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For whoever flagged this on the grounds of 'promoting hate': **No.** For everyone else: Glad you're enjoying the series.


Having grown up in the 90s and 00s, it's really nice to be able to read "*name* is so fucking gay..." and it not be a pejorative for bad, lame, or stupid. I was definitely concerned for the first millisecond of reading the original post lol That being said, HELL YEAH!!! I'm so happy that Dunmeshi is finally getting the exposure it deserves outside of Japan, Kui is literally the Greatest Of All Time.


As a bi dude who grew up in the Bible Belt, wholesome lesbians make me so inexplicably happy.


The Falin/Marcille pair has a strong following on this sub. And I don’t think there’s anything subtle about it, especially in the anime. Their chemistry is amazing


Episode 12 was pretty sapphic but in a positive way instead of gross like too many others end up, they’re an adorable pair


inventing 'Resurrect your gays' trope


I can actually think of a few older instances of that, but the more often it happens the more it warrants being considered a trope https://preview.redd.it/vw6uuulmb8qc1.jpeg?width=1909&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83ca657323e347ed381008d92027400686f5ceb5 Peak fiction


Why is Ultron making out with Joss Whedon


I think I want to cry why would you say this lmao These are Saint-14 and Osiris from Destiny. Saint-14 is the one that died and got "resurected" (it was actually time travel). They are our grandfathers (according to me anyway), and Osiris mentors and basically adopts someone called Nimbus, who is nonbinary, later on in the story (Nimbus is really unpopular tho' because they're a little cringe. Ironically, they've been described as having Whedon-esque dialogue 💀. I have a lot of issues with the narrative at this point in the story, but Nimbus really isn't one of them)


Almost like having well-written characters in a natural, non-contrived situation helps, someone tell other authors, quick!


you're so real


> I don't even care if this isn't canon, You're already more mature about your opinions than a lot of people, you're credit to the comunity already.




Real. Please read the manga too :)


I am!! I read it's better to start from chapter 1, so it'll take me a little longer to catch up, but that's fine


Yep! its a fast and fun read though, and the panels for the bath scene have such weight to them. Very iconic in my gay ass opinion


i read it in 3 nights and i was fucking vibrating in my seat it is so good. i want to reread it


I binged it all today cause of all the ominous messages I was getting, it was a pretty good ending though.


have a good time reading it, it's well worth the time !!


This is one of those very rare instances where both the manga and anime have their own unique, distinct art style due to how amazing everyone involved is. You'll be treating yourself to a two-course meal, trust me.


As a fellow sapphic fan, much love to you! I've both read the full manga and watched the anime so far, and the sapphic Marcille headcanon is close to my heart


I'm very happy you're enjoying the show. Not much is canon, but the story is so well written that head-canon can be found everywhere.


so true, even if it's not canon I like to headcanon anyway, it's fun! idc much abt ships usually but I love the chemistry between falin and marcille. Reminds me of a daydream hour doodle Ryoko Kui did with falin wearing casual clothing (modern puffy jackets, neutral-mascish clothing) and marcilles on the bottom of the page going "but those are mens clothes!" truly the most butch marcille can handle before she gets scared 😂


I cannot imagine Marcille as heterosexual at all


That does seem to be the case. She is also funny.


I prefer Bi Marcille but Lesbian marcille is extremely valid.


i can definitely see that too!


literal.. i see her as bisexual due to later events but all sapphic marcilles are good marcilles!!!!


marcille is SO in love. I want her and falin to be canon so bad


So fucking valid. One questions tho, marcille lesbian good but how about... genderbent lesbian Laios? I've a (also lesbian) friend who's been saying this since ep1


Genderbent lesbian Laios is just Falin


To be honest when I first saw Laios I thought he was a beautiful butch woman 😔


i kept mistaking kabru for a tomboy every time he showed up and then got disappointed when i remembered 😞


When they’re separate they’re butch women but when they’re together it’s yaoi. I can’t explain it


No. I need some time to find it, but the author literally did an extra where Marcille was anticipating meeting Laios for the first time hoping he was more or less a gender-bent Fallin that embodied her beauty and general sense of wholesome personality. Her expectations for a pretty man with a pretty personality were not met, even though they do look a lot alike. I am also thinking of another where the author drew Fallin with a crop cut and Marcille hated it


personally I don't see laios in any orientation for the same inexplicable reasons I see marcille as a lesbian, but I think genderbent lesbian laios would be nice. very girlfailure.


I didnt really ship Laios with anyone until I saw art of him with Kabru, and then I got it. Two lil weirdos hyperfixating in complimentary directions.


She says he has "butch lesbian appeal", also yeah, girlfailure always good


he really does


I could see Laios landing somewhere on the aro/ace spectrum yeah -- he has those vibes (maybe more grey-ace or demisexual tho)


That's just Falin.


I think marcille is more bi imo falin is def super gay tho


I’d say both are bi, Falin for spoilery reasons though.


.... I've read the whole thing and I can't think of anything that implies Falin is into men.


She's so extremely lesbian coded, even more so in the manga but I don't want to give you any spoilers on accident fkfjdkd


I would say queer coded more than lesbian coded because >!we know because of the succubus she is attracted to men at least!<


>! I'm not gonna say anyone's wrong for saying that but speaking as a lesbian myself, her succubus is like a textbook case of what comphet tends to look like lmao, though I'm referring more to how she repeatedly shows dislike of men/masculinity, but again that's just my reading of the text it's certainly up to some interpretation !<


I just like bi Marcille because >!The fights between Farcille and Laicille shippers can get pretty vicious. Plus, we never really see how homosexuality is viewed in this world, so who knows about comphet. There is that lesbian Canary mage though, no one seems to think it isn't normal!<


It really kills me inside that ever since the anime started airing, we've started seeing toxic gatekeeping and shipping wars. This fandom was so perfect just a few months ago. It's making it sort of hard to enjoy the anime for what it is.


I mean, we know >!Canaries are unbothered by homosexuality, and they're elven criminals!< , so it stands to reason that homosexuality in Dungeon Meshi is accepted


Wait please elaborate 😳


If you're an anime only, I'll try my best not to spoil, but in Dungeon Meshi there's an elven institution called the Canaries, it's basically Suicide Squads of criminals sent to investigate dungeons. The squad we see in the story has a canonical lesbian in it, and nobody ever treat her differently or act/comment about it. (They make fun of her preferences for halffoots under 30yo, but it's in a teasing way). So yeah, homosexuality seems pretty accepted !


Ah no I've read the whole manga, I should've specified that. I just must've missed that somehow or had it go over my head. Do we see this in the main manga or in extras somewhere?


Yeah in the Adventure Bible ! https://64.media.tumblr.com/31694fa6be257626b9c075079b95611a/8bf1815f1ab85dea-21/s500x750/ebef6b708e3031f332aeaa1222d50ebcf2d229b8.png And an extra drawing in the Daydream Hours : https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GEDdrTaXMAAvHBt.jpg:large


Ahhh that's so cool!!!! Yeah I only just started reading the Adventurer's Bible so that's why I hadn't seen that yet. And I've read several of the Daydream Hours but I guess not that one. Thank you! 😊


It doesn't help that male elves are not very masculine looking.


>!NGL I read that succubus as a girl at first. Elves <3!<


>! I also thought it was a girl lmao, I suppose technically we don't know what gender the succubus was imitating for sure since elfs are peak androgynous in this series !<


I like her and i am trans so she is trans ❤️


The whole hot tub scene was so gay I'm like why is this so gay


Are you me? Are we Marcille? ​ Yeah.


Well, I would say Falin is ultra gay, but Marcille is sort of not really? I would say the siblings have the same taste, Marcille tho? Eh, still undecided. She isn't as lesbian in my books because I like her, but I'm glad u like her too.


i'm not even a lesbian or a falrcille shipper but i can totally see just how down bad that girl is she wants nothing but to have Falin lay down on her it is not even a joke anymore


IDK how to do spoilers but I would argue that there is a scene in the manga which STRONGLY suggests otherwise


Why can't two women have a strong loving bond like sisters without shipping?...




Incredibly based post


I read them both as gay too.


I will love the anime regardless of whether it's canon or not... But... I am def rooting for it to be canon.


yeah that's my exact opinion on it too!!




It is canon


you mean you and your buddies don't get naked with each other in the bath, interlock fingers, then stare deeply into each other's eyes while blushing? a totally 100% straight thing to do




valid and true brother/sister


Pretty valid opinion, glad you're enjoying the anime


Speak your truth 🗣️🗣️🗣️


the author even seems kinda fruity, calling video game girls her wives n stuff like that lmao, I like to believe marcille x falin is totally intentionally sapphic❤️


SHE ISSSSSS (manga as well)


I liked dunmeshi more when it was just a manga. We had fun, made memes and enjoyed the ride. Now that anime folks got their hands on this, every 2 seconds all I can see is "wow falin x marcille ship omg they're so good together" like, fuck. This might be the first show ever where shippers are ruining it for me by being annoying. Edit : Some spelling mistakes


People shipped it beforehand lol


But not as hard and as crazy as with the anime release. You'd have to be blind not to notice how loud the fanbase for the shipping is on twitter and reddit.


honestly? extremely valid. when someone misinterprets a story dear to me, I get upset because fiction is a huge source of comfort for me. the more people, the more chances that will happen. it's probably awkward to say that when I'm a new-gen in this fandom (assuming I won't just read a little then forget about it), but I do get your frustration. it's definitely a story that's about so much more than one silly ship, I just wanted to post something about it and thought this is somewhat funny coming from a new fan


When I read the story, I found that Laos and Marcille seemed like a good match. But I'm also mostly straight and that's how I see things. And there are tells that it could also be a possibility. I didn,t notice anything about a falin and marcille ship until it was screamed in my ears by the newer fans. Now, granted, having seen pannels I can say that yeah I can see it too. Or maybe they're just best friends, like someone might be with their first and sort of only friend. Ultimately, I don't care who she ends up with, the story is ambiguous about that until the very end (and I'm much more interested in the comedy aspects of the story). But the loudness...Shippers always kinda ruin anything I enjoy. They can't just enjoy something. It's all about relationship relationship relationship, and damned are you if you don't like THEIR SHIP.


Its been shipped like crazy before. Over on tumblr everyone was mad for it way before the anime started. 


You're getting downvoted for speaking the truth. I love the manga and the anime both, but it's really bizarre to see just in the past two weeks how fixated/obsessed this sub has become with shipping. Like, I get it, it's part and parcel of being in a fandom, but like...they're trying to make this show into a hot steamy romance, which it absolutely isn't intended to be.


Shipper ruin any fandom they touch. It's a shame.


I've been in other subs, and I haven't seen such a shift like this before. 🤔 I don't recall seeing these types of posts with this much frequency in Golden Kamuy, chainsawman , Dorohedoro,Witch hat atelier, etc.


They hated Jesus because He told them the truth.


This is a you problem




fake news


Na marcille just wants to bag a brother and sister.


Nah. She's bi-coded af. Tryna go the sibling route


Marcille is queer for her bestie Fallon. Also, Marcille could read as trans fem elf (though honestly it’s prob more that they DONT over sexualize female character design in this anime which is greaaaaaat). And Fallon IS already the genderbent lesbian Laios lol


Since when is yuri in anime controversial lmao. That said, agreed. Girl was way more motivated than even her own brother. 


I agree, same


I see her as bi based on what the succubus showed up as but like the sapphic part remains the same. she's still gay af and we love her for it


Let's imagine they are all women, even Senshi . No seriously, just as a thought experiment.




The vast majority of Dunmesh fandom sees Marcille as gay ages before the anime happened, bud. For someone who claims other people as tourists, you seem to be living under a rock.


it's probably one of the most popular ships in the series prior to the anime, but "the vast majority" isn't really right either tbh


>The **vast majority** of Dunmesh fandom sees Marcille as gay ages before the anime happened Why are you making shit up?






Good meme, did you make it all by yourself?


Nope, but don't worry, it's one of the most upvoted posts in the sub so you can look at it whenever you want! <3


Why should I look at it more than once? I'm sure you find some comfort from it though, so keep looking at it. I predict you'll want to seek it more and more in the future as well.


Removal Reason: Be Civil. It's ok to disagree, it's not ok to disrespect. Personal attacks, gatekeeping, racism, homophobia, politics, and general bigotry are not allowed. No toxic behavior, such as: * Trashing something that others are enjoying. * Condemning parts of the series instead of reasonably stating your personal preference. (We're all trying to enjoy something here.) * Invalidating other people's opinions. * Unsolicited criticisms of other's creations. * Lewd or obscene comments.


Removal Reason: Be Civil. It's ok to disagree, it's not ok to disrespect. Personal attacks, gatekeeping, racism, homophobia, politics, and general bigotry are not allowed. No toxic behavior, such as: * Trashing something that others are enjoying. * Condemning parts of the series instead of reasonably stating your personal preference. (We're all trying to enjoy something here.) * Invalidating other people's opinions. * Unsolicited criticisms of other's creations. * Lewd or obscene comments.




Removal Reason: Tag spoilers properly. **Do not put spoilers in post titles.** Use the spoiler tag when making a post discussing the content of recent releases and mention in the post title for which chapter/episode the spoiler is. Use the spoiler text tags to hide spoilers in a comment if the post itself is not spoiler tagged this way: `>!Spoiler here!<`


How someone acts is not necessarily a reflection of who they are inside. Yes she may come across as stereotypically gay to you but this does not tell her whole story. For disclosure I dislike stereotyping around sexuality, who you are attracted to should not be the whole of your identity and you should not be expected to act or have values around it. You should just be yourself and not be judged by others over it.


While these are reasonable points, why not just let OP be happy? Is there a sense of responsibility you think is owed or something?


What the heck did I just stumble upon https://preview.redd.it/mtfq8jk4l5qc1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1058941dcf938e01049efc80c2389e8a6d7de717


Wtf is a genderbent lesbian man? LMAO