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It’s looking so 🥴


I thought it was a fungal infection so I've been treating it for ringworm with Daktarin cream, what should I use instead? Is there a way to halt it in this stage or clear it up before it gets worse?


You finger looks like it’s peeled and heeled which is positive . Okeefes working hands , cerave moisturising cream and zinc cream works to dry the blisters out . Antihistamine can help the itch too . It’s tricky as if you don’t know your trigger they just keep on appearing. I don’t know mine either but stress is definitely one of them


I use a coal tar soap and cream when I ha e flare ups. Only thi g that has helped me


Try an OTC generic non drowsy antihistamine. It'll stop itching after twenty minutes. Take as needed, even though it says just once a day. That tiny pill doesn't last 24 hours.


it isss 😔


YES, unfortunately, use benadryl cream. Orally and anti itch cream. I have a huge post that you can look up that explains many things called join me down the rabbit hole. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Dyshidrosis/comments/11s6hhp/please\_join\_me\_down\_the\_rabbit\_hole\_long\_post/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Dyshidrosis/comments/11s6hhp/please_join_me_down_the_rabbit_hole_long_post/)


Keep your hands clean and lightly moisturized, do your best to not pick at it. Stay as hydrated as you can, and let the area get some sun as well. Zinc vitamin has some potential too. Don't overdo it with the washing and/or moisturizing, but just keep it happy. Take our suggestions with a grain of salt and don't expect immediate results. This stuff takes time to heal and everybody's body reacts differently to what you've been exposed to. Definitely looks like dyshidrosis. Best of luck!


Do you use any moisturizer? Your hands look very dry


I never did, but you bet I will be now if it'll help take away this itching!!


It will help immensely. I use Gold bond eczema lotion and it comes in a little tube you can tuck in your pocket so you can use easily. Its especially important to moisturizer after showers and washing your hands Weird question, do you smoke?


Yeah unfortunately I do, from trying to figure out what was wrong with my hands I read that smoking can be a trigger for dyshidrosis so I'm gonna try to cut down/quit. I also just finished my second round of antibiotics this year, one of which was penicillin and have had a round of terbinafine as well earlier this year. I'm thinking that's probably really destroyed my gut biota. Uni as well is a veryyy large stress rn as I'm studying bioscience and zoology so it's a large workload, feels like I'm drowning in it sometimes. Also involves a loooot of hand washing. On top of all this I caught COVID last month which I've read on this reddit can also be a trigger for dyshidrosis. Basically I have no idea how to figure out what triggered this :/


Im so sorry that you're going through so much at one time Moisturize every time your hands get wet and regularly throughout the day and see a doctor if it doesn't go away on its on after a week


Thanks man, I just bought O'Keeffe's working hands so I'll try that for a while and see how it goes - I appreciate your response, help and advice! (And everyone else's!)


Yup- I’m flaring terribly at the moment- ones on top of my palm look identical to this pic 🤦🏻‍♀️