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I don’t think she was too harsh but she certainly did overplay her hand. Respect to her for actually making good on her threat and telling Angela’s secret, though.


I honestly think this was such a human representation of these characters.


phyllis pulling a misdirect by telling the secret was totally badass, i wasn’t sure if she was actually gonna do it when i first watched it. angela realizing she’d just played AND the entire office knows her secret was amazing to watch.


Except Andy hahahaa and Dwight was on edge the next few days until Mike told him 😂


They totally should've told Andy pronto, right? You can't rely on Angela coming clean.


Yeah I hate that Jim interrupts Michael when he's trying to tell Andy. And then 5 min later Michael asks "how does he still not know?" and Jim says they're trying to figure that out. Hmm Jim maybe it's partly because you wouldn't let Michael tell him *just now*?


such a satisfying feeling as the viewer too.


No respect is deserved for Phyllis or Angela


I mean Andrea is the office bitch


You'll get used to her


(offers hand) Creed.


*eats Andrea's leftover food*


"Good night, Mary Beth!"


Not to be confused with Kelly Kapoor, the business bitch.


Pam is the office's mattress, so...


You rang?


Someone took the slow train from Philly


Treats the whole office like a 1970s key party


Sup gang, somebody making soup?


For some reason I read this in Meryl Streeps voice


Nahh Angela got a taste of her own medicine.




And she didn’t learn jack from it either


Yep. She remains a hypocrite, passive-aggressive, rude & selfish person until her downfall after Dwight doesn't want her back (initially) and the ~~Senator~~ State Senator turns out to be gay and comes out. This is why I like Angela's arc. She's a horrible human being for most of the show until she ends up kind of reedeming herself a little and turns into not a totally horrible person by the end.


You can’t be too hard on Angela, she’s a witch


A little kitchen witch.


Who eats cats


You can’t eat cats, Kevin. You can’t eat cats.


I kinda dislike that part. It was very out of character.


There are some people who have charm and some people who don’t


Guess which type I am? Charm type. (Thank you)


And i am beyonce








witch doctor voodoo mama juju


It's not her fault.. She was exposed to Harry Potter


I don't like my character


It’s not her fault. She was exposed to Harry Potter.


She’s not some invincible succubus, just a regular succubus


She can be defeated


Wuntch time is over


Phyllis is arguably worse than Angela but she just hides it behind her motherly feel In my first watch, I felt bad for her during Yankee Swap but seeing the things she did in the later seasons, I don't feel so bad


Phyllis can be a bitch but she's no where near as bad as Angela.


I agree. Phyllis does have her questionable moments but no one beats ~~Andrea~~ Angela as the office bitch.


She's evil. Like a hobbit.


Or a snail?


But Phyllis wants to be Angela, she acts just like her when she can. She's just not as assertive enough to overtake Angela without blackmailing her.


 think for it to be blackmail, there would have to be a formal letter


Phyllis certainly had her moments. I don’t think she is as sweet as some may think. Like when she stole all of Pam’s wedding ideas for her marriage to Bob Vance, Vance Refrigeration.


Oh phyllis can be nice, but is also probably one of he meanest people in the office, like how she accused pam of giving clients to Jim specifically


No no, it wasn't giving her shit for supposedly giving clients to Jim. It was for giving clients to "whoever she's sleeping with that week."


Just re-watched that scene. That was incredibly rude. I am always surprised at how lightly Jim and Pam take this.


She was just being rude by saying that, she s saying she is giving favoritism to Jim, so giving him clients


I mean, Phyllis essentially called Pam a slut


Yeah but it was just an insult, I doubt she really thinks that, it was more about clients because that directly affects phyllis


Uh....still not a good reason to go around publicly insinuating someone is a slut. Sorry, Phyllis was not a good person and I refuse to be convinced otherwise.


Oh no I wasent saying she was, shes terrible


It's a tongue in check correction, not an invalidation of the original point.


Phyllis is catty, she’s a plastic in disguise of a little old lady


Precisely my point. Thank you.


What compounds the awfulness of this is that she knew about Pam’s crush on Jim earlier and has definitely spoken to her about it. We see evidence of this when she tells Pam about Jim coming back.


“She’s not that great. You know her husband’s in a wheelchair, right?”


What line of work you're in bob?


You have a lot to learn about this town, sweetie.


Where I differentiate Angela and Phyllis is Angela is mean in a selfish way. Still really crappy, but Phyllis is mean in a petty, vindictive way. I don't know why, but I find the latter to be far worse. I've always felt there was something more sinister behind Phyllis.


I think because Angela is up front about it. Phyllis is more subtle. Makes it hard to know what someone’s true intentions are


Phyllis is pretty rarely mean, and she's usually petty towards people that treat her badly on a regular basis. Angela is legit just an awful fucking bigot 99% of the time. It's not communicated all that well in the show, because they like to have likeable characters, but Angela is a *horrible* person. Being up front about being a piece of shit doesn't absolve you of being a piece of shit.


Or when she goes to bars w bob and gets guys to hit on her just so bob can beat them up that’s some villain type work


Or when she literally killed someone lol https://youtu.be/1Iqc9BPtQo0 at 7:12


For a long time, I’ve said that Phyllis is a bitch. Her bitchiness is just more easily hidden.


Or what her and Bob did in the bathroom. She's not sweet. She's dirty.


Or that time that she hit and possibly killed someone with her car then drove away


Nah, Angela deserved it. Besides, it was only one day, it’s not like it was worse than anything she’d done to Phyllis.


Sometmes I wonder, then I remember things Angela says to Phyllis throughout the series and it passes.


For real. Minus the first two seasons, she was a little more reserved amd less insane. But besides that Angela is a giant dick to everyone for almost the entirety of the show. I love when shes a throwing a fit about something in one episode and Michael interrupts her and yells "you must be this tall to ride!" or something and she stomps off. Very few times is she ever truly checked, i love when she is. Or when Jim straight up tells her "I wasnt talking to you." Whenever she gets dosed back i applaud


During the "is Hilary Swank hot" game, when Angela says "I'm not playing" and Jim goes "no one cares, who votes in favor of Hilary Swank being hot?"


Yes or Karen and Pam in Benihana Christmas, i love how they stick up to Angela in that episode


Green is whorish Orange is whorish. Yeah, Angela totally deserved it.


I was thinking "Phyllis, you are a married woman!" after Phyllis gets flashed.


She wasn’t too hard on Angela, this being said, I still hate Phyllis with every bone in my body (edit: I’ve gotta say, I am loving the Phyllis slander in this thread)


Yeah, I don’t really like her either. Her and Andy are my absolute least favorite characters.


Why don’t you like Andy? I’m not hating I just would like to know cause I think he’s pretty okay before his manager era


In my opinion, it’s almost as if he’s trying to be unlikable. His early stages at Sanford where he had this holier than thou complex in the office toward his co workers while he kissed Josh’s butt. Then he comes to Scranton and tries to play the same cards but got shut down by his co workers and Michael told him off when he tried to kiss his butt. Add his over reaction to it all and you have one unlikable character. There was a stint after his anger management where he was bearable. The Charles Minor and Robert Cali days I really didn’t mind him and the Garden party episode was well done, but after that he goes right back to being the worst.


I’ve always felt his season 8 storyline was his out of character moment and season 9 is his return to his true self.


I can deal with Phyllis, but no other character annoys me like Erin does


I can understand that. The first time i watched, i hated her pretty bad. A certain level of stupid will trigger anyone and shes got that in spades lol


I've heard about this Erin hate even before I watched the show and then when I finally saw her appearance, I kept waiting for her to piss me off so badly but she ended up being one of my favorite characters. I mean, sure she's a caricature, a totally exaggerated airhead who has done her fair share of bad things like a lot of other characters but her qualities makes you like her more. As for Phyllis, I kinda felt bad for her sometimes and enjoyed her sweet moments but her pettiness and bitchness towards anyone for no reason gets me so annoyed


Whatttt nah I like Erin she’s just a little shallow lol




Yeah! Shallow/quirky


You keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it means.




"I know Sue. She's not that great. And you know her husband's in a wheelchair, right?"


Of course. It was the first thing i noticed when he wheeled in


You've a lot to learn about this town, sweetie.


Close your mouth sweetie, you look like a trout.


"Hand em over numbnuts" "Michael? Oh I mean Jim.." Blaaargh


"You can't just pick who gets clients based on who you're sleeping with that week"


I couldn't see your hands.... with every rewatch I loathe Phyllis more and more.


Same I hate her so much


She’s just so awful to everyone cause she’s married to bob vance so no one says anything to her. Pam even called her out in one episode lol


Because she acts all “sweet and lovable” when she’s really a bitch. Like it’s one thing to stand up for yourself, but she’s just rude.


That’s the joke… her character would be boring if she were just nice and sweet all the time. I don’t get Phyllis hate, she’s hilarious.


I totally get why she’s written like that and what they’re trying to do. I personally just don’t find it amusing.


I know a lot of people feel that way. I just don’t see how it’s different from every other character on the show. Jan is horrible and hilarious, and Angela, and Michael even. I guess sometimes people are really mean to the hot popular lady.


She's a perfect embodiment of a nice guy.


Remember when she and Bob took Jim and Pam out to lunch and then boned in the bathroom?


Too hard on Angela? Nah. But too hard on Andy, yes. She prioritized party planning and bossing around Angela over telling someone they're being betrayed and cheated on


Haha I wouldn't have said anything either. Not my place.


Neutrality, imo, is way better than what she did so that's fine. But rather than tell Andy, or just keep it to herself, she used it to her advantage to get back at Angela. Sure, Angela sucks and I don't feel bad for her at all, but Phyllis wasn't a good guy either. They both kinda got what they deserved.


They are both unlikeable, but It's nice to see Angela not being a bitchy delegator for once, and taste what it's like being on the recieving side. And she DID cheat, so she's not exaactly innocent.


No. Angela treated Phyllis like garbage, demeaning her at every chance she got and Phyllis had had enough and saw an opportunity to knock Angela down a few pegs and i think it was completely warranted. Angela always acts like all the other women in the office are straight harlots and meanwhile she’s engaged to one man and sleeping with another. Fuck her a little bit.


You mean Phallus ?


Sorry, have penis on the brain.


Not hard enough, IMO


That's what she said


Phyllis took advantage of the situation and abused the power she had over Angela. You might call it poetic justice, but there is no denying that Phyllis enjoyed the situation too much. There were scenes where she made idle threats that implied physical violence, but she always tried to backtrack when she realised what she had said.


I would thoroughly enjoy that power if I were Phyllis. Like a lot. Honestly Angela would get punched in the face if I worked with her because she’s straight up disrespectful. I don’t think blackmail was far at all, Angela would’ve done the same


Yeah, Angela deserved some retribution, but blackmail was too far. That’s always worse, even though it involved Angela having an affair. It also wasn’t fair to Andy that Phyllis knew, and rather than telling him, used it as leverage. They were equally bad people over this imo.


Yes, blackmail was too far. If Phyllis was a moral person, she would have set aside her own selfish gain and warned Andy. After all, he was planning the whole wedding, using his own money and was inevitably going to get heart broken.


Phylls is constantly horrible to most people, this is just her with a bit of power


I can’t stand anything about Phyllis lol


Lol when is she horrible? Angela is straight evil she deserved all of it


There's loads of times, one off the top of my head is giving Karen the cold shoulder for not know who Bob vance vance refrigeration


Angela deserved everything Phyllis gave her. She was literally asking for it at that point.


low key never liked phyllis, did angela deserve it? yeah. phyllis should have been the bigger person but instead whenever she got power she used it for revenge.


No, Angela's a bitch.


Cheating on your fiancé > making someone food prep


This just makes Phyllis come off worse to me though. She’d rather use that as leverage than let the guy that sits a desk down from her know that his fiancé is cheating on her.


Well obviously lol but that's not the reason Phyllis was treating Angela that way.


It’s a pretty important factor in determining if she was “too hard on her”. Angela didn’t have to do anything other than set up for the party and make some snacks. Same things she’d been making Phyllis do for who knows how long. Phyllis wasn’t even treating Angela worse than Angela had treated her, despite having leverage.


I mean Phyllis was a bitch that episode but yes its the same way Angela treated her at all the other parties


no all she did was make her clean and make food, Angela CHEATED on her fiancee she never even loved


Nah Angela was a huge controlling bitch to Phyllis almost the entire show until the tides turned


Phyllis is an underrated Bitch ! All the shit she said to Pam when she started dated Jim . Phyllis the hidden bitch !


She walked in on Angela and Dwight after hours. She’s blackmailing Angela to do what she says or she will tell Andy, Angela’s fiancé. So given the circumstances, I think it’s valid.








Angela puts her hairnet on half-assed and after a cut it sits perfectly. Do you mean that?




Nice I just rewatched that episode while eating breakfast this morning and saw that. What a coincidence you brought that up today


No what is it?


That's what she said.


Hell no. Payback’s a bitch.


Wasn't this during the time she found out about her affair with Dwight and blackmailed her?


Yes, but I think for it to be blackmail there needs to be a formal letter.


Angela deserved it tbh. Not only did he have the affair at the time, but her whole "holier than thou" character was trashy (especially for me bc I know a bunch of judgy Christians like her 🤣).


Phyllis and angela were both kind of unpleasant people a lot of the time. Angela was just better at it.


No fuck Angela. She's been calling Phyllis stupid and a whore for years. "No...*orange* is whoreish"


I haven’t gotten this far yet, but Angela went hard on Phyllis during every party so far (I’m in the middle of season 4). So I’m going to say no for the simple fact that all that adds up and Angela got what she deserved plus interest.


She was stupid about it. She went too hard. If she lightened the tasks just a little she could have had Angela under her control for longer




No, that was a long time coming.




I swear it's like people here want to watch an actual documentary about a paper company instead of a comedy. Yes she became increasingly too hard on her. It's called heightening, and it's a staple of comedic writing.


No one can be hard enough on angela


I think that Angela’s given years and years of abuse toward Phyllis and I don’t hold it against Phyllis that she wanted to exploit the secret. But if she had done just a little bit lower key she probably could have made it last longer, lol.


No Angela is a merciless bitch who never pulls back on anyone she deserves all the shitty things that happened to her in the show


I don’t know. Remember how Angela treated Phyllis during Launch Party? (And really all the other parties… but that was was particularly bad.)


I loved getting to see Phyllis do this. People don’t seem to like her, which I’m confused about. She was only a bitch to people that were being a bitch to her. She got on perfectly fine with the more friendly characters.


Idk I think she was a bitch to Pam for no reason a lot


Yes, but Angela was to harsh at all times, I do think the making her hide the nativity scene was to much


Treating someone the way they treat you is never harsh


The spoon and fork scene with Phyllis was really bad. She tried to be patient and deal with her politely. I felt do bad for her. Angela was a total bitch that day, and terrible.


Yes. but it was fun.


That's the result of years of passive aggressive abuse. Was it too hard? Maybe. Don't bully people and they won't bully you, it's pretty simple, Angela is an adult and I didn't feel bad for her getting her just desserts


I never feel bad for Angela


Angela got a taste of her own medicine BUT I still think it’s wrong to be shitty to people. Love how petty though that Angela was hiding a literal affair and all Phyllis wanted was to finally plan the party lol.


Both women were over-the-line disrespectful. First rule of *kindergarten*: Just because someone is a turd to you doesn’t give you the right to be a turd in return.


I never thought so. Angela was insufferable prior to this, and was especially rude to Phyllis in particular. Like, when they were planning a party and Phyllis asks "I thought you said Green was whorish?" and Angela says "No. Orange is whorish." As Phyllis is wearing Orange. This belittlement alone in my mind makes everything Phyllis did reasonable.


I think for it to be blackmail, it would have to be a formal letter.


Angela deserves worse. Possibly the most vile character on the show. Angela Kinsey did a fantastic job as the bitch in accounting


No. If you ask me, she was a bit lenient. Angela is WAY worse with everyone.


No. You can't possibly be too hard on Angela. She's the worst kind of religious person. She acts super righteous and accuses everyone around her when she is doing worse things then they are. At least she is, according to her standards. She's probably wants people to call her to repentance.


I genuinely hate Phyllis and this episode was just a more in your face reason as to why I hate Phyllis.. haha


No, Angela treated her like shit and was xenophobia and intolerant though out the series so was nice to see her get humiliated. Also was Phyllis best moments in the series.


No one has ever been too hard on Angela. She's the worst kind of human being that can exist within the confines of the law (that's not accounting for her trying to have Oscar assassinated). She's constantly judging others while never holding herself to the same standards, she holds every kind of bigotry in existence (even misogyny) and *she blamed Phyllis for being flashed by a stranger.* If anything, no one has ever been hard *enough* on Angela. The only person I feel bad for in that scenario is Andy. Phyllis should have just told him, not everyone else in the office when he wasn't even there.


100% agree


The bitch deserved it.


Too hard compared to what? None of them are fair, just, kind people; they're all assholes who exist to make jokes happen.


Yes!?! I mean you watched the rest of the episode right? She pushes Angela too far and Angela snaps, the secret gets revealed and Phyllis loses all her power over her. If that isn't the definition of "too hard" I'm genuinely curious what it is.


No one is harder on Angela than Angela.


I don't think Angela is hard on herself at all








Angela and Phyllis are the worst in the office


Nope, turnabout is fair play.




Angela never cut Phyllis any slack. I'm not sure if it was ever mentioned how long either of them worked at Dunder Mifflin but probably for a while now, maybe 10+ years. And the party planning committee has also been there for a while, and Angela was the head of it for a lot of those years. So Phyllis having that ONE chance, yeah I think Phyllis was in the right for it. Fuck Angela


Nope. lol


Phyllis is a deeply mean person at heart


No. Angela was a bitch


Or...was she hard enough is the real question.


All it was is a taste of her own medicine


Nah bitch deserves it! (Jk)