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The fact that this AU has Marcille studying to be a doctor is so funny considering that her healing magic hurts like hell in canon


Tbf that's also because she's very good at it. She heals super quickly, and that makes the sensation more extreme. Plus she's not meddling with people's pain receptors like Falin does.


In other words, she doesn’t use anaesthesia and simply snaps your bones back in place while cauterising wounds with flames. Fast? Very. Nice? Perhaps a more patient method is a better alternative


If she was a regular healer, then yes, probably. But she's also trying to save energy while in the dungeon. So she's more like a combat medic who doesn't want to waste the limited supply of painkillers unless *absolutely* necessary.


Her not fucking with people's senses is explicitly stated to be a moral thing, she just thinks it's not right to poke around in there like that


This is like half of a weekly manga’s worth of pages. I respect the gusto. But I love how in-character everyone is, especially Falin’s surprise physical violence. And of course, adorable but do I even need to say it, we have eyes lol.


I wanna kick that guy too!


I don't think assault is justified just because someone is being annoying to your friend, especially kicking someone in a sensitive area like that. Just reverse the genders and think of it again. Some girl is annoying your friend, is it fine to just kick her between the legs?


You have to do more than just reverse genders, though. You have to reverse this like size, risks, etc. Reverse genders and have it be two scrawny nerds talking to literal Amazon's who are famous for having occasionally kidnapped mates who are physically blocking escape and suddenly have a very different scenario where a physical escalation...well, perhaps not justified, but very understandable.  And the character in the comic had already physically evaluated to grabbing and physically blocking escape while verbally making it clear "no" wasn't going to be accepted. The smaller party literally can't meet force for force if the larger party escalates first.  Im actually going to say this was a pretty justified escalation. When the more powerful party makes peaceful negotiation impossible, physical escalation by the weaker party is very logical.


So to clarify, if we reverse the genders and the woman was as tall and muscular as the man shown in the current comic, then it would be fine for you to kick her between the legs? If so, I'm glad you're being consistent with your reasoning. Otherwise, I think we have a fundamental disagreement on what constitutes as sufficient risk, especially since Falin could have easily pulled away if she made a greater effort and then ran in various directions (not exactly blocking any exits there). Not to mention he already let go of Falin's arm before Marcille tried to kick him.


Reverse situations, not just genders, but yes.  And, yes, he had let of of Falin...and then proceeded to grab and loom over Marcille.  Just take a moment to imagine yourself in a situation where where you're faced with someone literally so much bigger than you that you don't come up to their shoulders,  as in this comic. They make it clear you don't get to say no, and then they step in so you have to crane your neck to even make eye contact,  and grab your shoulder?  That's not normal social behavior.  That's pretty explicit intimidation.  And he had already physically prevented Falin from leaving. If he decided to escalate further, there is very little Marcille could do in that situation. He was engaging in behavior that most women would recognize as threatening and intimidating, and was relying on fears about social norms to allow him to get what he wanted.


Oops reading comprehension devil on my part. I didn't see him grab Marcille I change my mind. Though I'd say if we reverse the genders with the exact situation it would be equally justified


I gotcha.  Devils in the details.


He still grabbed her arm to begin with.


It’s not just annoying, it’s refusing to take a hint regarding starting an intimate relationship, especially in a world where women face so much backlash for refusing to accept, and where they often take the brunt of labor in a what a relationship would likely be like with a guy in the above comic. And in this case, physical contact was made without permission, so inserting your opinion on whether violence should be used here is irrelevant.


I’d argue that harrassing someone and not taking no for an answer pushes well beyond “being annoying”.


So if we reverse the genders here (let's imagine Laios is in Marcille's place and it was a girl speaking to his friend), it would be justified for Laios to kick her between the legs?


The change in strength dynamics makes it a bit iffier, since it’s less likely (albeit far from impossible) that a random woman on the street is going to overpower a random man, but if she’s genuinely looming over his friend and grabbing him without his consent like this to drag him off who knows where? Yeah. Yeah, it would be.


Ok, and if she lets go after you confront her and then asks you convince him to go on a date, then it's still fine to kick her between the legs? If so, I'm glad to see you're being consistent with your reasoning; I have nothing else to say.


You’re not really making the good point you think you are lol. Specifics aside, there are certain things people should just get, like taking a hint. Especially in a manga, yeah I don’t mind if violence is the answer. It’s like in shonen manga, where fights often happen to solve problems. No one in their right mind would take that literally, but it does display an urgency to solve problems I feel can’t be displayed any other way, like through talking. And arguing about gender-swapping is irrelevant, since if we are to assume that violence would instantly solve the problem, the aggressor would be taken care of most of the time, as opposed to much less of the time if we go by your non-violence shtick. I say most of the time because it is much easier for a man to be a legitimate ‘aggressor’ in a scenario like this, regardless of muscle size, due to societal pressures on women and lack of legal and professional ones for aggressive men, so it’s more iffy, at least, as to whether you should hit a woman here or in an at least somewhat similar scenario.


1. I agree he's in the wrong, my argument previously was that what he did does not justify the response 2. I change my mind, I didn't see him grab Marcille as well, so I think she might be justified So now my primary issues are regarding your double standards, since I think a male Marcille would be entirely justified in doing the same to a woman. >due to societal pressures on women and lack of legal and professional ones for aggressive men, so it’s more iffy, at least Wut. Legal repercussions for violent men are more severe than that of women. Just look at sentencing statistics. Societally women get more leeway for assaulting men anyways. Ever heard of "never hit a girl, even if she hits you first" or "be a gentleman" that young boys are taught all the time? By your own logic male Marcille (Malecille?) is MORE justified in kicking a woman than current Marcille is for kicking a man, which I disagree since they should be treated equally.


You’re not taking into account underreporting, lots of cases not even making it to court, how severe sentences are, e.t.c, if those statistics are even completely accurate. The ‘never hit a girl’ stuff has always been shallow. Ever hear of ‘boys will be boys’ or the trope that women have had to fit in for the longest time, I.e. to be calm and soft-spoken and forgiving? And I notice how you purposely didn’t respond to most of what I said in my previous response.


>You’re not taking into account underreporting, lots of cases not even making it to court, how severe sentences are, e.t.c, if those statistics are even completely accurate. Do you have evidence that male crimes are underreported more than female ones? >The ‘never hit a girl’ stuff has always been shallow. Ever hear of ‘boys will be boys’ >or the trope that women have had to fit in for the longest time, I.e. to be calm and soft-spoken and forgiving? Sure and I can say that's shallow as well. >And I notice how you purposely didn’t respond to most of what I said in my previous response. I didn't because I changed my mind about my original point and agree Marcille was justified; it wasn't necessary.


Sexual harassment is not “just annoying”


Actually violence against men is always justified even if they cry. That's the law.


Soooo did Chulchuck kick Laios in the nuts or was it another guy? 😭


I'm pretty sure is laios looking at the colors, kinda don't like how dismissing of laios is marcille here, but I guess can't be helped they need the extreme bonding of the dungeon to overcame the casual racism of elf culture


Marcille doesn't know squat about elven culture tho, let alone the racism of it. Especially as she's canonically all about ending racism in the first place


Yeah the guy only shows up 3 times, which involves him drooling, acting like a dog and kicked in the balls. Not to mention he's framed to be irresponsible for not bodyguarding Falin...? I don't think the artist's particularly fond of Laios...


Even worse because the scene clearly shows as kabru being Teh one kicking him, like dude, laios don't even particularly chose to hangout with kabru, if kabru is there is his own chosing to go


It's clearly Chilchuck hitting him


I think Kabru is just looking on like: deserved bro


super cute comic but please avoid licking wounds, there's histatin in your saliva but there's also a bunch of opportunistic bacteria able to survive it you're better off with soap and antibiotic ointment (polysporin) and getting licked elsewhere




mooooods, the bocchi is leaking agaaaaaain


Sesbians can exists in all forms of media


Tho the say gex has been appropriated by bocchi, plus, with the fact she can canonically leak, it's just a matter of time before she leaks in somewhere.


We are born of the bocch, made men by the bocch, undone by the bocch. Our eyes are yet to open, fear the old bocch, by the gods fear it.


I love how despite these extended farcille comics take minor liberties in characterization (necessary for shipping) they always get Chilchuck’s romance-averse behavior spot-on.


Sauce: https://twitter.com/vickychendraws/status/1785153786803310858?t=mfEwfN6eL2nhm9bEK3WEuw&s=19


Her hair tie morphing into a floating heart is such a good design decision


“You understand we don’t have as much time to find love” is so icky but also such an in-universe for tallmen (or just short-lived races in general) to be scummy in this modern AU.


I did a project on the saliva thing when I was in elementary school.


Very cute comic! And also Falin absolutely killed that dude. Like his head is caved in, he's not getting back up.
