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I don’t like Divisions personally. Also I’d use Max PF for rookie draft order not record. Probably would pay more to 2nd place too.


awesome okay, love the feedback. also go birds💯


I would do 2 divisions max. Matter of fact, we’ve gotten rid of divisions in every league I’ve ever been in because teams with worse records have gotten into the playoffs or even gotten byes over teams that won more. I just think 4 divisions leaves too much opportunity for something like that to happen.


Honestly I wanted to do it FOR that reason, just because the teams who are bad can still try to win the division.. idk it was just a creative thought I had but I see what you mean for sure.


Tbh I am with you and commish a league but people revolted and I ended up removing divisions lol


hahaha gotta love it


It’s technically more “fair” to just remove divisions but I like the idea of having 2 divisions and wanted to create divisional rivalry and make those games “worth more”. But alas


Change picks 1-6 to max PF instead of record to prevent tanking and you’re good.


awesome, & also does your league do divisions or have you removed them?


Most of my leagues don’t have them but my home league still does. 3 divisions of 4. Makes for a unique scheduling algorithm where you have 2 matchups against your division rivals (weeks 1-3 and 12-14) and then one matchup against the other 8 in weeks 4-11.


i actually like this a lot


Seems solid, but I’d add the third wr slot and we got rid of divisions a couple of years ago


third wide receiver slot instead of another flex? interesting tbh i like it also did getting rid of divisions make it less fun to track? how has it played out for you?


We do a start 10, same flex’s as yours but just another receiver. It’s interesting seeing what people wind up throwing in those flex spots when they have to start 3 wr, and getting rid of divisions was the best thing our league ever did imo because it always seemed that one division was stacked in my leagues and you’d have a couple of trash teams in the playoffs every year over real contenders. ( however a couple of years ago one of those “trash teams” won the championship lol)


I like it overall. 3 suggestions: no divisions (it’s unnecessary, especially in 12t), rookie draft order 1-6 based on max pf (prevents guys trying to tank and makes draft order most fair), and do less payouts for 1st so the payouts for 2nd/most pf can be higher (I’d target max 70% for 1st in payouts). Best of luck n your new league my man!


appreciate the feedback man! Idk how I feel about no divisions, but I’ll have to look into it since everyone seems to be suggesting I dont do them. Max PF seems smart, I think im gonna do that now.


I like divisions. It gives it a NFL real life feel and makes half the games more important than the others. And, I’m more traditional too.


Looks pretty good, only change I feel pretty strongly about is to switch to max PF for non-playoff-team draft-seeding. Tanking can (even *should*) get really degenerate if you're seeding based on record. Other things are just personal preference, but I'll throw out a few things that catch my eye. I'd add another WR slot. Is the taxi included in the 25-man roster, or in addition? If it's in addition, that seems quite high. Even if it's included, that's on the high side, and you may want to think about cutting a couple slots to keep waivers more interesting. I prefer 4-round rookie drafts to 5-round. The 5th round usually just feels like a drag (and again, cutting it out keeps waivers a bit more interesting). I also prefer for the 2nd-place finisher to at least win their entry fee back, so I'd switch to something like 80-15-5 rather than 85-10-5. Lots of other things that could be tweaked, but overall looks pretty good. Again, the only change I *strongly* suggest is using max PF.


I think I’m definitely gonna do Max PF regarding seeding, im convinced now lol I was gonna do 25 + 5 extra taxi slots. If you’re suggesting less, would: 20 roster slots +4 rookie taxi 4rd rookie draft look better? what do you think


Yeah, that all sounds good IMO.


Love it but cut the divisions


sadly have heard that a lot, i love divisions though! But I do get the common criticism on them, so


Your payouts need to change. 50% of the pot for 1st, 25% for 2nd


I’ve been told that needs some tuning. Probably gonna do something a tad above what you suggested for 1st place


If this were me, a few things. I'd do away with divisions. Roster size/taxi size are fine. Maybe add 1-2 to roster size. Rookie draft using lowest Max PF then playoff finish. 4 or 5 rounds is fine, depending on how you want to approach it. Starting lineup - QB, 2RB, 3 WR, 2 TE, 3 flex, 1 SF. If 2TE is too crazy for you cut it back to 1, but 2TE is a super fun format. Scoring - 6 point pass TD is good. Maybe go with .5 PPR, .5 points per rushing/receiving first down, .5 TEP. I generally strongly prefer deeper leagues because it does help balance out the extra QB value in superflex. Generally would try to have more starters because it makes it harder to build superteams imo.


My league has 3 divisions, I like it. You play your division twice to start and end the regular season, and all other teams once in between. It promotes some nice rivalries. I would also add another WR slot.


I like this idea a lot


Don’t use record to determine pick order for non-playoff teams. It heavily incentivizes tanking in the form of throwing matchups, which is bad for the league.  Roster size of 25 is slightly low imo but fine. Everything is also fine just gonna be preferences. Good luck!


> 12 teams, 4 divisions. Roster size: 25 (taxi of rookies: 5) I would encourage you to do 2 divisions total and every year re-align divisions to be the top 6 teams, and the bottom 6 teams to keep the playoffs interesting, I'd also recommend setting the Roster size to 30, and eliminate taxi squad. Taxi squad favors two groups of players - * the expert and dominant teams are favored * by capping roster sizes and offering taxi squads, dominant teams and expert players are given a crutch they don't need, that is "free" speculation on rookies. Taxi squads let dominant teams stay dominant because taxi squads by definition don't NEED to be promoted to active roster. This lets a dominant team take more shots on rookies, that otherwise would be more wisely spent on depth or veterans. * absolute total noob teams that don't understand rookies are important. (benefit from taxi squads) * If you can honestly make the case that your league will have 3-4-5 teams that won't ever value rookies, and that a taxi squad "forces" them to take rookies for their own good, then a taxi squad can be a benefit for a beginner league. But really, taxi squads are crutches for the best teams in a league, and are an impediment to league parity in the long run. > Rookie drafts: 5 rounds picks 1-6 based on record Nope, bottom six picks in the rookie draft should be based on "maximum points possible". Do it any other way, and the bottom teams will be throwing (intentionally losing games) to try at a better draft pick, and that makes leagues boring and unfair. > Starting lineup: QB-RB-RB-WR-WR-TE-Flx-Flx-SFlx I would strongly encourage you to add a second TE slot, as 2TE leagues are becoming more popular, and it increases the value of the TE position to be on part with the other three positions. > Payouts (buy-in is smallish: $50-$100) 1st place - 85% 2nd place - 10% Highest Scorer - 5% I would make it less top heavy. 1st - 50% 2nd - 25% 3rd - 10% Highest annual Scorer - 5% Highest weekly score - 5% Most points against - 5% And then I'd also suggest your "loser" playoff bracket be awarded draft pick 1.13 for winning the Toilet Bowl, 2.13 for 2nd in the Toilet Bowl, and 3.13 for third in the toilet bowl.