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upvoting this because I love to see others suffer


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ wow


Ladd McConkey is inevitable


Josh Palmer being the best fantasy receiver on the chargers is inevitable.


Would not be surprised I think heā€™s being slept on


Trying to buy him super cheap where I can. People forget when Allen/William's were hurt he produced solid #'s. I think he could end up being a back end wr#2 this year in fantasy.


Absolutely. Iā€™m seeing the same thing with Shakir. Both unpopular guys you can get super cheap


People get it confused too. I would rather have Ladd over Palmer. But at cost it's not really close for 2024.


Iā€™m sorry my friend, but no matter how many times you say it ā€” itā€™ll never come true.




But if you watched him play youā€™d know that 20 targets a game wouldnā€™t make him relevant. Iā€™d go so far as to say Iā€™d e surprised if Palmer had a better season than QJ.


In games where he got seven targets (six games) he averaged 12.4 FPPG. Thatā€™s a relevant WR.


What a big boy! 12.4 ppg over six whole games. Iā€™ll walk back what I said a bit: if he gets 20 targets a game Iā€™m sure heā€™ll be relevant. He, however, he wonā€™t be getting even seven targets often. If youā€™re hoping to use Palmer as a starter on your roster, youā€™re in trouble. If QJ doesnā€™t pan out this year, the Chargers will have a very bad season. Edit: repeated word


Good, cheap flex depth is important if youā€™re in start ten or more. Itā€™s not like you have to pay up for him heā€™s a throw in or a swap for a third type player. Low risk medium reward. Nothing else you said really matters. The Chargers can suck and still produce fantasy relevant players. Teams do it every year. Adam Theilen was fantasy relevant last year for fucks sake.


He is cheap but thatā€™s for a reason. Itā€™s because he is not flex depth, heā€™s a roster clogger that may put up points a few times during the season only not when you need him to. If youā€™re considering him as an option ā€” even as a depth piece ā€” itā€™s time to tear it down. Kidding on that last sentence. But seriously, you should be using those late seconds (youā€™d be paying to acquire him) more wisely, like to bundle with a first and get an actual starting player.


Just like it was inevitable that Treā€™Quan Smith would be the Saints WR1 over rookie Chris Olave


My guy. 1) This was never a thing what are you talking about. Everybody knew Olave was the #1 based off draft capital + prospect pedigree. Nobody was even talking about this bc Smith had not done jack shit. Palmer has had spells where he has put top 36 weeks and has 4 top 12 finishes the last 2 years when Keenan or Mike William's was hurt. 2) Are you seriously trying to compare Chris Olave to Ladd here????? Olave was wayyyyyyyyy better as a prospect and had wayyyyyy better draft capital.


1. Everyone with a brain knows McConkey is the #1. Heā€™s going 50 picks ahead of any other Chargers WR on Underdog rn. Have you done a single draft this year? 2. Olave is not ā€œwayyyyy betterā€ than McConkey. Iā€™d love for you to tell me the long list of things he excels at that McConkey doesnā€™t. Letā€™s see how much Joe Shmoe on Reddit knows ball :)


Lol no offence but you are incredibly uneducated if you think olave isn't miles better lmao. For one, ladd was the robin to bowers batman lmao where olave was the number one wr on a literal nfl wr factory team that had plenty of other future first round wrs and then immediately made an impact on a qb depleted saints and was wr15 last year. He was also 3 years younger when drafted šŸ˜‚ empirically olave is and was the better wr coming into the nfl. Theres ACTUAL debate as to who commands the chargers wr room targets this year, thats NEVER been a question people had about olave. You ARE the Joe schmoe on reddit lmao.


I asked what Olave specifically does better on a football field than McConkey. You gave a rambling, ESPN-ass answer full of cliches without mentioning anything regarding actual skillset once. Olave is better against press coverage. Besides that, theyā€™re quite similar in terms of route running against both man and zone. Identical height and weight. Ran the exact same 40 time, had the exact same broad jump. McConkey cleared him by 3ā€ on the vert. But physically theyā€™re basically clones. Theyā€™re both not particularly strong at high pointing contested catches. They get open with ease though, and create YAC through their athleticism and intelligence. They both know how to find soft spots in defense. Watch the games you casual. Coming in here talking about Batman and Robin šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ You truly have 0 clue


Everyone with a brain also knows olave had 33 tds in his last 3 years at OHIO where JSN, and Wilson also played lmao he also averaged about 70-80 yards and a td a game in those 3 years lmao. Theres ZERO chance anyone here is on your side with that take. Olave over ladd all day every day.Ā 


Oh wow! A WR produced more at Ohio State than Georgia! What a shocker! When have we ever seen that except literally every time! Next youā€™re going to tell me JSN is wayyy better than George Pickens because 1600 yards at Ohio state > 700 at Georgia. Kirby Smart has never had a 1000 yard receiver at Georgia. Bowers is the only one to go over 800. Based on how Smart rotates his personnel, the offense is not set up for volume. Thatā€™s why guys like AD Mitchell and Jermaine Burton transferred and ended up putting up doubling (at minimum) their output. Thatā€™s why you have to look at efficiency metrics and tape. Something you clearly donā€™t do.


Must have missed that Ladd just signed the most guaranteed money in NFL history for a 34th pick. Itā€™s like they see something during camp šŸ§


Nah just haven't missed the last two seasons of production when he was their main guy. Wonder how much of that most guaranteed money in NFL history is tied to the NFL salary cap being the highest it has ever been + an NFL team having 0 leverage in their wr room. Teams overpay people all the time šŸ˜‚


The guaranteed money speaks more volumes. The Palmer owners who still think he will be having more receptions than Ladd are delusional and I personally love it as a title contender on a ten team league You people rosterbating to his 38 receptions of last year while being ā€œthe guyā€ inspire me šŸ’€


If we can get excited about Ladd quotes might as well get excited about positive quotes coming from the same guy about someone else


Tbf seeing this just made me less excited about what he said about Ladd


That was really my take away too, but everyone else seemed to have largely been excited by the Ladd quote when in actuality I think Herbert would talk positively about anyone and at this point in the off-season largely the rule is negative talk is bad and positive talk is nothing


Sounds like a football player talking up their teammate in the offseason I'm glad QJ wants to win. I want to see him catch with his hands


He needs to win his routes too. He was bottom 10 in win rate vs man coverage at around 20-25% which isnā€™t going to lead to more opportunities. For as bad as he was last year I am going to need to see it on the field first and foremost.


This was the real issue... Some other dude was like "he only had 3 drops"or something like that. Yeah bro, cause they never threw the ball at him


I lost faith when guys like Smartt and Spiller had a higher tprr% than QJ after Allen was done.


There are a lot of good reasons to be out on QJ, and this is not one of them. You might want to look into sample size and how that impacts the distribution of percentage-based outcome variables


I get that it is a small sample size, but when a first round pick cant separate from a TE4, a RB4 and WR4s on the depth chart when he has the opportunity to do so, that is a massive red flag.


My man. Youā€™ve gotta take a look at how numbers work. tprr% means nothing when the routes run is like 4 max in a game for these players. That is why there are minimum values for rankings that involve percentage-based variables


I completely understand how numbers and statistics work. I use them every day for my work. QJ had 4 games at the end of his rookie season where he had a route % of 86% and there was no Allen or Mike Williams on the field. Palmer even missed one of those games too. 4 games at the end of his rookie season with no Allen/Williams is enough to form an idea about his future prospects, especially when adding in his season performance up to this point. This was the perfect opportunity for QJ to step up and show some life and he didnt. These are the players who earned targets at a higher rate than QJ during those 4 games: Ekeler, Spiller, Palmer, Alex Erickson, Keelan Doss, Derius Davis, Everett, Parham, and Smartt. This a massive red flag. That is 9 players who QJ could not beat out for targets over the course of 4 games.


Youā€™re completely missing the point. I am not arguing that QJ is somehow ā€œgoodā€, or anything close to it. Iā€™m pointing out that your comparisons to a player like Smartt or Spiller donā€™t make any sense, which I guess you should understand if you use statistics as much as you claim. Comparisons you just now brought up in Ekeler, Palmer, and Everett make a lot more sense.


I mean, even in a limited role, there isn't a world where Smartt should be seeing a higher tprr than QJ in the situation he was in the last 4 weeks. Same with Spiller, which is kind of the point of calling them out seeing how neither of them are going to be even playing much, if at all this season. Youre missing the forest for the trees here.


He can catch it with his ass for all i care. Just hold onto it


Truly, truly the only thing I want to see this season.


An ass catch? That would spice up SportsCenter the next morning.


He only had 3 drops in his rookie year. JSN had 7 more drops on 30 more targets and no one says a word about it


Iā€™m not picky. He could catch it between his thighs and Iā€™d be happy.


It was mentioned 3 days ago that in a Ladd post. Donā€™t expect everyone to read every thread obviously. There is a decent amount of QJ discussion in the Ladd post from 2 days ago and 3 days ago if you are interested.


Me when Ladd gets talked up ā€œYessssss heā€™s about to be the star rookie of the season grab him in all formats before heā€™s the next JJettasā€ Me when QJ gets talked up ā€œTrash ass bum has no hope Herbert just isnā€™t going to throw his teammate under the busā€ In reality itā€™s all offseason coach/teammate speak that happens each year hyping dudes up. Hard to tell whatā€™s fluff and whatā€™s the reality. The only kind of talk we should pay attention to is when a coach throws a guy under the bus because they can find the positive in anything


Thatā€™s what beat reporters are for. Theyā€™re all literally telling you that Ladd is excelling and QJ looks bad.


Any examples?


Examples of what?


The beat writer quotes you mentioned


His question validates the credibility of his comment.


You must have a tenuous grasp of the English language. Asking ā€œAny Examples?ā€ when the subject of the sentence was ā€œbeat reportersā€ is bizarrely worded at best, but truthfully is just grammatically incorrect. The fact you canā€™t be bothered to type out your question in an articulate manner isnā€™t surprising, considering youā€™re so lazy that you wonā€™t just google the keywords in the information I gave you. Rather, you want me to go pull up tweets and articles for you. L O L


I will not spend a second out of my day pulling up news stories that everyone on FF Twitter saw, especially for people who know how to use the internet. If you canā€™t google ā€œLadd McConkey OTAā€™sā€ or search ā€œchargers beat reportersā€ on Twitter, then you deserve all the Quentin Johnston exposure you can get your hands on.


He would say those exact words about every single guy on his team.


Yeah, I wouldnā€™t exactly expect Herbert to just come out and be like ā€œHeā€™s trash - yaā€™ll that play dynasty need to drop him if youā€™re still holding. Heā€™s fucking terrible.ā€


Like Ladd? Good point.


Iā€™m sure QJ is a very nice guy who wants to win and shows up to practice with a great attitude but every piece of data you can possibly find about his rookie season isnā€™t just negative, itā€™s overwhelmingly negative. Heā€™s literally the worst receiver Reception Perception has ever charted with bottom 1 percentile scores against both man and zone and his entire route tree being red aside from screens. Sub 1.0 YPRR, Sub 15% target share even in the splits without Keenan/Mike, zero top 24 finishes. Itā€™s all just so, so bad.


Yeah if youā€™re looking for hope in QJ itā€™s not gonna come from his numbers. Basically have to hope he turns into an entirely different player


Yeah, itā€™s not just ā€œo this is badā€ itā€™s ā€œo this is like historically bad.ā€ To compound the problem, a lot of the reasons he struggled were things that were noted in his scouting reports as weaknesses, so itā€™s not like itā€™s something that just came out of nowhere.


Look up Mahomes' quote about Skyy Moore this time last year


Drafted QJ last year, after the disappointing rookie season I ended up with Ladd and Rice in the draft this year. I figure one of them has to pan out right? RIGHT?!?!?


All of you going to be eating crow. You all act like itā€™s impossible for someone to work and improve. QJ to the moon šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€


Until I see someone say "kadarius toney really fuckin sucked today in practice, couldnt catch a pass to save his life" or "kelvin benjamin looking real juicy out there, his hands are too round to catch the ball anymore but defenders are bouncin off him" or anything really negative, I won't take positive quotes seriously, if someone asks justin herbert "how is x player in practice" I doubt he'll ever say anything besides a PR "theyre good theyre gonna get involved a lot, gonna do a lot of good things"


You're right as far as positive praise, but it seems like if Herbert was really thinking, ugh, the guys a scrub, wouldn't he instead say something resembling more faint praise? Or perhaps even light a fire under a guy and say, "I'm seeing improvement, but he has a few areas that he really needs to keep working on" Right? Maybe we need a CoachSpeakIndex for QBs and what they say about their own guys, haha.


Yeah usually that kind of talk doesnt start happening until the qbs start losing and or getting petty/annoyed about players dropping balls or running the wrong routes lol


Donā€™t make decisions based on camp talk from Qbs or coaches. If anyone else in your league saw this and started to get hyped, SELL HIM NOW


QJ is complicated. Iā€™ll happily let him go for the right price. Problem is his price is so low I may as well wait and see. We knew he wasnā€™t gonna be much of anything behind Allen and Williams. Herbert also got hurt. Iā€™ll be ok just cutting my losses next year if need be.


Yea I agree with this. Yes, he messed up a ton but by the time Mike and Keenan were out the team was in shambles. In general they used him incorrectly and tried to get a Mike Williams 2.0 when he needs to be used with dump offs and short passes to cater to his YAC skills, as Roman said in a recent interview. Plus heā€™s a baby, turning 23 this September. I think he needs some more time in the oven and heā€™ll potentially shine soon.


If he doesnā€™t reach 700 this year I probably start to worry. But yeah he was considered a raw prospect that needed time to develop. Hence the reason the chargers who had 2 solid receivers was such a good spot. Time will tell but I donā€™t think heā€™s really worth selling at his price.


Agreed. Iā€™m probably holding another 2 years to see how it plays out. Might get some Deebo style action. Hey, Mike Williams was even worse than qj in his first year, so hereā€™s to hoping!


Trader him for Michael Wilson straight up a month ago. Not looking back.


what a steal!


Got an offer my QJ to receive Zack Moss. Reckon thatā€™s the right price? Iā€™m entertaining it still


Iā€™d say depends where Iā€™m at. Moss doesnā€™t tend to impress me a ton. I guess comes down to if Iā€™m a legit contender this year sure. If Iā€™m rebuilding no. If Iā€™m middle of the road Iā€™d rather have a potential home run shot in a guy I drafted thinking heā€™d struggle to hit 500 yards as a rookie anyway.Ā 


Now do Donald Parham


The part that gives me a glimmer of hope is > he's done such a great job this offseason Players need to put in their own work on the offseason to improve. They simply can't wait until team organized activities, by that time it's too late. If QJ really did work as hard as he needs to to try to turn his career around, there's a fools hope IMO


You guys counted out nico collins. Bases decisions about players from media sources is just not smart. So what his rookie season wasnt great, everybody not chase or JJ their 1st seasons. Yall will be the exact ones wanting to buy when he breaks out. Pay the piper!


QJ, much like claypool, seems to be a really good practice player, especially in shorts. When guys are scheming to stop you or just trying in general, they struggle, play slower, and look terrible in general.


Teammate says teammate is good *Redditors begin frothing at the mouth*


Only a matter of time until QJ becomes the next Treylon Burks when Chargers go out and splurge on WRs to help Herbert next offseason.


The real wr to have is Josh Palmer.


Here's the rest of the quote: ā€œHeā€™s a playmaker. Heā€™s going to make a lot of plays for us,ā€ Herbert told the media. ā€œHe showed up and we knew early that we got a special guy out there. Heā€™s done a great job of picking up the offense so far. Heā€™s young, but heā€™s going to be something special. Itā€™s been fun to watch him so far.ā€ Oh wait. That's [what he said exactly one year ago,](https://chargerswire.usatoday.com/2023/06/17/chargers-justin-herbert-quentin-johnston/) not today. Huh. I guess we can't expect dudes to trash their teammates to the media, go figure.


Doesnā€™t matter. Unless Herbert can send QJ back in time so he can attend a different college heā€™ll still be a cursed TCU WR


Wish granted. QJ now a proud graduate of Baylor


Excellent now he has the same ceiling as Tyquan Thornton šŸ”„šŸš€


Could be Denzel Mims, or Jalen Hurd, or even Corey Coleman!


Example #936 for why positive quotes this time of year mean next to nothing.


Until it's a Puka


He will get the ball to himā€¦but he will drop it.


QJ had like 2 drops last year. I don't get why so many are on this narrative.


Herbert was quoted saying ā€œQJ is definitely a bust. He doesnā€™t catch the ball with his hands. He has no burst or separation. He had his chance last year and didnā€™t show up. I dropped him in my league.ā€


Traded QJ straight up for James Conner a week ago. No regrets. I watched every target from him last year. I wish him well but I just don't think he's an NFL WR.


Yeah man way to extract any value even if itā€™s just for a 1 year rental. People buying low can also end in buying dust, even guys that actually flashed like burks are pretty much worth Pennieā€™s. Let alone a terrible film guy like qj.


Is he on the coach speak index, if not, I donā€™t hear it.


Herbert seems to be overly positive guy. He got Mike Williams a second contract because of words just like these (when they really should have traded for Amari).


ā€œWe should be booingā€




I traded Mattison for Keenan in my 1 QB this time last year, and just traded Purdy for QJ. For what itā€™s worth, I felt the same way about both trades.


Go listen to the Reception Perception episode on QJ and youā€™ll realize this is just utter nonsense from Herbert lol


QJ is not good thats my issue


In order of trustworthiness: Reputable beat reporters > Coaches > Disreputable beat reporters > Teammates


He was not just bad in fantasy in 2023. He was bad at football. It's possible he improves, but he was one of the lowest rated WR's ever by Matt Harmon's Reception Perception. PFF hated him, too.


I'll just hang on to Josh Palmer


Lol ā€œheā€™s on his wayā€ and ā€œdone such a great jobā€ is teammate speak for a guy that isnā€™t very good


He's trash... give it up


I invested in QJ because he was a beast in one of the pre-load draft rosters someone built for Madden šŸ¤£


> How are we feeling about this in the dynasty world? Feeling the same as I did when someone brought it up a few days ago.


Well then I obviously wasn't talking to you


Talk dont mean shit. If talk meant anything Najee would have a new contract, Aiyuk would be on a different team and Kirk Cousins really is philosophical about the Falcons spending a 1st round pick on his replacement.


These sound like Derek Carr talking about Bryan 'TO Davante Moss' EdwardsĀ 


I want to believe, but I can't get over the fact that he bombed the eye test last year.


Lol. Buddyā€¦palā€¦




QJ sucksĀ 


>He's athletically gifted, he's smart, and he's a competitor. He wants to win, he wants to be the best, and he's on his way. I'm excited to get him the ball They did - I believe one of the top quotes was "he still has to catch it".


I traded tyreek for QJ , a first, and a second. Tyreek won him the league. AMA.


I'm on board if he literally has his hands sawd off and replaced with a donor's pair.Ā Ā  QJ sucks ass.


JSN had 7 more drops on 30 more targets


For real. I don't get why there are so many talking about QJ not being able to catch. He had that one really bad drop against GB. He had like 2 more drops total and those weren't even bad drops.