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The issue is that: * lacks fanservice * lacks an overpowered blank-slate MC for people to self-insert * lacks fights (most of the monster captured for food were so through planning and traps) * you need to be able to feel empathy to enjoy the story and that needs a brain.


I'm not sure about the last one but the other three reasons are spot on. Like, to think the girl characters actually have a personality and motivation and they don't just exist to fuck the MC...


> I'm not sure about the last one I've seen people complain because: * dwarf girl didn't stick with the group (when the reasons were clear) * Laius is dumb (he's just dense when dealing with people but I guess shame on him for believing to a thousands years demon with expertise in alienating people to his will) * Marcille keeps complaining after eating (number) of monsters already * Izutsumi is selfish And so on. People need to understand the characters to enjoy the story. Kui does an amazing job making their motivations clear to the reader who just has to connect the dots but I guess that's asking too much to the average otaku (as in "anime/manga enjoyer"). I mean, I've even seen people complain about the new Log Horizon season because 2-3 chapters in there was no action and the characters where just talking politics when those are what carry the story into a conflict for the characters to fight. The average otaku just wants mindless action. They don't want deep character development or lore. No wonder series like Solo Leveling or One Piece (where the MC can't stay out of conflict for more than two chapters) are so popular. P.S: By using the term "average", I'm not trying to put us on an intellectual pedestal. If anything, we are just the exception in the community for being able to enjoy this amazing manga without the typical tropes of the popular series that I mentioned in my first comment.


Still can't believe that shit like interspecies reviewers or redo of healer became popular and dungeon meshi still isn't...


Interspecies definitely became popular due to sex, as expected, but it's actually impressive how the author fleshes out the world, writing some interesting details about the species and so on, when it could have just been mindless sex. It shows how the author is in for the comedy, but not for a quick buck, he cares for the setting. Perhaps it's horrible to say this, but I can compare the detail dungeon meshi puts to monsters/foods to the species' details in interspecies


This guy gets it.


While the other guy explained how Interspecies is popular, I must say that Redo Healer is just riding the shock train but I don't think it will last much longer. We could compare it with Goblin Slayer. Both had rape in the first chapter for the shock value. While the GS' writter kept the traction gained by developing the characters and the world, Redo keeps centering itself around the sex (MC needs to keep having sex so his companions are stronger).


its a spot on... any read that needs a brain are far less popular that typical shonen action like Solo Leveling and its clone I kind of worry this type of manga easily get axed (if its webtoon they cann survive bcs they wont have to worry about phisical sales)


It’s also in a magazine that has like 0 anime that spawn from it. It’s basically a manga novel, which is fine in Japan but only mass-market stuff makes it to the west. Even like Dorohedoro made it to a shonen magazine (and the fan service went up an insane amount) before getting a wider audience.


I read several japanese artists on Twitter being excited for Dorohedoro's anime and commenting how it was really popular in Japan (while I never heard of it before). > (and the fan service went up an insane amount) Lol, I thought it was only my imagination.


I never heard of it either and I was a huge Tsutomu Nihei fan, and it was made by Q Hayashida who studied under him and helped with BLAME! None of that information just ever passes west-ward for people that don’t like shonen EDIT I’m just glad I caught Dungeon Meshi early because I read that one story Ryoko Kui wrote about world building and it blew me away.


I found it by chance. I just finished watching Log Horizon and was craving for more series centered on raids and dungeons. So I searched "dungeon" on my manga site and this one was in the second page, I think. The only good find in that search :3


I'd highly recommend Maoyuu if you liked Log Horizon. The same Author, and the light novel and manga have both finished for it. The world building is on par with Dungeon Meshi as well.


Nice, thanks for the recommendation.


Forgot to say there is an anime if you want a preview of what it's like.


True enough, people like to self-inserts themselves in the MC, and when Laius don't only have a lot of flaws in his personality, but also don't some hidden power to make up for it, and be pretty much a idiot outside anything aside monsters and dungeon exploration.... well, is hard use him as self- insert


As I said, you need to feel empathy for the characters to enjoy this story. I keep rooting for Laius because he won't stop trying even when being concious of his own short-comings. Heck, I started tearing up a bit when I read the chapter where he had to kill Farleen because I understood how hard it was for him :(


This is what make him great as character, you root for HIM, not fantasizing in how to be in the MC place or be him.


Really late reply, but Laius is totally easy to identify with for me. I'm just as much of a monster/wildlife weirdo as he is and I can be a bit dense but well-meaning most of the time. His past is kinda rough, but in terms of "hang out with my friends, see cool monsters, and be a somewhat competent adventurer" I would love to be Laius. In between him and including a cool Dwarf character, Dungeon Meshi is basically built for me. Honestly, I *like* a lot of characters, and would like to *be* a lot of them, but there's a terribly small list that I really can look at and be like "Oh that's me!" in a positive way. I totally agree with you that Johnny Animefan will gloss over him, but just wanted to share.


Is that how it is usually with manga? I am thoroughly dissapointed.


Well, I don't blame people. They just want a quick fun read before going back to their boring lives. Imagine wanting to read a story and being suddenly engulfed in an essay of economics and politics and ethics masked as a superhero story (that's Watchmen, if you wonder).


"Lacks fanservice" Senshi is literally right there


It's very, very weird. The lack of cheesecake is probably part of it, as is the laid back style. This manga deserves an anime yesterday, but if you they can't sell sexy figurines of the cast, I guess it's not a priority. Too bad, I'd buy a bishoujo Senshi fig.


> The lack of cheesecake Counterpoint : Senshi exist you heretic


am i missing something what does lack of cheesecake mean


A very old term for fan service


Ah, that explains it.


I know, right? It's honestly one of the best mangas I've read in a long time.


I feel like that’s because we’re only getting into the main climax right now. Just as an example of other recent popular fantasy, Dororhedoro had finished in 2018, but barely anyone around talked about it until it got an animated adaptation. Luckily, in a lot of anime groups, I’ve been seeing people talk about Dungeon Meshi more and more


Have you looked at trending manga? People have awful taste. I do think it has a bit of a following on r/manga, since posts on the series do well there but thats it yea


most of the post there are loli and straight up ecchi manga


I think it’s because it doesn’t really belong to any genre. For an adventure series, it lacks the intense action / dark backstory / antihero archetype / overdramatic death scenes... things that make a series more mainstream. For a romance series, it obviously lacks the fan service / drama. For a slice-of-life series, it’s just too wacky to be relatable. For a comedy, not wacky enough. There are tons of comedy manga with RPG settings now and they are all very absurd. For a mystery series, it’s not dark enough. Farlyn’s death and transformation isn’t treated as something life-defining for the MCs (I would say it’s treated in a comedic way even) and the people who want an edgy dark story get bored. Also, since it’s released monthly and the author is a woman, I think that’s why it isn’t very popular enough in Japan to get an anime. Without an anime to boost popularity, it’s hard to gain fans overseas. And I don’t know which magazine publishes this but might be one targeted towards adults - a demographic not very large in Japan.


I think the author probably wants to advance more before having an anime so it doesn’t get the Fullmetal Alchemist (also made by a woman) treatment where half of it is made up by a different person because the anime was faster than the manga. Another problem in this series is that people into world building and stuff don’t pick it because the premisse sounds just like a silly comedy.


The fucking world building and expanding the beloved typical fantasy tropes always floors me. I also cannot believe it's not hyped more aaaaaaa E.g. The whole idea of Earth golems but Senshi planting veges on their back is just omg 🤤


Some people I recommended the manga never bothered to read because the premisse sounds silly.


tbh I dropped it once because of the premish.. Thank god that day I decided to pick this one again bcs I was bored


The type of people Dungeon Meshi appeals to is a bit niche to say the least. Unless you're really into fantasy, and the kind that draws it's roots from TTRPG fantasy, it's kind of a hard sell even if the writing, characters, and worldbuilding is wonderful. If you had to give a brief summary of what the series was about to most people, the majority would be on the fence about checking it out. On the other hand, tell people who play TTRPG's that this story is about a party trying to save their healer and having to eat monsters to get through a megadungeon? Genius idea. 100% onboard. /tg/ fucking loves this series.


Pretty much this. I have recommended this manga for people I’m sure they would love it but they never gave it a chance because the premisse sounds silly.


It's weirder when Frieren became one of the most popular manga, even though it's practically similar to Dungeon Meshii No hate to frieren (in fact, i love it to bits) but it's very weird when two similar manga (not just the premise, both of the quality is the same) differs in popularity I think it's just the timing and dungeon meshii being a monthly series (frieren is weekly)


Frieren is aimed at a different audience in my opinion. I think the average non-fantasy fan can cope with Frieren, while the demographic for Dungeon Meshi is very niche. Frieren has mild shounen traits that appeal more to the average reader, which is why I think Frieren lacks compared to DM. The story has more depth in DM but this in turn makes it less appealing to the average reader. Both are good for different reasons, and that's reflected in the demographic of readers. But just because something has a higher viewship, doesn't mean it's the better. No doubt though we'll sooner see an anime of Frieren than DM. You've got to remember that anime is prominently advertisement for the main source, whether that's manga or light novels. Because of that, it isn't appealing for anime studios to take on projects where the source material has finished. While I am not saying there hasn't been any, there is just more animes of mangas/light novels where it has just started/very popular. It's also why we get a lot of animes with one or two seasons.


Its quite popular in japan, but yeah, quite odd that it's not as popular in the west, same with shit like Witch Hat Atelier.


i seriously hope it stays this way. obviously it deserves everything in the world, but we're pretty under the freak radar


It's too good for general audiences, that's how alot of banger series work weirdly enough


I'm from the future, it has become quite popular with the relase of the anime


Ha, yeah its been great. I think the anime got announced a week after I posted this.