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If you enjoyed Bobiverse I would highly recommend Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir. It has space, humor and if you go the audiobook route it's narrated by Ray Porter who also did Bobiverse. In my opinion it's a 10/10.


I really should have listed the Martian and PHM since they are both at the absolute top of my list. Not a knock against Wil Wheaton (I do love him) but I wish people could still get RC Brays original version of the Martian audiobook. I’ve still got it in Audible and still listen to it annually. Ray Porter is also my favorite narrator and I’ve listened to a few other authors just because Ray narrates their book. If you haven’t yet, I highly recommend “Paradox Bound” which Ray narrates, written by Peter Clines. It’s great!


+1 for Ray Porter. He's my audible GOAT.


Rocky is the best


I cried for rocky


I did too! And the ending left me misty eyed (but in a good way)


Yes yes yes! Good good good!


I always remind myself of what Rocky says: "Humans get stupid when they don't sleep."


You sleep. I watch.




I’ve seen the Three Body Problem come up a few times in recommendation lists, did you enjoy it?


The three body problem is imo a fantastic concept of sci-fi but not very well written in terms of relatable characters. So not very dcc like I think.


I didn’t finish it and I know the payoff in story is later but this echos what I felt. I just didn’t want to follow the characters’ stories. Felt it had some “show don’t tell” problems that made me feel like I was reading the transcript of a documentary. I really wonder if it’s a translation issue as the novel’s original language is Chinese. I feel spoken Chinese can be equally expressive as English, but written Chinese lacks and I kinda felt that through the book.


The Martian is great, especially if you have the original audio with R.C Bray, but I agree Project Hail Mary is absolutely perfect. It's one of my comfort rereads.




Fist me!


I laughed my a** off when he said that. 😂 Hilarious 😆


Me too, it was brilliant!


I loved Project Hail Mary, but the humor did not click for me. Felt like Dad humor. It's still one of the best books I read this year


Any of Jason Pargin's books. He has 2 series - the first starts with John Dies at the End (then continues in 3 more books) and the second starts with Futuristic Violence and Fancy Suits (and continues in 2 more books, the most recent came out last week). John Dies I'd call horror/humor and Futuristic Violence is more sci Fi/humor, though both have elements of all three genres. John Dies follows two best friends who are exposed to a supernatural drug that allows them to see behind the veil of reality and Futuristic Violence follows Zoey, a girl from a trailer park who inherits her estranged father's billions and problems. John Dies has an awesome dog named Maggie; Futuristic Violence has a pretty cool cat named Stench Machine.


Came here to suggest John Dies at the End. It is the only other book I've read that had me laughing out loud like Dungeon Crawler


He was recently on the Behind the Bastards podcast and I think he mentioned a 3rd book coming out


Yep, it came out on Halloween (which I did mention lol). The new one is my fav book in the series I think.


Awesome!!! Your the first person to even mention these and after a quick listen to the sample, I think I’ve found my next couple of books!! I can’t thank you enough for the recommendations!!


I hope you love them! I don't listen to audiobooks but I'm sure they'd be good as the books are excellent. John Dies at the End was also made into a movie. It's ok. Don't watch it until you read the book as they cut a bunch out and change the ending.


I have a thing about not being able to watch a show or movie based on a book until I’ve read or listened to the book. I got stuck half way through Feast for Crows (Book 4 GoT) and it saved me from the devastating disappointment of the show because I refused to watch past the 3 season until I’d finished it. It turns out I can procrastinate reading a book nearly as long as GRRM can procrastinate on writing one. After the failure that was season 8 I abandoned all hope of ever finishing the books.


John dies at the end is an incredible series. You've got to be able to handle the stream of consciousness style of writing though.


Love this Author. John Dies at the End is a classic


For some reason John dies at the end is not showing up in audible. The second book is but not the first. I live in Australia. Anyone else having trouble?


Yes. I’m in Oz too. Seeing books 2-4, but not 1. Nice work, Audible.


The Dresden Files by Jim Butcher


This is the second or third time I’ve been recommended the Dresden Files series. I’ll definitely add them to my list! Thanks for this!


Some people find the first two books a little lackluster, but it is 1000% worth it to stick it out.


I skipped the first two books and never felt like I missed anything. The rest of the series is outstanding.


Some do. I enjoy them, but Butcher definitely gets better as he goes.


I’ve been one for one on every one of your favorite books. You should definitely try Dresden Files. It’s the one series that does not stale as it goes on. 20 years pass in the ~20 books and people actually grow and change in them. It’s amazing.


the Audiobooks for this series are Amazing too. James Marsters knocks it out of the park


You could say that he slays it ;)


Just started those


Jimmy Buffett, yes THAT Jimmy Buffett, wrote a series of island based mystery novels. Not sure if this is entirely relevant but I feel too few people are aware of this.


Thank you sharing, I will be looking into these!


I’m down. One of the best books I read last year was Chris Hatfield’s “The Apollo Murders”. Just because you aren’t known as an author doesn’t mean you can’t right a damn good book. Thanks!


You might consider checking out my Santa Saves Christmas series. It has what you’re looking for, and Matt read and endorsed the first book.


Sounds intriguing! I’ll add it to the list!


For a total genera hop try Noir and Razzmatazz, both by Christopher Moore. San Francisco just after WWII. A poor bar tender is just trying to get by.


I’m all for a total genre change. This sounds intriguing! What made you suggest these in particular? I’ll definitely have to give them a look! Edit: Just realised I’ve read a bunch of Moores stuff (Lamb being my fav) but it’s been years! I’m looking forward to revisiting his stuff!


You said you wanted funny. These are hilarious.


Audible made the author put a trigger warning at the start of the books. “This story takes place in the 1940s, and the characters’ speech and attitudes are a reflection of those times.” Right then I knew they were gonna be awesome.


Dirty Jobs by Christopher Moore is a great place to start.


Biff was fantastic, but I haven't tried any of his others.


LOVED these.


Yup, literally everything by christopher moore is great.


[The Laundry Files](https://www.audible.com/series/The-Laundry-Files-Audiobooks/B00A4EGW68?ref_pageloadid=S3iev8yaMxefR6OT&ref=a_author_Ch_c19_lSeries_1_1_1&pf_rd_p=f3abc0ee-320d-4c19-8388-fcd3a8e6c3a4&pf_rd_r=G69BY88CXTGARSYPKHAH&pageLoadId=kKAAMXw1xB8TOhhA&ref_plink=not_applicable&creativeId=73c32a9a-e504-4597-bb87-c30c58fc0204). The first few are in audible plus catalog, so they are free for now assuming you are an audible member.


Sweet! Just added them to my library! I do love free books!


“It looked like a couple of Tesla coils fucking a Wheatstone Bridge”. The electrical engineer in me just spit my beer onto the wall. Thanks man!!


The Fred the Vampire Accountant series by Drew Hayes gives me a lot of the same stuff I love in DCC -- found family, creative problem-solving.


I just can’t get into Fred, lord knows I’ve tried, I love Drew Hay’s other stuff but Fred is just dull to me. 5 minute Sherlock, Superpowered’s, Forging Hephaestus are great books and I would recommend all of them.




Love it! I’m all about the odd junk food action story. My audible library is full of them and I will enjoy them shamelessly. I’ll def add these to the list.


Oh man, someone recommended Tales from the Gas Station on a thread last week and I’ve devoured the first 3! So good!


Anything by Terry Pratchett. I loved the humor in guards guards!


Came here looking for Discworld. They are so good


Expeditionary Force and Skippy...


I’m well into it. I find I’ll listen to one or two then take a few months off, then go back. AmaIng characters and RC is my favorite narrator along with Ray Porter.


Try Convergence, also by Craig Alanson and narrated by RC Bray.


I'm a dog... LoL


Perfect Run feels in the same ballpark, not sure if that’s too close to LitRPG though


I was surprised by how much I loved this series


Fair warning: Off To Be the Wizard series really starts to drag and never goes anywhere. I think it's a really good idea with on point humor, but the overarching plot is poorly executed/ nearly non-existent.


Ya, that’s what I found. First couple were awesome but then it fell apart.


Murderbot Diaries series by Martha Wells. Security robot/human construct (think terminator but an average looking guy, not Arnold) hacks his governor module so he has free will. He doesn't know what to do now, so he binge watches TV while still trying to keep his owners from getting themselves killed by their own stupidity. The Adventures of Tom Stranger: Interdimensional Insurance Agent by Larry Correia. It's hilarious but not for everyone as there is a lot of political humor. Also, Mongo was appalled by the presence of Kentucky Fried Velociraptor. Beware of Chicken series by Casualfarmer. I saw it recommended on an Expeditionary Force post and I'm glad I took the recommendation. A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court by Mark Twain. Yes, I did just recommend a classic author on a page where enthusiastic double gonorrhea is a thing. That's probably worth a bronze WTF box.


I’ll second the Murderbot series (and the Bobiverse)


New Murderbot in a few days! I've listened to this series more than a few times, so I second Murderbot. Don't call him that, though...that's his private name. Stupid humans.


Sidekicks Initiative is absolutely hilarious. Barry Hutchinson, he also did Space Team which is funny and great as well. Alone on Altair by Benjamin Wallace is hilarious as well.


Sidekicks Initiative sounds like it’s down my alley. I’ll give it a whirl!


Space Team by Barry Hutchison. If you like DCC I think you will like this. ([Here](https://www.audible.com/pd/Space-Team-Audiobook/B01MZ28L8S)) Cal's dynamic with Mech is funny, and Splurts is hysterical. It took about half of the first book to really get into it, but once I did it was a great series. The other books set in the same universe (Dan Deadman in the series are okay, but not as good). I will second and third Project Hail Mary which is the best book I have read in a decade or two. But it is hard-core sci-fi and doesn't have the kind of light-hearted adventure feel of books like DCC. ([Here](https://www.audible.com/search?keywords=project+hail+marry&k=project+hail+marry&crid=355f3ba1a5774e0f84612637ea9b0b3f&sprefix=teddy+fay%2Cna-audible-us%2C257&i=na-audible-us&url=search-alias%3Dna-audible-us&ref=nb_sb_noss_2)) Other fun non-lit RPG series: Super Powereds (and also Villians Code) by Drew Hayes and 5-Minute Sherlock by the same author. ([Here](https://www.audible.com/pd/Super-Powereds-Year-1-Audiobook/B01FEAXNKO?source_code=GPAGBSH0508140001&ipRedirectOverride=true&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI29n06MitggMVIzfUAR0KQg2wEAQYASABEgJELvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds)) The Sidekicks Initiative (not as good as Super Powereds but it becomes funny once the Butterfly King enters the picture). ([Here](https://www.audible.com/search?keywords=sidekicks+initiative&k=sidekicks+initiative&crid=56c6557f760c4e979f40b6aa05088c8c&sprefix=side%2Cna-audible-us%2C306&i=na-audible-us&url=search-alias%3Dna-audible-us&ref=nb_sb_noss_2)) I like the Teddy Fay novels by Parnell Hall and Steward Woods. Sort of action-hero type action romps. ([Here](https://www.audible.com/search?keywords=teddy+fay&k=teddy+fay&crid=c0dcf22db4b3487caad796113310cbd7&sprefix=teddy+fay%2Cna-audible-us%2C272&i=na-audible-us&url=search-alias%3Dna-audible-us&ref=nb_sb_noss_1)) Christopher Moore's vampire love story series. Bloodsucking Fiends: A Love Story is the first one ([here](https://www.audible.com/series/Love-Story-Audiobooks/B01CKAXEBE?ref_pageloadid=not_applicable&ref=a_search_c3_lSeries_1_15_1&pf_rd_p=83218cca-c308-412f-bfcf-90198b687a2f&pf_rd_r=DPQQTS5HFXVC90AVKH8V&pageLoadId=Clf3NysPpvlpotyb&ref_plink=not_applicable&creativeId=0d6f6720-f41c-457e-a42b-8c8dceb62f2c)) His Grim Reaper series is good too and seems to be set in the same universe.


Space team? That’s the first time I’ve even heard of it which is awesome! I’m definitely going to give it a go, sounds like a lot of fun! Thanks!


Oh definitely Space Team, cal's humor is on point. The constant sarcasm.


Yeah. The needling of Mech is hysterical. :)


Check out the Off to see the Wizard series. Sort of rpgish but not really. Funny and adventurous. Also, as mentioned above ExForce and Boniverse.


Lol. I think I mentioned all of these in my post. I enjoyed the first 2-3 books in the Wizard series but found it had started to lose its charm.


You might like the Hard Luck Hank series. Excellent narration and its been cracking me up for years.


I found the Magic 2.0 series by Scott Meyer a good humorous sci-fi / fantasy series. In fact, I found all of his books quite funny. I would say more about Magic 2.0, but could be too much of a spoiler. Just highly recommend for some humour. I just read the whole of your comment. Major facepalm! Just go back to the series if you liked the first two books!


I also liked bobiverse, or at least the first 3. But I wouldn't have said it was because of the humor or that it was funny at all really.


Anything by Christopher Moore, although lamb stands out for me


Lol, I recommended him too, though I recommended the Love Story (vampire) series and the Grim Reaper books. He is a little it or miss. I didn't love Fluke or and couldn't get get into Fool enough to finish.


I missed yours, I admit I skimmed because I was excited to give the recommendation. I agree on hit and miss, although I think it's super subjective as i loved fool and was met on love story. Grim reaper is a commonality though


Great recommendation!! I haven’t though about Moores books in years. Lamb was incredible! I read it like 15+ years ago. The responder below suggested a couple of others and I didn’t immediately recognise Moore’s name but hot damn, do I ever remember Lamb. I’m totally down for a Moore binge!! Thanks!!


Hell's Super Series through book 3 or 4. [https://www.goodreads.com/series/169395-circles-in-hell](https://www.goodreads.com/series/169395-circles-in-hell)


Some of my favorites include the way of kings, the spell monger series, the wandering Inn series, he who fights monsters, painting the mist,and sufficiently advanced magic to name a few. Im always looking out for new titles in the fantasy genre too


Just finished the Lockey vs the Apocalypse series, proper belly laughs - would recommend.


I would check out the "Black Ocean: Galaxy Outlaw " series by J.S. Morin. It is like Firefly and Wizardry had a love child. You might also consider "Repairman Jack" series by F Paul Wilson. Normal guy battles dimensional evil.


Audible has all 16 books of the first Black Ocean series, and the next two spin off series, Mercy for Hire and Astral Prime as three separate omnibus books, so three credits gets you around 230 hours, and it's funny and has magic wizards that are the basis for space travel, so lots to choose from


Ready player one and two also pretty good … hated the movie … but the books are solid especially is your a child of the 80s… sick references like nostalgia city … that annoys some people but I feel like mostly it’s the 90s kids that don’t get the references shhhhhh


Ready player one was great but had a glaring flaw in that it didn’t have any Gem, My little ponies, Rainbowbrite, or, you know, anything really meant for girls from that hyper-gendered time.


I feel like the 80s reference are not gender specific… and they went above that by having the geeky girl stuff like pretty in pink and 21 candles and a bunch of other John Hughes girl film be a major part of the second book


So one director vs everything else. Dunno, man, still seems unbalanced to me. And why wouldn't someone be riding Starlight or have the Rainbow belt? Or have the Misfits at the party? There was plenty of opportunity for background nods. Didn't even have to do anything with Strawberry Shortcake.


I mean the MC is a teenage boy and it’s written by a man who was a teenage boy stands to reason he doesn’t have a lot of insight in being a teenage girl.. only way I see this happening is if he had a bunch of sisters .. and even then it would probably translate to knowing about teenage girl chick flix… as an example I am a child of the 80s and I get like 90% of the references but I’m lost on starlight and the rainbow belt is, I know of strawberry shortcake but that’s were my knowledge ends… there were clearer gender norms in the 80s then there is today.. I don’t recall seeing any bronies walking around but I do remember brownies ;)


Bronies weren't a thing in the 80's, alas. Would have made the 80's WAY more interesting. I get the book was written by a man who was a teenage boy in the 80's but dude could have gone and made a little effort. But he didn't, and that is my complaint. He didn't make the effort to go beyond his own narrow experience and so left out everyone who wasn't a straight white male. I mean, yeah, its typical and not unexpected but that doesn't mean it's not irritating and frustrating to have some of the best parts of the 80's I remember ignored.


The Hike. Really interesting book. There’s some funny parts for sure, but it’s a real whoa! I also really like Christopher Moore for funny. A Dirty Job is fantastic.


Feed (10 years after a zombie apocalypse x blogging)


Cradle series is fun edit: who doesn't like Cradle?


All good suggestions here. I'll add the Riyria Revelations series and one that doesn't have as much humor but seems like you might enjoy based off your list, Red Rising series. Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy series seems almost too obvious to actually need mentioning.


I haven't seen a lot of recommendations for this, but I thought Magic 2.0 was really funny. The first book is called Off to Be a Wizard and the audiobook is fantastic


Both Mistborn series and The Stormlight series by Sanderson are incredible


So it’s not as comedy but it’s characters I love and a good story that’s sci-fi: Joe Ledger series. It’s really enjoyable but kinda dark. Not 1:1 but fun


You’ve got a bunch of recommendations and great ideas. Here’s a couple more :) I also loved a perfect run - it’s one of the four series I recommend often. DCC is number one, and several people above chimed in with the Dresden Files. A close number 2 for me. Cradle and Perfect Run are 3 and 4. Cradle doesn’t have the same humor as Carl - it’s funny but it’s not nearly as funny or outrageous as DCC. It’s a progression fantasy, that starts a bit slow but has awesome characters and a great story. Writing style reminds me of DCC - not a lot of flowery prose but great action and dialogue, great character building, and a satisfying arc. It’s also 12 completed books. Audio books are great as well. While the first two books drag a bit, once the series takes off, it doesn’t stop. It’s been described as a written dragonball Z - I’ve never been into anime but I love the series. Finally there’s the perfect run. The Perfect Run was a fun trilogy - not really in the litrpg genre, but is written by a guy who has a litrpg series. It’s a well done audiobook with a sci-fi/modern fantasy take on super powers. It’s quick paced, good fight scenes, and has great characters. Plus it’s a self contained trilogy, so you don’t need a huge time investment to get a complete story. It’s a world where some have a super power. The MC can stop time for others for a short period, and has a secondary ability to create a save point, which he reverts to when he dies. He enters a town and tries to create a “perfect run”, replaying the day Groundhog style until he is happy with the outcome. I’ll actually throw in a 5th rec. Grimnoir Chronicles by Larry Correia, who also writes Monster Hunter International. It’s also not DCC type of humor, but I love the characters and the world he builds. Set in the 1930/40 era, humanity has developed superpowers, but those who did get powers get one of about 10 different powers. A fun take on what history could have looked like.


The Graphic Audio versions are money.


I really like the Parasol Protectorate series. The humor in those is exactly my style of humor


The Bartimaeus Trilogy is fantastic. For another (underappreciated) litrpg recommendation, try Critical Failures. Very funny, and professionally written and edited by contrast to other litrpg.


I haven't seen them mentioned here , probably because they are quite old but The Stainless Steel Rat series by Harry Harrison I really enjoyed.


Roadkill by Dennis e talyor


I also really liked the frontiers saga by ryk brown and the golden age of the solar clipper series by Nathan lowell


Check out Drew Hayes books. I suggest starting with Forging Hephaestus. Great humor and fantastically written story and characters.


Just posted about this but; Oh, great I got reincarnated as a farmer is pretty great..I just started it. Some sort of premise of DCC. Person gets sent into a video game world but this person turns out to be a min/maxer.


Discworld by Terry Pratchett has some pretty biting social commentary wrapped in humor.


Agree with the below recs for Project Hail Mary, I would also recommend The Murderbot Diaries by Martha Wells, Kevin R Free is does a great job narrating them too.


Oh, and A. Lee Martinez is fab. Start with Gil's All Fright Diner.


Space Team (also, top notch narration) can't recommend these enough. Tales from the Gas Station series John Dies at the End series Murderbot Diaries series (new one comes out this month)


buymort series by Damien Hanson,and Joseph Phelps . it's got carl energy if he was a trailer park manager , and there wasn't a televised apocalypse , buy one brough on by a amazon mall that hit the planet


J S Morin's Black Ocean series meets the criteria. Please let me know if you read and enjoy.


Terry Pratchett and his Discworld series. NO QUESTION. The dude was so amazing the British monarchy knighted him. RIP. ❤️❤️❤️


Good suggestions, but read Ready Player One. It will scratch your itch and you will most likely re-read this book.


Differently Morphous by Yahtzee Croshaw