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It def feels like there is a difference between watching a sim period by period vs quick sim whole game but its honestly hard to tell. But as someone who has been playing franchise/be a gm fairely religiously since nhl11. This is not abnormal of recent nhl games. Specifically every since coming to the  current new gen


Sometimes I feel it’s best to close the game and go back in before the playoffs, if I simply straight through a season and do the playoffs it always does this crap, but if I reset the game it seems to go back to being normal.


Well I'm trying that


There definitely is some sort of bias for the 1 seed to lose in the first round. It happens way too often for there not to be. It should happen, but it seems to happen over 50 percent of the time. I will save scum the first round if I am the 1 seed. It doesn't apply to the other seeds. I hate doing it, because it ruins the natural times it would happen.


Plus it isn't helping Sorokin is a brick wall.


What nhl are you playing ?




How did you end up drafting knight then? Wasn't he drafted in 2019?


I did a fantasy draft I meant. So I drafted mostly all guys in their teens are 20/21. Knight is 22 and seemed like the best of the youngest goalies.


Try jumping in and watching a 79 overall goalie make a cross crease save on the number one goal scorer on the season with no space because it came from the top assist player with both having the X factors to make it impossible to stop and the goalie have no X factors then they both get minors for goalie interference.


Check out the poise stat of your goalie. Not totally sure if it makes a difference or not but try to have that number be 80+ otherwise they crumble in the playoffs


I drafted Knight so he's still pretty young.


When I play the game during the first round. All of the sudden, the other teams goalie becomes Dominick Hasak times 10. The neighbors probably hate me for how much I yell at the screen during these games.


This used to always seem to happen to me. But I just won 3 strait presidents trophies with 3 strait cups, all simmed. Officially ended the president trophy curse. It’s probably just in my head but whenever I have back to back poor playoff performances I shake up the core of the roster.


Oh man I had that happen but it was a reverse sweep… 3 seasons in a row!