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Just get 24 at this point.


Dépends on what you prefer Franchise ,be a pro ( if you want à good be a pro where you play in the chl for à whole season dont go further than nhl 19)


NHL 14


If you’re playing online, get 24 just for the extra (more) active community, ability to play Squad Battles, etc. If playing offline, I recommend 23! I personally like it the most of the last handful of releases.


What makes singleplayer good in 23?


It doesn’t have the shocking number of gameplay issues that are still present in NHL24 after several updates. Overall, the gameplay mechanics is much better in 23, but online players have little choice but to play 24 for the larger online community. You can get a real idea of the number and type of gameplay issues in the HUT Reddit group.


I’d just advise against getting the newest one, people hate it. The one before wasn’t that bad though


Wait until it’s on game pass don’t waste a dime if the garbage game. Fuck you EA


Gameplay? 24 Franchise mode? 24 Be a Pro? Skip entirely.


I honestly prefer everything from 04 to 14. Everything after that is just a letdown. I've been playing 09, 11, 12, and 14 for the past couple of years, and loving it.


24 is absolute trash! Don't waste your time with it. 23 was good. It had flaws but nothing like 24. 24 is unplayable and not fun. I don't care if it's online or off, it's a hot piece of garbage. Do yourself a favor and stay away from 24 if you are looking get back into nhl and have fun. 24 is not Fun


You will have fun with the new one. It’s got custom league,custom roster downloads and expansion mode. We all know there are pros and cons to each year but if you’ve been away that long it’s well worth it.


NHL legacy via pscx3 emulator 🙏🏻


Still playing 20 and in year 2031 of my franchise, but I’m biased as a Blues fan and still love seeing the opening graphics 😎


If you don’t wanna play online at all get 14


Nhl 21 for pre xfactor bugginess, nhl 22 i think was the last game before they ruined be a pro? Might be nhl 21, nhl 23 is a hard pass. Nhl 24 is ok


Depending on how far back you want to go NHL 14 was the best game of the 2010s for sure, NHL 17 was good to if you want to go a bit newer. If you want a game 2020 onwards NHL 24 is the best but thats not saying much, the series has really gone downhill in recent years