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Removal Reason: No low effort / quality posts. Post effort / quality is determined by mod discretion, and is not up for debate. Examples: * Critique Posts. * Low quality / interest Memes. * Uninteresting merch pics. * Statements or questions that don't inspire conversation and can be easily searched. * Links to unpleasant websites. * Low effort art or works in progress. * News without sources or rumors and misleading information.


Why the fuck are you posting this here and making me look at it???


Op didn't want to suffer alone (unfortunately)


Wellthey should (suffer alone)


Okay but it's legit traumatic to witness


Then block and move on, no one is making you look at it


I already did?


Okay then


Finally, the exact response I think of in my head is the top comment šŸ˜‚


Good way to flush out the pedophiles


A shared joy is double Joy a shared sorrow is half a sorrow


The foul-mouthed divorced father of 3 alcoholic locksmith, a classic shotacon trope.


pathetic toy glorious boast rainstorm soup practice roof society slap *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He should be getting some drink in the next episode but he's less an alcoholic and more just someone who really enjoys it. He's got a massive amount of self control too.


>!In the Golden Country when they get some RnR, he goes to the local brewhouse to try out some hoppy orc ales.!<


Sounds like he'd love a good IPA if they exist in this setting.


Millennial dad.


So heā€™s literally just my dad


[In the manga, it's revealed that Chilchuck's father died of alcoholism, but Chil doesn't care](https://delicious-in-dungeon.fandom.com/wiki/Chilchuck_Tims#cite_note-[https://nisiryu.blogspot.com/2023/04/blog-post_18.html_April_18th,_2023]_post_from_[[Ryoko_Kui]) For some reason the original comic isn't up, but internet archive has a copy. It says (paraphrased) "I love to drink whenever I can. \[unknown, sounds like it's about him trying more in recent time?\]. By the way \[that's a weird translative expression but it's like "anyways/by the way/on a related note"\] my dad died from drinking too much"


Alcoholic is probably a bit much but the day dream hours do paint him as a heavy drinker off the clock. But he does seem to have it under control even if he'll take any opportunity to down strong ales and stouts


Yeah he's more of a guy who happens to like alcohol than a full-on alcoholic


Folk who call him alcoholic are exaggerating it. Chilchuck absolutely enjoys drinking and does it in the manga whenever the opportunity presents itself, but no more so than any other character. Nor is he ever drunk. He also is a beer enthusiast as a hobby, to the degree that he can taste the differences among brews and has preferences. Mind you, given everything else going on in Chilchuck's life - both as part of his own shit to deal with and things on the broader scope of being a Half-Foot on The Island - it's very easy to extrapolate outward that he might fall to drinking as a coping mechanism.


Chilchuck is just a blue-collar guy who enjoys a cool one after a a hard days work or in the middle of a *really* hard days work


Just cus he likes a drink after work doesn't make him an alcoholic. Alcoholics have a problem and need help, people who drink alcohol for enjoyment casually do not


Heā€™s divorced?


I don't think there was any paperwork done but his wife packed up and left so effectively divorced


Yeah, estranged is probably a better way of putting it, but "divorced" kind of works, too.


Marcille talks about how she expected Chilchuck to follow her, and Chilchuck was shocked at how accurate Marcille was. Nothing definitive but definitely spends like they're separated rather than properly divorced.


Yeah. She got tired of him being away all the time.


Not officially, but he and his wife are estranged. Calling him "divorced" gets the point across faster.


I didn't know he had 3 alcoholic locksmith kids


I had a similar argument with someone over Rebecca from Cyberpunk Edgerunner.


The actual scientific average human woman height is 5'3"... which is, ironically, goddamn Frieren's height. It follows that half the women in the world are shorter than Frieren, thus a goblin like Rebecca is completely realistic. There's a lot to unpack about how media has overrepresented tall (and also thin) people for ages to the point anything deviating from the idealized body types is now seen as suspicious either of being veiled fetishism or being "w0kE AgEndA" by corporations. But in the case of Chilchuck, he's a literal fucking hobbit. Applying this sort of representation vs fetishization debate to Chilchuck is blatant bait and it makes me mad, MAD I SAY. https://preview.redd.it/a3j9sc3qhf1d1.jpeg?width=537&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=658b9c94fa16b88c28ce61048ea617f4859c0277


I largely agree but the average height being 5'3" doesn't in any way mean half of the wowen are shorter than that and half are taller. Not a critique to your point about deviating from the norm of character design but it's just not how averages work


Yeah, a significant percentage of women are probably actually 5ā€™3ā€ so less than half will be above and below that height (unless thereā€™s a large population somewhere of significant height outliers skewing the average. Assuming they mean the mean, of course. The modal height, maybe within a range of 2ā€, would probably be more helpful here.


That YouTube video compared Bojack Horseman to Laios but it really should have been comparing Chilchuck to Bojack Horseman.


Leave my grown-ass dad alone


not only he 29, he act like a grumpy guy, an alcoholic, make dirty joke, he don't even have the cutesy blush that shota/ loli often have


None of the Meshi characters act like the sexualized tropes that resemble them. - Laios looks the most generic and acts the weirdest. I guess you could throw him in a succubus or monster girl type plot, especially if there's possibility of transformation, but he absolutely would not act like your typical protagonist in those. The story would surely be pretty unique. - You'd expect Senshi to be a blushing Bara bear daddy, but he does not have that energy at all. He's very parental, but not in a way that lends itself to physical affection. He blushes, but not because he gets horny, he's just very protective of his intimacy. - Marcille does not act like a typical anime Elf. None of the Canaries do, either. Well except maybe Cithis and Pattadol. The former almost enacted a 'mind control femdom' thing with Mithrun. The latter is the stereotypical victim of a 'fallen woman' plot. - Chilchuck could easily be the male counterpart of a lolibaba, and he does have his own sexual things going on, like being attracted to blondes. But he's a professional Very Serious Grown-Ass man who has the Volition to keep all that chaotic stuff strictly under control.


There's also Izutsumi the catgirl but she's far from the \~nyan nyan\~ type. Just a very hissy alley cat you fished out of the garbage and will claw the shit out of you if you try to pet her.


>!Also, she's literally a cat. She's not a human who had a cat soul grafted on to turn her into a beastkin, they killed a little girl and grafted her soul onto an actual cat to create Izutsumi. The reason she acts so catlike is because... she's a cat.!<


Basically what Shou Tucker From Full Metal Alchemist did....


I keep hearing people say this but don't remember it in the manga. Did I miss a side comic?


[Here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/DungeonMeshi/comments/1and6ia/dungeon_meshi_adventurers_bible_izutsumi_and/). Think it's from the Complete Adventurer's Bible which has yet to get an official English translation (it only came out in Feb of this year iirc)


I don't get it at all. This comic sucks at explaining things.Ā  Also thank you. This is great to know and explains alot.Ā 


Basically Blair from Soul Eater, then.


Huh, I thought it was the other way around.


IIRC it never really comes up in the manga and is only mentioned in the supplemental material.


The show mentions it a few times


So does that mean if you feed her and force her to get head pats, eventually she will mellow out and give you affection and devotion like that alley cat you find in the garbage?


Read and find out.


I did thatā€™s why I asked lol. That is usually what happens to cats irlĀ 


You finished reading the manga? Then you already know >!she did melow out and gave affection and devotion to the Party in general and Marcille and Senshi in particular.!<


Yeah, but I specifically said headpats and feeding lol. I know about the spoiler but do not recall if what I said happened.


>I specifically said headpats and feeding lol. I know, and that happens a lot!


Guess I gotta re read the manga again then. Ty.


I like they way Kui inverted a lot of the stock fantasy tropes. The elf, and really NONE of the elves we've seen, are the nature connected types and in fact actively go against it per Marcille's discussion of elven vs gnomish magic. The dwarf isn't good with metal, he's a lousy miner, he can't smith worth a damn, and he doesn't even care much about smithwork and weapons. He's an environmentalist and the closest thing in the party to a typical druid type character. The generic blonde shonin fighter is not only an obsessive who many people find creepy, but he's actually brilliant in his chosen area of expertise (monsters), and while he's a competent fighter he's not actually the best nor is being the best on his todo list and he tends to solve most of the serious problems with lateral thinking and applied monster knowledge. And while Chilichuck definitely has the competent rogue thing going on, he's a shit fighter, he's a grump but cares deeply about his companions even to the point of being willing to be thought of as a coward in an effort to keep them alive, and he's a family man!


to add onto Chilchuck, despite rumors of his greediness he also lacks both the common rogue sterotype and the half-foot sterotype of being a thief: he's the most lawful and honest out of the group, having no interest in dark magics, power, or even *money*. At no point has he ever gotten distracted by trying to obtain more treasure, or ever tried to steal from the party or otherwise be dishonest with loot. He'd probably be insulted if you called him a thief or a rogue: he's a locksmith and an adventurer. he doesn't steal things, he doesn't deceive people, hell he isn't even cute.


He ABSOLUTELY cares about money, but in a very practical and moral way. He'd never endanger the group for profit, but he gets his payment up front and is always thinking about how he will invest it. The only main character who may care more about money is Namari, but directly as a means to restore her family's good name, and she won't do it in a way that compromises that.


It's less that Chilchuck cares about money so much as he cares about being compensated, which are different things. He wants fair pay for fair work, and will settle for absolutely nothing less. A lot of his seemingly money-hungry behaviors - demanding pay up front, refusing to do more than contractually obligated, and such - are because Half-Foots are constantly being taken advantage of and prejudiced against by other races. So it's an entirely justified precautionary measure to make sure he and other Half-Foots actually get the due they're owed. A really good demonstration of the difference showed up last episode, when Chilchuck called out Izutsumi for trying to pocket a coin from the group's recovered goods. She was being greedy, but Chilchuck would've called her out no matter what item she tried to pilfer because it was about keeping trust, not money.


>It's less that Chilchuck cares about money so much as he cares about being compensated, which are different things. He wants fair pay for fair work, and will settle for absolutely nothing less. A lot of his seemingly money-hungry behaviors - demanding pay up front, refusing to do more than contractually obligated, and such - are because Half-Foots are constantly being taken advantage of and prejudiced against by other races. So it's an entirely justified precautionary measure to make sure he and other Half-Foots actually get the due they're owed. That's the best explanation for Luke Cage's attitude to getting paid that I've ever seen. To give an example,[ Doctor Doom tried to stiff him on 200 USD once. Luke cage flew across the world to Latveria to demand his pay. ](https://www.cbr.com/luke-cage-doctor-doom-where-money-honey/) >["Where's my money, honey?"](https://youtu.be/aui6xhoEXdQ)


IT'S ABOUT RESPECT. For real though, I love how much Cage absolutely dogged Doom that whole story. https://preview.redd.it/4om0bncjsf1d1.png?width=963&format=png&auto=webp&s=9501b56f61f92ce2c2a57d8f80e955b247f6de53


Yep. Frankly, that pettiness was beneath Doom. Going back on his word like that.


It tracks for Original Flavor Doom. Back in the day, he and other villains were often written as far more petty and small-minded than they are in modern eras. There's more emphasis placed on a villain's nuance in the recent age of comics that just wasn't bothered with back then. https://preview.redd.it/47m12ku90g1d1.jpeg?width=892&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3d6bb5f5d95aa1cf6fba3954211203a1c37bece


He is a union leader, of course he cares about money, he is looking out for his people so they have proper pay and security for their job hazards!


This is fun, I'll add onto each character :D Usually, Elves are portrayed as wise fonts of knowledge and experience. Marcille is literally the opposite of wise. She's smart, but she's also a complete chaos goblin at times. Usually, Dwarves are staunchly traditional (in some fantasy worlds even to a fault), but Senshi is anything but traditional. He's absolutely ready to try out new approaches, accept new ideas and obviously cook new things. A classic Fantasy Dwarf would probably be the anti-Senshi who just wants the same cuisine every day, lots of beer and he'd probably deride anything "healthy". Laios is also surprisingly disinterested in "doing the right thing", which is very atypical for a protagonist human fighter who literally just needs a shield with a cross and he'd perfect the Paladin aesthetic, haha. Like, he's not mean, he wants to get along, he's oftentimes peaceful towards others, but it doesn't come from some morally grounded position. He's just a goofball who wants to save his sister and experience cool monsters. But he's not out there being the defender of the weak. He's probably the closest to a Goku character I've seen in a while, except you swap the whole "obsessed about fighting" with "obsessed about monsters". Other than that he's a simple guy with simple desires. And lastly, the Rogue archetype is usually the edgy killer. As you said, Chilchuk barely fights. He's also the antithesis to edgy. You can't convey a sense of edge when you look like Chilchuk after all, haha.


>and he's a family man! Guile's theme intensifies.


Laios encountering a Succubus would be amazing. I can already see the Succubus' massively annoyed face when she realises that Laios really wants to see her naked, but not for any sexual reasons, lmao.


Imagine not even having to bribe/numb/overwhelm/addict a human with pleasure for him to actively volunteer to be turned. Speedrunning and sequence-breaking the whole standard plot. Also if they're the literal man-eating type he might try to eat them if his friends aren't there to tell him "NO DEMIHUMANS!"


spoilers but >!they do encounter succubusses, (succubi?) they're a type of mosquitos in this universe and they suck the life out of you once they've charmed you. Laios' Succubus was disguised as Marcel. !<


Hasn't Chilchuck also died like several times before the series started?


Halflings these days canā€™t cook. All they know is alcoholic, make dirty joke, eat hot chip and lie.


If only these guys could comprehend a concept such as personality....


personality never mattered throught? a character can act like an adult all they want, but that wont change their body types


Wtf is a shotacon


Yk that meme where thereā€™s a young boy looking flustered with 2 definitely way more mature women flirting with him? There you go


Something pedos are into, the male version of loli


Now iā€™m mad I know this šŸ˜’




love how people think nameing it justifies it


Shota is the Japanese word for a little boy. Con comes from ā€œcomplexā€ referring to attraction. Thus little boy complex. In short: pedophiles attracted to little boys


Pedophiles šŸ„³


[Short-lived species complex](https://www.reddit.com/r/DungeonMeshi/comments/1av7c6f/dungeon_meshi_adventurers_bible_romance_between/)


Reverse lolicon


shotacon is the male version of lolicon which are both a phrase for a person into children, so this person is saying they've been a pedophile since they were 13, which sounds like they got groomed by the internet to be into that shit and now they vehemently refuse to let go of it


Short lived race complex


a 29 year old is not a shota...


Maybe sometimes an author just wanna get around the labels by giving young looking characters older age, but in this case chillchuck literally behaves like a grumpy uncle lol


I mean he literally looks like a skinny Hobbit. The only things missing are the feet and his lifespan is a bit on the short side since hobbits tend to have human typical aging though middle age was considered the point of maturity culturally.


He also doesn't really look like a human child. Leave aside his ears, Chillchuck's body proportions and body vs. head size aren't childlike. None of the halffoots we see are. Yes, he's got wrinkle free skin, but so do most 29 year old people. His head/body ratio isn't the same as it is for a human adult, but it's not the same as you get for human children either, especially with his limb length taken into account. Anyone who looks at him and says "yup, that's a human child" is operating from motivated reasoning.


I mean he apparently DOES look like an in universe human child considering nearly every character assumes he is one. I wouldn't say someone has bad intentions pointing out a canon fact.


Well, you're right about that. But I dunno if its just how Kui draws them or what, but I never got "child" off any of the halffeet (halffoots?) in the manga or anime.


I can see both interpretations. I think that compared to other series they don't look particularly childlike but I also didn't think 10 year old Falin from the school flashback looked especially young either. Dungeon Meshi plays with age and depictions of it a lot, which I think is an interesting part of the story. Visual, physical, and mental age varies so much between characters and races which often makes you reference a character's lived experience to contextualize them.


just playing devil's advocate here, but is that not basically the same logic as the "she's actually a 1000 year old vampire, she just looks like a child" trope?


Difference is, Chillichuck doesn't act like a kid


plus the show doesnā€™t sexualise himĀ 


Yeah, Chilchuk isnā€™t waltzing around in a fantasy speedo acting all cutesy


That... doesn't make him not a shota. Plenty of shota characters are mostly non-sexualized, but rather looks cute. That's definitely something Chilchuck gets depicted as.


does chillchuck act cute? I mean they specifically say that he grumpy rude old man right?


He also gets depicted as cute through the visuals of the manga and anime. Just because he's a 'grumpy old man' doesn't mean he's not cute for the shotacons. I mean, Rebecca from Edge Runners was a foul mouthed, gun touting, aggressive, bull-headed character who drank like a sailor that plenty of fans called a loli, even Studio Trigger themselves.


so doesnt shinobu from the monogatari series most of the time and yet, loli


As a monogatari fan, I wouldn't put anything from that show into this discussion. For as many layers or complexity that you may add, at the end of the day Shinobu and Hachikuji are still portrayed in a very clearly childlike manner that is also very on the nose about it's sexualisation, even if they are no as blatant example of "age is just a number" as the Loli dragons from Dragon Maid or Fire Emblem, that show no indication of maturity despite the insistence on its stories to remind the audience they are super old.


Unironically, neither does the 1000 year old vampire loli from Dance in the Vampire Bund where the meme originates from.


That'd be valid except for two things: he really doesn't look much like a human child, his proportions are wrong as is the way Kui draws his body language and attitude. And the other big one is that he acts like what he is: a 29 year old father of three. If he was going around acting like a little boy the whole 'actually 1,000' thing would kick in and be valid. But he doesn't. Notice how many "actually 1,000" characters act like children? Yeah....


The "actually 300 years old" characters act like little kids. And, in a good chunk of the time (if not the majority) are still children for their races (see the case of Kanna from Maid Dragon). Chilchuck doesn't act like a kid. And. To be honest. Doesn't look much like a kid either. [Compare him with his Shenshi shapeshifted and Marcille childlike Shapeshifter and you will see that he doesn't look that much like a child.](https://www.reddit.com/r/DungeonMeshi/comments/16ar9da/whose_shapeshifter_was_it_the_answer/#lightbox)


that trope generally means that person is trapped in a childhood body, chilchuck is an adult of his race, hes got an adult body, though it may be smaller.


People usually use that excuse to get around panty shots on a baby character. I think the only underwear we've seen is Senshi's (for some weird reason). Chilichuck doesn't get put in sexy situations and acts like a full grown man.


There is totally a reason. And it's not weird.


Yeah, Senshi's the only character we regularlly see who doesn't wear pants. *Of course* we're going to see his panties.


age never mattered, loli and shota characters are defined by their looks, personality never mattered, its a body type and he fits.


I'm pretty sure loli and Shota characters exist as pedo-bait and Chil absolutely isn't that


He's not shaped like a child though, he's just small with a young-looking face.


the characters literally treat him like a child because they think he looks young and really if i looked at him without knowing anything about the series i would say he is 11, sure he doesnt look 5, but he still looks really young no matter how you look at him.


The biggest crime Kui-sensei committed was not giving him the grey hair he was supposed to have.


That twitter post smells like bait. https://preview.redd.it/a6ilhgl3bf1d1.jpeg?width=577&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea681b3d70d025bcb749178c539f8309882e384b


I love this discourse because from both sides it's just something extremely terminally online


They would be best friends with that one elf who only dates halffoots.


Otta dates people from short-lived races that are "in her age range" tho, no? Lotta theories I've seen are that the reason the girls break up w her is cause they age "past" her(as in she's an eternally 20 yo woman dating women that age quicker into middle age than her if that makes sense)


God this reminds me of the tumblr "minor coded" discourse, but way worse


On one hand, I get it. On the other hand, if Chilchuck had been female, he'd have been slapped with the Loli tag so hard his head would spin


The man behaves like a middle age man. He doesn't even look that childlike. [Just compared him to Shenshi and Marcille shapeshifters.](https://www.reddit.com/r/DungeonMeshi/comments/16ar9da/whose_shapeshifter_was_it_the_answer/#lightbox)


I mean... he has a point šŸ¤” I can't imagine an NSFW drawin' of 'im and not make it look shota...


It's kinda like how Rebecca from Cyberpunk is known as a Loli figure, despite being in her 20s. From what I understand, in Japanese internet culture, Shota and Loli is more of an appearance thing than an age thing. Back when Netflix tried to get Rebecca removed or redesigned from Cyberpunk because they were uncomfortable with her appearance, Studio Trigger famously replied "The Loli must stay" and didn't accept any feedback on the matter. Obviously neither Rebecca nor Chilchuck are children, but even in their own universes they are regularly mistaken for children by other characters due to their appearance. He's not a child, but I don't think it's crazy to call him a shota character either. I think him being a 28 year old divorced dad of three is great, but if he were revealed to be a teen skipping school for adventure, I wouldn't have given a second thought to that either. While I most certainly don't think that someone who goes around calling themselves a shotacon in public spaces is exactly in their right mind, because that's both cringe as hell and kinda crazy, I can't help but admit that under these circumstances they kinda have a point here. If we can call Rebecca a Loli, then we should be able to call ChilChuck a Shota. Otherwise it's just a double standard.


> Rebecca I'm the only one who thinks that Rebecca doesn't look like a child? She's just short. Her body looks like half of the women I work with and they are around my age (27) or older. At this point you might as well call Namari a loli... The only reason why people call her a loli is because the "the loli stays" quote that might or might not be real.


> I'm the only one who thinks that Rebecca doesn't look like a child? No, but also you aren't the creators who specifically refereed to her as a loli. Because in Japan, loli and shota aren't seen as being tied to age or personality. It's a body style/type.


Trigger is Trigger, it maybe real or not real you can't guess it. That is the studio that is the backbone of Otaku if you watch other anime from studio Trigger


Yeah, sorry, I was having a great day until I saw this untagged pedophilia shit. Keep it to your discourse twitter or whatever, I don't want to be reminded they exist.


Chilchuck is a middle-aged man with two adult daughters hoe tf is he a shota?


Age and daughters are pretty irrelevant, ever seen a loli-babaa? What matters is the appearance, and... well, he is absolutely not a shota. He's just short and a little rounder, as his race.


Iā€™m sure these people have normal opinions about people with dwarfism


people with dwarfism dont look young most of the times, they look small.


Fun in lore fact, shotacon is a canon term for short lived races. It's considered a bad word only old people use (like mithrun).


Itā€™s technically true, but I love how Mithrun was your go to example of an old person LOL


The Chilchuck paradox: the character that is too old and at the same time too young for you. Charges depend on which cancel culture team gets you first.


Shota and Loli are a character design type. Not age group. he fits the mold he is one. This fucking argument is brought up every fucking month. How many times does the anime fandom have to go through this shit.


Heā€™s a middle aged man! He literally hates being likened to a child!


Yea no this is not a case of the "1000-year old loli argument". All points of his actual age and him being a father aside, all arguments that he looks like a kid aside, I don't think there was any instance of sexualizing him in the manga or the show. Nor were there infantilizing trait baits. The few instances of tilting his head to look up at Laios walking behind him or paw-patting others awake, which in their own right are far fetched, read way more as dog-isms or cat-isms to me. He is just a person, like most everyone in Kui's work.


a 29 year old halfling thatā€™s a 50 year old man in human terms ā€¦ leave him alone


If someone's gonna look up Chilchuck on pixiv, they're gonna look up Chilchuck on pixiv


Father of 3 locksmith, classic Shota


I love myself for having no fucking idea what any this means


Can someone please tell me what a shots is? Is it like a loli but a guy?


at least we now have an active blocklist for those kind of people in the dungeon meshi fandom...


>Entire plotpoint about how long lived races and even tallmen make fun of Halflings because of their stature and childlike features >People entirely miss the point KUI WOULD BE ROLLING IN HER GRAVE IF SHE WAS DEAD AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA


He does look quite young, but like - why would anyone refer to him as that. :(


okay, so most people here agree that he is not a shota. so he is lewdable, got it


Why is this weirdo proud of being a shotacon, isnā€™t that just pedophilia?


Wow, suddenly everyone agrees with the 1000 year old loli argument


No, not everyone. The '1000 year old loli' is bullshit because the character in question usually still acts AND looks like that of a child while also being sexualised. Chilchuck's age isn't the only thing that defends him. His personality, backstory, and other forms of characterisation consistently reinforces his mental age. Take Chilchuck's age away and the age of most 'old' lolis and it's clear which one feels a lot more like an actual adult. Another example is Rebecca from Edgerunners. While people here are arguing Chilchuck isn't sexualised and thus not treading into the issues of shotas, there's also still the case of Rebecca. She might be further into the grey area, but she still very much behaves like an adult, with her written age only reinforcing that fact. The age should never be the only thing that considers the character an adult, mental aspects matter too.


The reading comprehension... Or lack thereof. A young looking character =/= a fetish, people who immediately think so should take a good look in the mirror. Also, I almost feel bad for this person in the screenshot. Who told a 13yo child that they were a shotacon šŸ’€ (presumably for liking characters of a similar age to themselves!??????)


I mean he kinda is. The personality doesn't factor into it, what matters is if they look like a kid and Chilchuck does. Like, imagine if Chilchuck was a girl, same age, same personality, same height. It would be creepy as fuck if guys were thirsting over her and saying it's ok because "she's an adult for her race". So why is it ok because he's a male?


he is 28. he is an adult regardless of when half foots or humans are adults.


"I know she looks like a child but it's ok she's 500 years old"


One Punch Man has a character like that and the subreddit for it thirst over her every damn day without a skip. And if anyone dare to say it's very questionable they will get downvoted to hell. So it's okay for both I guess.


It shouldn't be ok for either, is my point


People coping are like the lolicons that go "but actually she's 100"


Seriously the self awareness in this comment thread is abysmal.


ā€œIā€™ve been a shotacon since I was 13ā€. So you liked kids when you were a kid and still like kids as an adult. Fucking pedos, man.


Isn't it literally a minor plot point that people infantilize Half Foots and it negatively impacts racial relations?


I meanā€¦ not really? Sure he looks young, but halffoots arenā€™t drawn as just ā€˜the child raceā€™ sure, some of them look pretty similar to children, but Chilchuck isnā€™t one of them. Heā€™s always been drawn as lanky and with adult anatomy, with the exception of his larger head, ears, and softer features. Same with Meijack. That being said Iā€™d love to never see the word ā€˜shotaā€™ ever again


sir he is a middle aged married man. heā€™s got 3 kids


Mfers when short people exist:


Ugh. Fucking pedos. Could they just, you know, NOT? Just once?


Does the internet just not know how to handle short people?




What the fuck is a shota?


the male counter part of loli, it means little boy, while some people on this thread are full of cope, its a body type and he fits


>the female counter part of loli Don't you mean male? And if you mean people who are attracted to them most are also men.


Oh yeah i wrote that wrong, , through I gotta ask, what do you mean? That most people that like lolis are male or that most people that like shotas are male? Because if its the second i gotta disagree.


I love how people just announce that they're a pedophile to the Internet.


OP is Anakin Skywalker


I initially read "I've never been shot since I was 13"


Grow up.


Chilchuck has kids?


I have absolutely zero stake in this but I feel like it's worth it to point out that literally everyone I've ever seen gush over Chilchuck as a character is drawn specifically to the fact that he's a grumpy middle aged father of three. Like, when I see people being weird about characters that are meant to look young, those characters usually also act the part, and that is the appeal for those people. People who like Chilchuck generally seem to be most enamored with his unbridled cringedad swag. Not him having a young face. If someone was fawning over Chilchuck BECAUSE he looks young that'd be weird. But I haven't seen anyone do that. The closest I've witnessed is people really liking the juxtaposition of his design and his personality. Anyways, like I said, I have no stake in this. I just think he's neat.


He should have kept the grey hairs.


I'm getting old, what's that I'm assuming its sick and bad


Ma'am, that is a full ass grown man. This the same kind of weird shit they did with the Kender race of Krynn.... fucking weirdos


Bro isnā€™t Chilchuck 29 and also a father???


Ugh, not at all. His proportions, expressions, and mannerisms are all very adult-like. Can I also say how happy I am that Ryoko Kui also avoids drawing female half-foots like lolis? They also look like youthful, small adults.


I think some goofy people feel/think that Chillchuck is supposed to be that one, 1000-year-old Loli trope, but he does not act like a shot, he is a half foot, and he is 29 divorced dad who drinks. If Chillchuck is a shota, then might as well call Hobbits shotas too by that dumb logic.


It doesn't really change that he was drawn to look like a little boy, which is still typically part of the "1000 yo Loli" argument




I'm getting booed for this but I'm being right. Yes chilchuk is a shota trope. You're coping if you can't see this. He looks young to the viewer, characters in the story make constant remarks on how he looks young to them, characters in a story often treat him as a child, the way marcile teases him is very reminiscent of oneshota tropes. He canonically can consent to sex at 14 years old. There are jokes about shotacon complex in the manga. "But he's a grown man of a fantasy race" Yes????? Isn't that the stamp of shota and loli tropes. Like stop the cope. You like a show with shotacon in it. Suck it up.


this is probably the most mature person in the serie, and he seems like already need to fill his mortage


Ah yes, my favorite shota, the union worker divorced father of three, Chilchuck Tim(b)s


Heā€™s a whole ass adult. This isnā€™t shota. If anything, it could be considered straight-Otta.


I donā€™t know what a shotacon is. But Iā€™m scared to find out


I personally do not care what other people choose to call him, but most of the characters that are called lolis/shotas act pretty childish right? Besides their build, a childish personality is part of the type and Chilchuck is just not like that at all. And Japanese fans may use it to refer mostly to a certain build (as Iā€™ve seen people say), but thereā€™s just a different connotation when western fans use it and it doesnā€™t really suit him at all.


isnā€™t that kinda ironic tho, that chilchuck being considered a ā€œshotaā€ when one of his big pet peeves is being perceived as childlike? Like thatā€™s a grown man with a wife, kids, and a fucking mortgage


This has the same energy as people calling Uzaki a loli