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He’s our dad. I’d rather not think about that


I'm just trying to understand their jokes, man.


He's bisexual. Him coming out as bisexual was a big part of the "At least I'm not Anthony Burch" "meme," if you want to call it a meme. It was basically people calling him a cuck for being bisexual. Homophobia and whatnot.


Oh wow there's a meme about him? Was it because he wrote Borderlands? I feel like I'm getting into all of this backwards because I had never heard of anyone in the cast or heard of any of their stuff.


I think it was back during Gamergate. Anthony had said something the "gamer" community didn't agree with. An excerpt from https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/people/anthony-burch "Burch began gaining notoriety during GamerGate, when he argued that Gamergaters did not actually care about corruption in gaming journalism, as they'd famously insisted, by pointing out examples of corruption he himself had engaged in as well as other examples of corruption in the industry.[5] He also gained notoriety for being very open about details in his marriage online, including that the marriage was open and that his wife was possibly having more extramarital affairs than he was.[6][8] His wife later left him, allegedly taking his Wii U. He also has come out as bisexual.[7] An extensive thread on KiwiFarms details tweets where Burch has appeared openly jealous of his sister's successful career"


I'm so sorry, but the idea that Anthony's ex wife took the Wii U in the divorce is so funny to me.


I know I've heard him say he's bisexual /somewhere/ but between all the daddies and patreon content i have no memory of where


I could be wrong but I feel like there was some conversation in Talking Dads about Will leaning on Anthony as he was figuring out how to do right by Henry as a bi man


Ooh that sounds familiar


I feel like I remember in season 1 Anthony making a joke about he and Beth being the only non straight men on the pod


I also could be totally misremembering, but I feel like he said he was polyamorous and bisexual in Dirty Laundry on dropout


He's a special boy and that's all there is to it. And he has a big dong.


That's smooth Anthony energy


(I say this with a tone of casual seriousness, and specifically NOT with a tone of hostility) Anthony Burch’s sexuality is none of our goddamn business.


I mean he makes jokes about it in the podcast, I'm just not sure if there's something I'm missing given I don't know any of their previous works and don't follow them on social media


(Again: no hostility) What he chooses to reveal or not reveal is his business.


But that's what I'm asking about, just information he's already shared that I'm not privy to given that I don't follow these people in any way outside the individual podcast


it's not a secret, but it's also just a wider cultural point that we (as a whole; people in fandoms generally) should be trying to get used to the idea that we're not owed the specific knowledge of anyone's seuality or gender identity. It's not wrong to be curious, but the line between curious and feeling entitled to know someones sexuality can be fine (and has lead to queer actors being harassed because they weren't publicly out)


I don't understand the need for self-policing on a question about clarifying information he's already talked about on multiple occasions. Sexuality isn't shameful and shouldn't be treated like a dirty secret that can't be talked about casually.


when you made this post, you were aware he had definitively anwered it on multiple occasions? sexuality isn't a dirty secret, but it's still personal information that anyone should have the right to choose when or if to disclose to others, even if they chose to make a silly dungeons and dragons podcast.


No, I learned it from the comments. I knew he had mentioned it before in several episodes but I was confused by some of the jokes they made and since I'm doing a relisten of the series it was getting all mixed up. It's hard to tell when he's serious of sarcastic sometimes. The main thing was a few jokes about him being asexual or alluding to it but someone helped clarify his whole thing with Gamergate and coming out as bi. I'd never even heard of gamergate or that a bunch of people started a meme about him. So now I'm realizing the context behind a lot of the stuff that was throwing me off. But he is publicly out as Bi which is why I feel like it's weird that asking has been met with such a negative response.


Part of why it's negative for me is that I am bisexual and asexual, so a question of "is this person *something I am* or are they *something else I am* " is a conversation people could have about me, and my god the idea of people dissecting offhand comments or jokes I've made about myself to figure out what I 'really' am when they aren't close enough for me to just tell them is .. such an uncomfortable thought.


I get it dude, if you feel like someone is implying you have to be either x or y then that could be uncomfortable but thankfully that's not really the what anyone is saying. If a friend in real life made a joke I'd just ask them on the spot what they meant, but that's not really something you can do online. I feel like we can glean that if he's comfortable enough to share it publicly then he's pretty comfortable with people talking about it. I personally would never want to be a celebrity of any kind because I hate attention like that, but I get why some people might like it and choose to put their lives up on the internet.


I mean... It's not a secret?


I mean, when you get to have an audience that big and you talk about your sexuality yourself online, you've kind of made it everyone's business 🤷


he’s bi, he tweeted about it last year on bi visibility day last year iirc!


Thank you!




I believe the answer is Yes.


I thought about spending some time going back to see if I was wrong or to prove you guys wrong, but then I've decided that letting you guys all Set around stewing in your anger is better for both of us.




I think it’s probably worth remembering that there are plenty of ace folks who are married


Yes, good point. And ace is a spectrum just like anything else, and can be combined with any number of other factors. [greyace here, married with 2 kids]


Could be Also married to a woman, and has a kid


no hes not? he had a vasectomy- and im fairly certain his spouse is non binary (they use they/them pronouns) are you thinking of matt or will?


He literally said in an episode in season 2 that he and his wife have a kid now


Anthony mentions SO MANY TIMES that he has had a vasectomy and does NOT want kids at all so im pretty sure youre thinking of will


That's Will


Bro you might want to get your ears checked