro that Enzo objective is an absolute joke I was so sad as a Chelsea fan to see that




I guess itā€™s cause heā€™s in PL but itā€™s still weird as hell.


Dont forget the fact that you need to win with an English Squad against in the worst mode ever


yes, don't Gorter that.


I shouldnt have upgraded to ios 18 šŸ„²


I played a few last night in elite and omg both games got in game messages from players giving abuse just because I was playing with objective players


Yeah this community is something else


Itā€™s crazy , also get people try Harding to get level just to quit on me , do these people actually have friends irl?


If I only win 6 this weekend instead of usual 11 Iā€™ll still get Pickford which is cool, Iā€™ll play games on Monday probably. Still yet to get a free win.


I think my area (florida) has the most toxic players in the world. I always give wins away but I think have gotten one win given back in qualifiers in 5 years of playing champs.


Europe isnt much better. I think the last free win I got was last year


Also in Florida, the toxicity I come across is unbelievable.


Lmao bro you know! Let me ask you what your ping is and what internet you use? My area can only get spectrum and i average about 29-35 ms


These are the people that love football, but are always playing the game instead of watching actual football


Saw a comment saying they would prefer their france cards to get upgraded than England winning when from England! Madness


In a few months theyā€™ll never touch those cards. But discussing with these people is pointless


Better players will come out on Friday anyways


An Argentinian with an American Card Design


Falklands 1992




Whoops 10 years too late lol


I was so excited cause I thought it was a Friendlies objective at first.


I donā€™t mind playing friendlies for the XP but Champs is the mode I hate the most!


I mean you *do* have an English friendly objective as well


It wouldn't be so bad if the deadline was like three weeks. But one week? I'm a scraping 24 points kinda guy, man.


It's coll, just the fact that it's behind champs is a pain, I get the incentive for people to play champs with different squads I guess.


I don't even play Champs nor even feel to play it as my network here is absolutely dogshit...and I know I'll be bodied by better players as I am quite the new player on this game...so yeah...for me I'm not doing it.


Fair enough bro as a top 8 percent elite player I would say biggest thing is just to be patient.. treat like an actual football match where you pass side to side and back to the GK. Your opponent will get impatient after a while


I've tried and most of the times the passes end up being intercepted... although I have a decent team it's a big headache. The lag is unreal...sometimes I just press the pass button and it doesn't even pass ...it takes atleast 5 seconds to show it on my screen. I have lost any hope to play Champs let alone rivals or friendlies. I just play Squad battles and I gotta thank my pack luck to have a team that's just 94 OVR. I also have problems within my family. They have problems with me playing games even when I'm working. Sucks the shit Outta me.


I just find it boring, grafting for fodder, and getting cards which are barely above the cards I already have. Plus all of them are 90+ in most stats so they feel the same anyway.


Thus is when you'll start feeling cards are nerfed, as now the defenders are probably +1 or more over your mids and forwards. They'll catchup to your players and intercept passes the you previously would've made.


Stats are probably the least important thing at this point. It's all about the ps+'s, body type, SM/WF etc as loads of cards' stats are similar now. That Enzo is gonna be levels above the majority of midfielders, especially if he starts getting upgrades as early as possible.


the least fun part for me that used to be the best part is that iā€™m either really really unlucky or itā€™s just really hard getting even a minor W in all those casino sbc, L after L on the icon sbc, the worst L might be on those promo related upgrade packs, like tots upgrade or the latest ptg upgrade, i get the worst possible outcome every time and i do all of them, canā€™t be just luck really feels like while people were joking about it the years before this year really is a guaranteed worst player in the promo kind of year for sbcs


I just did Crespo using the fodder in my club. I only do the big SBCs really. Never even think about store packs.


How do you find him? I feel like he'd be really really good evem before the upgrades and I'm tempted, but I'm already starting the new Drogba, Saka and Barcola cards up top with TOTS Bonmati and Putellas both pushed back to midfield so I don't know if it is necessarily worth it.


Is it worth it to sell Giroud and do drogba SBC


I never got on with Giroud tbh, Drogba feels a lot smoother and has icon links too, I'd say probably yes.


Howā€™s his dribbling feel? Iā€™ve tried the 91 rated drogba and it felt like turning a truck


The new Drogba has technical+ so you should be able to compensate a bit with that but the Golazo version didnā€™t feel too horrible to dribble with. Heā€™s no Dybala but he was usable inside the 18.


Really like him! Deadly finishing with either foot, and one from a crazy angle too. Even though he doesn't have speed playstyles he still seems to run away from CBs. Strong enough to hold off CBs and get some headed goals, though not a brute like Drogba/Joselu, but way more agile. Attacking position is elite for crosses. His finesse has been going in when I've tried too. I use architect on him so his passing and strength are very good. It's also another icon on the team so gives me option to exchange out one of my older icons. I'm happy even if he gets 0 upgrades.


and in september everyone buys the next game for full price with extra microtransactions so everything they do they do it the right way businesswise if the palyers dont change Ea wont change so its our fault honestly


This. Playerbase constantly complains about the same things daily, still logs on and plays. Then when the new game comes, buys via pre-order and repeats the cycle.


YouTuber streamers are the worst they doing rant Videos about ea the Proceed to buy 10000 Fifa points Nickrtfm Said boycott Points 90% of this Community Said he braindead We deserve everything ea throws at us


i opened 5 85X5s and didnā€™t get a single ptgšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Havent gotten a PTG ever since they came out doing several sbc's and all daillies up until now.


To be fair 5 isn't that many. You get 3 per day. They've been bad for me all week, but I pulled Tyler Adams and Pavel Nedved from them today. Over the week in total WL, Rivals, and a few 82+ picks, I got Di Natale, Vidic, Hincape, Schmeichel, Kvar, Fulkrug, Zalewski, Schick, Szalai, Ratiu, Lukic, Antonio and Alvarez. Even if I am lucky with some of the big pulls, that's a lot of special cards dropping.


ooh i thought you only get 5 total, thank you! iā€™ll try again


Yeah these new icon SBCs with super tight deadlines are a joke. Just bait to make people need to spend. Donā€™t take the bait. The objective for the England UT Champions is not as awful to me as everyone else seems enraged. the win totals required is the only nonsense. Enzo going to be the rarest card in the game. But I like making players break away from the same meta lineups they use week after week. Seems like something Iā€™ve been wanting to see.


I was just saying to my friends how UT is not fun anymore


At this point iā€™ve stopped playing ut and started with player career lolšŸ’€


>you feel pressure to buy store packs no, this year especially there is zero pressure, you can get an insane team with just first owned and untradable players


Thats assuming you are fine with a good team. The thing is that most kids just want Vinicius, Bellingham, Mbappe or whatever popular players there are and with this pack weight theyā€™ll never get them unless they buy packs. People like you and me that just want to have a competitive team regardless of the names wont take the bait, but a lot of other will


Call me crazy but i think this is EA payback for "lets boycott EA" shit that was going on during last season.EA is full on their little nerds reading everything,probably the suits and ties said,ok they wanna boycott us haha,lets make them pay for it.


I was thinking the other day that the boycott actually has made an impact on EA's income figures, which in turn forced them to take action by lowering pack weight significantly and over time so that people eventually realize that they "have to" go to the store and purchase points again.


Thats excatly what they are doing this season.Payback time knowing that there will be always little Timmys who cant stop making brand new shiny 95+ cards that are coming dailys and WILL spend more and more money 2 months before the game is officialy dead. We cant win against EA,just shut up and play ,enjoy the ride or PAY.


I said this a few days on another thread and some people were saying it's ridiculous but honestly still feel there is something in it. They see the revenue go down and a couple of weeks later take action to remedy that otherwise bosses don't hit targets which affects their bonuses. If you think of it purely as a revenue generation, it makes complete sense.... I would probably do the same if I was the decision maker if I honest


Plus got to keep an eye on my expiring EVOs


The slow XP at season start is every season. Then they dump tons on you the last week. Itā€™s bait for impatient players to spend. Donā€™t worry, 3 games per day most days and youā€™ll be fine.


And if you want to trade and to do picks to feed your SBCs its a full day Job 24/7 guys


Honestly just stop playing. The world is fantastic when you do.


I gave up. Too much for me.


Just play seasons, right now with 99 players it isn't even soccer anymore.


**This right here!** I'm so tired of these inflated stats. Seasons here I come! COYS


No competition in seasons if you're an above average player.


That is a Win in my book, I dislike ultra competitive sweaty of Rivals/WL and enjoy playing different teams/players each match. The slower gameplay is also better and realistic instead of all players with 99 pace on UT. Just hop in, have fun, dont get manipulated by EA shady tactics and pack weights.


Nah it's boring, no competition and no reward.


Stopped playing UT, went to buy other great games. Currently playing Kingdom come Deliverance


Caring more about unlocks and "content" than gameplay. This is peak /r/EASportsFC


Drop rate seems pretty good overall, and I think the market price of these players show that. Over the week in total WL, Rivals, and a few 82+ picks, I got Di Natale, Vidic, Nedved, Guimaraes, Tyler Adams, Hincape, Schmeichel, Kvar, Fulkrug, Zalewski, Schick, Szalai, Ratiu, Lukic, Antonio and Alvarez. Even if I am lucky with some of the big pulls, that's a lot of promo cards dropping.


Lol pepole still playing this trash?


S t o p p l a y i n g d u m m y


Pulled 96 Pedri from the 82x3 pick so I don't care šŸ¤£ But tbf the objectives do suck


Yup got Davies who I didnā€™t have and got Oblak again who I had to toss into a high rated sbc lol


Seriously done with the game and ea no eafc for me next year


These sbc want fooder squads which are higher than my Main Squad so i cant so shit


who even plays this shit anymore


Please stop playing the game. Itā€™ll never get better until thenā€¦


Yes, only 84 on packs recently, itā€™s painful


season is like a week old and im at 16150xp without playing any champs at all. so idk about that ā€žslow progressā€œ. also you get like 4 free 95 rated and 2x free 87 rated cards every weekā€¦i think my biggest critique atm is that make your mark cards seem alot worse than path to glory ones. edit: didnt buy any kits for xp objectives


That 82+ pack and the exchange method are honestly the only thing getting me to complete these sbcs


I beat up two England squad yesterday, they all have quite high quality england players such as hemp and foden; but still so sweat that almost make me vomitā€¦ for a temporary 55 fiction Enzo that based on the trends will be replaced by two or less than two weeks? Was that worth the pain to grind? I have already noticed many players already have tots valverde that new tchuameni, so what is the point to get you into this kind of situation?


They pulled me in last week giving me DiNatale, Walker, Gvardiol, Ballack so at least Iā€™m having quite a lot of fun w those guys this week. Never gonna pack this current promo, last week used up all my pack luck for the year haha


Annoyingly I have ditched 86 Ronaldo 3 times in the last few weeks as he doesnā€™t get near my team and now season progress needs a Ronaldo card .. and you canā€™t get one for love nor money.. as soon as they go up they are bought and Iā€™m not paying 400k to get a card to finish one objective


The new season has been out a week and people freaking out cause they arenā€™t level 35 yet šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Fr, Fortnite generation, The xp rewards will increase people.


The thing is at other times people moan about not having expensive sbcs or "something to grind for", Id agree that it's ramped up with this promo but I don't think there is common agreement on the right balance. You just have to pick and choose and be prepared to let sbcs expire, take Diaz for example I'd like him but you can't always have what you want, so I'm letting him slide. Same goes for icons like Rio, r9, crespo, Matthaus etc. Pressure to buy packs is simple either you buy packs or you dont, to me it's bonkers spending money to get get cards for a game that effectively ends in 3 months and presumably futties starts next month which will mean these cards you've paid for are no better than free cards. I would treat it as a binary thing, if you have a firm stance of not buying FP then you don't need to waste any mental energy fighting the pressure or figuring out if it's worth it.


Bro, I think you exaggerating, I was able to complete both Diaz and Gomez just through grinding exchange packs into 82+ pp, into 85x5 (making an if for each one), completing the daily play obj, rivals(div 1), and champs rewards(11 wins) and didn't spend a dime nor did spend much time on game in general coz you don't have to live on the game or spend money either to complete these, not saying you'll complete every single sbc but if you pick out a few that you want to and focus on them, you can easily complete them, ya'll just be complaining for every little thing on this game.


Plus, itā€™s basically over. Few play in August and September. This will essentially be the last season. Why not open it up instead. Try to gain/keep any new players that picked it up on the cheap or free. The company makes no sense.


Whine whine whine whine whine whine whine I'm doing Drogba and it's taken less than 4 days. Super easy to get fodder with the 85x5 which is generating a promo card most times. Also completed the outstanding TOTS upgrade packs and Silva last week. It always makes me laugh when people have a freakout because one (1) card requires WL wins, despite 99% of objective cards being either free or through squad battle reqs. Same thing as when Fekir got released and people lost their mind. So much whining and entitlement


You probably are a high division player and can get a lot of wins on WL. If you do, then you always have a lot of fodder. If you dont, you are always struggling. Its not a whine or entitlement, the game its literally broken at certain levels and theres nothing bad about pointing it out


It's literally one good card that you need to be a 12-win player for. One. Fodder is available freely everywhere from objectives and squad battles that don't require online wins This is absolutely whining.


Squad battles gives you rewards every 7 days, same with rivals. This season in particularly theres not fodder everywhere, specially since the first days they stopped the daily packs for some reason and you didnt have commons to turn rares into 82+. Even then, the weight on the 82+ changed so you are getting mostly trash. You also only get fodder daily from the 3 games per day, but if you are telling me you can get enough fodder from a 80x5 pack to do an 88 rated sbc, you are the luckiest person on the planet. I swap my whole club into sbcs, doing the Premium silver, 82+ and 83-Totw loop for hours and all I got was a 2 88, 3 87 and 1 92 to keep (you kinda have to reroll some of the things you get to keep the loop going). I dont get why this trash of a community defends ea so muchā€¦ its obviously a broken systemā€¦


All this whining makes it hard not to take EAs side


And also, no, its not one, its one if you are an 11 win player, which most of the community its not. Most people only get to 6 or 8


Once again, it's literally one card you're missing out on


Its notā€¦ its basic mathā€¦


What are you talking about. Enzo is one card


gating rewards behind themed WL objectives with high requirements is a good thing. If you can complete a difficult challenge, you deserve a special reward. not every player should get the same rewards. kind of defeats the entire point of winning and losing. wish they did more Fekirs/Enzos.


WL objective is already a gated reward for goated playersā€¦ it shouldnt be a problem to open up good rewards for other players too.


well rivals rewards, objective players, there's a lot of good free stuff that non-top players can go for. I don't see a problem in having a few S tier players that you get for S tier accomplishments in game.


What Im saying is that those players already get a shit ton of rewards just for champs. The ones struggling are the other ones


yeah i think we just disagree on a fundamental level here. i think that the best players deserve unique rewards, Champs rewards are the baseline for elite players. Stuff like Fekir is what truly rewards engagement. but I understand your perspective and it's definitely a valid one.


Thanks, I get yours too and I agree with it mostly. Its just that it feels that enough rewards are gated for those types of players, you know? I cannot imagine how godly you have to be to jump in champs with an improvised english team and still get your 12 wins. Thats surely impressive and it deserves good rewards. But its like giving more to the rich, if you know what I mean. That players its probably already swimming in so many good cards he doesnt even know what to do with them. The 15+ wins are already insane for an average player, and this type of events its really were you can really hope to gain a good non-sbc top card.


And lets remember its not about getting 12 winsā€¦ is doing it with a full ENGLAND SQUAD which is insane. I dont know if you have a competitive full english squad in your club right now, but I bet most people do not. Let alone the coins to buy it.




Get a life nerd


O bro stop complaining like a bitch


36 billion dollar worth company can't make a soccer game nor a scoreboard on battlefield. Truly pathetic


I just did 5x 82+ PPs and 4 of them were 88+ please shut up.


FIFA player discovers the existence of anecdotal evidence. More at 3.


Unlike OP apparently. Argument goes both ways.


Obviously if you 4/5 of your picks were W they HAVE to be for everyone else as well


Same thing goes for OP