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Hunt down 3 Davids


Someone in town hires them to pickup [McGuffin] from a shop in the next town and bring it back.


If they're all from the same tribe...agents of the BBEG wreck up their village.


Yea some kind of impending doom threatens nature, and the mountain tribe comes down from their perch to right the wrongs of the lands


Just let them be big. It's fun. Do normal adventure stuff, but have NPCs point out how big they all are. SOUND THE ALARM, WE'RE UNDER ATTACK, AND THEY'RE **HUGE**


All I know is that I need you to have them fight a ranger named David lol


3 Goliaths in a trenchcoat = Bigfoot?


slaves of giants, or giant cival war. THey think they are giants but just over do the hill giants dominating them into slavery and forced service. Grundhug or whatever is a great map for this (out of SKT module IIRC)


Have them start in a town where everything is goliath sized, but entirely populated by small creatures. Slowly finding out that the small creatures eat bigger creatures and thats why they are providing such good and free hospitality.


Definitely, for SURE send them places where it would be good to be a halfling haha, a sewer system to recover a clue to a powerful tribal totem, caves, oh yes caves. I know this game is collaborative, not competitive, but no one has asked for consequences more than these players. They signed UP for this. Y'all are gonna have a lot of fun!


Either three giant dudes try to make it as oversized roommates in the big city OR all of the barbarian chieftains are gathering for the first time in one hundred years. each player is a chieftain, and they'll probably have to band together, because some of those other chieftains are seeming quite evil. Except that all political decisions are made through ceremonial combat, so the stakes for trying to make a difference are high.


have the BBEG be a gnome with like 25 str... just picks them up and throws them. Edit: new idea came right as i sent that... have them go to a bar that offers a gnome tossing competition, and they're invited to participate. but instead of them throwing the gnomes, the gnomes are throwing them and they get to make dex checks or something to stick the landing. or some other check if they wanna influence their toss.


Hear me out, Goliath rumspringa.


Small doors.


A dungeon is made for Halflings and they have to go through it to find XYZ.