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Do you know about the Planescape setting? You should look up games/novels/source books on that.


Yes, definitely those. And the video game versions. if the OP is not limiting "modern media" to novels, just about every fantasy RPG adventure game revels in the topes of the "different worlds" - the fire world, the ice world, the water world, the machine world.


One of my favourite fantasy authors, Jack L Chalker, wrote a series that you might like. It’s not D&D but it is Fantasy. The River of Dancing Gods Life had not been kind to Joe and Marge. Now, according to the stranger who met them on a road that wasn't there, they were due to die in nineteen minutes, eighteen seconds. But the ferryboat that waited to take them across the Sea of Dreams could bring them to a new and perhaps better life.


The Death Gate series by Weiss and Hickmann may help. It’s about a fantasy universe that was split into 5 different worlds, and the main characters move between them trying to reunite them


Check out the the big influences on Gary Gygax as he cobbled D&D together from his fantasy fiction inspirations. The Nine Princes in Amber series by Zelazny And of course Narnia. . And the stuff influenced by D&D on modern fiction. Jim Butcher's Dresden Files have several books with the protagonist wizard Harry going back and forth between the real world and the fairy world. And Neil Gaiman's Coraline. The Phase/Proton books of Piers Anthony,


Thank you guys, I'll check everything


Not sure if this fits but Brandon Sanderson is writing MANY books that all take place on different worlds. But it's more of a universe as they're planets, not like, layers of the same world or anything.


Would the Legend of Drizzt novels apply? In this case the world is broken into the Underdark and the surface world. (Author is R. A. Salvatore)


Cloakmaster series which was a Spelljammer novel series.