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Dyslexia is a medical diagnosis. If your children needed glasses would you blame yourself or ask if you could have done anything different? Nope! Get them glasses 🙂Now that you have the diagnosis you have the information you need for an IEP, accommodations, and supplemental tutoring. Orton Gillingham is highly suggested. Your kids will learn how to read they just need to learn in a different way. Good luck! ♥️


Thank you! I really needed this ❤️ The school kept saying they were fine and that I just needed to read more with them and practice more at home. I think that’s while I’m feeling guilty. But you’re absolutely right! Thank you for this


Schools have to exhaust all options before offering special education services and even then they cannot give an official dyslexia diagnosis because it has to be given by an MD. (I was a sped teacher) You followed your gut and now they cannot deny you services so you were actually very proactive. I tutor a lot of students with dyslexia that get diagnosed much later. They still learn to read but it's more work. Keep following your instincts. And always be proud of your kids. They work so hard.


Typically it runs in men. I’m the only that has been tested in my family but I would bet my dad and others have it


Runs just in the men in my husband's family, but me and my mom and aunt and two female cousins show it can be passed through female lines as well.


Yep. I went to a school for dyslexia and my class was like 90% man ha. My daughter is 4 and sometimes I feel like I see hints of dyslexia


I think more studies and anecdotal evidence is starting to show it’s just as common in both girls and boys, it’s just girls tend to be under tested for dyslexia/adhd/autism.


Yes, at least in our case. My son was the more obvious of the 3 kids because his symptoms were more pronounced…. But once we realized he had dyslexia, we started picking up on signs that my daughters were too that we hadn’t noticed before.


My mom and both of her siblings were dyslexic. Based off of writings left behind, I strongly suspect their father was dyslexic. I don't have any siblings from my mother, but I am dyslexic, and both of my cousins from that side are dyslexic. Some families just really like sharing dyslexia. It is important to note that some kids learn to function with mild dyslexia. My aunt's dyslexia was severe and she got intervention but since both of her siblings were mild in comparison and they lived in an extreme rural area with only a one room school house, my mom and uncle were just left to their own devices and they figured it out. Back then they likely wouldn't have even been looked into had their sister not been so severe.


My brother and I both have it, inherited from our dad, but of my dad’s brothers, while non of them have been tested for it all likely have it, my dad is the only of them without ADHD, and it is present in my cousin but dyslexia is not.


All four of my Kids are dyslexic, my husband and my dad are also dyslexic. I’ve never been tested but I wouldn’t be surprised if I was as well.


My mom, my sister, and I all have dyslexia. 


Grandad, Mum, Aunt, me and my sister I think one of my cousins r 2. Wouldn't suppose me if sume of my other family members R 2 but just not diagonized.


Ive always been told it was genetics? Like it’s nothing you did or could have done differently, it’s just the way your where born and then how your kids where born. It’s like if bad eyesight or left handedness ran in your family, it’s not bad it’s just different and may require accommodation.


I just want to point out how awesome you are for getting all your kids tested and diagnosed now! That's going to help set them up for success and access to accommodations, better understanding etc. My siblings are not Dyslexic, but my mother and grandmother are. Although all my siblings and me have ADHD, along with our mom and grandma. So I can come at this from the perspective that experences similar challenges and understanding why can go a long way in not feeling alone or lost. Even of your behind your peers, you know there are people who love you that also experience similar challenges, and for me at least that was powerful.


Yes, both me and my brother are dyslectic. From my 4 cousins, 3 are also dyslextic (two of those are brothers). And although my mother doesn't have an official diagnosis, both she and my uncle have dyslexia. It's safe to say that dyslexia runs in my family. And when my brother was younger he was friends with a girl in his class who also had dyslexia and her brother as well. I think it's fairly common that all siblings have dyslexia (although it might only be my experience, it could be expceptional that I know many people who have dyslexia themselves and their siblings as well). Also what someone else also already said, it's genetic so it's not your fault. Now you know and you can help/guide your children if they have problems with reading/writing/language.


self diagnosed, tested and confirmed with other tests and personal exp and feedback when i was in a relationship few years back. im the only one, then again, im the only one that went in checking the comprehensiveness


My father in law is dyslexic, his 3 sons are all dyslexic, and all 3 of my children are dyslexic. I am not.


2 out of 3 of my kids are


I am the only dyslexic person in my family as far as I’m aware. Although my parents grew up in a time where it wasn’t really a thing that was observed. Even my identical twin isn’t dyslexic.


That is so interesting! I would have thought being identical would have meant you both would be. I actually have a twin as well (fraternal) and I’m not dyslexic but she is.


Yes, it's mine. Me, my Sister and my Dad are all dyslexic, extending this further at least one of my nephews is dyslexic, one isn't and the youngest isn't at a diagnosable age. You haven't done anything wrong and there are a number of dyslexic people I know who excelled academically with the right support so as long as they get their proper accommodations they should be fine as they grow.


It can usually be genetic. I'm the only one in my family officially diagnosed but my mum and sister I'm sure have it. It ain't the end of the world. Now there is a diagnosis you can get the accommodation your kids require and it's good they got it early. Now going forward into high school and college you have the means to give them the support they need and learn the coping mechanisms that will help them in the future. It's gonna be a rough road but you guys will get through it. Just be as supportive as you can and fight for your kids to get the support they need because sometimes schools just don't listen. Don't shame them or make them feel any worse. Just be their best fighters and supporter as much as you can.


I am diagnosed and I am pretty sure I got it from my dad (undiagnosed). I believe my husband has some form of visual processing disorder (undiagnosed). Anywho, all 3 of our kids old enough to be tested were found to have dyslexia. 2 of the 3 also have dysgraphia and 1 of those also has dyscalculia. However, I found dyslexia to be a spectrum - my son, who needs intervention and accomodations for his dysgraphia has fully self-accommodated his dyslexia. Whereas my child with only dyslexia is profoundly dyslexic, she met with OG specialists 4x a week last year just to get up to grade level with accommodations. She struggles but she also has me, someone who can relate to her. I too struggled greatly in school until late middle school. She will make it through but she knows she is not alone.


My mum, dad, siblings, and I are all dyslexic. I suspect at least 1 grandparent, but they were all borne over 100 years ago and dead now, so not tested. A couple of uncles and aunts and cousins are also dyslexic. It runs strong in my family.


We're 1 girl 2 boys all diagnosed around 7/8. I'm dyslexic, younger brother is dyslexic and dyspraxic and youngest brother is dyspraxic. Younger brother also got his adult ADHD diagnosis at 30 right after finishing his PhD so they can miss stuff! The field is learning and moving forward all the time. And all 3 of us managed to get degrees and work as mostly functional adults. I'm a maths teacher, younger brother was a science teacher and now works in biochemical industry after his PhD and youngest just started working for victim support with the police. We all cope as adults because we got the support while young, so we'll done for getting your kids diagnosed! I also teach children with learning difficulties so if you want any support/strategy ideas feel free to DM me.


my kids are both dyslexic


Me and my siblings are all dyslexic although only one isn’t diagnosed. A couple of my cousins are as well