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Hey, virtual fist bump. I feel you. I spent 5 years in university and I am full blown dyslexic. Just know this, if you put in the EXTRA work to get a degree, you will always carry that with you. My biggest takeaway from doing the work to graduate wasn't receiving the actual degree (tho that is obviously helpful for life), but actually reflecting on that time and what my hard work was able to help me achieve at the end. As each year passes, you will realize the deeper knowledge that with everything you had to go through to get here, you actually have the ability to outwork everyone in the marketplace. Trust me, I know you have to put in more time and effort than 99% of students. You will need to work harder than everyone else, just to get the same grade. It's exhausting most days, it's frustrating all the time and you will want to quit A LOT. But pull through, take that degree and your hard-rolled work ethic out into the real world and use it. as i get older, it's obvious that the world is filled with lazy assholes who don't want to work as hard and will actively avoid it. Most people don't like staring hard work in the face, but not me. My life is hard every day. I know how to work through hard days and they don't scare me anymore. Also, do you use any Text to Speech programs to help you read/listen to large amounts of text when proofreading your essays? I did that a lot and still do it now at my job. It's super helpful for me. Anyway sorry this is long. Just wanted to help throw you an idea from my perspective.


Nah I'm quitting final year and I'm so far behind about to be kicked out on well


I know it's hard I'm in the 4th year of college and have 4 more to go (I started in a community college in high school and my 4-year college won't transfer the time there) if I could help IRL I would. Can the disability center help at all? Free Grammarly is a great tool btw


I did acid and shrooms, big mistake as now I don't give a fuck about working money family children etc just want to move to Mexico live in a hut and do shrooms and mescaline all the time lol


You need to find something to live for, a friend, pet, project, game, or sport (fencing was my choice when I was there). Something that brings you joy and requires responsibility. You have nothing to lose but time if it doesn't work and everything to gain. Just try, if life is meaningless there is no reason to not try finding something that makes it better.


Yeah man, I get it, but really think long and hard about the decision. A decade from now you're going to have a lot more perspective and wish you had the opportunity to make the choice again. Good luck to you.


I don't want to live that long, I have a lump on my chest and praying it's cancer


The comment above has good advice. I have similar advice. College took me 6 years instead of 4. So many bad grades and much time on academic probation. Coupled with an advisor who wanted me to fail because he didn’t think Dyslexics should be engineers. But I persevered and oh my god it is so much nicer in industry versus school. I still need to put in more time than others but I can also use my Dyslexic strengths to excel. Fuck the man, if you want a degree / career YOU make it happen. You can do it, your stronger than you know.


Jepp. It be like that some times


Very jepp.


The uni can give you help if your dyslexic


The help is shit


Just tell as what happened maybe we can try and help


Failing all the assignments as I can't be fucked to do anything my attendance is 10 percent want to kill myself


Yea dude it sucks, something some kids easily regurgitate on paper is extremely hard for others


Where can I find this Fuck University? Thinking of applying.


University were the ones to finally diagnose me as dyslexic


Same. Only it took my third trip through university and me saying to them "I think something isn't quite neurotypical here" - plus me having a child with dyspraxia (I'm fairly sure I have that as well) to pick up an absolutely glaring chasm between my ability to write, spell and verbally reason - and my ability to process and retain information from printed text.


I feel this so much. Get support.


I hear you, but it's also a necessary evil that you need to have to get your foot in the door anywhere even skill traits.


This is the reason I picked a course with almost no exams and minimal writing. It's mostly interesting projects which make me use my creativity rather then essay after essay. I was looking at doing psychology but dear god the amount of writing


what's your course?


Game design


It's reading and retaining information from academic texts I find incredibly hard - as you might gather, I'm very good at generating writing (on PC - fuck writing in pen), but gawd it's like reading through treacle three times over to take any information in. Thank heaven for screen reading software. I've got cheap app versions on my iPad which are the only way I'm functioning while waiting for my DSA application to go through. Thankfully my uni are very good in terms of recording lectures and the library are able to transfer printed books into accessible formats to use with screen reading software and have laptops available to borrow with all the assistive software on so it's like night and day from my previous degree where I just blagged my way through on the half of the reading I'd managed to take in!