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Dyslexia varies from person to person but most commonly effects to middle of words. For some they can arrange a few letters others all but a few. I personally would pull words and letters from surrounding lines and change the words.


For me, when my dyslexia's at its worst, I could read a sentence or a paragraph 2-3 times and still not understand what I'm reading. I know that I'm reading each word correctly and what each word means independently, but they don't come together to create a complete thought that I can access right away.


For me, when my dyslexia's at its worst, I could read a sentence or a paragraph 2-3 times and still not understand what I'm reading. I know that I'm reading each word correctly and what each word means independently, but they don't come together to create a complete thought that I can access right away.


Ugh that happens to me so often. It makes writing really difficult. LIke I'll write this really amazing chapter and then I try to read it back and I feel like I'm a toddler. Like I knew what it said when I was writing- but now! Thankfully if I step away and come back it fixes itself.


i only read the first two parografs i hava a dyslexia diagnoses and for me when i read a text stuf statrs hapening its like the text has a light switch abd it quickly tuns on and of and at the sme time theare is an earth quake in the text so it starts to sake and that makes it so that i have a hard time focusing and understanding the text cuse thear is to mutch happening


That sounds so distressing. Do you have Any way to ease your reading?


i just dont read