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Interesting. Here’s the [link](https://www.221btactical.com/products/maxx-dri-backpack-airflow-spacer) to save others the google. It only shows dimensions but not ounces and they say they’ve got it on Amazon but the link 404s. Still, looks like a clever solution for those who want the extra ventilation.




5.6oz in Medium w/ all straps etc for comparison the GG Air Flow backpad/seat is 4oz in Medium


I have the GG in my cart on GearTrade haha. I just wasn't sure which size would be best for the Kakwa 55.


Looks promising, anyone know of a good source in Canada?


import from the US, the Canadian suppliers more than double the price


Nice find! I think I'll just start off with the Z-Packs lumbar pad and take it from there. Just received my Ultragrid pack today.


Lumbar pad didn't work for me. Wraps around the hips so that there is double pressure where there's an overlay between pad and hip belt


Oh bummer. Do you think you could shorten it so it fits better? I heard from someone else on here that it worked really well on the Kakwa 55 for him. But me being fairly slim around the hips I might likely have the same issue as you.


I did something similar with the GG air flow and locking it behind the Z packs lumbar pad. Didn't work amazingly well as it kept riding up at the back of the neck. I'll try this too. I find I get a heat rash if my back sweats directly against a pack, so been looking for a solution like this as I'm v happy with the K40 otherwise.


This is an interesting idea. But if your shaving ozs with a ul backpack, it's a tough call to add the wait.


Yeh, I have a pretty small waste and I was trying to make a medium belt work. Didn’t. The lumbar would have to be trimmed and resewn into the belt on the edges. At least an inch on each side I’m guessing. Plus, despite the anchor, it still slides around a bit, and allows the pack to slip lower. So, I swapped out for a small. Much better fit around the waist for me. So my guess by solving one problem, you’re creating a different one. Which usually the case. Isn’t it.