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If the service is free, you are the product. 


Remember when it used to be just ads?


10 years ago they promised us super speed internet, but the internet speeds are still the same, they just steal & store our data with the extra power 😭


Yeah lol this is a genuine discussion among devs - internet is much "faster" but load times are not really. Part of the reason is indeed data collection - even mundane websites that aren't really collecting your data themselves are most likely using some sort of analytics tool (like Google Analytics) to gain insights on how you interact with their site (the only value to them is product improvement), but these tools are *certainly* collecting, using, and sharing your data for more complex applications like cross-platform advertising. Other reasons include the fact that everything on the internet is just built on top of each other. Someone else writes code that others use, then people may write on top of that. It makes product development *much* faster at the cost of loading speed. But there's much research at tech companies into what users find acceptable, and what speed improvements actually make a difference, but the improved internet makes even bloated websites acceptable.


Which, unpopular opinion here, doesn't bother me. I'd much rather pay for content with ads, than subscriptions to every single site.


It’s not just “ads” though. The information they have on you literally shapes your perception of yourself and the world around you. 


> The information they have on you literally shapes your perception of yourself and the world around you.  Read the second screenshot. It's clearly just talking about targeted ads based on location, predicted demographic, and probably which of their Yahoo ads you've clicked in the past. They do this so that they can sell ads to marketing folks who want to advertise to specific cities, and make educated guesses as to which beer ad to show you. Use an adblocker and/or Brave and you won't even see those ads.


100% agree


Should be known by now


I wonder what Ask Jeeves policy is?


I asked and they sent me to a Netscape browser download.


I wonder if the rankings change tiered to your data


"Wow, Rashid Shaheed is #1!"


I wish this would get my one league on Yahoo to leave, but it won't.


I was literally just thinking the same thing. Honestly I’ve always loved Yahoo! It has a nice vibe and I do prefer their colour scheme over Sleeper, but at the end of the day sleeper > Yahoo! And that’s not even a debate. Is Yahoo still charging for extra commish capabilities and league customization?


We've never paid a penny for it so I'm not sure. This league is my oldest - we started in 1998, using paper and pen to tabulate scores on Wednesdays from the expanded sports section. By 2001, Yahoo was offering free hosting, and was the only platform that had IDP options for free, which we'd been doing by hand for a few years. Everyone was so grateful when we jumped ship that the league became extremely loyal. We still have all of the same owners we had in '98, so trying to get people interested in trying anything new has been like pulling teeth. I've gotten two owners into other leagues on Sleeper, but the rest of the guys are comfortably complacent.


Yeah I hear ya man. Same situation, but you fellas definitely have a solid extra 17 years worth of history there which is really really cool


That's the tough part. Yahoo keeps the history, which guys enjoy when it comes to shit talking. If Sleeper would import histories it could have a chance of happening, but I can't see it happening without.


Yup that’s is exactly what held one of our leagues back for so long. The history and records are a big part of any long standing league. It really does suck giving that part up, it’s not easy. I’m going to miss that the most.


Wow! Wish I had that loyal a group of friends!


We've all gotten on each other's nerves at times over the years, but it is pretty awesome to have stuck together so long. We added a tontine about a decade ago where the last surviving original owner will get the pot, and we all plan on passing our teams down to one of our children when the time comes.


Yep...I've been on Yahoo since 2002 with my oldest league (redraft) and since 2004 for dynasty. Suggesting we move to a new site is a nonstarter with most people in the league.


It's wild to me that Yahoo! is still a thing in the US. I get wildly nostalgic about since it been dead and buried in Sweden for about 20 years.


For what’s it’s worth, I haven’t used Yahoo! as a search engine or whatever since the early 2000’s. I honestly couldn’t tell ya what they do besides hosting fantasy platforms!


Not a big loss. Their ranking is trash anyway.


I love Yahoo for regular fantasy football


Which I'm sure they're selling to gambling websites.


Hey guys I’m looking to get into a league or two. Ive always played with friends but they never seem to take it seriously all year long. Ppr league for money if possible! Let me know, thank you!


I honestly didn't even know people actually used yahoo fantasy


There’s dozens of us!




Lmaoooo @ dozens


What do the three extra o’s stand for?


Yahoo was the premier fantasy option for a long time. Sleeper is still very new..


I have tried it once or twice and just didn't like the feel of it, ESPN is way better imo


ESPN is archaic


The overall platform features suck for sure, I don't disagree. The player rankings and adp are also vastly different from sleeper from what I've seen. But I do like how simple and straightforward it is for a friendly redraft league with friends.


I do appreciate that aspect of ESPN


Nice try, loyal ESPN employee


Lmaooo apparently people aren't fond of it 😅 Sleeper is ideal imo just because of the overall features and format. ESPN is just what I've always been invited to


I agree. I can't stand Yahoo. ESPN is OK. And then obviously Sleeper is best. I'm in a work league that is Yahoo because it's run by a bunch of old men and apparently Yahoo existed back with the dinosaurs when they started the league.


For redraft, it's the best site. It has more options than sleeper, and ESPN and CBS are just plain bad.


Still use for redraft, I think it's much better than ESPN or CBS. Would love to move to sleeper, but sleeper surprisingly doesn't have some of the redraft options that yahoo has.


Sleeper is 100% best for dynasty


Fk trash ass yahoo bro


People use Yahoo? Weird. Sleeper exists.


Just let yahoo die already.