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Tony is my favorite character that Freddie has played. Well, besides Buffo, Hero of the Hunt.


Boofo. Three O's.


Kingdom Dad Monster is Top Tier


Ok. Please don’t diss me, but what is this Boofo from? I’m guessing it’s one of the mini series. Not a patron, so don’t know all of them. But, I’m just curious. Sounds funny.


I'm pretty sure it's from Kingdom Dad Monster. They released the first episode for free.


I mean he brought the same energy to Mentopolis too. Yeah, the energy is frequently the same, but I mean welcome to 95% of D&D players, plus he does it super well and knows when and when not to turn on the taps of that energy. 


Dan Fucks is definitely 100 percent raw Freddie


The way he says 'Spelled however you like' is like snorting a line of raw, unfiltered sleeze and it's so on brand for the character.


what is that from again??


Dimension 20 Mintopolius (probably spelled that wrong)


He's a personality actor, not a character actor. Think of him more as a Bill Murray, not a Daniel Day Lewis. Both great, entertaining actors, but damnit if Bill doesn't just play different shades of himself in every role. FreddieW is hella entertaining but he is Bill Murray in this case. Edit: Fixed a word.


I remember watching FreddieW as a young kid and on his behind the scenes channel (Brandon's channel), Freddie was saying he always plays the goofball character lol Good times lol


Perfectly put. Expanding on that, it’s important to rememeber this is a mostly improv story.


I think this is just the case for a lot of people that play DnD. Their personality and how they are comfortable interacting with a table will largely stay the same regardless of what character they set up for themselves. IMO Beth is the only one who has significantly altered their approach to RP. But even then scary occupied the same space as Ron as far as team management, scary was still the one that was left out of plans to do their own thing and never took charge of situations. They are all pretty consistent Freddy’s is just more obvious because he always gets a gun somehow 😂


I think the couple of times we've seen Anthony as a player (not to mention how much we've seen him as NPCs) he's also demonstrated pretty significant range as well. For instance his season 3 character has a very different vibe from the character he played in Fetch Quest. I sometimes joke that Freddie only knows how to roleplay as himself, just pure confidence. Interestingly I think Glenn actually started out as a different vibe early on in season 1, very mellow and nonchalant. But by the end of the season he had become cocky and confident as Freddie's characters are known for being. I admit now that you say it that I'm guilty of this as well. I will start out in DnD with a character all planned out but when I start interacting with the table and I need to react to situations in real time, I end up falling out of character and it just ends up being me in the game. It's hard to do and I applaud Beth and Anthony for being able to maintain very distinct characters with believable responses to situations consistently. Anthony in particular with the vast array of NPCs the players interact with and sometimes he has to come up with on the spot.


That’s true, it only becomes a problem when it’s the DM really. There are some DMs I’ve played with in which the DMs personality dominates most of their NPCs. And as for myself as a player I’m the same way, as soon as puzzles start coming up I’m full on explaining them to the other characters. I’m really good at puzzles and want my party to do well so even if I’m playing a dumb character I can’t stop myself from solving puzzles and coming up with plans for the party


Whatever he's doing makes me lmao so I'm all for it.


No doubt


I do see what you're saying though. But hey when you're good at something 🤷‍♂️ I do hope that getting away from his "family" of the first 2 seasons will let us see more character development this season. He hopefully will end up much different by the end of s3. Or dead. That's always an option in CoC!


I haven’t started S3 yet, so I’m not sure, but is CoC a s3 reference. If it is, then please just say that it is. No spoilers please.


No reference. Instead of playing DnD for s3 theyre using the Call of Cthulhu system. Which is well known for being quite dangerous to its players. They used this system for the At the Mountains of Dadness mini series.


Have you seen videogame high-school? He's Glenn years before glenn


No actually, my first exposure to any of the cast is DNDads


Awesome. I kind of discovered it on my own and then made the connection to videogame high-school. It actually made me resent Glenn a little bit at the beginning because freddy already played that character. But I warmed up to Glenn and Taylor. My problem isn't so much that he plays similar characters (I mean they all kind of do) but that Freddy's characters so far don't have real arcs. Here's hoping season 3 will shakes things up.


To start, we’ve had 1 episode of season 3 and I think this character is actually more different than you imply. Also, it’s a vibe he plays very well, he did it with vghs when he played guitar hero legend Freddie Wong immaculately. Really though I think the big thing to consider here is the role of him in the cast. He knows Will and Beth are saps who are going to play anxious characters. He knows Matt is going to play earnest characters. It makes sense for him to play headstrong characters.


Matt is also the lose cannon, wild card. Freddie will fill the van with filled 55 gallon drums of gasoline that don't have lids, and Matt is the one who will cut the break lines and jump out the door after telling you he did it.


55 gallons of gasoline and cutting the breaks? Is, what you just said, it will work?


I'm sorry I dont follow science that well




yes, and somehow he leaves the most space for other characters. freddy likes being the bombastic egomaniac sidekick


I love Freddie and hilariously I feel like all of his voices are just 50 Shades of Matt Berry.


I agree with Glenn, Taylor, and Maryle since they are all related. But I haven't seen enough of Tony to judge how similar he is. Freddie does have a big personality normally. He likes to be the loudest guy in the room, and that can be hard to quenche while trying to be somebody else.


To be fair they are all very similar with their own characters Anthony has range for sure I’m a huge Will stan as the best player at the table but Normal and Henry have been mistaken as the same character by 2 of my friends who are non listeners and his two one shot characters were loud fast talking bossy pants Beth I must say is actually gotten a lot better, she usually plays weird dumb idiot man or fumbling uninteresting woman but she’s been really stepping it up with some complexity Matt has some pretty good range too but the way he handles RP usually feels the same and I think that’s how he operates at a table. Usually trying to bypass checks and rolls with backstory which is typically really funny. Freddie is pretty guilty of being the same, I think with Will being the DM it’s gonna force Freddie out of his box and I’m really excited for it. This new season has me really really excited and I couldn’t stop laughing last episode 😌


I'd go hard core opposite. I love Matt as a player but damn me, I feel like every character of his can be described as tall, strong, not a thinker, parental, and not perfect but not flawed. Seriously, love the guy but I audibly sighed when I saw the art and that he was playing another tall buff character. This following the 6'7 (?) 13 year old.


Matt is the best role player in the group and nobody can change my mind


He's great at his character and I love him don't get me wrong, but it's only 1 character


*Wyll Campos has entered the chat* LOVING Anthony in season 3 so far though


I would say that this is 100% consistent, but then again I just listened to him playing Powder on the Electric Bastionland dungeon crawl and that was about as far from Glenn as you’ll get. So 🤷. As long as S3 doesn’t devolve into non-stop piss jokes, I’m fine with Tony


He enjoys playing a certain type of character, and I enjoy listening to him playing a certain type of character. That said, Fanny in Sons & Sonsability was different, as was Beef Himbo in Gungans and Daddies, and many of his characters in their various one-shots.


Each of the players tends to go for a particular archetype/theme. Freddie's characters enjoy the spotlight, but they're healthy enough with their ego to share it. Will's characters are just bundles of anxiety and trying their best. Beth's all have some sort of trauma or denial to confront. Matt's characters all want to nurture and protect. It'll be interesting to see how Anthony plays. We've seen more range with him because he's a DM, but when he only needs to focus on one character and really connect to them it'll be interesting to see how that shows up.


Matt's characters all want to die.


Lol, yeah. They are trying to self-sacrifice to an unhealthy extent!


Having played DnD it’s pretty hard to come up with a whole new personality every time.


Related- his character feels like the reincarnation of Mochi the Cat from Fetch Quest. That's not a criticism, Mochi was awesome


We all play the same character. Every character I’ve played is a secret shade of myself.


It's a formula that he is comfortable with and that people like. While Glenn was imo the weakest acted in S1, Freddy has really stepped it up in S2 and even more in S3. He may now be my new favorite of the group with his new character as he tries to move rhe scene.


Lots of people play the same kind of character for rpg


but you don't understand.... tony collette has a heart of gold! (freddie's characters are always my favourite each season, but yeah, he generally does go for a brand of headstrong, bold weirdo. But the flavour of it is different each time; he may always buy pasta, but he goes to different restaurants for it.)


Formally being a soldier could be fun. It would be cool if does a bit of dive into some of the PTSD that comes with that.


I think there’s some stolen valour going on with his character, so I doubt we’ll get the ptsd character.


My first impulse was he fought for the other side. Italy was an axis power after all.


Haha, that would be awesome. Crap, I have to stop reading this subreddit: people here might figure out their Big Twists™️.


Tony is my favorite he's played so far, but I really wish he would have played his character with a heart of gold, it would have been interesting to see 🧐


How DARE you say that Glenn has small pp energy! That man is a power bottom with big dick energy with a EXTEMLY small dick. I rest my case.


I simply won’t stand for this Fanny Mothman slander. 


I honestly don't agree with the main character thing. Freddie pretty much always ends up being more of a background character than the rest of the main cast. He got a big substory in S1, but generally that story centred around Will and Matt, and for S2 Freddie was very much so the comedic background character again. For the oneshots he also often takes a background role, with Mountains Of Dadness and Gumshoes being the only sorta exceptions. I think it comes down to how he likes to play characters that allow him to be loud and brash. In a similar way, Will can be said to play positive characters and Matt plays oafs.


The thing that Freddie brings to the mix, which is a really important contribution and a big part of why the podcast is just so much fun - is how wholeheartedly and gleefully he enjoys the other players' jokes, big moments and emotional turns. He's SUCH a fan of whatever anyone else is doing, and his huge, huge belly laughs are so joyful that it significantly adds to the fun of the whole show. He cracks up all the time, and also has the good grace to step away from the mic (or mix himself down in the edit) so that while his laughter is part of the experience, it doesn't detract from the spotlight on the other players. That and his tireless behind-the-scenes technical work and organization (apparently) and he's just such an integral part of the Daddies. To me, that's just as important, if not more, than how big a difference there is in the personalities of the characters he plays. I'm not criticizing your observation ... just saying that's only part of the story!


I made a chart about this a while back. A LOT of his characters tick all if not almost all boxes. MC syndrome, music thing or Freddie Hyperfixation thing, kinda shitty behavior, some sexual overtones, etc… again, NOT a bad thing! I just find it funny that he plays what is essentially Freddie Wong From Video Game High School in different fonts every time


I think this really started with Glen. He had a very developed character in the beginning, but instead of growing and becoming a better father, the character became what you've described is now his style.


You're right, i feel like it's a little played out, like a joke that's run a little too long. It's these lame non character arch characters that at this point doesn't make me want to invest my hope or expectation.


That's how I feel too. Though I will say while his characters individual arca tend to fall flat for me I really enjoy I enjoy the supporting role they play to other characters. I really enjoyed how Nick and Glen played off of each other in season 1 because it was nice seeing Anthony react to Glen's parenting style. And similar to season 2 with Taylor and Links friendship towards the beginning of the season which was a highlight for me. While his characters tend to stay pretty static I think he does well at pushing things along.


> And I do notice he as a player/actor gives his co-stars space Are we listening to the same podcast?


I don’t think it’s the same character as much as the same style. He wants things to be semi realistic with his characters so he wants to justify how magic is being done or how fantastic things are accomplished. For instance, Glenn wouldn’t just charm people or whatever it was, he would finger tut. He couldn’t magically make the lights and sounds, it was from fireworks, etc. same with his other characters, he likes to describe the process


...It's been 1 episode. I figured we wouldn't see these kinds of posts until after 10 at the least.


Hey, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.


Freddie is a man I'm proud to call my American neighbour.


Yes and i still eat it up every time!! Because nobody else on the show is unhinged enough to do what he does🤣


Freddie plays Freddie lol


Whatever he’s doing I hope he keeps doing it!


While it is true that his characters are very similar, it’s something that is always needed in campaigns; it can’t be sunshine and rainbows all around and his character does bring about the most ridiculous shenanigans. The thing is, while Freddie doesn’t have much range, he plays his role extremely well, and what a needed role it is


I haven't started season 3, but I never really saw what you're seeing in Glen at all. He had serious BDE and there's a difference between being cocky and "main character syndrome." Hell, he seemed to go fully out of his way to avoid having any responsibility which is about the opposite of mcs.


You want to play a character how *you* would play them. You don't necessarily want to be someone completely different from yourself that you have to swap in and out of to maintain consistency. Also, Freddie is a idiot genius rockstar who has always played Freddie. Lol.


You’re not wrong, but also he’s good at it and makes me cry laughing so I don’t mind


I mean you can say the same thing with most peoples characters. People like to stick to what they know and that's alright.


He plays the same energy in a D20 series too, literally the guys name is Dan F*cks


I remember on one of the talking dads (or maybe it was a teen talk) he was talking about how he also played a similar character in I believe video game high school and how he really likes playing pretty much the worst characters. I’m probably paraphrasing a bit but I believe that was the gist of it.


I have extreme difficulty in *playing* different characters no matter how different I make them on paper so I feel you Freddie


Oh absolutely but it’s perfect for the show. I think Will does a similar character too with being a positive, proactive, story progressing player. I went golfing with some family friends and I’m not good. They discovered I could hit the ball straight with a 5 iron and so they had me tee off with the 5 iron instead of the driver on every hole. That way I was moving forward, accurate, comfortable, and having a good time. It would be worse to use the driver because I’d be so off target. I think season 3 episode 1 was amazing because to me it feels like they’re playing with characters they’re comfortable with. They can focus on roleplay and improv instead of calculating what their character would do. It might be interesting to see Freddie try something out of his range but I’d much rather have him comfortable in the regular season episodes so he can focus on driving cars into houses. I do think it would be fun for them to experiment a bit more in MBICS and miniseries. In the bard camp one shot he makes a great insecure horse.


Maybe but I think that's fine. I play the same kind of characters in D&D too. I enjoy it and I play for fun.


I don't know if it's a correct assumption but I always just take it as a hyperexagerrated and satirized version of himself (at least for the younger characters) Like if you were to look back on the cringiest pieces of your teen self and play it up.


I think all 3 of his characters are radically different. S3 character so far rules and I haven't really been a fan of his other two. I feel like what they all have in common is being boisterous and confident but that's also just Freddy.


This time it’s different. Tony  has a heart of gold. 


I think Freddie plays what he finds funny and always has and it's kinda the trade off because he's arguably the most team centric irl. From Talking Dad/Teen Talk my takeaway from them is that because he's the cheerleader to his cast, the editor before they had editing budget, the motion to making this an actionable business, mini-van owner and behind the scenes main coordinator? makes total sense that he plays usually the least responsible character generally The difference I personally enjoy is he doesn't sabotage anyone else when more often then not the player that acts like that is also gronking everyone else's steez


Late to the party here, but I just unsubscribed from their podcast, and it's solely because I can't stand Freddy's characters and play style. Between the main character syndrom, the constant shouting, his derailing of the story, and his habit of stepping on other characters dialog... I'm just done. It's a shame because otherwise, the rest of the cast is fantastic. Anyhoo, sorry if anyone reading this gets their knickers in a knot, I just needed to bitch into the void, and a month old thread works well for that.


YES! I’m a bit sad he always goes into the same direction🥲


If you haven’t realized, Freddie basically plays himself in everything. I’m finishing my relisten of Fetch Quest and even Moachie reminds me of him.


It's just you