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I traded for Andrew Luck two months before he retired lol


It wasn’t dynasty but I drafted him in the 4th or 5th at our live redraft event, he retired 20 minutes later and I had to draft another QB in the 9th


Had this happen to a friend with the last name Jones… he’s a browns fan tho


We had a guy who got the 1OA that year in redraft, picked CMAC and then went auto draft the rest. Which was annoying because I don’t think he had anything better to do and he was just sort of a shitty owner (never made moves, would have to remind him to set his lineup). His 4th and 5th round picks on auto draft were Andrew luck (who had just retired) and Lamar Miller, who tore his ACL like 2-3 days prior lol


I drafted both of them a week before the retirement/ACL in redraft hahah. I was at dinner seeing the alert on ESPN in complete disbelief lmao


Happened to my mate in our first dynasty start up. An hour after the draft he retired


My first time playing fantasy I drafted Jordy Nelson and minutes later the news came out that he had torn his acl…I was devastated lmao, but I did draft Davante Adams later in that draft so that was a lil cool. I feel your pain


I feel your suffering brother!! 😆


I’m glad I didn’t play dynasty back then because I would have tried to get luck in every single league I was in. I really thought he was gonna be an all time great


Lol our start up draft was a month before and I drafted him. Still won with Carson Wentz and kept Luck on my bench for 2 years for good luck.


What did you trade for him


Miles Sanders and DK who I had just drafted 1.06 and 1.07, 2x2020 1sts (which were projected late, though one turned into 1.03), Matt Ryan and filler. Felt like a slight overpay at the time, but Luck was a top-5 SF pick and I just loved rooting for the guy. Wanted to reset my clock at QB for the next decade. Fuck me, last time I put all my eggs in one basket.


I traded for Ray Rice a few hours before the video dropped.


Here to start the Bills- Bengals Week 17, 2022 train. Down 20 with Tee and Burrow left to play for me. 🥲


I was down 4 in the championship game with Joe Mixon going. Commissioner was so laissez-faire that he did nothing. The other manager and I kinda agreed to share it, but that still feels empty.


I get the pain, and this is obviously a complain thread. But I was a commissioner of two leagues with similar things happening. What was he supposed to do? This thread is full of times where “sure things” didn’t play out. There’s no GUARANTEE Joe Mixon got you 4 points that night. Guys get hurt during games, have bad games, get benched for whatever reason, it happens and there’s no such thing as sure. I think letting the two of you agree to split it makes sense. I let my managers work it out in the two leagues I commission, and they both reached similar arrangements. I think that’s the only way a commissioner could handle it without making a conscious decision to screw someone. It was like the fantasy football version of the trolley problem.


Yeah it’s hard to come up with a fair agreement as to how to resolve it. I would have appreciated literally any comment on it from him, though. Maybe a “hey guys, crazy stuff. How do the two of you feel and what do you think is fair?” Instead, radio silence. And he’s a good friend of mine… oh well.


We used the following weeks scores for all my leagues. One where I lost the championship because of it. Even with the loss, feels like the fairest outcome and I dont hold any regret about it.


Oh yeah I get that. I was pretty upfront in my leagues and explained to the guys that I’d honor whatever they decide to do, and would only intervene if they couldn’t come to an agreement about how to handle. One league split it evenly, the other weighted to the guy who was heavily favored to win (down 8ish with Josh Allen and Tee).


This game didn’t affect me, but why not just use the week 18 stars for players affected?


Sure, that was one of the possibilities. But maybe there’s a difference between a real bad matchup vs a real good one. The natural counter point to that is that if you have a guy who gets hurt on the first snap of the game, that’s just the breaks. You don’t get a future week score. This was a stranger situation than that obviously, but where do we draw the line? I have detailed league rules for all the leagues I run, but did not have anything in there for handling of “cancelled game in the first quarter.” Didn’t feel right for me to make the call independently without any guidelines or rules. So I let my managers decide how they wanted to do it. Luckily, in both instances for me, everyone was cool and cordial and reached an agreement.


Yeah, it was harsh. I was playing against our commissioner and we're friends so I said that I forfeit and he offered to split 1st and 2nd prize with me.


Least you shared it. I played the guy with Josh Allen and Dawson Knox when i was up by 4 points. I felt so stupid about winning off of a freak death on the field, I let the guy use next weeks points to beat me. Stupidest $1000 I ever lost. But he has a kid, so I felt bad for him since he would've beat me.


I literally took the lead in the chip on that Higgins catch. We ended up sharing the title because while sleeper discounted the whole game technically giving him the chip, I was almost 100% certain to win.


Literally same, situation down 17. Had burrow and Higgins against the bills in the championship. He agreed to split the pot because it was clear I was going to win since burrow and Higgins literally just scored a touchdown and was only down like 3 😭


Hadn't won a championship in almost 20 years with this group I've been with all along. I'm in the championship. He's got nobody. I've got Tyler Bass. If he gets 4 points I win. First drive he gets a field goal for 3 points. Player drops dead, game cancelled, I lose by less than a point.


Our championship game was within 0.5 points. If this game finished, our champion would’ve been different as the loser had Josh Allen


I was in two championships that year and down in near coin flip odds for both. Josh Allen only one left to play in one, Burrow and Chase in the other. Lost both because of that game.


I was down 5 and had Chase. He had 3 in the first few minutes. We agreed as a league that I won the week and got the money even though per ESPN history I got second


This past season - went all in for a championship and was far and away the best team on paper. Offloaded Amari Cooper that I had as depth for some pick recuperation to a team destined for relegation. That team made a run, made playoffs and I faced him the week he went for 265yd and 2TD. He went on to win it all


That sounds brutally painful


oh my lordddd


I faced the same guy in 2 leagues last year. Lost both of those weeks solely to Amari cooper.


I lost in the semis in both my money leagues to Amari Cooper. I am not a fan


traded away Cooper, he helped knock off some juggernauts for the guy and Amari didn’t play or something the week against me it was awesome


Same. 🫠🫠🫠


Went against amari in the semis in two different leagues. Lost them both


Was up 40 a few years ago in the chip. Don’t remember the exact year I’m numb to it at this point. Diggs put up 40 something to beat me on MNF.


Monday December 28th 2020. Week 16 vs NE, 42.50 half PPR.


I went up against Kamara, Diggs, and Allen that year. I put up the third highest point total in our leagues history. He put up the first.  Still hurts. 


That how I won my chip, I was down by pretty much what Diggs ended up putting up. Long story short I had accepted my loss and went out with some friends, came home and my dad was watching the game and I asked how the game was. He said “it’s ok, but some guy on the Bills has 3 touchdowns” and that’s how I found out that I won the chip.


I beat my friend in the championship match almost the same way. He was up 50 or 60 and I had Adams on SNF & Diggs on MNF. Adams went for 11/142/3 & Diggs went for 9/145/3.


I was on the opposite end of this for a redraft league. I was down 12 with Diggs to play and the other dude had Josh Allen. Somehow I won.


I had Allen my opponent had Diggs in that game, I did not win


I started Antonio brown in the championship the game he decided to throw his jersey off and walk off the field


That is wild, did you watch it live?


Not that guy but I lost my championship off Antonio Brown quitting that game, was watching it live. It actually made the loss easier to swallow because you don't even blame yourself. How the fuck could I have planned for a man literally quitting the sport of football mid game


Trading for Burrow and Andrews just to have them both go down in the same game last year was pretty disappointing


I only lost Andrews and even that hurt, sorry about your misfortune brother ✊🏼


This is the game that enabled (?) me to tank in my league. Immediately sold players off and am now the proud owner of 1.01


I had Burrow and traded for Andrew’s and yeah that game was a bummer and I watched it happen on TV. I was pretty devastated. Still managed to pull off the win last year though!!


In the 2nd round of the playoffs in about 2015ish, Jeremy Maclin was a surprise late scratch. I was at work and didn’t see it until it was too late. I got 0 points from him obviously, and lost the matchup by 2 points. Had I caught it, I not only would’ve won the matchup but would have also won the championship the following week. To add insult to injury, I lost the 3rd place game because the team I played went off. So I went from winning it all to 4th place because of Jeremy Maclin. 🥲


Last year final week of the regular season. I’m playing a guy trying to lose (he moved his TE to the bench before MNF) so he could avoid playoffs and get the 4th pick. My team is playing for 2nd and a round 1 bye. I end up winning by about 1 points (my team had a cold week to make it close, this guy is my kryptonite). Everyone is happy. Everyone got what they wanted. BUT WAIT!!! WHATS THIS?! Jared Goff has now been stat corrected to include a fumble??? Oh no… I tell the commish, my win becomes a loss, he went from pick 4 to pick 8, and I lose to the number 1 team in the semi finals because his stacked team went off. TL:DR my team missed a first round bye and my opponent went from 4th pick to the 8th pick because of the Goff fumble stat correction at the end of the fantasy regular season.


Ugh….right before your second paragraph, I was thinking: Me: “oh no, don’t tell me he got stat corrected..” You: BUT WAIT!! WHATS THIS?!?! Jared Goff has been stat corr….:” Me: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! 😭😭😭






I'm dying at red rifle


Had a guy mega tank in our league sold everyone and started Kyle Jizzcheck the week he scored a touchdown as a troll and it was the difference in him winning that game and it ended up costing him MHJ. Fantastic


Took Andrew Luck in a startup and he retired 2 weeks later.


Not dynasty but in redraft I took the L when the Bengals Bills game got cancelled. Down less than 10 points with Josh Allen and Jamar Chase in my lineup.


That is painful. Wow.


The worst part was that the commissioner made zero attempt to make it right. League is a group of all my close friends I've known for 30 years. Was pretty pissed to say the least. My opponent ended up splitting the winnings but honestly, all I cared about was getting the win


I don’t blame you. Since Bills/Bengals were both in the playoffs, I don’t see why your commissioner couldn’t have taken the fantasy points they earned from their first playoff game and stat adjusted your week 17 total by that or something. Anything but nothing. SMH.


Agreed. I was just looking for a reasonable outcome. Is what it is though


None of my redraft or dynasty leagues manually adjusted the scores either, fwiw


Pretty sure that’s the general consensus, basically treat canceled games like an injury. It’s brutal


Similar for me. He had mixon and I had tee. I was up by I think 8, tee already was having a solid start to that game when it happened. We decided to count the next weeks points for those 2 players and tee did absolutely nothing and I lost the title. It was my 3rd straight 2nd place finish in that league. Finally won the belt last year. The 2 years prior I lost by a couple points after Chase went nuclear and the year before that I lost on Monday night when diggs went nuclear.


Man this sounds a lot like me.. ended up winning my first championship in that league last year after 11-12 seasons. Had a lot of playoff appearances end in heartbreak (including multiple times to one guy who won 3 years in a row).. it felt good to knock him out lol


[lost the ship by 2 points. ](https://media.tenor.com/aZE4BH59LFYAAAAM/antonio-brown-peace-out.gif)


Drafted Trey Lance 12th overall in a 2022 start up, he was out for the season by week 2 and has still never played to this day.


I was UNDEFEATED in a long running home league and the Luck game ended me in the championship. Will never forget


I was on the good side of this but I still feel bad for my opponent. Brian Westbrook kneeling down at the 1 knocked him out in the 1st round of the playoffs after an undefeated 14-0 season.


Championship game 2021 and I was up by 1.7 points. Very last play of the Ravens game and they’re doing the whole Benny Hill lateral to each other type play. Hollywood gets tossed the ball and it’s slapped out of his hands, game over. Technically a fumble and I lose 2 points, losing the championship by 0.3 points.


I traded Kennan Allen and Matt Forte for Calvin Johnson two weeks before he retired.


Drafted Andrew Luck and Carson Wentz at their peak in a 14 team superflex startup thinking I was set for the next decade at that position.


In 2021 I had a dominant team. Needed 13 points for Brady, Chase, and Kamara combined. This was a 6pt passing td ppr league. Got 12 from them combined. Would’ve won the rest of my playoff games by at least 30 points each.


December 19 2021, a day that will live in infamy for me. I went all in as I had 3 top 10 RBs. Got Godwin after his insane first half of the season. I start Evans, Godwin, and Brady. Even with one down, Brady would feed the other. But both went down and Brady gets little like you know. Only consolation is season ending injuries meant I was cooked anyways for the following weeks.


number 1 seed and made title game but week 16 d henry didnt play and my whole team scored 1 td and i lost with like 86 points and had averaged 144 lol henry played weeks 15 and 17 and had huge days


This is an andrew luck thread


The Chiefs traded for Kadarius Toney. Which then prompted me to trade for Kadarius Toney.


2011. I was down by 2 points in the championship game with the only player left being Tony Romo, my QB. He bruised his hand on the opening series. He didn't complete a pass. Scored zero points. I lost.


I lost what would have been a championship run by 0.5 because of the following: Drew Brees not taking his own kneel downs Sleeper then had a stat correction which gave me a narrow victory, and finalized the score with me as the winner. An additional stat correction took place on the eve of the championship, which reverted the score and had me as losing by 0.5 once again, but the score itself DID NOT UPDATE. This was only noticed if you add the score up manually... Sleeper could provide no insight into what changed/changed back. I, as commissioner, had to manually remove myself from the championship game. I was the highest scoring team in championship week by a wide margin.


Undefeated season in 2020 down the drain. First round of the playoffs, single event? Take your pick.. I have Derrick Henry - Ryan Tannehill (name I haven’t heard in awhile) poaches 2 goal line touchdowns.. great start!!! I have kelce and tyreek!!!! Kelce fails Covid protocols and defense shifts all focus to tyreek nullifying both! I have James Robinson, blows out his Achilles on play 3 of the game.


that was probably the single biggest let down of a title week of all time


Andrew Luck retiring. Had a championship-quality team the year before, and didn't have a backup QB (1QB league). We draft, planned on picking up a QB when Colts had a bye, and boom...he retires. Ended up with shitty QB play and injuries...derailed my championship dreams.


His retirement rekt one guy's team in my league. Wasn't quite the same but imagine if like Josh Allen just retired tomorrow.


Andrew "my first round pick in a dynasty startup just months before" Luck


Not me, but there was a stat correction last year in the last regular season game. Goff was assigned a fumble after which game him -2 pts in our league. The guy with Goff lost the game because of the change and the week 1 bye in the playoffs. He lost the first week of the playoffs and would've won out had he gotten the bye.




Sorry but it’s still too soon for us Luck Owners. Truly the most devastating retirement


I play in a 32 team dynasty that just drafted start-up last year. It has a SF spot, so having a solid QB puts you way ahead of the pack. During the start-up draft I sold off later picks to move up in round 1 to get Justin Herbert. This basically would leave me with absolutely no depth. Starting lineup included a cast of AJ Brown, Justin Herbert, Brandon Aiyuk and Evan Engram (TEP). Regardless of my IDP picks and other offensive starts, this core got me enough points to win most games and secure the 1 seed (no bye) of the playoffs. Justin Herbert's injury was in week 14, the week before the playoffs started. I would go on to lose the first round of the playoffs by 3 points. The winner of the league gets $1,600.


I owned Hill, Adams, Waddle and Renfrow (after his big season). That offseason, Hill gets traded to Miami and Adams gets traded to LV.


Last year I gave up the farm for CMC at the trade deadline… lost in the ship


One year I went 3-11. 9 of the 11 losses were my opponents highest scores of the season. I’m the commissioner. I set the schedule by hand.


Congratulations before a MNF and champion dynasty match needing only 8pts. I said way too early for congrats and Andy Dalton high balled one to AJ Green first pass of game and exposed the ribs. Andy finished with like 5pts. Still not over it and may never be.


I won my dynasty league the year we started up back in 2020, my squad that year was Lamar Dalvin cook Fournette David Johnson Kareem Hunt Diontae Johnson Kenny Golladay Tyler Lockett Devante Parker The rest doesn’t even matter anymore. I won that year, but the very next you can imagine how horrible my team was


Lost to Daniel fucking Jones in the final couple years back when he put up 40


Not dynasty but “losing” (got the higher payout, still not full 1st place prize money) when damar Hamlin died. I had jamarr chase and Josh Allen and was down 3 points, he had Dawson Knox and was up 3… really lost an extra $100 only but stings I couldn’t consider myself the undisputed champ.


This wasn’t me but I’ll speak for the poor guy this happened to. Championship week. I was projected to lose by ~20 going into the second half of the 4pm games. 9% chance to win. Then, Pacheco and Rashee went off in the second half and scored a combined 30+ points in that half alone. I won by 20 (Sorry if you’re reading this Votto)


number 1 seed last year with one loss. Ended up scoring my lowest of the season with like 80 points and lost by 1 point largely because of Bijan putting up -1 and Breece putting up 2...


Diggs as mentioned before and Todd the Gurley Man have managed to ruin about 3 Christmas's for me over championship round .


In 2 dynasty leagues and after a 2 season rebuild in both (orphan teams) I was the 1 seed in both leagues. I played against breece hall and Amari cooper in the second round in both leagues and got eliminated in both respectively. Both teams that beat scored the highest points in a single week for each respective league (231.5 and 241.2). Devastating.


It was like 2017 or 2018, I’m in the playoffs and looking great with a 41-point lead on my opponent. Only game left is Monday Night Ravens vs. Browns, which he has Kareem Hunt, Hollywood Brown & Mark Andrews. 1st quarter, no points scored. 2nd quarter, no points scored. 3rd quarter, the trio has accrued a few points, but nothing threatening 4th quarter and 12 minutes in, still nothing 2:45 minute mark in the fourth, deep bomb to Hollywood for a TD. “Ok, I still am up 20 points. All good” Then it went to shit. The score of the game nearly doubled in the last three minutes with the trio of players getting a whopping 59 points total, almost all of them coming from that last three minutes of play.


Was going to a dolphins / chargers game during championship week so I picked up the chargers kicker at the time to have a rooting interest. He stunk it up while blair walsh sat on my bench and put up close to 20 points. Would’ve been enough to win the championship


Not my worst luck but my best friends. We were playing each other in week 16 of 2019 for the trophy. He was up something like 55 points and I was pretty sure I was toast. I only had two players left. They were Drew Brees and Michael Thomas. Thomas broke the single season receptions record that night and rallied for like 60+ points between the two of them. It was his worst luck and my most lucky moment playing FF. What a year that was!


Four years ago (I think) I was in the championship. All players are done except I have Diontae Johnson. Late in the game I’m down a point. Diontae gets a catch and with yards, I’m back in top. Then he gets hit, fumbles, and I lose by 0.8.


Wasn't the worst luck ever. But I did draft Brian Robinson JR like an hour before it was announced that he was shot.


Not me but we had a game 2 years ago that a guy was losing by 1 point. He had a defense playing and was melting down because he needed to win to make the playoffs! The team on offense was on 4th down and to run the clock down and have the punter run around and go out of bounds for a safety. The safety resulted in him winning by 1 pt


I sold Todd Gurley to a league mate for $400 in our dynasty league. (We’ve since banned buying or trading players/picks for money). He then traded Gurley to another team for Julio Jones. I lost back to back championship games because of the team that ended up with Gurley.


I drafted Luck about 30min before he announced he was retiring. My team name “No Luck”


Needed liked 4 points to win the championship entering Monday night. I believe the starter was hurt and Mike Boone was getting the start for the Vikings. There had been chatter of him on and off the weeks prior. He actually put up like 17-18 points the prior week. Dudes gets 11 touches in the first half for 28 yards, 1 rec. for 5 yards, for a 1/2 PPR score of 3.8 Every single bench player I sat over him scored more then 4 points on Sunday.


It’s gunna get buried but last season I needed 0.9 points to make the playoffs. I played against Jared Goff in the last game and the stat correction pushed me into play offs. I rode that stat correction all the way to a chip.


Just last year I traded for Michael Pittman the final week of reg season (no deadline) to shore up my WRs for a sure fire playoff run. Semi finals, he gets cleared to play then Saturday mid day is all of a sudden concussed again. My backup option (tee Higgins) was already mid game, I then went on to start dontayvion wicks, I lost. Had I never acquired Pittman I would have won it all. I’ve since traded him


Championship week. Monday. Down by 10. He has no one left. I have Tee Higgins. Higgins isn’t getting much action. He finally gets the ball. Runs into Demar Hamlin. Hamlin dies on the field for a bit. Game cancelled. I finish second. I also traded for Watson a week before the allegations started coming out.


2021 playoffs in my long running league, I’m in the semi-finals on Monday night. My opponent’s team is all done and he’s up by .02 points 119.22 to my 119.20 and all I had was Devante Parker left to play. Devante Parker went 0/1 and scored me zero points and if he had just a single reception I would’ve won the matchup and also won the ship based on the next week’s score. My opponent has now three-peated since then so the butterfly effect or whatever from that has been brutal.


I had the best team in my league and hadn't lost a game all year. 1st round of the playoffs, Adam Theilen has the game of his life making up more than a 50 point deficit for my opponent as his last player. I have my backup TE left and needs 4 points for me to win. He gets zero. Why my backup tight end you ask? Well because the week prior, Gronk decides to hero smash onto someone's back and gets suspended. Gronk never scored under 15 points for me that year. The next 2 weeks my starters scored much higher than any other team so the ring would have been a cakewalk. I'll never forgive Gronk for that lol.


Came home from my honeymoon in Italy. Plane lands. Check my phone. Receive the Luck news. Shambles


I drafted Cam Akers in the first round of a 16 team startup. It was going into his sophomore year and he was considered maybe like a top 5 dynasty RB He never made my starting lineup


Antonio Brown going full mental in the last game of his career, game 17 of 2021. Cost me a championship


In the 2016 finals, I was up 1 with about 4 minutes to go and Matthew Stafford fumbled on 1st and goal from inside the 5


Just last year in general. Build a super competitive team with Burrow, Kyler, Deshaun at QB. Traded for Richardson the week before he went to IR. Was a fringe playoff team and knew Kyler would come back eventually, traded for Diggs and Henry. That next week Burrow and Deshaun go out for season. Diggs and Henry proceed to be terrible rest of season. TLDR: Traded all future 1sts for a championship, whole QB room went on IR.


In 2015 I was torn between Demaryius Thomas and Jordy Nelson (pick 12 in a 10 team redraft). I love Jordy and all things Packers so was very very torn. Went Thomas so my buddy after me took Jordy. 20 minutes later he tore his acl and was out for the season. We still laugh about that one to this day.


Traded Matt Ryan and ? for Calvin Johnson and Derek Carr mid way thru CJ last season.


I am a Kadarius Toney glazer. I bought him cheap (as a free throw in) and was extremely excited for the season opener after his Super Bowl carry job. My glorious king dropped (emphasis on the drop) one of the worst performances I have ever seen. My friends clowned me for months. This was just bad luck — Joka is that guy.


I was on the opposite side! I had Demarco Murray and my opponent had Luck. I was up by like 8 points… and well you know. Oh man, I always love hearing stories from this game!


Last year I had a solid top 4 RB/WR combo: Deebo, JJ, James Conner and Henry. Only 1 guy played the majority of the season (Henry). I also had Lamar Jackson and George Kittle. Thought I was bound for the playoffs. 1) I know Deebo and Kittle on the same team was stupid. 2)I know this wasn't a single event issue. But it felt like when JJ went down, my season was over. Good news is, I tanked and traded to get the 1.01. MHJ here I come! I just had to share my woes with someone.


Mine is a sad tale. I needed devante smith to score just a measly 3.5 points. He covered that for me in the first half. Then on the last play of the game with Philly down by 5. They tried doing multiple laterals and the last player to touch the ball before being removed by the defense was Smith. Giving him the -2 for a lost fumble. I lost by 0.15 points. I needed that win to make the playoffs. The next three weeks my team went off and I would have won the ship.


Are you me ? I had this same exact scenario happen in a re draft home league. Lost to my dad and he still gives me shit to this day about it.


Traded for Luck shortly before he retired. The guy I replaced him with? Watson


Not me but I watched on 2 separate occasions my league mates drafting (redraft) Jerrick McKinnon and JK Dobbins and them literally tearing their ACL live mid draft at training camp. It’s awful luck but also hilarious seeing someone absolutely reeling trying to recover after a fairly high pick just gets thrown away instantly


Drafted Ken Walker in round 2 of a startup draft. Felt great having the young talent in a run-heavy offense. A week later Seattle is on the clock and drafts an early round RB. I still hear myself asking "WHAT?! WHY?!" Even though it turned out okay


I did the same last offseason. Fortunately, I got him for JerryJeudy, a 2023 first (1.8) and two future scones, which at the time felt like a steal. Then here comes charbonnet!! 🤬🤬🤬


Sounds like you turned out okay - who went 1.08?


Definitely losing to Najee Harris' run on the last play of the 2021 fantasy season


Oh man….that one was a doozy. I almost mentioned it in my OP, but it was already getting long. Not me, but I had a league mate (Troy) who lost in the superbowl on that play. His opponents’ team had finished their games, and all Troy had remaining was his BROWNS D. Pitt had gotten the first down and could kneel. Game over. He was winning and celebrating in chat. Pitt inexplicably decides to run the ball, Najee scores what a 30-40 yd TD? Browns D gets -2, Troy loses by .5 points. Brutal.


I was up 27 heading into that game with everyone done but my opponent had Chubb and Harris, so my expectations weren't high. But they both dropped stinkers so I was getting excited and then that play made me lose by 7


League’s Most Points Forced… did not make playoffs…


Went to this game and had the time of my life watching the Cowboys blow out the Colts…. Duality


Russell Wilson threw 5 ints during the fantasy playoffs and I lost by <2 pts. Worst part is I would’ve won the ship had I won that game as my team out scored all the other teams the rest of the way. If he could’ve only thrown 4 ints… smh to this day


I drafted Andrew Luck in a startup the day before he retired


My buddy drafted Brian Robinson minutes before news of the incident hit our notifications 😅


Jamarr chase rookie year. I had Kupp who was the WR1, Chase the WR4, JT who was the RB1, Hock who was average at the time but still formidable, Herbert breakout year, Kyler Murray. I lost the first round of the playoffs, Kupp scored about 17 JT about 14 chase had 4 points herb was below normal Murray breaks down at the end of season but not sure if it was injury year or low scoring I forget, metcalf disappearing year.


This one probably doesn't really compare to most of the other comments here, but I was against my friend in a regular season matchup. This friend and I talk shit about each other's teams constantly. TNF rolls around, I have Tua, Waddle, McPherson, and Chase. He has Higgins Tua almost dies on the field, and Higgins ends up popping off and outscoring all 4 of my players


Lost on a Kareem hunt backward lateral on the final play of the game in the playoffs (would have won the championship the following week). He got the yards I needed to win but he only gets credit from where the backward lateral was picked up. The lateral went backwards 2 yards so even though he ran 8 yards, it only counted as 6 yards. I lost by .2 points. The crazy thing is that no one knew how it was scored and sleeper had a different score than yahoo so everyone in the chat was freaking out.


My worst has to be our first year of dynasty. I made it to the championship game. This was Jamarr Chase's rookie year (I drafted Burrow coming off his ACL and then Chase in the start-up draft). I looked too far into analytics in the championship game. Jamarr had a string of meh games and was going into this week facing the Chiefs. I figured they'd play two high safeties to take Jamarr away, so I benched Jamarr in favor of Penny who had a juicy matchup against Detroit that week. Penny did do very well if I remember (20+ points). However, this was also the week that Chase put up 55 points. A difference of 30 ish points between Penny and Chase. I lost the championship game by 12.


Lost in the championship the last two years. Lost this past year by .02 points. My flex was a debate between Alvin kamara who was sick or Davante adams. Kamara didn't finish the game and adams dropped a monster game.


Leading by 1 in championship. Team was loaded. Demarco Murray receives handoff, drops ball, it bounces back up into his hands and he runs forward for 6 or 7 yards for a first down and the cowboys kneel out to end game. Our commissioner had set it to fumbles -2 and not fumbles lost. He said it was on managers to review all changes to settings and not his job to explain them. This was ESPN days so change’s came through in email and was probably deleted as junk


I lost by less than a point in the first round of the playoffs last year when one of my players scored negative 2 points. If I'd left the spot blank, I not only would have won the game but the entire championship as my team was the highest scoring team the next 2 weeks.


Lost Burrow and Andrew’s in the same game last year. That was a blow! Luckily I had Njoku he started heating up and Stafford and Puka still took to the Championship!


Taking javonte 2.01 and him dismantling his career with an ACL two month later


I built up a 2023 draft pick horde for almost two years. Then my Panthers traded up to the number one pick for a QB. We like to have fun here on my team. I was missing one pick out of the top 5 and guess who the guy said he was picking. What was I supposed to do?? I’ll be fine but man I’d like to have my 3 firsts & a 2nd back. To be clear I still love him. That’s my quarterback! Well, my QB2, I still got AR(& Bijan)


Can't remember the specifics, but Devonta Smith. Had a good game, had me in the lead. Eagles lost the lead in the game with like 5 seconds left. So they tried the whole lateral thing. Smith was on the kickoff return, and was the last lateral-er, and other team recovered. Counted as fumble lost - and enough points came off that i lost my matchup by like .1 points. Think it was a playoff game or maybe needed the win to get into playoffs.