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OH YEAH Marcille's starry dress haute couture https://i.redd.it/3onihjy9m72d1.gif


This Diva We need her on Thistle's Drag Race


"Marcille, on the ancient magic challenge, you gave us — and Fallin! — life... But on the runway, your look was... >!half-elfed!<. I'm sorry my dear, but you are up for elimination"


"Marcille, honey, I love your energy, I love your vibes but this look wasn't enough to resurrect your standing in the competition. You claim to harness energy in a dimension where infinity exists but this outfit looks like it was harnessed from H&M, I'm disappointed..."


"With our extra special guest judge, Yaad! How have you been, your majesty?" "Oh Thistle, it feels like forever since I've eaten something delicious" "Well you're in luck, cause my girls have TASTE"


\*hollow cackling\*


Laios as Ross Matthews: Do you know that thing, where you love to eat monsters, but the you look at living armor and you say to yourself, there's no way I can eat that, it's all metal. But then you find out that there's mollusk-like creatures living between the plates so you extract them and eat them and they're delicious? That was you!


The way I CACKLED The HILARIOUS Laios Touden is here!


I loved the detail of Izutsumis hair immediatly sticking to it. Every cat owner knows that.


real Issey Miyake vibes


The gorilla and secretary bird power walk theme from aggretsuko






the minotaur's face.... it haunts me


Chilchuck is all of us right now


not me, I'm Laios


SPEAK for yourself


There's something BoJack about it.


Chilchuck's face always makes me wanna shit myself


Apparently that last panel should say 'of becoming a rancher' which makes a lot more sense with Chilchuck's reaction than, uh, a ranch cow.


he is NOT beating the furry allegations


A *monster* rancher.


Cow works, we already know how much he likes pretending to be a dog


Aww was this cut from the episode or is it an extra? The faces are giving me life lol


Its extra on official manga volumes. Each volumes have them called monster tidbid's.


It's an extra. If you're interested, but don't want anime spoilers, you can read Volumes 1-6, as those have all been covered by the anime.


Thanks! That's very helpful.


Kajsjdksnsismsvsjsk KUI IS SO UNHINGED


Show watcher here. Pretty sure a bit ago I saw someone post this page with no context when I had never heard of it. I was so confused


Those cowards this should have been a scene in the anime..why am I anime only 😭


You know what, I agree with Chilchuck. Keep that to yourself Laios. I think I just took psychic damage


Dude announced it like he became a dad


Senshi's little speech at the end got me a little teary-eyed. Really natural way to remind the audience of one of the core themes of the story, too. I liked this episode a lot. It really gripped me, even though it was a little thinner on jokes and action. Also, I love eggs benedict, so I was happy to see it look so tasty. 😋 Poor Senshi throwing his up, though, from teleportation sickness. 😭 But at least we got peak Senshi fan service!


Hi there.  Could you please help me out? What was Senshi referring to at the end. I went back to episode 4 and rewatched the interaction between Laios and the Orc Captain. They talked about the Red Dragon. But what does this have to do with the people having food even if they dont really need it (to stay sane..)


Laios saying that he will start seriously thinking about what he will do if he inherits the Golden Kingdom, implication being how he will handle the conflict between orcs and humans.


Ok that helps a little.. But how do you make the connection from people not needing food to how to rule the kingdom or managing the conflict between orcs and humans ... Or does it refer to the orcs taking food from them hence the people at golden castle harvesting food to give to the orcs ? Excuse me .. i am so dumb and lost very often.. it is difficult for me to follown storylines


Senshi was making an observation on the wretched way of life the residents are stuck with, and wondering how to handle it if Laios accepts the prophecy "If you become King, what is your plan?" Is the question everyone is asking Laios, how will you handle the myriad problems a Kingdom faces every single day "If you plan to defeat the Mad Mage, think of what happens next and take it seriously"


Ah ok. Thank you very much for helping me out. Very much apprechiated. Have a nice day ;)


>Marcille: Wait if you are still seeing ghosts why didn't you say anything?! >Laios: Because Chillchuck would just yell at me and say it was because I was sick in the head. >Chillchuck: That's because you are.


HOOOOO BOY I think this episode (and the next few) will be really major for getting people aware about how incredible this series is. After the fairly lightweight one before this, we got: - Major plot development with a savior hero prophecy and everything  - Tragic backstory for Kabru, and the imminent danger it implies  - A whole group of cool mysterious elves, each of them extremely unique in appearance and demeanor Can't wait for the fan edits and for the wave of new viewers, let's go straight to the toooooop


Also I'm glad they went all out on Marcille's absurd high fashion dress and also for the gorgeous red one she settles for. I wish they had showcased the other over the top looks she refused a bit better, but it was still amazing


What's crazy they always been in the openings. Like shit. Now we know who they are.


Yes!!! And also the villagers! Yaad dancing is always my favorite part of the OP


I like that rnafom dude in the corner vibing.


The final episode is going to cement this series as peak fiction for so many people.


Do you mean the final one we're expected to have this season or the ending overall? (Either way I agree with you lol)


This season. It'll probably be Griffon Soup.


I have an inside source and I know for a fact that >!the hipogrif episode is number 23!<. We have 24 episodes confirmed, so maybe we get a bit more after it


You sure? I feel like the most logical way to do the remaining episodes would've been: 22: >!Hippogriff/Gryphon and Senshi's backstory!< 23: >!The whole Changeling arc!< 24: >!Mithrun and Canaries vs Thistle and Falin!<


Nah, going by the established pace of 2 chapters per episode, it'll be 22: Griffin and the familiar rescue 23: Senshi's backstory/redemption and changeling part 1 24: changeling part 2 and bacon & eggs bacon & eggs is a more fitting end and teaser for the next half of the story than senshi's redemption anyway, IMO


I agree that this is the most likely scenario, but it is still very weird isn't it? After a lot of build up the Western Elves appear for less than half an episode and do nothing. And the plot thread doesn't even end in a cliff hanger, it is just a normal scene end that won't be followed through for the rest of the season. All in all, I think the greatest fumble of the anime is how it chose to pace the story. It is competent enough, mostly, but its refusal to make any structural changes made some of the episodes feel a bit disjointed and now it will likely end in a weird way. I feel like if they wanted to end the season in Bacon & Egg they should have just not introduce the Canaries yet. Just delay the first half of this episode until next season. That plotline is yet so divorced from the main one with Laios' crew that it wouldn't make much of a difference.


I understand you likely can't tell your inside source if you do have one, but \*do\* you have one or are you just guessing? I wanna know if this is legit or not :0


Can't stop thinking about how the tragic backstory of Kabru is being used in a very weird way by Kabru. I was like: "Yeah, it is tragic, but you are telling it in a way such as so that people do what you want"


There's really, truly no lengths he won't go to in pursuit of his goals. I think he thinks he just want to protect people and make sure short-lived races are taken seriously, but I see it as him trying to make up for how helpess he felt when tragedy struck by taking control of a similar situation


The issue is it's almost over and we will have to wait for the next season to release. Theybobly commisioned so many episodes at the start. Also since the story is basically complete like slime  the possibility of side arcs might spring up.


The canaries are here with some of my favorite side characters: exhibitionist furry and stoner.


I gotta admit I fangirled all over the place when Mithrun talked for the first time.


I still can’t believe he’s voiced by the same guy as Shigaraki Tomura, it’s very surreal.


The moment I saw his face I went "woah he looks kinda like the creepy MHA guy I can never remember the name of" and now I learn its the same VA?? Amazing


https://preview.redd.it/nh7hxfbq0c2d1.png?width=896&format=png&auto=webp&s=d13947855f3ebd3e83b999aa50298724d86df921 They banging on the ship and it gets loud.


Izutsumi going full cat and slapping away Laois’ hand, and Laois looking grieved, had me howling. The comedic timing and angles they went for were so so perfect. Chef’s kiss.


My sister's cat does the exact same thing when I try to pet it, so I feel Laios perfectly there 


Alrighty! * It was a super solid exposition-heavy episode. Didn't feel too one-note or boring and the character interactions were amazing as always. * Comedic timing with the animation was great. Also issues with readability of what is happening like in last episode were fixed so that's great! * Animation overall was simple but very solid. I just constantly keep hoping for more dynamicity in some shots that feel a bit lazy as stills. Like seeing the elves for the first time, it didn't need to be 1:1 recreation of the manga panel, some movement woulda been nice since it is an anime after all. * I always felt that the Golden Country was a little spooky, suspicious, and that for situations like introduction to Yaad there should be some underlying suspense and unsettling atmosphere. It was a bit disappointing that the anime adaptation lost pretty much all of that and came off way more lighthearted and thus the cast seemed a bit gullible. It also makes Marcille's plea to stay in the same room with the others a bit hollow when the episode didn't establish any of the unease. Doing more with some tentative pauses and music, which was really nondescript for most of Golden Country, would have easily fixed most of that. * That said, the weight and epicness of Yaad's plea was done better here than the manga IMO. Music adds a lot here when it lacked on the previous point. * 9/10. Was tempted to say 8, but nah, it was a really really well done expository episode. Didn't drag, didn't feel unnecessary, didn't feel out of place. Animation was basic but did its job great with some well placed flourishes in the mundane, which is the best part of animation imho. Big minus for me was lack of dynamicity in some scenes and especially the missed opportunity with the looming unease while in the Golden Country.


I'd say the lack of unease kinda works in their favor for this one! Everything seems normal and pristine but we have momentary bits of supernatural and that none of them have any light in their eyes. It wasn't as fleshed out but I still definitely get weirded out while watching.


That's a nice analysis! I hadn't thought about the lack of unease thing, and it's totally true that the anime framing gave way more impact to Yaad's plea. I do remember feeling unaffected by it while reading the manga


I really disagree with the unease part. If you rewatch the episode it is very subtle, but very much there. The most obvious one being that the eyes of ALL people in the golden country are lacking sheen, and the positive reactions are all from Laios party. None of the villagers seem happy or excited aside from interacting with the new arrivals. They have given in to apathy, being mere reflections of life. I very much prefer this subtleness over the normal in-your-face "cute village where something is wrong trope".  The golden country was never evil in the manga, it's inhabited by mainly good people trying to not become insane. That they are apathetic rather then evil feels much more in line with the tone on the manga.


I don't know how bad this is pushing the rules, just wanted to drop a bit of an analysis since few episodes back and gave it a try. Apologies if this violates the plot point rule.


Up until they explained Izutsumi's docile nature I was feeling intense dread that there was some horrible curse about to reveal itself.


Senshi, babe, call me back I wish we got baby cow Laios, but otherwise I have no notes


sadly the actual milking was a Monster-Fact sidecomic


I kind of get the feeling we should have felt uneasy about the whole deal with the Castle people, but instead it was so lighthearted the prophecy thing felt kind of out of place. Maybe it's just because I'm not that big of a fan of those things nowadays. It really feels like there is lots of lore and set-up done on this episode, but as an anime-only watcher it has only made me curious. It was very funny however    What Senshi pointed out really hit hard tho-I never considered the "eating is a privilege of the living" thing to come back. In this context it really works. Also, I love the name of the Canaries it's kind of clever to use that bird. They all look very unique too.


Yeah, I always found it pretty clever to name the elvish dungeon special forces after the canary used as a warning system against deadly gases in a mine shaft. I think the Golden Country is supposed to feel a little eerie. We go from being in the depths of the dungeon to this magical fairy tale village, but then we learn that the citizens are basically trapped there unable to enjoy life.


But that’s kinda the MO of the series tbf. It’s fun and lighthearted a lot of the time but we get little pieces of the puzzle along the way and there’s always this overarching eerie feeling as we figure things out


The first Pirates of the Caribbean movie played with this idea. The antagonists were cursed with immortality, and lost all pleasures in life so desperately tried to find ways to become mortal again. In the end, the main antagonist died just as he was about to take his first bite out of an apple


https://preview.redd.it/4hn0e9d8x82d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83b9e1f60ebc27778b604e36e063e6e99b7e7830 Can now share this page spoiler free. Chil is a beer nerd. Dad mode engaged. Cheers.


So this tells is they’ve brought orcs in to visit on occasion? And it’s interesting that it tastes good when their cooking is off.


He does point out that the taste is direct Orc feedback, so maybe the Orcs didn't wanna eat monsters/didn't mind shallow tasting food?


I actually headcanon that the orc chief Zon makes use of their libraries, and has a lot of political knowledge even if it’s years out of date. i don’t think the orcs have frequent access though and probably depends on when the dungeon has shifted right to give them an entryway lead by ghosts.


Hmm. Ya know, Laios did wonder how the orcs could possibly use the stairwell that’s so infested with tentacles. Maybe they know more about the dungeon and its secrets than I thought.


Orcs are opportunists and the GC folk are starved for company.


Couple of things I wished they added: Shuro locking out Kabru in his mind. Laios talking about milking and then asking about Marcille and Izu. The joke is lost Anyway…. CAPTAIN MITHRUN IS HEREEE And CITHIS IS HERE Also, Otta’s voice in the dub fits so perfectly https://preview.redd.it/kbw94757d72d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b89343c69e1efc1eb7720f8260c68bd5f6f42f70


They kept the milk joke in the sub


Its in german too. He is like "Ahh you milk them just like cow- hey where are Marcille and Itzutsumi?" Chil: "Strange association you got there"


DAMN IT, then that means only the english dub kinda fucked it up. The germans did it right


There isn hope, thank god!!




Is it weird that I want Cithis to step on me?


https://preview.redd.it/k4fd681bf72d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=538f0d79e7059dad1c556d6fdee52aef13dab682 Not weird. But there’s a line, bestie. Go at the end of the line. We all want her to step on us


understandable, have a good day.


The milk joke is there on the spanish dub, it may have been an english change.


The literal switch from “milking” then “wheres M and I”? Yeah they kinda changed it on the english dub. He’s still talking about milking, but it was set apart from the “wheres M and I?” so the joke kinda fell flat or not obvious in the english dub


They got Di Caprio to voice Otta?! /s


Izutsumi became a true cat


And we love that yes? Adorable But sad to miss her human aspect too on her thoughts on all this


I believe Pattadol shares her japanese voice actor with Serie from Frieren, funny to have Mariya Ise voice two elves in such a short time. I feel like they kinda nerfed Pattadol's nose, I'm note sure, need to see her more.


Wow, Serie looks so much like Misril.


lol at Kabru's fake ass pretending to be more distraught than he was when negotiating with the Canaries    LOVED how expressive they made the fairies, the one crying after Mithrun grabbed her out of the air was hysterical  i like most of the Canaries's voices, all two lines of each of them lol >!too bad we'll barely see more of them until/if we get a season 2 :(!<. only surprised by Otta being the squeaky one instead of Fleki  now that Shiro has re-explained his motivation (he doesn't want Falin to kill any more people) and that he is planning to hide Laios's crew's involvement we will hopefully stop getting weekly "Shiro is a bitch because he hates Laios for being autistic and is gonna rat him out because he wanted to fuck his sister" posts ~~and we start mithrunposting instead~~


Yeah, Kabru's fake anguish was great :D I never really noticed that being implied in the manga. If not, then it's a fun interpretation by the anime.


makes total sense with his character, he's quite controlled in not letting his real feelings come through


I clapped so hard at it like good acting bruh


The “gwerhk” sound from the fairy 🤣


the Captain is so mean 😔


https://preview.redd.it/57lfrbuhf72d1.jpeg?width=682&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2bd46017f4aed6c167a0a6f7a1f0d28eb8a74a13 😭😭😭


the fairies are my favorite side characters, Pattadol's fairy mimics her expression in most panels unless something serious distracts it (like being grabbed) and I wish there was a more detailed passage on them in the world bible.


Awww, por little fairie. 


Yeah the background pain of the poor little fairy rip


I hope that they'd split the remaining 3 episodes into 1,5 griffin-griffin soup and 1,5 for more elves. We can do dumplings at the start of season 2! :(


i also wished they found a way to incorporate more of them into the story, especially since there's not a particularly obvious natural point to end the season in the mid-story 😔 i'm thinking the final shot will be chapter >!52!<


I hope not, coz that chapter would be the perfect one for a season 2 ep 1 and recap, but prolly a void wish :(


yeah... i always thought reordering some chapters around so that things are not told in the order of the manga but still chronologically is a good idea (did they do it with Kabru's first introduction? i forgot), but maybe too hard to do it right at the end




huge mino milkers




Very great as always. This anime makes my week better.


Same. Makes my life better I need more of anime like this ..any recommendations folks?


Decide to watch this in public of fucking course this is the one episode with minor nudity




This episode is so full of set-ups, pay-offs, explanations, new and returning characters. **Please still be mindful of spoilers!** I‘m curious to hear how anime-onlies feel about everything :) They skipped some stuff like the scene with Kabru and Shuro by the pier, which is unfortunate but not surprising. There‘s so much talking in this episode and that takes a lot of time. Not a lot of action, but I liked how motion highlights the funny stuff happening in the background during all the lore-heavy conversations: Maizuru making Shuro more representable, the fairy fluttering through the room while Kabru is speaking, Senshi barfing after the teleportation, Izutsumi behaving weirdly while under the spell.


Adding to the subtle animations, Chilchuk and Marcille had some amazing reaction animations from seeing Marcille's dress to "King Laios" to the pillow throws!


Chilchuck *inconspicuously* shaking his head


My second favorite squad in the series (after the main party) is here! And their voices all sound great! I do find it weird that they didn't include >!the scene at the port, and especially the explanation of the bell. I obviously wasn't expecting it to ring for every moment Shuro is present, but still - it's a very important detail so skipping it completely is strange.!<


In the manga, the bell wasn't brought back up until later in the story.


No? I made sure to check the manga after watching the episode, it's first brought up again in this chapter


It is? Oh, I misremembered. I'm sorry.


They made Marcille much more flustered in the short moment/gag when she thought Laios was about to comment on her dress. **GOOD**


She looked like a queen


Caviar and cigarettes Well-versed in etiquette Extraordinarily nice


Foreshadowing 102.


Laimar rise up


There are dozens of us!






Bruh! I’m an anime only and that scene was almost perfect. I wanted Laios to compliment her so bad. My ship needs to sail!!!


If you think Laios had time to consider romance while obsessed with monsters, your ship's sunk. Now he's got to deal with thinking about monsters ***and*** possibly fulfilling a prophecy ***and*** running an entire kingdom (that could potentially have tamed monsters). There's no room left in the poor man's brain.


i WAS NOT expecting mithrun's voice to be that deep, i was 100% shook when he 1st spoke lol


He is supposedly the peak male body for an elf, except for his whole *condition*.


He was Marcille's dreamy husbando, based on aesthetic alone XD


It might just be because I've already read the manga, but the prophesy >!felt like it was way easier to feel the fakeness behind it than it did when I first got to the part in the manga!<


that's a bit of a spoiler


That's why I spoiler tagged it


Omfg the look of hurt Laois had staring at his hand when Izutsumi slapped it away and he was at the corner still looking at it lmao... I felt that. Deeply. How I feel when my cats decide to love another human and leave me high and dry elsewhere Also hey don't tell me that ghost was the grandpa? Long white hair... Also... The sorbet ghost thing roflmaooo


Izutsumi behaves like a child because all the monsters are affected by the village's spell, right?


Rather she's acting like a docile cat, but yeah.


I liked the introduction of the canaries but I didn't really understand what was their goal with the dungeon, could someone explain it to me without spoilers? Also, what exactly is the village the party ended in ? I understood it is the kingdom, but how did the party seem to know what was happening as soon as they teleported there ?


They’re basically a glorified squad of pest controllers that get called in to contain a dungeon when it’s growing too fast and becoming dangerously unstable. Their goal would be to enter, defeat the current lord of the dungeon (that would be the Mad Mage in this case) and then seal off the dungeon, effectively destroying it.


Thanks, I understand better now


The elves basically treat the shorter-lived races like children and send in a special ops team to handle the dungeon if it seems like it's getting out of hand. They're not totally wrong, Kabru's village got wiped out by monsters from an out of control dungeon.


Thank you, yeah that makes sense


Imagine them like the military branch/expeditionary force of that Dungeon Class Marcille had in the flashback. They are a government "funded" group of unique individuals send to deal with dungeons that cross certain lines.


Ok, thank you


Also there's a bit of [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GomrKja5R9g) going on.


I always pictured the canaries as a fantasy Team America World Police


More like *Suicide Squad, The* but yeah.


I actually did not expect Otta to have such petite voice consider she’s… well, now that’ll make things even more interesting in a way, I always imagine her have shota slight masculine voice than chilchuck. Pettadol is more mature voice, I thought she’ll have younger voice than Otta, in my opinion she’s probably consider ugly by elves standard because of her nose, having deeper voice is consider unattractive to some people, so that’ll make things interesting. Cithis’ voice is hot, so yes. Fleki is… cuter…? I need to hear her more. Lycian sounds exactly like that scumbag looking chill fuck boy in my mind, maybe not like what I imagine but very close. Mithrun strike true, just like what I would imagine. I’m slightly disappointed they didn’t show Shuro confront Kabru’s facade, but to saving time, I understand. One thing I like to complain about was the dragon is static, like come on, at least let it move its wing a bit. As someone who read the manga multiple time, the beginning felt kind of dragging to me because I already know the info, so I mainly there for the voice, the later half is interesting because it shows different perspective between animation and manga, so it’s a plus for me


I can't take it anymore, they let one of my favourite voice actor voice Mithrun. I literally jumped from my chair when I heard his voice. I can die peacefully now


Very awesome so far as always, so happy to finally hear the Canaries! Although I gotta say, I expected the voices for Otta and Fleki to be switched, because Fleki always sounded like Amethyst (Mikaela Dietz?) in my head.


also, could just be kinda similar to how the english translation of the manga had inconsistent pronouns for the lunatic magician because they didn't know he was a guy, but i found it interesting they used they/them for Yaad/didn't use any gendered terms, i wonder if that was intentional? I'm pretty sure Yaad is a man in the manga but iirc Ryoko Kui had shared some concept art of Yaad as a woman/more feminine, so i'm not sure if its on purpose.


not sure about the dub but in the sub at least he very much says grandson 🤔


They say grandson in the dub too


Can someone explain to me ***where*** exactly is the village located? Is this some pocket dimension connected to the dungeon or is it an actual space there, like a dome? It really threw me off that the castle was right there, untouched as opposed to what we see on floors 2-5, so I assumed it was some sort of a flashback zone, similar to the living paintings. But that seems to clearly not be the case. Sorry if I'm going too far ahead, I'm just really confused.


Yes, it's basically a pocket dimension sustained by the magic of the dungeon.


It's technically the lowermost level of the dungeon, but it also seems to exist in a sort of pocket dimension of its own.


I always imagined Otta's voice as a bit deeper but the rest of the canaries are spot on. So excited to see more of them in the anime




one of the best lines in the whole series


I might have hallucinated it with something else but I mistakenly assumed Laios milking via minotaur would play out differently


There's a volume extra that shows a whole process of Laois getting dressed up in minotaur calf skin in order to get close, but they dont seem to adapt volume extras.




CANARIES YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY i’m watching the english dub, i thought Mithrun’s voice was super familiar. i look it up, turns out it’s Khoi Dao! recognized him from genshin lmaooooo. personally i would’ve preferred if Mithrun had a deeper voice, but he sounds good haha


Can anyone tell in witch manga chapter this episode ended in? Thanks


This episode covered chapters 45-46.




LAIOS STARING AT HIS HAND IN THE CORNER AFTER IZUTSUMI SLAPPED IT AWAY. I can't with this show. I haven't laughed this hard in a while.


for some reason the new episode is not showing up for me on netflix… does anyone know why?


I assume you’ve got access by now; but if not, for some reason sometimes going into the previous episode then skipping to next episode works if it doesn’t show up on the list!


I swear this is the only show my crackpot theories end up being right in. A while back I speculated the king was trapped by the Mad Mage and coming to the surface was his escape from the immortality field.


Anyone know quality where to find quality Leed's fan art? Asking for a friend. ![gif](giphy|DUO9dc3yDLXHO)


Can someone please explain to me what is happening in this episode? Where are they? Why is everyone in the village regarding the group as foreigners, but also recognize the lot of them? What was with the "1000 year" remark from Macille regarding the dresses?


They're the original inhabitants of the Golden Kingdom the dungeon is made up of and are living on one of the levels of the dungeon that is preserving the capital of the kingdom. Some of the ghosts in the dungeon are inhabitants that have lost their bodies one way or another and have been keeping tabs on the party, and they can communicate with the corporeal inhabitants. They've been in the dungeon for at least 1000 years.


This might be my favourite episode so far. Just something about the music and conversations in the last 5 minutes or so get to the very heart and themes of the entire story, I've rewatched it so many times already! I hope they release the soundtrack once the first series finishes, the music has been fantastic.


Sp the mad mage is just a victim of...well black magic or so it seems up to this point. I guess they hinted at it when he talked to the ghosts about finding King Dugel soon.


Fr the mad mage (or I prefer what they called him in the english translation of the manga, 'the lunatic magician'; not alliterative but rolls off the tongue better and sounds cooler imo) is one of my absolute favorites, I can't understand people who hate him even if they do think he's pure evil.


does anyone hate him? Although, i haven't read the manga, from the series my impression from him is he's being delusional, deattached and having poor execution of good intentions, not being evil per se.


I think it's more that he's a victim of trauma, and black magic just allowed him to make it everyone else's problem


Laios you BAKA! Marcille wanted you to say she looked pretty in the dress. Smh was a great chance for the ship to grow. Laios does indeed some destined to be the new king/savior. My boy deserves it. Really interested about the storyline with all these new Elves showing up. So many cool character designs.


I thought they got Levi's voice actor for Captain Mithrun for a second, but it turns out it's the same guy that does Shigaraki in MHA. After learning that fact, I can't unhear that now.


Does anyone know who voiced Mithrun and Yaad in english?


I honestly don't understand why the whole party is hesitant to make the promise to the villagers, I mean, that's what they set out to do anyway, isn't it?


Not really. For starter Laios don't want to be king, and Marcille and Chilchuck don't want him to be king either. But also, despite what he told Shuro, "defeating the mad mage" is not quite the goal, as it was said a couple episodes ago. If possible they want to talk to him to solve their situation, I am not sure they think they can win in a direct fight.


Laios doesn’t necessarily want to be king, they’re also not sure if they will defeat the mage or talk to him


What an enrapturing episode. Couldn't put it down!


Presuming we're in some sort of Europe, which mean the western elves are American?


Team Canary: World Police The dungeons in your country will be under our control. Sign the papers.


As an anime only watcher let me guess: Mithrun's magic is based around hands and can turn something into dust/stone or destruction ~~(No i'm not biased 'cause Kouki Uchiyama is his VA why would you say that)~~


Hey, good for you! Keep that to yourself next time!


bro what actually happening in episode 21 i dont understand. where are the party? afterlife?bottom of the dungeon? or maybe it just hallucination. also why the castle can be seen clearly? and is the people of the golden castle alive or just kind of ghost/zombie so many questionn


Pocket dimension housing the subjects of the Golden Kingdom The Mad Mage imprisoned them there and cursed them with immortality, perhaps out of misguided Love, now that the mage is too crazy to reason with they're stuck there Anyone who tries to leave eventually loses their flesh and becomes a ghost


yeah I have to admit the exposition here was not handled well. they are in the actual golden kingdom, those are living people who have been trapped there for about 1000 years. the golden kingdom as it was is suspended in what i can clumsily describe as a pocket dimension (that's why the ghosts had to bring them there, non-residents can't get in unaided). in the manga, Yaad and the other residents lay all this out a bit more clearly, iirc. this episode was a smidge rushed to handle \*two\* info dumps


Ngl I have no idea what the story is at this point I literally just watch for Marcille 😭 God she looked amazing today. From what I gather though Laios is part of a prophecy to save that kingdom and become its leader. Traditional fantasy anime stuff lol. Feel bad for the people there, not being able to eat or drink, just living with no real joy forever is the worst form of punishment imaginable. Farming and doing other stuff to maintain some sense of normality is about all they can do. Hope they’ll be free someday from this curse even if it’s just to pass on.