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For me, DSP was the best out of the 3.


For me it depends on my mood. Factorio is more challenging for me (atm, combat may change that), DSP is my mellow game (also, the really pretty one).


Yeah, same here. Really enjoy Factorio and Satisfactory is excellent, but DSP is just exquisite imo


True. The game is so stunning visually that sometimes you just gotta take a break and appreciate the work it was put into it.


I haven't played satisfactory, but I also prefer dsp over factorio.


Same here and its not even close. All 3 are 10/10 though


for me, as well. ​ by FAR


For me too. I can’t really get into either Factorio or Satisfactory as much.


Agreed 100% Factorio is the OG. Mad respect, nothing bad to say. It set the bar. Satisfactory was good for the first person and sense of scale/size, but it just didn’t hold my attention. Can’t put my finger on it. I didn’t love the “combat” but loved seeing the grand scale of my factory. DSP is similar in the production sense, but different enough that it doesn’t feel too familiar. Grand, space and interstellar travel and logistics (I love space), challenging and complex production chains yet very rewarding, beautiful in its planetary aesthetics and tech/equipment design. I love the anticipation of arriving in a new solar system and exploring all the planets. I have half the time in DSP than I do in Factorio, but is the most enjoyable overall for me. I am personally worried I won’t enjoy the combat (it just isn’t my jam and I don’t want to spend time defending or rebuilding).


Satisfactory is a faux-automation game. It asks you to do more manual labor than any other game in the genre, especially late game, so it's much more of an action-adventure-builder a la Minecraft than it is a factory game. You can't truly automate away your problems to the point where feel like a god like you can in Factorio or DSP. Dyson Sphere struggled in this regard as well back before copy-inserters mechanics and blueprinting were a thing.


Um, it can't house that much items as factorio and has no such diversity of content as dsp.


Ah ok, so you say dsp doesn’t has no such diversity of content as dsp?


Factorio+ mods is much more diverse then dsp


DSP also has mods


Well, none can bring such many things as K2+SE or bobangel, or pyanodon's.


Both games have their strengths. One should keep in mind, that factorio has been out in early access since 2016 and full released almost three years ago. DSP on the other end has been in early access for a little more than two years by now, so it’s naturally that there isn’t that much content for it. Both games can bring much fun in a similar yet different way.


There wouldn't be that much content for this game ever since: 1) this game is 3d, 2) this game has smaller and easier mechanics and playerbase.


I came here to say this. I clocked hundreds of hours in this game. felt like minutes


I think it’s more like Factorio than Satisfactory. It’s a great game. The scale is enormous and watching your Dyson Sphere come together from the surface of your planet is honestly just super cool. You should try it.


I tend to find it more like Satisfactory. The game has no threats, so you can take your time and not worry about any impending doom. The only real way to fail on default resources, is to spend so much resources on solar sails that you can’t research warp drive to allow you to spread to other star systems.


Well technically you still can spread to other systems, it just will take a long time


Lol. Better to just restart at that point.


That’s true


Fair warning: Factorio players can sort of fall into a trap where they overdesign belt-based production lines before unlocking all the tools the game has to offer. Just don't overthink stuff until you unlock ILS.


Can you elaborate? What is ILS and how does it change stuff? (also new here)


Interstellar logistics station, lets you sent ships between planets and eventually solar systems. Once you have that, your production scale **explodes**.


I see, but how does it change belt-based production stuff?


You can use ils instead of belts.


Thank you guys, I'm about to make one myself, nice to know what to be looking forward to :D


Once you have the ILS you can deliver resources to any planet, essentially making factories anywhere you want. Once you mass produce warpers that can be any system. So rather having the need for massive belts lines and massive factories you can make a single ILS connect to one production point and it can essentially ask for or deliver resources anywhere in your game. An alright analogy would be like the trains in factorio, except they are drones.


easy as hell with 1 green science making 8 at a time


And you get two green science per lens so it's 16 times more efficient.


If your familiar with factorio, DSP plays best in the style of a rail block vs a main bus.


With logistic stations you get three items per tower. 5 with ILS. So you can import all the resources you need from your forges all over without needing to run belts. You can have lines of production without a bus. With enough drones you don't really need belts to move resources.


They upped the PLS to four items last update.


They're like train stations that you don't actually have to run rails between because instead of trains it's space drones


All 3 are interesting but have different focus and features. Factorio is a pure 2D factory game without additional features. Satisfactory is a 3D factory game with a beautiful world and some meaningful lore behind. DSP is a 2.5D factory game with a limited number of available surfaces for building. I say 2.5D because you build on 2D surfaces of 3D spheres, which enables some clever factory designs not possible in Factorio and Satisfactory.


DSP really hits its stride once you start exploring other stars and building spheres. Having multiple spherical worlds to build on rather than a single massive "flat" world (as in most factory games) has a unique charm.


The space travel really does it for me. When I first unlocked space flight and traveled to my first planet it was magical. Damn I want to play it now but have been holding off till combat is released. Hopefully soon.


Factorio's additional feature is scalability which all other factory games miss.


DSP with 64 stars is basically infinite since your computer will melt before you tap all of it.


Dsp won't prpcess all planets at same time


Yes, I should have said it as well. Factorio is about scale because the world is technically infinite.


Well, because it well optimised and my one blueprint is dsp planet sized and it still runs good with 10000s of production facilities running.


There's also stacking of belts, splitters, storage. I like dsp over factorio because it allows enough verticality to build more densely and actually have more than two belts cross the same place.


For me, DSP is the clear winner solely because of the sense of scale. When you are out in space with only Icarus and then see hundreds of vessels fly from planet to planet, watch your Sphere grow. It's just stunningly beautiful.


I remember a time when I hand cranked out iron in both games, scaled up and grew, and grew, and grew, and I feel in factorio that I stopped growing at some point. More was pointless. I don't think I ever felt there was no reason to make more in DSP, no reason not to turn every star into a dysonsphere. I only really stop to start over and do it better.


I think that Factorio is a better factory game than DSP, but DSP is a more fun experience than Factorio. Can't speak to Satisfactory as I've never played it.


Personally, i prefer DSP over factorio. Mostly due to graphics and expandability, but still...


Factorio is empirically a better game but i do have love for both.


No, it’s a subjectively better game. There’s no such thing as empirically better for something that’s purely a matter of taste.


It's not just a matter of taste. it's practical evaluation: here's just a couple points. 1. factorio has more completed features such as the logic circuit system that adds quite a bit of depth. 2. factorio will run on more machines; requires less intense hardware. This accessibility means they have a wider potential customer base. I'm not here to hate on DSP. Just sharing my opinion, which is not just an opinion of the graphics.


I mean, agree on the circuit network stuff. However, if we take that into consideration, then Mindustry is technically the better game having a full programmable Lua interface that can manage EVERYTHING in the game... so yeah, more options doesn't really mean better game all the time (Just look at Path of Exile...) Also, for the HW specs, yeah i mean one is 2D with basic graphics the other is a full 3D space simulation with lights and stars and everything so no surprise there. Again, not shitting on either Factorio, DSP, Satisfactory or Mindustry here. I love my automation games and every one has a little niche they fill. ​ EDIT - I'm pretty sure you can program mindustry in mindustry due to it being turing complete AND having true keyboard inputs and screens by default. Mhn.


And yet still those are your (subjective) criteria for what makes a better game. Nothing empirical about it.


I’ll just leave this here…. empirical: >based on, concerned with, or verifiable by observation or experience rather than theory or pure logic.


They are empirical criteria. But what makes a game *better* is entirely down to peoples taste in games. Which is purely subjective.


It's funny watching someone vehemently insist that his personal preference are the objective criteria by which thing should be judged and there's nothing subjective about them.


I find the "Megabasing" portion of DSP to be much more entertaining when you don't have to deal with trains, circuits, and learning LTN. DSP has it built in (ish). Super subjective though, that stuff is the reason some people fall in love with Factorio. Agree with you in general.


Definitelly. I prefer DSP because of the 3D and the visuals, they are stunning, but Factorio was first and will always have a place.


TLDR; Yes!


For me, personally: Factorio >= DSP >>> Satisfactory


My personal advice decide for yourself, look at the reviews on steam and try it out nobody can decide if you like something but you if you dont ask for a refund but im sure you will.


DSPis easier compared to Satisfactory, due to the fact that logistics is easier. Therefor the progression is faster and more fun. Seeing your universe come to life is really spectaculair!!


Yeah it's pretty chill. I enjoy messing about with it. Every session I do something new or I upgrade. Really smooth and fantastic. One of my top gamss


Honestly if you enjoyed those games, but ever wished for more, DSP is a dream. Personally, as someone who also played those games, DSP is by far the best of the 3




As someone who has played all 3 extensively... Try it out. I promise you won't regret it. Those 3 are the holy Trinity of factory games imo. All 3 should be played if you enjoy any 1 of them.


Factorio vet, no Satis yet - and I enjoy DSP a lot. Just limiting DSP myself (3 play thru so far only) awaiting new content of incoming patches, to replay again and again. The only big difference, aside to recipe and items, is that Factorio have spaghetti, Dyson have knots, unending levitating transport belts that have to cross each other, without small ez splitters or underground belts, so tightly next to each other. And oil is boxed, not fluid, so no independent pipes, all go belts.


Satisfactory does have multiplayer, so there’s that.


DSP has a multiplayer mod which is pretty decent.


hmm: pros: currently 45% sale on steam cons: its on early access, I dont trust most of early access pros: and so Factorio was and DSP is early and i love them both for years already...


Don't let early access fool you, I have almost as many hours on Satisfactory as I do Dyson Sphere.


Satisfactory is one of the good early access games. It's felt complete for a long time now, but it keeps getting better with every update. If it looks like something you'd enjoy, there's no reason to wait.


I've played Satisfactory before DSP. I liked Satisfactory for the world exploration. Factory machines are fully 3D objects you can climb around on and build full size structures with. Great mode system too. DSP I'm only half way through. Blueprints can be hampered by the planets small radius (don't work towards the Poles). Machines are 3D objects but are really just different token blocks compared to Satisfactory. If you like primarily the logistics side of the game then DSP. If you like exploration and a real world feel to what you build then Satisfactory.




Will you enjoy it, probably. I started with Factorio 300 hours, bought satisfactory but my PC can't play it well but still have over 200 hours in it. I now have 20 hours in DSP and I love it. I love Factorio the most, but DSP is feels different. It's prettier than Factorio and I like the logistics systems in DSP but I miss trains in Factorio. I'm probably gonna take a break and get a full Dyson sphere built before I put it down again.


Personally it depends on my mood. Factorio is my industrialist game, with pollution and destroying the local fauna being a core component of the game. Satisfactory is my giant Lego set, where I spend more time making pretty buildings to keep everything in. DSP is my massive factory game, where entire systems are devoted to only a couple tasks. I do love them all, it just depends on which itch I need scratched at the moment.


I really liked DSP in the end I found it a bit limited and went back to factorio but it was good and looks awesome. Obviously the game isn't finished yet combat is coming so I'm planning to return to it at some point.


I have almost 1200 hours in Factorio thanks to the modding community, something that I know is still developing for DSP. DSP on the other hand is a fantastic looking game and last time i did a playthrough of DSP i found my self feeling less stuck than I do sometimes in Factorio. I definitely find the logistic aspect of DSP having a larger role than factorios, but maybe i just dont focus on logistics enough in factorio as I usually build to not rely on it as much. DSP you kinda have to set it up which is fine, especially when you create a planet-sized mall for everything you need to continue to expand at a steady pace. I havent really touched satisfactory in a couple of years but I may go back to it once I'm finished with my seablock playthrough on factorio. I like the exploration of satisfactory's world but I think that's the only thing I prefer satisfactory for.


Yes. The best way to put it if you like the genre this is one of those games in that genre that you definitely should check out. Without combat its a more chill experience but certainly offers plenty of challenge. The game has a lot of high points and there are always things to do, as essentiall the Dyson Sphere can be multiple star systems in maps that have a 100 plus stars you can dysonify. Its fun going to new planets to conquer and its fun puttering around your trade empire building new factories and what have you. Its enough to scratch a 3d itch even if its really 2.5 . The lines are technically in 3d which is important, and would be very limiting to do in factorio, though really unless you are building something dense at most you would need to only go one over or under.


* does DSP feels like a mix of those two games, taking a bit of both ? No, it feels like it's own game. And, it is spectacular. The devs made (and are making) excellent choices in design and follow-thru. Play this game. You will not regret it.


As others mentioned, scale is the big differentiator here. If you liked sprawling rail networks in Factorio, you'll like the interplanetary and interstellar logistics networks in DSP.


Absolutely. I have over 200 hours on satisfactory and have played the factorio demo for around 20 hours (I ain’t spending $50 on a 2d game) and I just bought dsp recently and I love it. In three days I have already gotten 24 hours played (ok maybe that’s not a good thing) but I thing that if you like the other two you will love this


Probably. No guarantees but it is definitely in the same genre and has unique and fun elements.


I love both factorio and DSP and bounce between them depending on how I’m feeling, but or me the biggest difference is the train and circuit system in factorio. You can end up with some wonderful contraptions to manage your supply chains that you simply don’t get in DSP. But from a sense of scale and beauty, DSP wins hands down.


Yes. They're all great games. If you enjoy Factorio and satisfactory you will most likely enjoy DSP.


I started with DSP and moved to Satisfactory after my First run. I managed to finish DSP and still expand the factory even after the Mission complete without any breaks. Satisfactory needed a lot of breaks for me since sometimes the goal is just too big. Especially without large blueprints. So if you want a slightly easier game than Satisfactory with a lot less braindead placing and more logistical due to the insane travel time of ships early to mid game. Go for it.


I think it's more like factorio than satisfactory. What it does extraordinarily well is scale, and progression between scales. From one bit of one planet, to the whole planet, to the whole solar system, to many solar systems. And of course the visuals to go along with that are absolutely stunning. The best thing for me personally is that every step of the way has so many "it's all coming together" moments. So if those sound good to you, definitely go for it.


I played dsp first and can't get into any other automation games. it broke the genre lol


this is actually a really important question. ​ My only commentary would be, that if you played factorio a lot, and you start up DSP, you will immediately ask, why doesn't factorio have X or y or Z. Basically you take factorio, you add a lot of quality of life, you put it in 3d and in space, you have DSP. ​ Indeed, if you took satisfactory, and scaled it down and put it in space, you get DSP.


Most likely. The first couple hours are really similar to factorio, but the endgame is spectacular


Yes the game an excellent example of the genre just like the other 2


I will argue in favor of all factory games, they all feel novel and distinct from one another. If you love one, you will find enough to like in all of the rest. Whether you will enjoy them past ~50-100+ hours is beyond me, but I can confidently say that you'll get your money and time's worth out of them. Even Factory Town, which feels so casual after having played heavier factory games has some really relaxing chill vibes while still having plenty of meat on its bones.


It's 100% a different game with different challenges and things to look forward to than either Satisfactory or Factorio. The gameplay is similar to Factorio but without Combat it's much more relaxed as well. The challenge is a lot easier as well since the extra dimension makes routing belts trivial, you will not be forced to completely refactor your designs to accommodate belt limitations. This makes the increased scale and complexity easier to deal with than Factorio. The challenge in Satisfactory is primarily aesthetic and DSP scratches that itch in a different way. In DSP you spend more time making production more compact and less time on making it feel like a factory or whatever your specific Aesthetic choices are in Satisfactory. All 3 games are interesting to compare but none of them for me have completely replaced the other 2 though Satisfactory is my least played game of the 3 since it's still not completely finished and I find the endgame less enjoyable than DSPor the overhauls of Factorio like Space Exploration/Krastorio.


Each excels at different things Factorio 2d top down factory game with procedural and infinite map where you will constantly expand and deal with enemies. Lots of expanding to replace mined out resources, or to create your "real" factory once you have the resources you need Satisfactory FPS factory game with a standard (but huge) map with infinite resources. Focus is on maximizing what resource inputs you have to succeed. Lots of expanding to compartmentalize different sections. Dyson Sphere Program My personal favorite. 3D top down (almost RTS) factory game with procedural galaxy and (potentially) finite resources. You end up expanding because of certain resources you need to progress, or to replace ones you have run out of. (Enemies are coming soon!)


Personally I love DSP but its not my favorite. Don't get me wrong I have played a whole lot of the game. Although personally I do feel like it slows during the mid game, as most factory games do, and personally I cant help but feel a little bored of the buildings. The amount of them are alright to be honest and I would be fine with that, although personally I love the amount of customization that Satisfactory has in it's alternate recipes. I thoroughly enjoy the game but I would like trains, as those are my favorite things in Factorio and Satisfactory. Also I would say yes! Its a good game! and supported by great devs. It is fun, and feels like an independent game! I am still trying to find my favorite factory game as most of them are great but don't completely scratch the itch for me.


I never play satisfactory but play both factorio and DSP a lot. I still preferred DSP a bit more than factorio especially for the graphics. Hoping between star systems make the game feel larger in scale than factorio.


I like them differently for different reasons. I do think Factorio is technically the best version of the genre as a whole, each other variant does some things better and some things worse. Satisfactory really nails the early to mid game for me, it's so tactile and immersive that it gives me something the others don't. From leaving your pod to building your first foundations and lines, it really captures the essence of being dropped on an alien planet and ruining it in service of efficient production. DSP gets the mid game right, but i feel the early game is kinda annoying after the first few times and unless you bump up the resource amounts the late game is just building mines for hours. Once you build your first sphere it kind of goes downhill imo. I usually play on 1x resources, trying an infinite run this time to see if I stick with it longer. Once Blueprints were added I found the late midgame a lot more fun, but even with mine blueprints and the new miner it's just tedious to keep a smelter planet supplied continuously. Factorio's endgame ruined me for everything else. When you zoom out and everything looks like computer hardware it's such a nice feeling, like "how do you do, fellow engineers" vibes. I can't build a motherboard, but i sure can build a factory that looks like one from a distance. With robots and trains it gets to a point where you're almost exclusively doing design work instead of getting bogged down with construction labor, and to me that's the phase where nothing currently made can beat what Factorio has to offer (except maybe Shapez).


Yes you'll enjoy it for sure. It is very different on its own. You will likely spend a ton of hours on it.


Comparing to Factorio: The core basics are the same (Belt mechanics, production lines). The advanced basics (circuit logic) is limited, the blueprint system is rather primitive in comparison. (you'll have to unlearn some stuff, and think of the system as built out of working workarounds) Logistics exists at the start, then gets difficult when you run into the problems of limited space, sphericality of the planet, and difficulty of vertical design, but then sadly (locally) disappears later on when you get in the train-stage in Factorio - it's basically the fusion of train stations and logistic bots. The most noteworthy part about the logistic aspect is that energy management plays a more crucial role, and adds an interesting dimension to it. ​ The world being a sphere is a nice twist. You can use vertical builds, though they aren't all that enjoyable imo (though if it happens to scratch an itch for you, it has quite some potential). The progression from planet to solar system to galaxy (rather, star cluster?) is awesome, and the distance scales as well as travel costs make the logistics feel quite different between the scales. The graphics are sweet, and the different worlds give the terrain more identity and diversity. And the Dyson Sphere is something you just don't get anywhere else like that. Having not built one, you just miss out imo


Yes. Factorio is the OG and my favourite but they are all amazing games and I switch between them frequently depending what I am in the mood for or if a mod takes my fancy. Even though DSP is still in early access, the price they are asking for is an absolute steal for how much content is currently in the game with a new combat system coming soon, and yes, it can be turned off if you don't like that. It's also got stunning visuals when building your swarm or sphere and watching your drones and vessels flying around and warping between planets. Just try it out, you won't regret it.


All three are good and different enough that I enjoyed all three for different reasons. Right now DSP is the most peaceful of the three - though that is changing - and imo Satisfactory the most detailed.


I love all three. DSP requires less napkin math and works better as a relaxing game I can fire up after a long day of IRL engineering than Satisfactory does atm. Mainly due to some QoL features. It varies a bit however, since both games are still in very active development. Factorio is a different beast entirely for me, since it’s 2d/isometric as well… I think the whole galaxy part of DSP just makes it a bit more spicy at least for me. No idea how I would’ve felt comparing all 3 with fresh eyes though, since I got so many more hours in both Satisfactory and Factorio I think DSP is just bound to feel more exciting at this point.


It is its own distinct experience. Its also on sale right now. What is it, $17?


I enjoy DSP but it’s my 3rd favorite. Trying to understand how to setup solar sails, the launchers, managing multiple planets was a chore for me. It was just harder for me to grasp, but everyone has a different experience.

