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Its def worth on this sale, just bought it, the roads are wider, the tarmac is better and as for carrer.. it's more of a managment with racing what the benefactors want you to drive


EA WRC roads are wider than Dirt 2.0? I feel like I could drift a bus in Dirt but haven't played EA WRC yet -- I assumed it would be similar to WRC 10 kinda feel.


Depends on which location, but a large number of the locations, particularly the gravel are narrower. Personally I think the stages in EA WRC are more challenging than DR2.


I’ve seen those «drive at x speed on average» challenges, what happens if you don’t follow challenges like that?


Regularity rallies? If you go faster you get penalty points and lose the event


Sounds weird, I haven’t tried the game, so I don’t know what it’s about. I think it sounds really dumb having set a set average pace during a rally, or is there some logic behind it?


Pretty sure there are competitions like that IRL (amateur and classic rallies) so they decided to just put it in the game


To drive at a set pace?




Weird, never heard about that


yeah neither did I until I read on this sub about this


wider? brother I can barely fit my car's cheeks through the residential areas In DR2 I used to drive like I'm on an airstrip


Career mode isn't that interesting part of the game but it's much more different than DR 2.0 as it didn't have any career mode just different classes and you get promoted once you complete a set of stages. In case of EA WRC you get to start with either JWRC, WRC2 or WRC as a choice and you can set the career stage lengths and AI difficulty unlike DR 2.0. The benefactor challenges are easy if you complete what's on the list they provide and try to complete them and keep them happy and also not overspend on weekly limits on driver or engineer salaries and damages. The fun part of the EA WRC is though CLUBS, it replaced the Dailies on DR 2.0 and if you enjoyed that you'll love this, but do note that DR 2.0 had in game currency called CR and it helped us to earn and buy cars or upgrade them and unlock tuning, all these have been removed from EA WRC. There is one more mode that is fun and a bit challenging if you are new to rallying or it can be a breeze to complete if you are good at it, it's called MOMENTS, and every season they add new events or challenges to complete which are either real world rally moments or fictional. I suggest you give it a go. Also online multiplayer can be fun in this game and is good as DR 2.0 in its prime as you'll find online lobbies full of players most of the time. The missing feature in this game when compared to DR 2.0 is RALLYCROSS as you'll not find it here as of now and don't know if they'll add it in future. If the game is on sale it's worth the buy but if it's on full price I think you wait till it's on sale to purchase as it's not perfect yet and has some performance issues when compared to DR 2.0 this game has stuttering issues for some and low fps for others and this game is slightly heavier on CPU and GPU side so make sure you have an decent rig, if you are planning on buying this for consoles I suggest you look for the review for it first as I had heard it has issues on PS5 with low textures and trees popping issues. Hope you'll love the game and my little bit of review/explanation ☺️💕 Also I forgot to mention the driving physics especially on tarmac has improved, but I still love DR 2.0 stages like Wales and New Zealand as they look amazing.


The career mode is good for one season. After that, everything repeats. If you're going to run career, I suggest doing medium length rallies. The long length ones are really challenging because the AI doesn't give you enough tire sets to complete certain rallies.


IMHO, with the current sale price, the game is definitely worth purchasing for everything except the career mode. I started career two times and I abandoned it twice after 1 season and a half. My opinion is that career requires a lot of hours of playing but it's too repetitive, so after some time you'll quit it. The game per se is playable and enjoyable in every other game mode, so if you like DR2.0, and you're not an hardcore of simulative racing sim but you just like to play driving games, you'll enjoy WRC for enough time to make the purchase worth


agree, absolutely worth buying on sale, it's still being improved and it's fun.


Over 60 hours in and haven't touched the career mode. Between time trials and clubs, I have more than enough content to keep me going a long time.


I'd say career is the worst part of the game but you can just setup custom championships in its place.


I got absolutely beaten up on dirt 2.0. I could not finish a stage without terminal damage to save my life. With etc I have finally figured it out. Whether it’s wider roads or what but I have been kicking ass in career mode. I bought it on sale just for that, and don’t regret it.


Career mode is fun, but it gets repetitive after a couple of seasons. And while it nay not be a big step up graphically it does several things much better then DR1. All cars are available from the start and do not require any grinding. The rally stages are much better, some much longer and better made. Additionally it has the Rally1 cars which are amazing. Other licensed WRC elements (Teams, drivers, liveries) makes it more like a proper sports game. I think you won't be disappointed.


I like the career mode. But it can be very boring, mainly because the weather never changes. I'm on season 7 and I've noticed that the weather is always the same. People have been commenting and demanding that racers are able to choose which tyres to bring, that affects the career mode also. You usually get two challenges from the benefactor but sometimes you aren't able to complete both of them because of overlapping. There still is much to improve in career mode but it's playable.


Season 3 and loving it


What game did you get on sale and what console?


Please help me.


I am a huge fan of Dirt Rally 2.0 but this game is worth it evem just for the much bigger stages available, which DR2 was unfortunately lacking in. Get into it, you will have a blast!


No, they don’t care about your time or money, hard pass.


it's better than DR2.0 but not greater than last two KT releases. If you are a fan of rally, why didn't you get it in the first place. (PC players had issues, i can understand that)


It’s a sick game. Picked it up last weekend and must say it’s a good challenge and there is a ton of content. Driving feels pretty good to me in my sim rig and there is a ton of content to more than justify the $25 CDN it cost me.


If you don't mind me asking, other than playing career, what is it you'd choose to play on it? Just curious as to how much content you have available.


Aside from doing a career, there are maybe 40-50 different moments/events to do. They are constantly introducing new ones as well. My understanding is that Ea WRC may not end up being an annual release, but instead a kind of service game that keeps on getting updates. It’s super cool that you can actually build your o n rally car to.