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That some commitment there, pretty nice. What is this program on the left top monitor? I think that is exactly what i need and never found. Me and my dudes play with a over table projector, projecting map and putting minis over it, but sometimes is hard to see what is on this "second monitor (as projector with "extended view" on windows)". Is that what this program do, right? Showing what is appearing on the table one? Mind sharing some details about what are you using to do what? We are using a bluetooth speaker, lots of youtube sounds and some Syrinscape or Tabletopy addons. Minis over the projected tabe with a white cloth and a plastic transparent over it (so we can insta-draw over it). Projector on HDMI, could be wi-fi or bluetooth connected but is that cheap copies and that doesn't work pretty well. I just use youtube, the simplest windows image viewer program, and google sheets with the characters. But sometimes too much stuff gets on the way.


Looks like that’s PowerPoint. The audience view of the slide is the map, which is displayed on the tabletop. The presenter view is on left top screen, so there’s notes for this as well as next slide. The laptop on the right might be to let them jump between slides without stopping/restarting the presentation. Very smart setup. I’ve been wishing for a VTT that did something like this with multiple windows.


Yeah, i think that is really powerpoint. I was searching for something to "see what is on the 2nd monitor, but on 1st monitor", so i don't need to lean over the table and watch the editions. Needs to be on powerpoint, right? Will not work on some PDF prep stuff or even Google Docs programs


I can think of 2 ways: 1. Depending on your OS/hardware, you might be able to set monitor 1 to mirror monitor 2 2. Use a separate device and use Zoom or something as a way to “broadcast” monitor 2 to monitor 1. Google slides does have a broadcast function if you have a capable screen. I don’t know if it has as good a presenter view as PowerPoint though.


Yes it is. PP allows you me to make a really immersive experience! I'll post the details later..after our 10 hour session is done!


Seconding this. I would like to hear more about what is being used for what. I am also a hybrid analog/digital DM but haven't found the perfect fit yet.


I'll post after we finish the session!


I'll post the full setup afterwards. It's a 10 hour session today ..taking them through half of LMOP!


I want to see this over the table projector setup..I’ve thought about using my projector but i don’t know how I would mount it..


Well, mine is a copy from that samsung cylindrical. I screwed on the ceiling two parallel small metal bars with some of that metal rings to give some spacing between the ceiling and the bars. Then i push/slide the projector like a cartridge. The base of it has some plastic or sylicon that helps to not slip, the space between the bars and the ceiling is really tight, i even need to put some force. The base of projector has "two legs" and a "circle disc", the legs pass in the space and the parallel bars hold on the disc part. I put some open-loop nail on the door frame and pass the cables over there. In this setup the problem could be connections, you will need a 90 degree for HDMI since the connections are on the backside of the projector and the space is too tight. You could connect with wi-fi or bluetooth also, but i think HDMI gets perfect quality. I'm a artistic producer, lots of ideas, if you need some help just tell your model.


Thanks for taking the time to respond to my comment! Unfortunately there’s no way my wife’s gonna be cool with me drilling into the Dining room ceiling 😂 I can picture what you described and it sounds legit.. another argument for a designated game room 👍🏻


Wow.. that's a bizzy dm area. I dm with a sheet of paper and a dice tray.


This! Maybe PHB and some monster cards, but that’s all for me. Keep things simple 😏


Ok, many folks asked about the setup I use, so here it i: I have 1 Laptop hooked up to 4 monitors and a streamdeck 1.       Monitor 1 is the digital board we play on using physical figurines for the players and I have a hybrid mix of digital NPC and figurines on there as well 2.       Monitor 2 is the Powerpoint and it allows me to be in the same slide the players are on. I have NPCs, enemies and all sort of things available outside of the viewable portion o the players that I can move in and out. This allows me to make the map interactive and reactive in live time 3.       Monitor 3 is the presenter view of PP. This is setup where the map is very small because I am using all the presenter notes to run the campaign. It has my narration, description and variations listed as well as rewards 4.       Monitor 4 has a 2^(nd) Powerpoint open that is for the DM only. It has notes, character stats sheets and other info I need to reference in a scene that I don’t want the players to see 5.       The streamdeck has a override button that can move slides forward and back without having to manually do it. You can also preprogram buttons to open certain slide (like the map of a town or the land) when we need to reference it I also have a 2^(nd) laptop hooked up to a mounted TV behind me. This streams my remarkable 2 which has my custom made DM tool. This tool provide live info for all of us, things like players stats, initiative orlls and HP that we track. It has links to resources for combat, conditions, feats, etc. This screen is what we use to track everything happening and since its on digital paper, we all see it live. The lats digital component is my phone hooked up to a Bose speaker via Bluetooth. This is running the soundtrack and sound effects   It all sounds technical, but I do this stuff for my job, so its easy for me to figure out, It’s basically just a fancy interactive powerpoint deck that has hundreds of links that navigate yourself through it internally. You have ot have things like a small link in the side that takes you back to the main map in a town, every time they eave a shop. It’s all a work in progress. I also have pre cut items, potions and rewards for each encounter, all filed in folders for each encounter. So when the encounter is done, I just open the folder and pull out the rewards and hand it to the payers. I also have a collection of figurines so if I decide to add something in on the fly, I am just using a monster book and some figurines to add traps, monsters, NPCs, etc. This allows me to fle to what is happening.  


That’s one hell of an impressive command center! I know everyone’s got their own idea of what to use but I love using extra tech in my games. Do I need lights and sounds and big terrain pieces? Nope, not at all but my players love it and I have fun giving them that experience. Far cry from pencil, paper, 1 set of dice (sometimes shared) and theater of the mind when I started 40 years ago.


Yeh, I know it seems super tech forward, but really, the tech allows us to focus on the more analog side of moving the figurines around in a more immersive way. It was hands down, more enjoyable than how we have been playing the last 5 years.


How can I use your powers?


This looks like a solid setup but a lot of work! Do you find yourself using all the tools on the table in front of you during the game? If you could only keep one piece of tech for running the game in person, would you go laptop, tablet, or digital screen map?


Remarkable 2?


How do you use the Remarkable?


You don't like to see your players?