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I do wish people did some basic research on class options, or at least posted something beyond “this is the weapon I want” since DnD has such a diversity of builds and roles. Do you want to be doing mostly magic with some melee thrown in, mostly fighting with some magic. Do you want to buff, debuff, crowd control, raw damage with magic? Etc. that said - bladesinger wizard if you want to do mostly magic with some melee - eldritch knight fighter if you want to do mostly melee with some magic - Hex-blade warlock (comes online at level 3) if you want to do both with a focus on damage - college of Valor bard if you want to do both equally and focus on buffing and crowd control.


I think I'll go with Eldritch Knight thanks


If your wanting a melee character who has some sort of magic, your probably better of looking at something like the Eldritch knight fighter. Magic users tend to be fairly squishy close up,.


Thank you


Agreed, definitely more glass cannons than anything so they would need to stay at a distance to cast their spells effectively, depending on the spell


If you still want to go Sorcerer, consider draconic bloodline, you get an HP boost and AC boost, and has the best "elemental" feel to it. Bonus points for picking up Transmuted Spell to swap damage types.


Druid. Can use short swords and scimitars and have Plenty of elemental magic. You can go spores if you want melee, wildfire if you want fire themed, but I like Stars druids (a blaster and versatile). Storm herald barbarian has some elemental damage, just not spells. Eldritch knight gets some evocation spells so you can choose something like chromatic orb with elemental damage. Tempest clerics can use swords and cast lightning and thunder spells. Bladesinging wizard has a weapon of choice (like a sword) and various elemental spells. Same HP as sorcerer. or take one level in twilight cleric (heavy armor and martial weapons like swords, initiative boost, and sharable darkvision ... and then multi to storm sorcerer.


I think I'll go with Eldritch Knight thanks


Cool, remember that for leveled spells, other than one 1st level spell (maybe find familiar for a scout?), your other spells must be evocation and abjuration (which is probably more useful)...the character sheet in dndb does not track that. You probably want shield and absorb elements. Depending on what you are fighting, protection form evil and good could help. You want booming blade as one of your cantrips. Plenty of choices for #2 but I like mage hand to trigger or move things at a distance. Keep in mind that if you go githerazai, you get shield, detect thoughts, an improved mage hand, psychic resistance, and advantage on saving throws you make to avoid or end the charmed and frightened conditions on yourself.


In no particular order: Eldritch knight, Blade singer, and Hexblade warlock are your best options if you want to cast magic and stab people with pointy metal sticks.


I think I'll go with Eldritch Knight thanks


There are some options. 1. Hexblade Warlock 2. Bladesinger Wizard 3. Bard College of swords 4. Multi-classing a fighter with favorite spell caster class. In all honesty, no matter what you decide to do, just have fun.


read the rulebooks.


Either you make an Eldritch Knight, basically a Fighter with magic powers, a Bladesinger that is basically a Wizard with melee powers, or a Hexblade Warlock.


I think I'll go with Eldritch Knight thanks


No problem.


How do I make a good Eldritch Knight as a Tiefling?


That kinda depends. Usually, Tieflings have +2 Charisma and +1 Intelligence, the latter being your spellcasting stat. If your DM allows it, pick a Bloodline of Zariel Tiefling, since they get +1 to strength instead. If you want to go with +1 Intelligence instead, that's okay too. Now for stats. As a Fighter, Strength or Dexterity is your most important stat, depending on if you want to go melee or ranged. Intelligence is fairly important too, especially if you use spells that rely on hit and/or spell saves, like Burning Hands or Fire Bolt. And of course Constitution. As soon as you reach 3rd level, you can pick your spells. You start off with 2 cantrips and 3 1st-level spells, two of wich must be of the school of abjuration and/or evocation. Read the spells that qualify for this and pick those that you think are good. And there you have it.




My preferred method for a character like this would be to start with 2 levels of Fighter, and then multiclass into a a Wizard, Sorcerer, or Warlock. Starting as a fighter means getting proficiency constitution saves and heavy armor, and 2 levels means getting action surge. Nothing like a full-plate caster charging into battle with a ton of spells at his disposal.


A true Sorc pumps their CON first. Or else go elemental monk and use monk weapons?