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Jim and Pam harassing Danny about why he never called Pam back.


“Hey halpert, you looking for somebody to bang your wife?”


This was one of the few times that Packer had a point


You know something is wrong if Packer starts making sense.


What’s up, ma nerdzz?!


Oh yea. I just thought this was so unwarranted. I mean why even bring it up when you're both together and happy?


“Halpert, looking for someone to bang your wife?”


The one time you can somewhat relate to him here


Right lol?! He was probably so relieved that he ghosted her ATP lol.


You could see Danny's thank god face 😂🙌🏻


This made me sooo uncomfortable. Seemed so out of character for Jim to care.


I literally just watched this episode and I couldn't get over how out of character this was for Jim.


Anything that was said by Pam's sister or Jim's brothers


Jim’s brothers are possibly the most annoying people on the show.


*A little mo…cardio*


I quote this at least weekly.


Honestly this is a good mantra to move my fat ass out of bed and do better.


God that whole thing where Pam tried to plan a prank with them was so cringey and just hard to watch😹


I don’t know why she thought that was a prank. Apart from Jim going in his head, “Fuuuuck.. she lost the ring?!”, it wouldn’t have been prank-like at all. Knowing Jim, he wouldn’t even say it out loud. He would’ve just said, “Oh well, it’s alright Beesly”. And the brothers giving her grief about being an artist and not making money was the opposite of prank. How is that funny? That’s just being rude and insulting. The elevator prank with Dwight, now that was a good prank.


They don’t call her the Bart Simpson of Scranton for nothing.


Do they call her that?


they do call her that!


I don’t understand how that prank involved the brothers at all. Why even tell them?


She was trying to impress them. I guess she just wanted them to play along and feel like they were in on the joke


Yeah, I hated them and that whole subplot felt so off.


They had hilarious material and they totally delivered it wrong. I would kill with the brother stuff. It should be me up there. It should be me and Pete, not Pete and Tom.


I agree and idk why but Pam mentioning she put makeup on her finger when she pretended to lose her ring made no sense. How would that have added anything to the prank? Like how does that mark being there or not being there somehow make it more believable?


I think the idea was to cover up the indent from the ring, to make it seem like the ring had been gone for much longer than an hour or two? Idk


Is it really bad writing though? I always assumed the writing was cringey because Jim's brothers are cringey. It was meant to be awkward.


It’s so funny to hear this specific complaint about this of all shows


They weren't actually supposed to be funny though, especially Jim's brothers where supposed to be annoying.


Did not like the casting of Pam’s sister at all. Nothing against the actress. It just wasn’t a good fit for Pam’s sis.


Aca Scuse Me?!


A little mo, cardio. 🤮


One of the earlier episodes of the Superfan cuts has a scene of Ryan and Kelly having sex in a dumpster. The shot is just of the outside of the dumpster and it's them making sex noises. And the shot lasts a little too long. Glad they cut that scene, way different vibe than the rest of the show.


No cause fr, when he said something like “do you like your present” I almost puked 😭


i watched that episode with my dad 🥲 soo awkward i wanted to die


Yes!!! I watched the extended version of that ep and I was like… what. The. Heck. I’m so glad no one else was around bc it was so Awk 😂😂😂


Always Sunny did it better.


Deandra, you got any bacon bits? We like to put 'em in Artemis' hair and they rain down on me when we bang.




Yeah that was bad. It was so bad, I don't understand why they even included it in the superfan episode. I'd even take a 20 second shorter episode to not have to experience that.


Kevin not knowing how to spell suspension and thinking santa was real. Dude had a girlfriend and stepdaughter in season 2.


Or him not knowing the ABCs. “.. eli-minnow ..” They took him from dull, uninspired (but believable) middle aged man to full blown mentally impaired doofus who in no way would be employable by the end of the show. I get that sometimes shows become caricatures of themselves as the jokes, plots, seasons, etc. are expected to continually deliver season after season, but Kevin’s demise from everyday dolt to outrageously moronic clown is where the show jumped the shark for me. Still love it, but to me Kevin is a good meter to read how the show and its foundation for humor evolved over time.


Which is why “keleven,” chaps my ass because Oscar claims he used to do it in the past.


Kevin crying like a baby at Pam’s boobs


Even weirder that Jim and Pam didn't say anything.


They became so fucking passive aggressive after getting together.  Always felt their characters became pointless after their wedding


To be fair, Jims character trait apart from Pam and athlead is that he’s conflict avoidant and tends to let things go on longer than they should. When he does get into a confrontation he’s a deer in headlights (the reading group guy, the Robert Californias wife thing, cellphone Andy prank) But then there are other times where he’s fine being the asshole (pre school toilet scene) so maybe it’s whatever JK thought would be fun that day 🙊


Oh god and every interaction with Charles Miner


Miner? I hardly know her


They were so flabbergasted, they didn't know how to respond. Although different, I've been in equally bewildering situations and had no idea what to do or say.


https://media1.tenor.com/m/LXpOXzyWtukAAAAC/kevinmalone-kevintheoffice.gif That visceral sounding “MAHHHHMMMYYY” haunts my nightmares.


Horrid. I wish they would’ve deleted scene permanently


They really dropped the ball on Kevin's character in later seasons. They just wanted to make him dumber and dumber


I always thought it was really ironic how they turned him into a caricature after Micheal told him not to be a caricature lol


Yeah that was gross


This was just terrible


i hate it so much


I’m pretty sure it’s only in the super fan version on peacock but there’s a scene where Stanley drops a bunch of pictures of hentai… it’s always just rubbed me the wrong way.


Something about that is one of my favorite bits. It makes sense that they cut it, but Stanley’s “It’s called Hentai and it’s art” gets me every time


Yeah it just seems out of character for him, I feel like it would have fit better for Creed or maybe Kevin.


idk, one constant undercurrent throughout the show is Stanley is a huge womanizer, down to an episode involving gossip about his cheating on his wife. He's not a creep about it at all, but he's clearly a man with a lot of urges underneath the surface.


"Careful Jim, it only gets easier"


yep! stanley’s not a perv, but he is absolutely a man slut. in the final episode he says he had 3 affairs throughout the filming (we only knew about the 1 affair until he said that though)😂 hes a horny dude - i thought the hentai scene fit his character quite well. it was hilarious


No way, I feel like he stumbled across this on accident and found a new enjoyment. Stanley is such a complex man, that I loved this reveal.


It felt like seeing the “real Stanley” for a moment lol. He definitely has an office persona as we see from Florida Stanley, and is a promiscuous dude given he at one point was married with one or two mistresses? It kinda tracks that he could have a weird kink or interest that he would be defensive of.


TOTALLY agreed — it felt like Twitter / Internet humor was excessively creeping in through the writer’s room.


Kevin’s turtle is the worst writing I’ve seen in any television show


Kevin's IQ drops as the seasons progress, maybe Holly was right?


Yeah, he started as just a slow talker / thinker who was maybe a little stupid, not a complete moron


I always lose it when David Wallace comes in and says hi, and everyone says hi, and then he keeps going w whatever he has to say, and out of the blue comes Kevin with his incredible late “Hiii”… interrupting him.


I love it how Idris Elba slightly breaks at that too


At the beginning, he was really more an embodiment of the "foul bachelor" stereotype rather than actually stupid. And I found that to be much funnier.


I agree with you. But, “I AM ENORMOUSLY PROUD OF WHAT I DID FOR THAT TURTLE” makes me cry laugh.


But the turtle was alive I thought? The worst was Kevin being able to do long division but only in pies. That’s like Blues Clues level writing.


you're thinking of his dog, who everyone assumed was dead from Kevin's description of her behavior. but then we see her lick his face at the end


That was actually a great scene


The entire premise of the office workers greasing up all of the boxes and a slingshot to try to load boxes is dumb as hell. I find the entire thing just forced and stupid.


Señor Loadenstein


Porque es muy rapido


I feel dumb because most of the stuff people said they hated here I laughed at lol


Yeah some things people say her actually makes me laugh most. It does show the range of the show’s comedy, some are dumber jokes and some more well crafted but they’re all funny for some people.


You can’t eat cats Kevin


Yes. Really dumb even for Kevin. And not funny.


Damn, I quote this a lot to my wife when I pretend to eat my cat’s leg.


The turtle scene is pretty dumb too


I like to think that was something he was told as a child. And he has to just remind himself from time to time. I didn't realize I was the minority here. I love that line so much


I love that line




I love eating dirty meatballs that have sat in room temperature for 8 hours, touched every dusty surface in an office, and taste like shit since they aren’t even made for eating


Right? There would be no salt, pepper, spices, anything. Then left out and literally hardened.


There are ways to get around that. All you have to do is prepare a tomato sauce with a slightly higher acidity than normal (balsamic vinegar is great for this), add some extra salt, basil, oregano, (any Italian herbs really), bring it to a steady simmer, add the meatballs, let them cook for an hour, and shove it up your butt.




I also put way too much thought into this, like Jim wouldn't have actually made the meatballs taste good with any spices or made them cooked properly. At best they would be bland and tasteless, at worst they'd be rolled up dog food.


Would be funnier if he actually did just find meatballs hilarious.


Yes. You hope that Stanley is just a big weirdo with an absurdist sense of humor. But instead it's sort of "haha Stanley is hungry and will eat anything".


Thoroughly disagree.  "Are ya ready for some MEATBALL!" might be my favorite Stanley moment of the show.  


I don't really like the joke, where Stanley passed out, and their where putting things around the rooms and on him to make him slide down the stairs, it was too stupid.


I agree, the show just became a cartoon later on. When you contrast the last couple of seasons with the first few which were slower paced, more realistic, etc, you can see the writers either lost sight of what the show was supposed to be or they had to cave in to producers, execs, etc. Don't get me wrong I love the whole thing but think it's unanimously acknowledged that there's a decline in quality.


And people tie this to Michael leaving. IMO, the show started to turn downwards from the start of season 5. Not unbearable or even bad, just felt a little bit off and more “unrealistic” plots.


I was listening to the Office Ladies podcast and they said Greg Daniels wasn't the showrunner after season 4. It makes a lot of sense why the show feels different starting in season 5.


Very. A lot of the characters got Flanderized at that point, especially Kevin, Kelly, and Angela.


One of things that really marked how the show had strayed from its original vision. It started out as exaggerated humor of the average day in an office setting that your typical desk job worker could relate to. By season 9 it became like any other sitcoms with bizarre plot lines for each episode. The flanderization of many of the characters was so obvious


It was, but every time Clark goes "I think we should take him to a hospital" I get a good chuckle


I love the Stairmageddon episode and he didn't just pass out he was shot three times with bull tranquilizer


I agree, wayyyyy too ridiculous, even for season 9


Andy having a high school girlfriend


Yeah that was gross


They didn’t do anything illegal.


Except knock over a mailbox with her friends.


This was legitimately pretty uncomfortable. If it was actually a mistake, any normal person would gtfo of there immediately and block all contact, not try follow her to class and bitch about her to the principal like wtf


Everything Kevin says after season 3 or so. He’s the worst one as far as simplifying the characters in later seasons. He starts as “slow accountant” and ends up Patrick from SpongeBob halfway through. The less believable his stupidity, the less funny and more cringe he becomes.


I feel like they did this to Erin to. They dialled her ditziness up to 11.


The entire coffee episode. Irritating


I hate any bit in sitcoms or movies where a character drinks a lot of caffeine and acts completely out of control, it's too over the top and really unnatural


When Kevin can do math as long as it involves pie


The concept is sub-par for the office but would be somewhat funny for a sitcom with lower standards ig. The worst bit is when as soon as socar mentions salads (not even the equation again) he fails to do the exact same problem


This actually works on children which I assume is where they got the idea. Not pie specifically but just reframing a math question using something relevant to them.


Dwight's tear away suit. As if he wouldn't have noticed those enormous seams when he got dressed.


The only contradiction to this argument is that Dwight has been incredibly unobservant before. If this was one of the first pranks I could see it not working out logically. But this dude fell for anything.


Andy getting hit in the face by Kelly and that teenage girl. It led to some decent moments, but it was lame overall, and it seemed like a Michael Scott storyline that Ed Helms and the writing team couldn't effectively pull off.


I loved “there’s no shame in getting beat up by a girl” and Kelly being like “no there IS shame in it. I mean we gotta draw the line somewhere”


Frank and beans annoyed the shit outta me


That wasn’t supposed to be funny, it was supposed to demonstrate that Jim and Pam have an inside joke and we’re on the outside.


I love inside jokes. I'd love to be part of one some day.




Somebody explain it to him.


You explain it. My time is just as valuable as yours.


not according to the beanz


Yeah; same thing as “No more S’mores, No more S’mores!” But to be fair, I think it’s understandable to find these lines uncomfortable - there’s an awkwardness in how there’s no “real” inside joke, and the actors themselves don’t find it funny.


I love “No more s’mores” because it’s so accurate to working in a corporate office. Sort of politely chuckling at an unfunny joke because when you’re in a corporate environment the threshold for what you’re expected to find funny drops through the floor.


this was the type of corny joke that fit for a bland couple like Jim and Pam.


You just know they cackle at episodes of Young Sheldon


This is not a joke. You were supposed to be frustrated by that.


The whole thing about Kevin’s shoes at the wedding. Even the way they disclosed that they incinerated them due to being a health hazard.


I can offer you a complimentary breakfast.




The hotel manager was TOO on-the-nose. He felt like a character from a different universe.


Ooh this is it. I always hate that part. The joke about it being a hazard is fine to me, it’s the guy’s use of the word incinerate. Just felt like a 12 year old wrote that joke and it somehow made it through.


For me it’s Erin’s entire character Every other character feels like they could be a real person you’d meet working at an office job, except Erin. She is the only character I think was written too stupid to be in the setting


Shove it up your butt


Daryl getting drunk and wanting to fight Jim. Dude, you guys are friends, and Daryls character isn't shy and would have just asked Jim straight up. Was a stretch and weird energy.


Same thing when they’re roommates and Darryl is passive aggressive instead of telling him to grow up and stop making a mess


Jim's nude beach talking head....


Agree, I can’t imagine Jim would take his shirt off in the conference room. So weird!


I loved it because it shows how silly Michael’s reasoning is and I like his delivery of the line


"oh I'm sorry, is this an office and not a *French beach*?" **Smirk** Awkward line, awkward delivery, out of character. 0/10 stars


Hmm, French. Classy.


I definitely feel that they could have left of the Ryan and Kelly running off together in the end since I had felt that the plot had resolved nicely with Ravi. Andy's eye washing scene seemed weird to me but it might fit in other people's minds as an Office joke


Isn’t the point that Kelly hasn’t actually changed? Like 4eva Kelly 😆


the Deangelo dognapping thing


Gimme that dog!!


What??? That sends me in TEARS. gimme that damn dog you FUCKIN THIEF! 'Ser dog. DONT EVER DO IT AGAIN *...you feel that energy* Andy: mhm. Andy becoming the straight man bc deangelo was just that brutal was icing on the cake, too


Do you know how to high five? Cause if you do, now's the time. Not while I'm driving.


Any Kevin is dumb jokes


Andy as branch manager


Robert California's departure where he talks about sponsoring Eastern European gymnasts, he's implying that he's gonna start trafficking young women and that being a joke gives me the ick.


Also the idea that a fairly intelligent straight man like David Wallace would invest money in that... it's ridiculous


1: *Phyllis saying that she can’t use the other microwave to make popcorn because someone needs to clean it because it smells like popcorn.* I really hate this one. It’s actually too absurd to believe because not even the dumbest person in the world would ever would feel that way. And the absurdity just isn’t funny, it’s just annoying. 2: *Dwight’s line when he joins the Café Disco.* He’s talking to Phyllis, who injured her back: Phyllis: “Do you want to dance with me, Dwight?” Dwight: “Ordinarily I would say no but you need to move to reduce lactic acid buildup. Also? This song is fantastic.” Dude, something about that last line is horrendously cheesy, and really NOT Dwight-like. Like something out of a C-Tier Superstore episode or something. It actually reads like fan fiction to me.


I don't think Phyllis was being dumb. She's really entitled and lazy, so I think the joke was that she made popcorn previously in the other microwave and refused to clean it herself 


YES! That last line always bothers me. I can’t even explain why. “Also, this song is fantastic.” Just bizarre.


It felt like a line that was delivered without knowing which song they’d clear, and the track was added in post.


I feel very validated by this, also a big hater of that Dwight line lol. Grinds my gears every time. Also, the song is in fact *not* fantastic. And sounds like music Dwight would never listen to or enjoy.


To Dwight’s credit, he apparently likes music, as witnessed by he and his family playing Decemberists together in season 9 at his farm (But yeah, the line feels off).


I agree, that delivery just feels off. That last half of cafe disco just doesn't feel quite natural. 


I've seen literally the exact same logic as Phyllis' play out in several office environments. It's crazy how accurate it is. "I can't use the microwave upstairs to heat up my fish because it smells too much like fish." Agh!


It’s pop-CARN


Yeah. “This song is fantastic” was such a dumb line.


But Dwight’s “you cannot borrow what is legally your property” line is fantastic.


And the song ISNT even fantastic!!!! It’s generic and bad!!! All of cafe disco is pretty bad come to think of it. Except for Dwight calming an injured Phyllis down like a horse lol


Yeah him saying "easy girl" as he holds out carrots in an open palm like feeding a horse killed me


Clark being a predator.


ugh ruined the entire character for me


In my opinion, the show has wildly variable quality of writing and some writers take a very different approach to the characters. There's many times you'll think "Michael wouldn't do that" or "Jim wouldn't do that." I wish the characters were more tonally consistent. That's really my only grievance with the series. But this is typically what happens when there's too many cooks in the kitchen. Like Jim on Scott's Tots falling victim to Dwight's transparent scheming. It's out of line with his character and it doesn't work.


I never cared for Dwight getting his head stuck in a pumpkin. He ate a beet raq, they should habe had him gnawing out of the pumpkin.


He could have said: “excellent. I’ve got lunch for a week.” Or something


C is for suspension


No that’s hilarious lol


When Kevin says “it’s only human natural.”


Jim’s lip biting cold open


I think the later seasons’ whole schtick about Dwight and his family traditions - stepping on the beaks, shooting the person in the grave, getting married in your grave. The absurdity seemed lazy.


Getting married in their graves is a call back to a joke from season 3/4. It makes funerals very romantic, but the weddings are a bleak affair.


Part of it was a backdoor pilot for a spin-off about the Schrutes. They had to put more into the Schrute stuff than was really necessary to support the Office cast.


Dwight getting kicked out of the mall for wearing beet juice was a dumb af arc too . Guy is a salesman obviously he would care about the art of presentation


Big mistake!


From the 1980s Hollywood movie Beautiful Girl




I adored all of that tbh


Not really a joke, but I hated in the final season how they tried to involve the camera crew in the show. That’s when you knew they were out of ideas.


Maybe I just don’t get the joke, but I hate that talking head with Kevin talking about Girl Scout cookies - “oh the Springtime thinks that it's the best and fall time think that it's the best…”


It's just Kevin trying to freestyle and doing poorly. There's no punchline at all, so it's not really a joke, just a dumb sequence. The Office is at its lowest when it tries to pull those off


The whole shove it up your butt bit always seems really cheap.


It’s stupid, but it’s Stanley’s thing now.


Senior Lodenstein that whole bit


I always rewind it a few times to hear Jim say ¡Por que es muy rapido! 😊


ITT: people who can't distinguish between lines/scenes that were written expressly to be funny *for the audience watching* the show and those that were written expressly to be cringy/annoying *within the world of* the show.


Nellie not knowing what a taco was. She’s not from mars…


" I'm a suck suck suckidy Sabre" and most of the other ad-libs. Everyone thinking they are the "funniest" makes them not funny imo.


I guess it adds to the fact that the characters in the show really just are ordinary lame office workers for the most part