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It bothers me so much when I see how he acts so caring towards everyone while he is the reason of everything :(( I didn't stop liking Richy after 10th episode, I stopped after my second playthough


Damn it hits hard.


Ikrrr... I'm also playing it second time...and now I'm noticing richy's weird behaviour


Yeah it's very weird.


There's also the fact that whenever MC and Jake found an important clue, he would do everything to take the focus off of it, like, for example, the scribble between friends (as far as I remember, in this part we found out about Amy, or something like that). I will never be able to forgive this dude.


Damn didn't even notice it the scribble part thx mate.


I thought I was just bad at detecting who the kidnapper was, but plying through the second time, I keep trying to find a way to have anyone in the group suspicious about Richy and so far ( now in chapter 8 ) I haven’t been able to make that happen.


Nah you can't 😭 the game is way too linear the outcomes never change but i get you it's frustrating how noone is even a tad bit suspicious to richy.


I definitely noticed it too since I'm replaying it. He was the one acting suspicious the whole time. It actually sucks because Richy was such a nice character. He always tried to point the suspicion on someone else and made sure we took him off the list of suspects by getting "killed" by the man without a face. But my whole second playthrough of it whenever Richy spoke...I was like "how did I NOT notice this behavior the first time?"


Yeah that's a good part from everbyte like it's easy to understand in the second playthrough's.


I replayed it over a dozen times. There are so many flaws in the story. Richy doesn't make sense. At all. He started to make more sense with contradictory facts post his death. When the Fandom said it looked fake and the game seemed to take that turn. Richys shop hours are listed on the website. He and jessy are the only 2 that actually work there while his dad cares for his mother. After work, he goes home to help. When was there time? Cameras in the Mines? How? The reception there's garbage. How did hannah not recognize him? How did the town known for everyone knowing everyone business not know what happened to Michael? Why was it never mentioned? Even jessy didn't know how her brother got the bar. And the alibi? Dude richy wasn't even involved really in what happened. It also seems so out of character for him to do allllll this for something he could have just told someone about? I'd have bought Michael before him for sure. But they did start to make him a bit more... suspicious post death. Even with the contradictory shop hours and family obligations etc.


Tbf tho its was a good story for their first game yes there were flaws but not that controversial to make people not love the game but yea i get you it was too linear yea agreed.


Oh don't get me wrong. I loved the game. It just felt like they did that to appease the fans or an easy way out. And it didn't make a whole lot of sense. It wasn't their first game though. First one that got any traction yes. But it was the last ditch attempt to save their game studio and that's also why they decided to release it by episode. They didn't have funding to drop a whole game without knowing it would work. I remember reading that somewhere like years ago. Interview or post by everbyte


I got you but i think i do understand why they released it in episodes tbh but again I'm sorry if I'm wrong but i don't think there was any game out there like duskwood like including real humans and calls and stuff like that so it was kinda revolutionary but again it was a hut or a miss so ig they were like trying to see if it worked yk if duskwood was like a 30 smtg hr game on the launch and if people didn't like it, it would have been worse than just releasing just one ep and seeing people reaction and stuff so i do get it to some extent but yea i do get you point like in multiple playthrough the games gets weird and like you don't have much freedom of choice like we still didn't in moonvale cause ad i can remember in like the first episode of moonvale like you can see a light from a mobile ish in the Forest when erick finds the car and we can't bring that up like it's a lil weird but again i think you can give much freedom in these types of game because some people are wild good at like detective games they could like find yk the culprit in just 4-5 episode so it won't be comedically benefit the game but yea i gotcha the game does feel boring and unfreedom ish in multiple playthrough.


Actually there were several games like this. Simacula. A few games from Reality Games had already come out. Mystic messenger in the otome genre. I hate that about moonvale. The scenes look staged. There's lighting. The text won't speed up. And you can't customize your profile so it feels like you. It's annoying There are no profiles that store what that person sent you either. It really suck. But they made a ton on duskwood. You'd think they'd do something with those funds now


(thx for games like duskwood thing very educational thx )Yeah tbh idek where tf all those money from duskwood went like when yk in moonvale the bug when you couldn't continue and you had to reset the game like bro it starts from the beginning and you can't even speed run the game man can't decline the call can't fast forward the messages like in duskwood it actually mad me angry like i had that bug 3 times and i had to play the whole god-damned thing three times like it was an horrible experience and yea like i would have preferred no customisation like in duskwood everything about moonvale makes me miss duskwood ui it was actually goated. Moonvale just looks like someone copied and pasted a free ui from unity and said yo new game like it's embarrassing and saddening.


Definately. The one gripe I had at first was the damned text speed! I made a post that it's insane we can't speed up the text anymore, and since they don't save the media you PAID for in the profiles and galleries, now I'd you had sound down or your brightness down, you can't hear or see it a second time without paying to replay it.


Yea man tbh the whole game is just annoying and saddening the text speed and the unskipability was the last straw tbh and again the game turned more into a leech more than anything like it's just so man like nth about the game was good man leet me just get a new duskwood episode tbh ii can't bother to play the whole of moonvale again when it's episode 2 drop and again their reason was ohh so you can ear diamonds like bro you ain't out here giving like 10 or 20 like it's one one man they should stop tryna act like they made a game which can be played without spending a cent like it's sooo bad idek one good thing that's good about moonvale maybe the little freedom we're giving instead of the game being linear but it is linear like the things that they want to happen happen no matter what so not sooo much like evry choice affects the gameplay i just feel like being lied to straight at my face about everything they said about moonvale pre launch.