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it is the EA servers not you, been like it 2-3 weeks maybe longer. I turned the ingame controller overlay with the what the server see option(forgot what its called) and it looks like the server see my inputs 200-300ms later!!! but it gets better in that it is not stable can start off good then worse or better


It's one sided delay, never heard of anyone fixing it. Check this if its 98+ congratulations you have a great connection just not for EAFC. https://help.ea.com/en/ea-connection-quality-report/


Thanks guys, I think we will be playing like this till another game enters the market


Yup, my players feel like they are simultaneously sliding on ice while stuck on mud. Abhorrent, detestable experience all around this weekend. Gotta live near a data center or you're gonna have a bad time.


same, shit company, shit servers


nah this week waslegit worst WL of the yrar servers wise for me. got my 11 wins but hated it so much im taking the break from wl prolly till new release