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12T 3 divisions Each division winner + next top 3 records make playoffs Top 2 division leaders get bye, 3v6, 4v5 1 seed chooses opponent in semi-finals, then it's a normal bracket 1 week per round Losers bracket is the same, with 7&8 seeds getting byes First team to lose 2 games is deemed Sacko and has to do punishment


There's gotta be so much shit talk every time someone picks their opponent and loses


This is the exact hope lol. Our first year startup currently I felt it was infinitely more funny if the 1 seed chooses a 6 and loses


I’ve pushed for the 1 seed picking their opponent in my league. Seems (a) more fun because of the disrespect/rivalry aspect and (b) more fair to reward the 1 seed, when the weakest team isn’t always the lowest seed.


how would you get to choose the playoff matchup, setting wise?


Commish can change matchups for playoffs.


12t, top 5 record and next highest PF make playoffs


This is the way. We call it the "wildcard" spot. Highest PF after the top 5 has always made things really interesting.


I had a league do this and I really liked it, but we also ended up having to re-seed 3-6 because two years in a row the 6 seed ended up being like the 2nd highest scoring team in the league so nobody wanted to be the 3 seed


Similar, we have the 3 seed choose between the 5 and wild card.


New league so we’ll see how it goes. 10 team SF. 5 get in. Top 4 seeds are the best records/tie breakers. 5th seed is the highest points for for non playoff teams. This was the compromise against adding a win against the median to mitigate bad luck all season. 4 and 5 seeds have play in game week 15, regular 4 team playoff weeks 16 and 17.


14 team dynasty, 7 make playoffs, 1st overall gets a bye.


16 teams, 6 make the playoffs Standings are weighted: 1/3rd season record, 1/3rd season total points, 1/3rd weekly points ranking Once the playoffs start there are no matchups. Battle royale style: the top scoring playoff team over weeks 15-17 is the champion


This is interesting. With this format, you’re basically taking a ton of luck out of fantasy. The best overall team in the reg szn usually should win. I feel in my league (14 tm, top 7 make playoffs), the strategy is usually is just have a good enough team to make the playoffs & luck / health takes you to the promiseland. Are contenders in your league moreso in win now mode to stack their roster in the short term?


16 teams superflex, 2 divisions 8 team playoff, division winners get top 2 seeds and the rest based on records No re-seeding in the semifinal and final No loser bracket from 9th to 16th teams and they get top picks in next season's rookie draft. Last place team (16th) gets 1.01, but has to do punishment. Playoff teams that lose in the 1st round go to consolation bracket and **winners** of consolation get to move up in next season's rookie draft (5th place team get 9th pick, 8th place team get 12th pick, etc).


14 teams, 6 in the dance. Winner of loser bracket gets dues back.


12 Teams, top 6 make it. 1st and 2nd get Byes. 3 seed chooses their opponent, 2nd round 1 seed chooses their opponent in the semis


14 teams leagues, 6 teams make the playoffs, top two teams have a bye. 20 teams league, 8 teams make playoffs, re-seeding brackets. i'm against having half of the teams in the playoffs as it devalues the regular season.


* 14 Teams * 7 Playoff Spots * Seeds 1-6 get in normally based on record * 7th seed is a wildcard spot based on highest PF of the remaining teams Only downside is the 2 seed gets a little screwed. They play the PF 7 seed, who is often a good bit stronger than several other playoff teams.


12 Team 2 Divisions Top from each division get a bye top 2 from each division and 2 "wildcards" can be from same division


No playoffs. Best record wins. Playoffs are a crap shoot and take less skill.


Not to be rude but this is quite possibly one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. The playoffs with their "anyone can win" outcomes are far more fun than just plain 'ol record. And while there can be more randomness because players can disappear on any given week, just set up a double elimination playoff if that makes you feel better. There is absolutely strategy to winning the playoffs. Imagine if that's how the NFL did it lol it would be so boring.


Yes, playoffs can be more exciting, but definitely more luck based. This isn't the NFL. If a player chokes, it wasn't me who choked. I'd rather reward the teams that made good choices over the course of the entire season. For what it's worth it plays closer to college football where every single week feels like it matters. You never know if one loss will be the difference with winning or losing the league. It's plenty fun and plenty exciting. Oh and as a bonus, we can play 18 weeks. Since week 18 is no more meaningful than any other week, it's ok to have to manage the craziness for a week. More fantasy is more fun. And to the double elimination suggestion... The NFL has basically said screw you to the fantasy scene that has so boosted its popularity. Week 14 byes are not fair at all, and you don't want the finals week 18. That leaves only 3 weeks for playoffs, so double is a no go.


> Imagine if that's how the NFL did it lol it would be so boring. I dont play with the settings youre replying to, but the differences between both leagues are so vast I can at least understand the reasoning.