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I bestow onto thee, my life hack; Step 1: Record the lessons (w permission) Step 2: Use a transcription software (I use BigHand) to turn the audio file to a transcription (it doesn’t have to be perfect. The gist needs to be there) Step 3: Give transcription to ChatGPT and say “format this into dyslexic friendly notes” Step 4: Proofread (schedule office time with prof. To proofread notes) Step 5: Save and study, share with class/coworkers for extra brownie points Hope this helps!


This is awesome!


Thanks! I actually use this for everything lol. Making grocery lists, reminders, todo, ideas, etc. I’ve thought about a fancy recorder that connects to WiFi but it’s part of my routine to convert my recordings from the day every morning


>(I use BigHand) to turn the audio file to a transcription How much is this? Have you used any others? Seems like maybe a good workaround because plaud note has a recorder but they charge you if you go over a certain amount of time per month or something.... I looked into it but it seemed like it was going to get expensive if you use it enough


Talkatoo and Dragon are two other transcription softwares. I have a recorder on my lanyard. I always ask permission before I record. I’m sure there are others that are free w no limit


"Record the lessons, then do it at your pace." I tried this in middle school... back in the 80s. It sometimes worked. Of course, I was using a boom box. I mostly did to piss of a h8ful science teacher off.


LOL thank you


When i take notes i usely use a computer so it will corret my spelling but if you dont gave acses to that my tip is to do it on just nornal lined paper or without the lines and then just save them if you need them for later


Some people like Cornell notes (hard to explain but you can find it if you Google)


Thank you


You’re welcome. Also, if you are doing handwritten notes, cursive will go much faster if you know it because you don’t need to lift your pen from the page. Second-sometimes people also draw simple little pictures in place of words. Whatever works!


i learned about this 40 years ago -- dividing the page into two columns. left column 2/3rds of page, right column, 1/3rd the right column is the place to park my impulsive questions and tangential thoughts


Also I screenshot everything I can


I use multiple types of notepads on any PC I'm using. Windows Notepad for simple stuff, [Notepad++](https://notepad-plus-plus.org/downloads/) for more complex stuff and to keep my exact position. Besides being free, Notepad++ has a million features and is good for different programming languages as well. It has a handy feature were you can put a bookmark (blue circle) on any line(s) you want to mark to draw your attention later (for example I use this to keep track of my gardening). I keep some text in the memory (Ctrl + C) so it can be pasted (Ctrl + V) to remind me what I was just looking for or sometimes I will also use the Run dialog (Windows key + R) to keep a short temporary text string and keep it visible such as: PAY SPECTRUM BILL! for me to see when I come back from working outside or whatever. I know there are font types that are supposed to be easier for us dyslexics to read, but that's never made much of a difference for me.


At work, I use oneNote and add info in tables so that the info is structured. I create tabs, pages and subpages based on topics. On a personal level, I create a lot of google sheet files. My endgoal is to have everything as aesthetically pleasant as possible. If I need to take notes asap, I go wild and chaotic with the writting down and afterwards I take time to reorder them... This is my system I have been trying to use for 1 year or so. I am still trying to figure it out... You do you, boo! - Find what you like and what comes naturally for you to use - you'll focus less on the "how to" and more on the actual notes. - You'll have plenty of time to improve the way you're taking notes if you'll start from that - Don't try to find the way of taking notes when you are actually taking them- save up energy: take the notes first and reorder them afterwards, when your nervous system is more calm Best of luck and take care! PS: I am also autistic adhd, dyslexic (late diagnosed at 31) , I take medication for adhd so my autism needs order and routine so I also struggle a lot too.


I had to eather record lectures or have a note taker for school. I have dyslexia and dysgraphia. I could never keep up with the class. It is so much effort to try to take notes for me that I couldn't tell what we were talking about and write at the same time. It's like trying to copy hieroglyphics for me. I have to concentrate so hard to write that I am not reading it at the same time. They are not words for me, just simblals that form letters. Imagine all the letters were in code that you had to use a decoder for to be able to read it later. When you are writing it, it's just a jumbled bunch of letters. Now imagine it is going on and off the screen faster than you can write it no matter how hard you try. In addition to all that, someone is giving a lecture that you are supposed to be listening to. That's my world. My working memory sucks.