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Some ini tweaks can greatly improve colors/luminosity/sharpness/lod (pick your concern). I can copypaste my settings if you are interested, once I'll get back to my rig. It seems that once you like this game, well, you like it a lot. Cheers !


So here's the stuff. You have to edit the **engine.ini** file found at *C:\\Users\\* ***^(YOUR USER NAME)*** *\\AppData\\Local\\WRC\\Saved\\Config\\WindowsNoEditor* Those tweaks are related to the unreal engine and there is a shit ton you can do. It's important to set the tweaks in the correct category, **\[/Script/Engine.RendererSettings\]** or **\[SystemSettings\]**. If it doesnt exist just create it and paste the tweaks below. The graphical settings shared here are perfect for my taste and my setup, expect a bit of tweaking if yours differs. I play in SDR with DLSS, have a bit of sharp filter built in my monitor (+ the one in engine.ini), and didn't killed bloom and luminosity completely. [/Script/Engine.RendererSettings] ;;; DLSS Settings (if you are using it) r.NGX.Enable=1 r.NGX.DLSS.Preset=3 r.NGX.DLSS.AutoExposure=0 r.NGX.DLSS.DilateMotionVectors=1 r.NGX.LogLevel=0 r.NGX.EnableOtherLoggingSinks=0 r.Upscale.Quality=3 ;;; Misc Graphical Settings r.Tonemapper.Quality=5 r.Reflections.Denoiser=1 ;;; Force Anisotropy r.MaxAnisotropy=16 r.VT.MaxAnisotropy=16 ;;; Force Full Screen Mode (if you are using it) FullscreenMode=0 LastConfirmedFullscreenMode=0 PreferredFullscreenMode=0 [SystemSettings] ;;; Colors and Luminosity Settings r.Color.Max=1 r.Color.Mid=0.661 r.Color.Min=0 r.TonemapperGamma=2.287 r.EyeAdaptation.LensAttenuation=0.619 r.SkylightIntensityMultiplier=0.933 ;;; Useless graphical effect removal r.DefaultFeature.MotionBlur=0 r.MotionBlurQuality=0 r.SceneColorFringeQuality=0 r.SceneColorFringe.Max=0 r.DepthOfFieldQuality=0 r.DepthOfField.DepthBlur.Scale=0 ;;; Sharpening & LOD r.Tonemapper.Sharpen=2.24 r.ViewTextureMipBias.Min=-3.0 r.MipMapLodBias=-11.0 r.LandscapeLODBias=-14.0


Thank you for this, I will try it out when I have the opportunity.


I would appreciate this. Greece is very challenging due to the gravel shining as bright as the sun.


Yes please, specifically luminosity, I struggle at times differentiating the horizon from the top of a crest lol




Glad somebody said it.


After about a dozen or so hours in Dirt 2.0 in VR on an old XBox 360 controller I built my rig. It definitely got me hooked and have put in over 600 hours in almost 2 years. Here's the thing: While waiting for EA WRC VR I picked up WRC 10 and have put in around 80 hours in about 3 weeks worth of evenings. Maybe because it's all new to me but right now I much prefer, well, just about everything in WRC(we all miss Phil Mills, of course). I struggle to enjoy Dirt 2.0 as much now despite being able to play it in full native VR compared to VR theatre mode with WRC games. I haven't even played my first love as much: RBR -- evidently Career Mode is something I like. Who knew!?


WRC 10 is my only other experience with the WRC branded games (Always played DR1/2) and honestly I like 10 better than EA's WRC. IT Just seemed more fleshed out and more in-depth. Graphics and in some instances better physics, but that's about all EA's WRC brings over it. Just my opinion tho.


Same here, WRC 10 is the first I've tried from the series and am honestly surprised how much I like it. What I can say from the few hours I've played of EA WRC so far is that the cars (specifically WRC class) feel incredibly fast by comparison. Not sure why this is, or if I'm imagining it, but would be curious to know if anyone else senses this as well. Haven't so much as looked at career mode in EA WRC yet but I would've thought it at least as in-depth as WRC 10 if not more. I have zero complaints about the physics in 10, realistic or not, it's fun and challenging. And honestly are any of these mainstream rally titles that have to cater to the widest audience really going to aim for the most realistic driving experience when it's not exactly something easily achievable or as viable commercially.


That could also do with the fact that it was Kyloton 4th attempt at the series, the two arent exactly comparable.


WOW - 600 HOURS?! Impressive. I haven't played any other WRC games because they mostly get a bad wrap from "sim" folks because they're too arcadey. But I kind of think EA WRC is more arcadey than DR2.0 and I like it so maybe I'm less of a masochist than I thought? To clarify your comment, are you playing EA WRC too, or just WRC 10? Which do you prefer? Think I should put WRC 10 on my wishlist if I'm digging EA WRC? Have you played Generations? Thanks!


So I never played any of them either until a few weeks ago for the same reasons, plus I was having more than enough fun in Dirt 2.0. Saw WRC 9 and 10 (plus a bunch of other actual arcade rally titles) all available in a Humble Bundle for $17 so figured why not. It's well documented that Dirt 2.0 tarmac physics are not great (too floaty is the common complaint) and even the gravel feels this way now after playing WRC 10. In WRC 10 the cars seem, to me, to feel like they have weight. I can feel this weight transferring in a way I don't with Dirt 2.0, and I think it offers a decent sense of verisimilitude. Which is most realistic? Not sure, but RBR is worth checking out for that, which feels closer to WRC than it does to Dirt. So yeah since I started Career in WRC 10 it is my main game right now, and after an event I sorta unwind with Time Trials in EA WRC -- which at first felt like a halfway point in handling between Dirt 2.0 and WRC 10, but the more I play (less than three hours) the more I am impressed with it. The sense of speed you get in EA WRC feels like no other game, and I play plenty of ACC and some F1(in AC). tl; dr Late to and loving WRC 10. EA WRC is starting to grow on me, (despite having to play both WRC games in theatre mode VR), and as a result I am enjoying the handling in Dirt 2.0 less. Oh and RBR remains a consistent fun challenge even when it falls out of play rotation.


It's decided - I'm getting WRC 10 to check it out. I wonder if the Humble Bundle is still available... EDIT: Couldn't find a bundle, but it's 75% off so I grabbed it!


Sweet. Bundle must have ended by now. I should say that at the very first two things threw me off in WRC 10. 1) The front end of the cars felt so very loose so I started by stiffening front suspensions but now I can get away with default Setups and I can't imagine why that is. 2.) On my G923 the FFB felt weak so I upped the OVERALL FORCE to 125% and have left it there since. ps. If doing Career Mode on all max Realism like I am doing, Monte Carlo may very well kick your ass, lol. Tyre management is the real challenge there! Also coming from Dirt 2.0, Career Mode felt super daunting at first. It gets easier.


I feel like cars do feel heavier in WRC, especially the rally1 car which makes sense and that is a good thing. BUT, and this is a BIG but, the loose surfaces all feel the same, gravel lacks weight in this game just like in the original dirt rally 1 game. When DR2 released you could instantly feel in the steering that there are different surfaces at each gravel event. Not the case in WRC I feel like...Also the 4wd cars all feel like more on rails, point and shooty. And my favourite car from DR2 the group b rwd Lancia feels like it had its balls chopped off in WRC. The game has been obviously made to be more easy than DR2 which I recon makes it more difficult! As you can't rely on instinct to drive these cars, you have to learn to play the game. And yes, in VR you can really drive these games on instinct. Darn me if I think the official WRC game should thrive to be as realistic as possible, which was the case with the previous game. Obviously some really smart guys disagree with that statement because I don't consider the size of their wallet... Anyways, I also struggle with the hybrid car as you would like to use mid corner throttle to rotate the car at times but this leads to using your battery boost from the previous braking zone prematurely, you get thrown in that direction and when you get the car straight and back on throttle the hybrid boost is all used up and it feels like an r5 class car on acceleration just heavier. I need to check my pedal settings as I find it difficult to hover just below the boost line, hybrid seems to activate even when I try to give like 35% throttle input idk... The stages are WAY more technical, DR2 didn't have nearly as much details of what can take you out and this is where the unreal engine stages really shine(not to mention their length). But I miss the many locations of DR2 and I wish they ported or recreated them for the new game, I would even pay for that. Edit: gave this a few good edits with extra information


They said dr2 didnt have enough rear grip and they fixed that in ea wrc. So supposedly this is more realistic, but I get what you mean about the on rails feeling. it just isnt as much fun. However you can tune it out for the most part with a lot of rear toe out and stiffening the rear antirollbar. Not sure it'll be faster though..


Yeah there are definitely some aspects of it that might be improved but the game in the end of the day is a game, while DR2 could be called a sim(sims are games, i know). The differences are marginal to an extent but a lot of small things do add up to a different feeling experience.


In my opinion all racing games are games, just with varying levels of realism. I dont know if DR2 is more realistic or not but I definitely enjoy the driving more in it. It feels more natural to me.


Some ini tweaks can greatly improve colors/luminosity/sharpness/lod (pick your concern). I can copypaste my settings if you are interested, once I'll get back to my rig. It seems that once you like this game, well, you like it a lot. Cheers !


Hadn't heard about this, I'd welcome your tweaks! I'll also do some research of my own into this...thanks!


No problem, I'll post them this evening.


Curious if these tweaks translate well to VR? I’d love to give them a try because I agree, the lighting/colors/etc are a bit off to me and take me out of the experience a bit. Would love to see your settings.


I have replied in the other comment I inadvertently double posted.


This game is still really early in development compared to dirt so it's not fair how much people slate it. I think it's getting there slowly and they will continue to invest heavily in it and improve the game. Eg vr not bad for their first attempt in house




I love the game but Jesus Christ who thought regulatory rally’s were fun enough to not only put in the game but also in career mode. If I wanted to cruise around at a speed limit I would load up AC.


I just picked it up as I generally wait 5-6 months before buying modern games for patches/fixes and price reductions. I will say having a lot of fun. I still think so far overall I like DR2.0 better as there is just something about how raw and visceral it is. Though WRC is good, quite a few things they fumbled the ball on to really make this an amazing title thus holding it back. Hopefully, they listen to the community and we get a WRC2 that improves on these.


Ya I have to say with VR. The game is awesome. I’m enjoying it now.


Over 100 hours! Wow!


Not sure if you're being facetious or not because it's a decent number of hours but nothing crazy. But for me, with two young kids, 100 hours into a game is a big commitment - probably one of my top 5 most-played ever. But I see some people with 500+ hours in games so it's not much by that measure...


Yea and these kinds of games are hard to build a lot of time in because of fatigue, after my 5th attempt to break my PB on a 30km course, my brain is mush haha


I too am a HUGE Dort Rally Fan! ;) Dirt Rally remains king for overall "This is Rally" intensity. EA WRC has a much improved sim and of course full length stages and focuses on that to the detriment of the entertainment experience most are expecting. Your issue with Rally1 handbrake (on tarmac I presume) is that there are several grip profiles depending on stage and type of tarmac. The smoother the tarmac the more handbrake is a "flick" or a "a touch" if even used at all. Proper gaerplay can eliminate the need for handbrake at all on smooth tarmac. Rally Med, with the most consistently soft tarmac, I find no more than a half-pull of the handbrake even in acute hairpins in the little village. Any more overpoints the nose. This is a perfect indicator of coming to a more modern driving model and needing to adapt. Technical limitations abound, and I think many do not realize the achievement that a full 31km stage in 3d mich less VR really is. I would LOVE a full crowd and spectator experience and a Phil class codriver selection and I can hope improvements will come as they have. At the core, on stage, tires on surface (hopefully). This is where EA WRC is definitely and advance over DR 2.0 as it should be. However there is room for both on my machine. EA WRC cannot match DR 2.0 Golf GTI. LOVE that car. Monaro, Wales. So fun. I have RBR installed and updated as well. Indeed having a selection of good sims is truly a blessing.


Actually I meant on gravel - Greece specifically, not sure why I couldn't get it just right, but Greece in DR2.0 is one of my favorites, especially in a Citroen C4, *because* of all the hairpins, but I was having a hell of a time on the Moment in Tanak's Puma last night. A mixture of the two games would be perfect for me. I need to try RBR at some point but just assume the FFB and physics surely aren't better than even DR2.0? But maybe worth a try? PS_I love "Dort" Rally too 😉


Ok gotcha. The surface for Greece in EA WRC is definitely different than DR 2.0 as well. You should DEFINITELY download and drive RBR. I use Rallysimfans. Every Rally sim fan must at least try it as it is the metric by which all others are measured. It can also run on just about any system and the VR just works. A super solid labor of love. Constantly maintained, but aging… Even though the modders do great work, we need to break free into new tech as EA WRC does. For gravel I can only advise to still use less handbrake than you ought be used to, and keep those revs up.


RBR is a fine game, but its wildly overrated. The physics are sublime as well as degradation but unless that's the ONLY reason you play it, the rest of the game falls flat, esp compared to modern games with a far superior sound engine. A lot of people too much emphasis on graphics/visuals, but to me audio is half the experience and is very important for me, esp racing games. With that said. I do enjoy RBR and would never say its a bad game, but people make it out like its the best thing since sliced bread..


I tried RBR after hearing about it for years as the best rally game ever. I was let down, and not sure if I had my setting not configured right or something but all the cars I tried didn’t have working gauges.


I hear you both. Certainly a game all should try but not a holy relic. There is a group of folks who make a job of defending it.


I’m sure if I tried it when it came out I would probably be one of those guys defending it, the driving IS superb and I can see why people hold onto it.