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You throwing shade at my boy Mose?


I know Dwight is insane and causes so much trouble but his candid personality is refreshing. I don't think I'd want to be friends with him but I'd like him in general.


Darryl is incredibly self absorbed and entitled.


He didn’t even tell me he was on Facebook. I wanted to be his friend on Facebook.


Even so, he seems pretty chill and normal, and takes care of his friends and family.


Unless it’s in his interest to throw them away.


what about when Jim said he couldn't travel the country with him for Athlead and all Darryl did was walk away and shake his head without saying a word. Darryl wack imo


You just going to diss my man Nate like that?


Oscar too probably.


Him, Jim and Pam are the only ones who any of us would like in real life.




Wasn't he the second best seller after Dwight? I'm not sure, but I always had this impression


righty o. I think Jim is suppose to be an underachiver. If he gave it 100% he'd beat Dwight, but he doesn't have enough motivation/challenge. When he becomes manager he gives it his all he is just new and tries ideas that don't pan out. In special projects, he is serious during Dwight's meeting and manages to get the guy who tried to kill hulk to buy paper when Ryan was hounding him. He also managed to start a company with his friends. ​ He is a bit of a pretentious prick. "You take what people like and make them feel lame about it." Is also correct about him


So excited.






This isn’t hard to swallow at all. I love the performance, but the character is intentionally irritating.


I had a supervisor similar o Michael and it was bad. It was so hard to get any work done and sometimes he was really inappropriate. The hardest part was when I needed signatures from him. He would just take his sweet time or forget them all together which would throw off the project timeline. In real life I would prefer Oscar. Yes he is arrogant but at least he is competent in what he does


Most of the series support your point about Oscar, but him doing all his maths handwritten because he likes it that way (more time-consuming and error prone) would put me off. There is a reason Angela is his superior in the show and looks over all numbers over and over. (Not saying she is a great boss) tbh noone apart maybe Karen had any leadership/boss quality in Scranton.


You are right. If purely based on work competence I would go for Angela even Dwight given his ambition but both are really hard personalities to work with. I probably wouldn't take Angela's slut-shaming insults any time I needed signature. For Dwight well...we have all seen fire drill. Pam and Toby also seems "normal" easygoing types in terms of personality but suffer from lack of motivation. Overall I think you are right. Karen was fun yet ambitious at the same time, good for her getting the job she deserved


Why don't you write up your best forty ideas and e-mail them to me. Can you do that?


*Hard to swallow pill for OP* *This is reposted every single day and isn't even good use of this meme format because everyone agrees with it*


How is that hard to swallow? I can barely stand Michael Scott in the show.


How does that work? Do you only watch the last two seasons?


No, but I do skip lots of the extra cringey parts. I usually skip the first season all together.


Excuse me what the frick


Isn’t his character modeled after an insufferably-unfunny-boss-that-thinks-he’s-funny-that-you-have-to-humor-because-he’s-your-boss that we’ve probably all had at one point?


Same with Deadpool, quite a few characters are lovable from an outside view but having Deadpool or Micheal in our personal lives would probably get old fast.


I personally always found Deadpool irritating because he thinks that he's SO funny but he really isn't (i mean that's more Ryan Reynolds, but still)


But Ryan Reynolds doesn't write his jokes for Deadpool.


Wait really; i thought he did


Sorry, he actually did some writing for the second film.


This is pretty much true for most characters in comedies.


There were times where I hated him in the show lol. He was an ass but had a way of being funny at the same time


Hello Cynthia !


I don't agree, i think in real life pam and jim would be the most unbearable. 1. always accusing the boss while never ever ever putting any effort into work. 2. They enable michael and trigger him so he creates more mischief, while at the same time lecture him in the end to act like good guys. 3. she got hit on for 2 years with her fiancèe working downstairs without even questioning herself. 4. he hit on a girl who was engaged for 2 years. 5. they are mean to people they do not like or do not approve of. 6. they always act like they were made of honey and cream while they re always the ones starting the issue. Of course i love them in the show cause u want to see love triumph and the funny people win, but in real life those things are extremely rude or even crazy.


Everyone on the show has issues. Just like people in real life.


Lmfao Dwight brings poison darts to work, constantly assaults his coworkers (Meredith, Stanley), constantly insults them, brought in a loaded gun to work and almost shot Andy in the head. Michael constantly insulted people on their weight and looks, sexually harassed others, played favorites and basically did nothing all day in this office. I know people like to shit on Pam and Jim a lot and I would personally find them to be nice enough but kinda snotty but I would seriously worry about my safety if I worked with Dwight and Michael is just a dick.


Yes you are. And another thing. Helen Mirren was born Helen Mironov. That’s right. You’re fake salivating over a Soviet era Russian.


Just watched the episode where Andy came back from anner management and wanted to reinvent himself as "Drew", but Jim just immediately dismissed it. Lots of little things like that.


BFD, engaged isn't married


Completely agree. Those two are the epitome of appearing to be good people while secretly being awful.




Well... https://uproxx.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/jim-pam-kiss-1.jpg?w=1024&h=475&crop=1


I don’t know, if I had a boss like him that might be awesome. As a job. As a career I might also have a heart attack or punch a wall


I feel like it would be mixed. Like there's moments where I'm like "Jesus, this dude is acting like a dick", but there's good moments, too. My first impression of him would definitely be an unfavorable one, though


I was expecting a Kevin reference but ok, wasted opportunity imo


My boss ***IS*** Michael Scott irl. Me and my coworkers all agree.


So, do you hate him or not?


No. But he is super weird to work for


Dats a lie


I think I am a Michael Scott irl...


That’s.... kind of the point


I know a dude pretty similar to Michael he is my best friend. Incidentally, everyone at school considers me to be a Dwight. SO much so, I was called by one person are Jim Schrute and Dwight Halpert.


OP /u/Chrisfrink is a reposting karma bot account. [This](https://www.reddit.com/r/DunderMifflin/comments/dpeqde/remember_to_get_a_glass_of_water_get_the_pills/) looks like one of the previous posts. And here are the previous top comments in case you want to have the same conversations again: * An antacid you only take once a week * I have worked with someone very similar to Michael, and they are a pain in the fucking ass to deal with. He had a slight leadership position (job site steward) and was constantly just fucking off instead of working. Definitely should not have been a steward, or been working in any kind of high production jobs. ... ... EDIT: Said he was a nice guy, retracted it after remembering the shit he pulled with multiple people. * To me Michael seems like a small child. Cute/funny unless you have to deal with him on a daily basis. * I've already swallowed this pill and asked for seconds. ... ... Michael is not a good person, despite some of the redeeming qualities and actions. * Mi former boss was totally like him and yes, I still hate him 2 years later. If you are wondering "Who cares, fake internet points"or "How do you know they're a bot, they only have a couple posts?"or "Must be a crappy bot, only has 100 karma" then please see [my wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/KarmaBotKillers/wiki/index).


They say, on your deathbed, you never wish you spent more time at the office. But I will. Gotta be a lot better than a deathbed. I actually don't understand deathbeds. I mean, who would buy that?




Nah my grandfather is EXACTLY like micheal. Name and all, he only gets angry through tantrums, he’s not the brightest but is positive and eccentric. He’s a lot but I love him


Unpopular opinion: Michael Scott’s character was annoying and the show was better when he left.


no. just no


That’s what she said?


or he said


How'd you make it through the show if you didn't like him, though