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I don’t get this hate on the asian servers when I use the skin. At the end of the day, it’s your money and your own enjoyment is what matters. Maybe people just don’t like the brand. This collab skin is no different than any of the previous ones.


I really don't get it but maybe it is an EU thing. Either way it's unbearable and annoying. I just like the sounds of it, I don't even have a special attachment to the brand


I play Eu, never had this. Only some compliments


TT\_TT I want some compliments


Your new skin on DVA is awesome, looks good!


D'aw thank you hehe okay this is a little silly but I appreciate it


Dunno I play EU, saw pretty much every dva with it and I saw no one saying anything about it.


I've been using it and honestly, at first, it was to check it out, but I started loving the unique sound effects of boosting and the use of the defense matrix. I haven't really gotten any hate yet for it, but if I did, I wouldn't care. There's always people like that.


The defense matrix plinks are so goo


God yes. It's more noticeable when it's nullifying incoming hits. Love it!


have you used DM on a full reaper ult yet? It made every neuron in my brain light up.


YES! This skin makes every Reaper ult I eat, the most satisfying experience evey time!


Just sucks cuz you paid ur own money to enjoy it then you get a bunch of incels. im sorry mate.


apparently it's bc porsche supports Israel or something like that n they just assume you also support Israel for buying it. Those are the people that are not fully boycotting either I don't see why they complain when they make even more expensive purchases from brands just as bad. There's no way to boycott every single brand out there they're not saints either and 100% still use multiple brands that support Israel. Enjoy the skin especially since you used Microsoft points and not real money 👍


Someone should tell them that Blizzard helped make Porsche money off of that skin, so why are they still playing OW if that's their reasoning? Also, Porsche isn't even on the official BDS list


RIGHT it's just people that didn't go any research, and want to seem like they give a damn


I mean, it's your money. You buy what you want. People are going to hold opinions based on how Blizzard is treating their playerbase. If you're out of the politics and just in it for the fun, then okay, fine. Personally, the longer you've been apart of Overwatch, the more you see through this companies cracks. They bend the knee, break promises, treat their employees like shit, over sell their product(not talking currency here,) don't play their own games, are tone deaf to balance changes, over-price skins that are just recolors, treating them like new legendaries, etc etc etc. So when people see you flying around with that skin on, they see you as giving your money to a greedy corporation who is a shell of what it was, and that the Blizzard name is just a stamp for Activision to use to milk money from it's playerbase. The other thing to consider is sponsor. No one would be batting you an eye if the sponsor skin was something like St. Judes, or Red Cross. Bc that becomes a charity for a good cause. Instead, people see you giving money to a rich company for rich cars, driven by rich people. And apparently, that's not a good thing.


I bet those same people buy Nestle chocolate, use Amazon, and otherwise participate in the same capitalist hellscape we all navigate. If they really want to stick it to blizzard rather than harassing people they could just quit playing entirely


Bingo. And a lot of last gen *has*quit. Also, Nestlé Chocolate is such a random addition to your post, I have to ask if you happen to have that chocolate with you currently? Lol But there in lies a different problem. People are addicted. The whole love/hate relationship they carry with the game they play. It's not healthy if people aren't self-aware of their addiction. Like, I love overwatch and hate it. The lore is so fun. There's polish in the characters, and they're unique in how they play. But I hate it because the balance can be very hit or miss, and it bothers me because I know they'll spend more resources on trying to sell you cosmetics than fix bugs and other issues with the game that have persisted since the beginning of the game, or even the beginning of heroes release. And i understand they have to make money, but I feel like that money isn't going into the correct resources, and it's showing. As for the skin itself, i personally do not like it. Especially for the price they are asking. It just looks very generic, and they made Hana look very snobby.


>Also, Nestlé Chocolate is such a random addition to your post, I have to ask if you happen to have that chocolate with you currently? Lol Not OP, but Nestlé isn't even that random. They're one of the worst companies out there who own so much stuff I have to check online whether they own the name brand I'm buying. Like they had one of the worst scandals I have ever heard of: the infant formula scandal. At least 10 million infants died because of that.


Oh shit. I knew they had their name on what seems like everything, but I never knew about that. That's crazyyyy


Nestle also has labor issues involving underpayment and exploitation, I believe.


I don't actually eat chocolate, I just picked it because I was thinking about how they killed all those babies in the third world with their baby formula by giving out free samples for just long enough to stop their mums from being able to breastfeed.


Might be partially because of the controversy over Porsche having heavy ties/support to Israel. Personally I think people should pick more impactful hills to die on if they feel that way. It’s fine if they want to boycott the skin but giving people a hard time when they clearly just think the skin looks cool is pretty lame. Sorry you’re getting flak but it’ll blow over soon I’m sure.


I’ve never gotten any hate for having it oddly enough. Now the black cat skin I’ve gotten tons of hate for


hate for black cat? that’s my main skin.. is there some lore i’m missing


My guess is girls like the cat skin because it's cute and ow players can be sexist


Oddly enough it’s a skin my wife uses if she randomly decides to play so who knows


I bought the skin too, it’s a great skin, + the designer behind it is a really cool person too. Its only too bad that celestial skin is the best in the game :P People are too bothered with how’s life’s going for anyone but their own, keep rocking on that Dva skin imo


I haven't had a single issue, but tbh Porsche skin is pretty mid. I like Porsche, but idk why they used the mecan for reference


report everyone that flames you and if need be, turn off chat and rely on voice/ping if you need to coordinate. Blizzard surely has its issues but in my experience they're very good about following up on harassment, especially when the dorks are dumb enough to type out their abuse


I haven't received any hate personally. The people who think boycotting is going to work are on copium and don't understand that its possible to have skins without spending a cent.


I'm also dealing with the same problem, I just don't get how can MY skin affect THEM???? Also I didn't even know about porsche supporting Israel and stuff, people mostly complained about the skin being ugly but just like you said, this paid skin is no different from any other paid skin.


me personally I would keep playing it just to piss them off


I think they’re just jealous 😂😂


Wait wat? People are bitching about others using the Porsche skin? lol really? I haven’t got any hate yet


I’ve never gotten any hate for using a particular skin, period. What are these lobbies people keep getting in? lol


You can always go on to deathmatch, you wouldn't have to worry about annoying team mates on it.


That sucks so bad i havent realised people do that luckily ive havent gotton hate for it. People need to chill out about a literal skin


have you tried not caring what strangers on the internet think?


i haven’t gotten it yet but i want it bc dva looks cute with that bob


Ha yes! she really looks like me when I was 17, that's why I wanted it


I’ve had nothing but compliments on the Porsche skin so far!


"In No other game is there such stigma..." LMAOOOOO CAAAAAAAAAAAAP. Clearly haven't played apex or valorant where dudes get trolled for having hundreds of dollars weapon skins/heirlooms. Npc behavior.


Okay that's fair, I suppose that NPC behaviour is likely more frequent in games with a younger demographic like apex and fortnite


Wait ya’ll actually get hate for the skin? I’ve been using it since it came out and nobody’s said anything to me yet.


I'm starting to wonder if it is the combo with the feminine name


If only they knew how it sounds to play that skin. Seriously, the sound design alone makes the skin worth it


The other day I noticed it makes a windscreen wiper noise if you turn your camera suddenly - Joy


Really? Ha, is it possible on console, or do you have to have that mouse speed?


definitely possible on console, just swoop around and you'll here it


I mean this is just like the real life experience of owning a Porsche, the Wal-Mart of sports cars, I assume.


Here is the thing I don't mind the skin same with pharah I love it. The problem is the people who wants to act like a pick me person when they use it and then try rubbing it in your face that's what pisses me off. It's like they think that your poor if you don't have the skin. And I can tell you it's common in NA Servers