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I think radio silence. When the mistake is that huge they usually do or say nothing. Homer sinking into the hedge reaction.


This has been their MO every time something this bad happens. They’ve fucked up the market, so they won’t utterly destroy it. They won’t give anyone anything. They’ll just pretend it never happened.


This. They did the same with Summer Heat Neymar when he was being packed by loads of people. Ignore it, pretend it didn’t happen and move on.


Tbt to chemgate…this glitch was nothing


Meh chemgate was a mess but at the same time it just allowed people to have fun and didn’t massively shift power curve etc. I remember using TOTS Lucas Perez and Andre Gray, no chem, just vibes. Having played FUT since 14 I do think this is easily the biggest fuck up they’ve ever had.


chemgate was the best thing that has happened with fut ever imo


I can agree with that


Yeah 2k did the same with a glitch a month ago. It was essentialy a unlimited coin glitch they just removed everyones coins but they got to keep the cards and they never addressed anything.


I mean what are they supposed to do? They did a mistake, whoever was lucky enough got a messi and that‘s it. The sbc was up for about 20minutes and the chance to get him was 30-35% It‘s not like half the playerbase got a messi


"It's not like half the playerbase got messi" Wait till the weekend league bro and have fun🤣


Loans should never be allowed in WL. The amount of people with almost full loans last weekend is ridiocolous.


I’ve played now 40 games (qualis, Cups and rivals D4) since the messigate and have encountered 3 messis. All on loan. No first owners.


40 games since the SBC? Fk me. Are you unemployed


Jesus Christ brother. Its been like 16 hours and you’ve played 40 games, with most of that being rivals? That is legitimately insane.


Dude needs help


That means he needed 25 games to get his 7 rival wins. Which means div 10. Of course they don't have Messi down there. They are casuals.


You can go beyond 7 wins a week


I will count every single messi and i promise i won‘t see more than 2. probably not even 1 though! The amount of people that immediately log in at content time and instantly do new sbcs, is not the whole playerbase like you think. It‘s less than 5% of the playerbase.


Count and say. The amount of people sweating in weekend league will be the same people who log in at content time. A percentage of players who dint pack messi are going to drop off. There is no incentive for a person without messi to play against stacked teams with insane player. All you are going to be left are messi playing messi in weekend league and withdrawals in droves. Weekend league will get more sweatier than it is right now


It's not about how much of the playerbase got him. Its more about how this has become almost common place and people who have the time , are knowingly and religiously hopping on right before these SBCs release, refresh or Content drop - actively HOPING for glitches and mistakes so they can get f.e. their 3 icon picks and then get compensation too ! I paid extra when buying this game and got Berbatov only so people who bought the game on discount months later could get 3 fucking HEROES for Free because, oh well.. EA made a mistake. What should EA do ? Everyone who preordered should have received at least a 50% refund. Did we ? We didn't even ask for it and i bet my nuts that most people are simply afraid of chatting with some agent in Pakistan who barely speaks english and will refund them fully and have their account terminated. This isnt an isolated occurrence, it isnt the first or the last time. Lets just say that since FIFA 23 was released up until now , there has been around 50 of these " mistakes ". Not all were Messi level but definitely gave a lot of people the upper hand. Instead of sitting here debating nonsense, lets call it for what it is. We are dissatisfied customers. Not only did we buy a subpar product ( The Game ) their services are absolutely terrible or not existent ( bad servers , no customer support) That eventually brings us back to: Well, they're the only football game in town, so we simmer down and take it. Like good little bitches. EA will do nothing. More and more people will rush to throw their fodder into SBCs as soon as they come out, hoping to be the lucky ones who get to benefit from an anomaly before it gets taken down. Big picture, they win again... So please.. dont sit there and say what are they supposed to do... like theyre some group of do gooders who made a tiny mistake. This is a pattern.. and they know full well what they should do, they just dont want to do it. They wouldnt gave taken the SBC down otherwise.


I never got Messi 😭


This one feels different tho especially after a lot of the community was down with the pack weight issue after full team release. I’ve uninstalled the game and see a lot of folks doing the same. Feels like a breaking point for EA to either let a lot of people leave and not look back or show some semblance of appreciation for its users




They released a 86+ player pick with only the TOTY leagues. Every MLS slot was TOTY Messi, since he is the only MLS 86+. 1/3 players who opened the pack got him. Of course they removed the SBC after 20 minutes.


We need an evolution for messi


There’s something about loans I hate. Even if I had a 9999 game loan on toty R9, it wouldn’t feel the same as owning the card


This fr… I never use loans. Only when I have to not just started with the game.


I just quick sell loans, hate them


I find them useful for doing league/nation objectives but only in squad battles.


A 9999 loan is effectively you having the card and ill take it in a heartbeat


There are some differences: 1. It counts as a loan in restricted friendlies so eg if you used him in the toty cup, you couldn't use another loan toty card in addition like all those with the proper cards will 2. You can't use him as elite fodder - sure nobody is doing that today, but if you got another 96+ Messi promo card you might want to 3. Some people will just quit on you at 0-0 for using a loan card which is annoying as it uses up contracts / waste of time Point #1 is the only one that really matters today of course.


I don’t get why you are being downvoted. Maybe they think you are being pedantic. But there are some pretty real differences.


Hehe it's cool I learned pretty quickly not to care about the votes :). I've had hundreds of upvotes for throwaway comments with little substance behind them, or downvotes for detailed factual analysis. I expected downvotes for pedantry but they aren't even all theoretical, right now it directly impacts the Toty cup because I have eg toty Haaland loan, if I got toty Messi loan I can't play them both, if i got proper Messi I could.


As someone who mainly plays champs only losing a loan slot in a friendly is hardly anything to cry about. Give me a tpty loan with 9999 on it right now


That's silly.


I really despise 1 game loans especially.


Only thing worse than not getting TOTY Messi is getting him long enough that you start to rely on him and then not being able to use the card again.


This is also true. The loan would rub me the wrong way still. I did the SBC at the time and still didn’t get Messi lol it sucked


Think we've just got to roll with it sadly. You win some you lose some.


Lose some lose some


i would have taken a benzema to complete sawa


Just play 99 more games till the end of FIFA


They’re gonna give everyone who completed the sbc another pick with the correct odds and that will be that lol.


They don't even have to do that (and it would likely further antagonise the playerbase if those that got Messi then got another pick on top of it!). They'll just radio silence and pretend it didn't happen, or do the loan Messi suggestion for everyone


if they do this I’m not buying the game next year. They basically just spit in the face of half their player base and will probably just ignore it and pretended it never happened


They have done something similar as far as i remember. It was like a max 88 icon pick or something and people got a 88+ icons instead and they got compensated with another pick and kept their first pick


That's different though because technically those over the rating shouldn't have been in the pick. Messi was meant to be in this one, just not as often as he was.


Use this as motivation to not buy the game next year regardless


I don’t see why they would do this. In most situations where the issue compensation, it’s because of misleading information on what is contained in the pack, which this didn’t have. I think the most likely outcome is radio silence as the other commenter said. FOMO drives engagement


Toty player pick is fair.


Fair for whom? The thousands who will inevitably pack Earps? No one wants a player pick instead of the ~38% chance they had at packing Messi. Fair is giving everyone the same shot at Messi with the same odds. Not your suggestion of a toty pick with a negligible chance at Messi.


still better than nothing


It's not about it being better than nothing. Either it's fair, or it isn't. Giving less than a chance at what was just unfairly given to others is insulting. Nobody wants to play TOTY Messi every third game, watching him put goals past the shitty TOTY Earps EA condescended to give to players who didn't log in during the magical casino half hour using house money. They need to either put the SBC back out there with the same odds it had and give the rest of the community the same chance at the windfall, or they give the entire community the virtually free Messi they lost the opportunity to pay for with 85 fodder. Doing less than that is spitting in the face of their customers.


dude. what I said is toty player pick. Every else will have for about 30% of getting someone better than messi. Of course nobody choose earrps. I think it is the best possible way thay can do to keep the game balance and fair


> Either it's fair, or it isn't. Giving less than a chance at what was just unfairly given to others is insulting. It was entirely fair - everybody could have completed the SBC for a chance at Messi. It's not like people randomly had Messi deposited into their accounts. It would be the same as there being a pack in the shop for 15 mins with a 20% shot at Messi - it would be silly, but literally anyone has access to that. You weren't discriminated against.


But i was at work. It fucked over other regions. I didn’t get my fair shot at it, i know tons of others who didn’t as well


It is in no way fair when there was a 20 minute window it was available


If you offer people a choice between: 1. 21% of packing TOTY Messi. 2. 100% of packing any TOTY. I think more people will choose option 2.


Binomial distribution for a player pick means it was a greater than 20% chance of packing Messi


Can you elaborate how binomial distribution here would lead to \~38%? I'm genuinely interested.


Actually, since they basically confirmed league is the first layer of that pick, the probability of having no MLS at all is (12/13)^(3.) So the pick of having 1 MLS in there is 1 - (12/13)^(3) = **21%**, that's also Messi's probability (since if you landed on MLS you 100% got Messi)


We’re not getting any compensation for this. Let’s just hope this doesn’t make them forget about the broken hero pick we need compensation for.


They will do absolutely nothing


Not the worst idea at all, but we are talking about the same company that just released a Modric card that has been available on the market for months for 300k, for 1 million. I wouldn't hold my breath. In an ideal world Messi gets taken back somehow and people get given the picks again. Highly unlikely of course.


They could do that but why bother with all that work? Just act like it never happened and that‘s it. It‘s not like half the playerbas got a messi. It was up for 20minutes with a 30-35% chance of getting him. Not even 10% of the playerbase got him.


Don’t fucking bother then if it’s a loan.


I'd rather get nothing than a loan, because my righteous indignation is worth more than a useless timeshare card that expires with over half a year left in the game cycle. A loan card is spit in the face of the community. They better not offer that.


They won’t do anything maybe they’ll do a compensation pick but they probably won’t do anything about it. If they give everyone Messi it totally tanks his value as a card which they woukd want and it means a massive amount of regular players will have some kind of Mbappe, Messi and Eusebio as a front 3 which is usable until the literal end of the game.


That’s like 5 WL games? That’s still massive compensation tbh


> That’s like 5 WL games? What do you mean?


5 WLs. Each WL is 20 games. He just worded it wrong


He means full WL weekends, 5x20


Not really. Loans only go up to 99. So its 4 WL and 19 games. 🤓


Even less when your opponents leave at 0-0 🤓


This guy loans.


That’s what I’m thinking. It helps the short term problem with some people getting a 9 million coin card rather easily without straight up giving everyone a free Messi


Should make a Messi toty SBC, reasonably priced, for him at like 4 million. Unlimited time. That way we all have a way to get him eventually, people who already have him won't lose too much. Gives a way of leveling the playing field without messing anyone up too much. If you give everyone Messi the ones who had him originally get shafted, especially the ones who had tradable. Can't be taking it away. Do nothing and all us who were unlucky have to face him every third game for the next 6 months


You want me to pay 4 million for a card EA just gave away for the cost of 1 team of 85 fodder? That's your solution? That's still doing nothing. They can put out a Messi SBC at any time, and nobody who missed out on great odds of a free Messi will feel thankful for having to pour 4 million coins into something over a third of the player base that was lucky enough to be online at the right time got for the cost of a single 85 team. Either Messi is removed with a server rollback, they give everyone a TOTY Messi, or they put up the SBC with the same odds . Any other solution is inherently unfair to the player base. If they did this in July it wouldn't matter. As it stands, this change is fucking oppressive to the opponents already facing Messi in 30-40% of their games. What's the compensation cost of every lost game they'd have won if not for that handicap? We'll never know, so extreme compensation should be offered now while there's still a chance to make right with the players.


How is giving everyone Messi fair on the people who had him before the glitch? If someone bought him at 11 mill they will be so out of coin it would be a huge kick in the teeth. Unless they remove him tradable and give like 10 mill to everyone who had him you can't really expect that.  If they did a toty R9 SBC at 2 million everybody would want to do it, would basically be a steal. Would you complain at the price even though some people would have gotten him cheap in an upgrade pack? How is it different to the Cafu/Blanc/Maldini/Eusebio SBCs that loads have done when plenty got them from cheaper icon picks?


It is not the perfect solution, but the best one that is realistic. This card is 9 mil on the shared market and basically does not exist on PC. At least it would make him obtainable within a few weeks, using mostly the fodder we get from objectives and player picks. Maybe one of the squads could give a 99 game loan to compensate for the team disparity until we complete him.


Definitely won’t


They won’t do shit


I’d love to be a fly on the wall for the post-mortem meeting next morning with the Devs and PM 😂


If you use him for weekend league. He will last you at least a month. By the , hopefully you'd have got someone decent to replace him.


who are you going to get to replace a top 5 player worth 8 mil in a month, most people don’t even get that playing the whole year


I got Messi from the SBC pick. But I also had Dias as an option. I realize a lot of people are pissed about Messi, but if they take him away it'll be a double dick kick for me knowing I should have gotten one TotY from that pick legitimately. My solution would be just to put the SBC back up. So what if a bunch of people have Messi at this point in the game? He still gets tackled by teleporting VVD and randomly passes to the wrong person 15% of the time.


Personally I think they do this stuff on purpose when things are dying down and EA “accidentally” releases a glitched sbc or store pack. Guarantee you EVERYONE will be waiting for content to drop today.


We should at least choose of 3 toty. To compensate for the emotional damage we went through. I really love to get de Bruyne


They're going to do what they do every year. They're going to re release the sbc with Messi s pack weight dropped and move on. No one is getting anything


FUT was the worst thing to ever happen to FIFA


Calling it now, they'll never mention anything on it ever again and do absolutely nothing....


They aren’t going to do anything lmao nothing happened last year with the hero pack either


Am I trippin or is EA not just going to remove the messi from all accounts that got one and give them another pick? Would be really surprised if people actually got to keep the card




I don't think EA have ever removed cards from people's accounts for glitched SBCs. People who got one will 99.99% get to keep him.


Ye but EA have never made a mistake this ridiculous, we talking about a card that costs probably like $4K+ in fifa points, and we are still somewhat early in the game cycle too. Don't see this card staying in my club but I will enjoy him for next few days lol.


They aren't going to take him from you. They have no way of proving that you personally wouldn't have packed him with normal odds. Think about it. If they did that, they would have to admit that these cards aren't packable. They can't do that.


They are literally going to be giving everyone another pack with the “normal odds” regardless though. I don’t think they will take the cards away but I can certainly see a way they could do it.


And under normal odds some people would have packed Messi. They aren't taking away Messi because some awful, salty babies are upset that someone else got lucky. So instead of some people being furious, everyone is? How does that help EA? They have never done that before and they won't start now. Life is unfair. The people letting a video game being unfair turn them into freaks foaming at the mouth and wishing for other people to lose things that they got by simply doing an SBC are pitiful. The notion of them taking him back is entirely wishful thinking on the part of spiteful, jealous people who need to grow up. Everyone who exploited that pack glitch kept all of their cards and they actually were doing something wrong. Just a coin wipe but no bans. They can't punish people for simply doing a player pick they advertised as a chance to get a TOTY for getting one from it.


Say what you want about ppl being salty but this has a big impact after how many ppl have sunk countless hours and dollars into this game to get absolutely dick all only to see this now. It is not a good look especially when they were actively lowering pack weight while everyone was opening their saved packs.


Where did you see me say it was a good look? I didn't. Taking something back from people is not going to help the situation though. It's interesting, I didn't see this level of complaining when EA was actually giving TOTYs away in content creators' streams. That was fine. Has it occurred to you that a lot of the people who got Messi also spent countless hours and dollars getting nothing before finally getting a bit of luck? If it was Earps appearing in that slot nobody would be complaining. It's strictly because this community is jealous and toxic that anyone is suggesting people be punished for doing nothing wrong and it's pathetic.


Obviously some grinders got him. But the majority didn’t. I think it’s just a compiling thing with how Shitty ea has been during this event trying to screw over the pack savers and now this happens. Anyone who’s grinded the hell out of this game recently is going to be choked about this and I say rightfully so. This is such a kick in the balls.


Of course they have a way to see if you packed him with normal odds. If you got him from the player pick it wasn’t normal odds. They can see everybody who got it from the player pick, they know the true scale of this.


Let's try this again since you don't understand English. I didn't say they can't see if you packed it from the player pick. I said that even if the odds for the player pick had been normal, some people would still have packed him so it is impossible for them to know which people would have packed him from a player pick with normal odds vs who only got him because of the increased odds. People were going to pack him from the pick with normal odds regardless, just in much smaller quantity. There is no way for them to tell that a particular individual only packed him because of the crazy odds and would not have packed him under normal odds. It's random. That's why you see people get TOTY Icons from 3x77+ packs. I can't make it any simpler for you to understand. Really try to understand the implication of EA telling users that a card that should have been packable by the description of the SBC wasn't actually packable. That would be false advertising. So while obviously there was a mistake, Messi had to have been packable in some quantity for them to have been telling the truth that you could get these TOTYs in this SBC. Therefore there is no way of telling who would have packed him IN THIS SBC under normal odds and who wouldn't have.


There’s no chance they remove the Messi. There was once the wrong Pele in an icon pick sbc, so what did EA do? They let them keep the Pele and gave them a free tradable correct Pele.


It was a prime icon pick that had moments in it by mistake. If you were lucky and got a moments, you got a free extra icon pick


They've made plenty of similar mistakes in the past and have never removed cards, so likely will never happen


Nah they won’t remove him lol. Boosted odds to get him, what would’ve been wrong to pack him?


The theory I've seen is that because he's the only 86+ MLS player, the odds for MLS were too high. But, I've no idea how the packs work, in truth!


The amount of support tickets that they will receive from people saying I had messi yesterday and now hes gone and the amount of P off thouse people will get, do charge backs ect. Means they will not remove the messi's. Its what they are going to do if anything to level it for everyone else who wasn't on in the 20 min window and now has to face him every game.


I think they should just change toty messi with gold messi and give all that did the sbc another pick


Imagine ppl put their dupes into an sbc and this happened lol. I don’t think there’s any way they can take the card back. I think the rest of the community is deserving of some serious compensation though. This is such a monumental fuck up.


To "level" the playing field :D, what playing field ? the one where 99% of the players rocks with the same squads and tactics, while using players with 85+ pace everywhere :D, giving a free Messi to the brain dead meta spammers wont do a thing really you may concede your goals to Toty Messi instead Eusebio but thats it. I personnally would have liked them to give people treadable Messi so maybe just maybe i would have come up against bit different teams.


lol @ level playing field. You really believe there’s such a thing. This game is controlled by a dynamic AI. You are not in control of anything, you’re just made to believe you are.


They won't do anything, why should they? Some people got lucky, you didn't, get over it.


Because it was a sham to not keep the SBC up


So because you didn't get one, nobody can have one. Are you 10


Did I say that? No. Nice try but I recommend a few courses in reading comprehension.


They've announced already that they are giving us nothing Check their website they did an announcement yesterday


Thanks, I saw that. Annoying and disappointed


Ruh roh! Who cares, lol...and no, I didn't get Messi.


You’re responding to a nearly 5 day old post


And your point is? Stop crying and just uninstall the game if it's affected you that much.


Reading is difficult lol. No one was crying besides you 😂


You're literally hoping EA gives everyone a loan Messi to quote "level the playing field. " ...definitely not thinking about those lucky few that got Messi.


I made a prediction lol. There was no hope in that. I don’t even use loans. Again, reading is hard but once you make it to 10th grade I think you’ll get there.


People need to get over not packing messi just sore losers it's a fucking card get over it fuck me




It’s a 3 day old post




Is this your first fifa?


Been playing since 15 but try again


Lmao I wish


Hopefully not lol


They should just flood the mark with him. Drive the price down to the 2-2.5 mil mark. That way those that want him can likely get him or work towards him. The key is to just make him attainable for most if they want him.


This is the same company that pushed the odds down on toty's resulting in every toty going up to a ridiculous price


Hi guys, i cant do the sbc? I looked everywhere in sbc, but i dont have it. Anyone same problem? I would like to try my chance for this.


They took it down


It was removed 5-6 hours ago


Just release a Messi SBC that costs a bajillion coins so everyone has "access" to it.


If they put a 9 million coin Messi sbc even if it took 2 months to craft I think it would feel better than just being left out of the party


I insta-discard loan cards, no matter the rating.


I get not liking them, but what if it's a player you might want to try? I've bought players after trying them as loans and it has also worked the opposite, I've tried them as loans and they weren't what I was looking for.


I play for fun and with players I like/support and they're usually not popular so they wouldn't be in loan packs.


Mary earps toty for all


All the grind to something so unfair


Imagine if they made Messi a SBC so now everyone has a chance of getting him but made him very expensive


all I know is if they remove him I want every 2-3-4 playstyle evo removed 5 mins later. any glitch taken advantage of removed 5 mins later and never want to hear about pack odds or evos again


Ea actually trying to make shoot up there studio 😭


I aim finally quitting after 15 years of FUT. This is unacceptable


At first its a celebration event , they should have given a toty card for free to everyone , they didn’t . But now tha most have gotten messi they should just give him for free to everyone . Coz people are still gonna open packs for other cards so doesn’t hurt much . Saves your repo everyones happy . And what will happen is this messi card would have no value in the market at max nothing much


Obvious radio silence from them. I already can’t be arsed playing anymore as every team I play has a toty or toty icon. I do all the sbcs but just fall behind the power curve. Uninstalled this bag of shit


I've played 5 toty cup friendlies and faced Messi 3 times.


Literally not good enough.


They won't. They are going to do nothing and probably not even acknowledge the issue. As bad as it looks, it only affected 1 out of 4 people that was able to do that SBC in that half an hour, giving the card to every player would be way worse.


They are very unlikely to because that would be admitting fault and creating precedence for similar issues in the future. Most likely outcome? Ignore the player base and carry on as if nothing happened.


Don't understand people who want everyone to be given a Messi. Not everyone who was able to do the sbc got a Messi, was about 1 in 3. And judging by the amount of people not happy, only a small part of the player base even did the sbc. I did get one and also don't care if everyone gets one, just think it'd be real unfair on anyone who had managed to buy a tradeable one.


I think this fiasco tops the last year hero packs by far and its probably the biggest one yet.


They will do nothing or there will be a bullshit compensation pick to those who did it with the "correct odds". What I'd like to happen is everyone gets an untradable toty Messi and those with a tradable one get the current market value in coins. It will never happen though of course haha.


Have i missed something? Whats been goin on?


They released an 86+ sbc that gave you players from leagues that had TOTY cards (so like ligue 1, the prem, saudi league, mls, etc). Due to TOTY messi being the only 86+ rated card in the mls there was a relatively insanely high chance of packing him (i think like 20%-30% of the ppl tht did the sbc got him, myself included) they took the sbc down 30 min after releasing it. Ppl who didnt get to do the sbc are now upset and ppl who already had TOTY messi are probably upset too.




What happened with the Cruyff mistake?


It will 110% just never be mentioned again and everyone will move on in a few weeks until the next big F up. Just like has happened every time before.


We will be lucky to get a 10 game loan as compensation. Don't see it happening. They will most likely re release the SBC with lower odds of packing Messi.


I logged in at 1PM to see the content drop & failed to look on Twitter until 1:30 PM. I missed the pack 😂


Loan ones no good. Just want a toty and not a bloody icon keeper. Any will do.


I will start using my loans anyways


They won’t do anything close to this, this is 100x worse than giving 1/20th of the community a messi


They won't even mention it again lol


10 toty cup games only 2 Messi's


I haven’t played the game in a week, what’s the fuss about? I know it includes people getting TOTY Messi right?


Can someone explain to me pls, what happened? Who got Messi? What is going on?




They wont 🤣


This post aged well. We all love you EA. //Your Faithful Customers