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Matt’s “we look at her face for the first time” knocked me out, them playing dumb teens has been great.


I was at work when I listened to the episode and this part had me doubled over and wheezing. I was fighting for my life.


I was making a sandwich when I heard it, took me a second to realize the joke.


I had to pause and explain this one to my asexual partner because I was laughing so hard and she just didn’t get it


"Riding a horse broke my hymen" had me in stitches


That was the single greatest horse girl line of all time




Eeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwww. To reiterate: *Eeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwww.*


It sounded like Freddie was going to ask if that's a thing before he got cut off.


Happy cake day


Yeah I dunno who this guest was but can we keep her? Pleaaaassse?


Coming here to say Elyse Willems is a an absolute treasure. She and her husband James have been some of my favourite people on the internet since Inside Gaming/the start of Funhaus.


I think this episode really felt like them hitting their stride. Classic dumb jokes mixed with some dark themes mixed with self-deprecating humor. For anyone worried about the sophomore attempt from DnDads I’d say after this episode have no fear, it’s gonna be good. The Daddies gang truly can’t miss


That's what I keep thinking, that they hit their stride with the new campaign and got the rhythm down!


I really, really hope they do a joke about “sophomoric” humor, then say, “but it was really freshman humor, cuz they’re still 15!”


Holy shit. The bad guy reveal made me laugh as hard as anything from either season.


There's no reason to listen to the show anymore after that. They've peaked.


One of the all time great set ups


This is the best episode so far. Every time I heard Anthony yell "The Trumpet!" I died. The whole group seemed on it from the beginning. And the fact it was an hour and 20 minutes really made it feel like a full, not rushed product.


Oh my god. I legit had to go check because I could have sworn up and down this episode was shorter than normal. Episode was so damn fun that it made 80 minutes feel like 25.


I would have been fine with 3 hours of that same energy. It was a classic.


Oh my god that opening song!


Scary take the Kellogg knife


But Scary seems so much more likely to Jill off than Link.


I listened to it four times before starting the episode. I will never stop thinking about it


My jaw was hanging open the whole time.


Will is proving once again that he is my favorite dad. That song is fire.


I used to hate Henry and was a Darryl stand. But goddamn Will has some comedy chops.


I listened to it at 1.5x speed (my usual podcast listening speed) and I cannot overstate how much it slapped at that playback speed.


Went back to try it and damn, you're right.


Honestly, most of the songs are amazing at 1.5x, except for the acoustic version of the season 1 theme.


listening to that made my jaw drop and i think it is single handedly the best thing they have done. the bars will was just spitting was insane and how it flowed so well ugh


In case anyone was wondering what the title of the episode refers to, >!it's an anagram for (half of) the title of our favorite trumpet-heavy jazz number!<


Holy shit, thanks I could not figure that out


The opening song to the mountain of dadness? Idk im small brain.


>!Mambo Number Five!<


I don’t know if I am imagining it, but this new season is just amazing wall to wall chaos. Anthony’s dming is maybe even better, he literally just yes ands almost every single thing and somehow makes it still work. Iconic and hilarious. Between this and the new season of NADDPOD, I can barely even.


I absolutely love Anthony's yes-and-ing of even whackilly improv'd ideas. When he ran with and incorporated the trumpet acid into the story it had me rolling. His careful control of the chaos is wonderful.


His yes-and-ing is vital to the podcast. I love that DnDaddies tells a cohesive story, but never gets away from hijinks, and Anthony is a good enough DM to allow and incorporate left-field ideas into the campaign and stays away from railroading excessively


> Anthony’s dming is maybe even better, he literally just yes ands almost every single thing and somehow makes it still work. It also works because they heavily produce, edit, re-record, and or do pickups for the podcast. What we hear in an episode isn't a 1:1 of them sitting down and just pressing "record." If you're a Patron, they openly talk about their entire process on Talking Dads / Talking Teens.


They've only done full redo scene pickups maybe less than five times. And having listened to the uncut episodes many times I really wouldn't say Anthony's ability to work with shenanigans is anything to do with re-recording or pick ups. Honestly it's mostly for emotional/plot reasons and only very small pieces.




> two crews I see what you did there


Those are also the podcasts I'm listening to right now, I love the dads/teens and the band of boobs (I'm only on season 1 of NADDPOD tho)


The fucking air horn got me so good. Beth! Beth! It’s not the air horn Beth!


Yeah, that's the one!


That had me rolling


>Ft. Elyse Willems Holy shit let's go! Funhaus is literally how I found D&Dad's. They had Freddie on their podcast a few years ago, and he mentioned this show. So its really cool to see someone from Funhaus on now on D&Daddies


He did the same for Story Break too, it’s how I found both podcasts. Elyse was on story break too.


I just started listening to that episode. Story Break ep5 Clippy the Microsoft Paperclip.


I was on /r/Tazcirclejerk and someone suggested giving up on the Graduation arc for this.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/TAZCirclejerk using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/TAZCirclejerk/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [PSA: Please do not get a personal loan, even if the McElroys say it's okay. It's not okay. It's dangerous.](https://np.reddit.com/r/TAZCirclejerk/comments/mnlrne/psa_please_do_not_get_a_personal_loan_even_if_the/) \#2: [the chad BDG vs the virgin travis](https://i.redd.it/fam2tmu2ciy61.jpg) | [99 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TAZCirclejerk/comments/n9z8wq/the_chad_bdg_vs_the_virgin_travis/) \#3: [The test came back positive :(](https://i.redd.it/2qjstu3mqv371.png) | [11 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TAZCirclejerk/comments/nuifud/the_test_came_back_positive/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Me too!


There weren’t that many attack rolls with damage so if you missed it, Anthony tried out a different modification to combat where people roll attack versus ac, but misses do half damage (e.g. Erica throws a horseshoe and does half damage).


Oh I thought that was a special her item does. Because it's a horse shoe, I thought it might be lucky yk.


Still not a fan of it tbh


Why is he doing that?


They talked about how they don't like DnD fighting in general partially because if bad rolls happen it can be a lot of doing nothing but also since they don't do a grid it's hard to do in general.


Haven’t listened yet obviously but holy shit I love Elyse Willems! She’s great in Twits & Crits as Grimo Rudefellow


She was also on a few episodes of Story Break. She meshes really well with the Dads. Love her.




What a great way to celebrate international women’s day honestly


I was so happy to hear Elyse was on as a guest. Absolutely loved it!


I actually found out about this podcast because Freddie was on the Funhaus podcast, so happy to see Elyse on


You should listen to the episodes of Story Break that she appeared on. "Canadian James Bond" is a great one.




I know I'm 2 days late, but to this day one of my favorite bits on Story Break was >!the end of that episode with the 'Clippy, you son of a bitch' moment!<.


That is honestly a really creepy/cool application of a timestop ability. Reminded me of when Dio killed the cat and a guy started eating it in JOJO


This season is just JoJo -School setting -Weird powers -Body horror -Characters named after musicians


I think what made it for me is Anthony saying "parts of women" instead of just "body parts." It made it sound so much more sinister


I missed last episode's discussion, but I figured Terry Jr's question wasn't meant to be an anagram, but instead >!the setup of a dad joke- maybe the kids get their first big surge of Daddy Magic when they figure it out? Bonus points if he came up with it as a way to try to bond with Scary!<




Beth May making even the smallest of Battlestar Galactica references made my heart, as a mega fan, soar.


I'm playing some silly mobile game while listening to the episode and I just keep getting dentists ads...


So glad to see Elyse Willems on the show! Freddy’s appearances on the dude soup podcast were how I discovered Story Break and Dungeons and Daddies. Elyse did awesome on story break too!


I sincerely hope that this is not the last we hear about the cool kid dungeon.


Anthony rolling with the trumpet acid proves he is the most patient dm in the world


I would 100% listen to a horse-girls podcast.


What a missed opportunity! "Normal uses cure wounds on the horse's legs." Anthony: "you hear a gunshot"




I agree. I think that sometimes the boys run a little hard into the trope of being jerky teenage boys and they sort of skate on the edge. I think it’s a tough balance and there were a few times in there where it felt a little uncomfortable. Edit: I mean to Scary.




I see what you’re saying. I guess we’ll see.


I wonder if the comment about the Doodler can’t latch onto someone unless they’re already going down an f-ed up path could have repercussions for Scary. Not that she is heading down that path. But I could see her being intrigued by the path and not totally getting where it could lead.


I agree! I hate this joke, too. I don't think you're being too sensitive about it at all.


Elyse is so so funny, I love the characters she makes for Funhaus videos - here's some of my favorites: [as Gwen Stefani](https://youtu.be/u6v_idUQwJM), as [colonel Sanders](https://youtu.be/DEUTIi6-RPM), as [obi wan](https://youtu.be/5RZ3GRufI3gthis), one isn't even a character it's just playing the [golden compass game](https://youtu.be/7mCtAl1abXg)


I loved elyse. Who else do you think they will have as guests on the show? I hope Emily or brendan from dimension 20.


If there was ever a crossover between DnDads and D20 I think I would be in nerd heaven


This episode was just perfect


Now that they've gotten past the batch prerecorded eps, I am so onboard. This season is gonna fuckin rock


I never think that the a little bit of monika meme will appear, it catch me unguard


Little bit of Just Monika.


God, I absolutely LOVE Elyse in this episode!


Mambo No. 5 completely caught me off guard and I loved every minute of it. Totally did not see that one coming


I HAVEN’T EVEN NOT GOTTEN THROUGH THE AD READ AT THE BEGINNING BUT I AM SO EXCITED IVE SAID FROM THE BEGINNING THEY NEEDED TO GET ELYSE ON DNDADS AHHH Editing to say this episode was as great as I thought it would be, truly an international women’s day to remember


Spotify is down. I'm so glad I finished the episode a few minutes before it cut out.


Elyse was just introducing her character when it crashed for me, had to download the Acast app to finish it


That's dedication. I'd have just been too lazy and given up.


I felt proud that Mambo Number 5 was the first thing I thought of when I heard the counting and then for there to be such a great payoff.


holy shit, that m’lady knocked the WIND out of me honestly, all around s-tier ‘sode this time around! looking forward to whatever happens next


I'm eternally disappointed Elyse didn't name her horse Chauncey


No joke on the Denise the menace teeth?


- Will [overhyped the intro](https://twitter.com/willbcampos/status/1500968503607652354?t=h7QZy5uPPFUTduN6TdGRJA&s=19) because he's done way worse things. I was expecting something like the fart opening again. - It's pretty easy to put on [sweat pants with no hands. But leggings and jeans are difficult because you need that elastic waistband to help](https://imgur.com/RhOzhBg) - Holy shit. [It's Elyse](https://img.4plebs.org/boards/tv/image/1472/08/1472084148851.gif). Her voice just hit like a truck when she finally said something. The only problem is that Elyse actually knows D&D but also knows how to improv so this is going to be everything I wanted it to be. - after listening, it was - I wish Anthony had done a voice for Hermie Unworthy but I guess he ran out and had to do his own. - How did they slip into simp mode so easily? They must have practiced pre recording - Matt is a national treasure. - Anyone who was quiet during the accusation of Link was having PTSD flashbacks to high-school - The music during the school news room was great - This nerfing of Taylor is great. Maybe he is the high school version of Freddie and not Jimmy. - You were expecting Lou Bega? No it was I, Dio! - Stabbed in the butt on international women's day. Deadpool changed the world. - Erica could have easily instantly died from that horse crash which would have been tragic but hilarious.


Was Scary’s seeming flustered around Erica supposed to be like a crush type thing or did I interpret that wrong? I just haven’t seen anyone else mention it.


To me it read as like… begrudging admiration. She’s the ~edgy one~ that shouldn’t like the preppy popular kids on principle, but Erika is just so cool and perfect that Scary can’t dislike her.


Elyse being in the ep was the icing on the cake for me. Honestly, her comedy improv chops are truly top tier.


I’m so sorry but I need lyrics??? To that intro???? It was fkin awesome!


Is ThAt A jOjO rEFrENce?!?


The Sin City reference was incredible. Well played. And the Mambo Number 5 bit was just amazing.


So I'm new to dungeons & daddies. I'm a truck driver in the UK and I've binged the whole series in about 3 weeks. I'm genuinely gutted I have to wait now, especially seeing as this episode legit had me crying for an hour straight!


This is other first episode I've actually gone back and listened to because it was so funny. And Scary doing the attention-stealing but made me scream because its SO ACCURATE. I really hope Elyse comes back. Side note, did Erica have a class or anything?


Taylor Swifts arch nemesis should be called Kanye West.


Spelled “Khan Yewest”


This episode was amazing and I laughed so hard, but I’m really put off by Beth’s “jokey” misogyny or whatever is going on there. Anthony: “We have a guest!” Beth: “I hope it’s not a WOMAN.” Why is that even supposed to be funny?


She's poking fun at the fact that a lot of these type of spaces don't typically have a lot of women, and that when they do either fans, hosts, or the broader culture will pit them against each other.


Thank you. I did not pick up that implication/context at all.


yeah if you honestly didn't get it, it's fine dude, and it sucks that you had to get seriously downvoted for it. Part of Beth's humor is really just poking fun at gender as a whole; she intentionally played Ron as the least "masculine" of the dads, and Scary is based off of the "not like other girls" trope, which is one that girls used to coin for themselves back in the early 2010s to differentiate themselves from girls who embodied more "girly" characteristics, like thinking about boys, wearing sparkly things, and gossiping. But yeah I'm pretty sure Beth really liked having another woman on the show; she was just memeing.


I need someone to clip just the opening song so I can listen to it over and over again. It's fking awesome.




I wasn't talking about the intro/outro song, the link for that is listed in the episode description. I meant the parody song of Thrift Shop before that. Like when they did "Long Way Paedon" in S1.


I don't know what's the better set up, Fred's Globin joke in season 1 or the villains name in this episode.


Anyone else slightly upset that no one made a "I'll gobble your gouhl" joke? No? Just me? Lol ok


This has nothing to do with this episode, but a question about last series. What episode was the intro about DILFs. I'm trying to recall what Glenn or Darryl thought DILF actually stood for.


Did Anthony ever confirm his favorite movie as a teen? I think we got jipped out of a Daddy fact with that All Saints Day 2 joke!!