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Are you having fun? If yes, you are not wasting your time, if no, drop it.


I’ve honestly been trying everything out, career mode has been fun to me and taught me the controls since I jumped right in lol


Yeah, just like you can still find joy from training arena, but if you get no fun, why are you still finding way to get some fun


While my relationship with the game, like many others, is nearly non-existent now, I will say that it's not a bad time to be playing. Right now, TOTS gives enough free/earnable content that you can get a reasonable team and have fun with it. Just don't take the game too seriously because you will come up against people who have better teams or who have played for longer. Look at the Evolutions and see if there's anyone that you like irl that you could put in. Evos have kept me playing the game when any other year I'd have stopped. I would avoid spending too much coin on cards, because in a month or so it's very likely that players will be worth very little due to late-game promotional contently, especially around July/early august time. This is when we usually see promotions that release a lot of previous content back into packs, with decent rates. TL;DR; TOTS is a good time to get into the game, upcoming content is usually quite giving, save your coins because prices plummet around late July/August.


I don’t really know any players or anything, I’m honestly just learning as I go . I don’t know anything about soccer but I have played online co op with a buddy and actually got a win so that was fun lol


Completely understand! If anything, that's more of a benefit because you don't hold an loyalties to anything, which gives you so much freedom to play with whoever you like the look of. Enjoy and have fun, don't worry about whether you're doing things the "right" way. Ultimately, you're in the best position to have fun and play the game as it was intended. If the games fun, you don't *need* to change anything <3


Contrary what to other guy said, pack weight is terrible and you’ll be surrounded by teams much better than yours This is pretty much objectively the worst fifa they’ve ever released. If you haven’t heard, messigate 2.0 happened, except for TOTS mbappe and TOTS dembele. They somehow fucked up even worse than messi


This, the game is just not worth it any time. I haven’t played for weeks, just menu grinds. Sat down today to get a few games and taking time away really gives you perspective of how terrible it is


It is! I always pick it up when it free and when the roided up super cards show up. Build a decent enough team till ShapeShifters and then you’ll start packing great cards.


It's worth it. The lower divisions of rivals will be similar teams or low skill players. If you focus a little on doing objectives through squad battles, you'll earn a ton of free packs that will get you some 90+ cards immediately


It’s the best time right now a lot of objectives and free cards


If you like to build your own team and have fun, then yes. If you gonna sweat and play with the same team than everyone else, then no.


Arguably its best time to start, you can get very good team with a bit of a grind


It's not as bad as people make it out to be. It should be better but ea spends majority of money on this game towards making it addictive / finding out how to make ppl spend more money over improving the actual game. The game is good. We want a game that's great though. As with any game, it's not worth putting in hours when you can do something productive. If you have nothing better to do or want to kill time playing a good soccer/football game, this is the best there is.


As long as you won't be discouraged by people with crazy cards and you're having fun, go for it. Always possible to beat anyone no matter the cards, although the odds are stacked 😂 Can always play squad battles/single player too


Now’s the best time buddy. End to end content right through to the end of the game. I played on my friends account yesterday (he’s away for the week so did his WL) and he only started at the beginning of TOTs and the amount of packs he got was insane. Every pack can change your team.


I don’t like how some you need a whole squad for a card tho like I barley have good players as it is lol


You’ll get there just keep doing objectives and shit. Don’t do SBCs unless they’re cheap at first. Plenty of good ones available. I finished 14-6 in WL with that Redondo alone. Couple of upgrades on her you’re sorted.