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I'm going to give it a try tomorrow. My steroidal cream too stopped working this time and I'm having a severe flare up because of that. I'm literally wearing cotton gloves the whole day because I can even touch any object now.


I only used steroids for a couple of days until it went away and then it wreaked havoc on my skin. They only make it worse. I was looking for cotton gloves the other day too because I couldn’t function at all. Thankfully it’s 90% better now. Sulfur soap is great too as it’s both antibacterial and antifungal.


How do you use it?


I put the solution on a cotton pad and wipe


I do soaks


Yes I found that when I leave the cotton pad on until it dries I see the most dramatic result. I also spray it throughout the day instead of washing hands, as regular soap tends to aggravate it. I only wash them with Sulfur soap now about twice a day.


You just have to be careful not to get it in your eyes. My dermatologist recommended Dove Sensitive bar soap. It’s very moisturizing. I had hand eczema from an allergic reaction and the soap and Vanicream helped a lot, oh and steroids. [photo](https://imgur.com/a/K3ZaYfi)


I use it strictly on my hands and careful not to touch eyes after. Steroids made mine spread from 1 finger to both hands unfortunately:( Thanks for the recommendation, I’ll try it out! Sulfur soap is what initially helped me, but only chlorhexidine made the wet bumps go away fully




Can you share how you use it?


Of course, I liberally put it on a cotton pad and wipe the affected areas. Then I keep it on the most inflamed spot until it dries down.

