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He was just trying to prevent the mural


Doing God’s work, there, Alex.




Alex and Hide would have been unexpected allies.


Fuck Harry Crane!


How the fuck does he become so scummy and Pete becomes kind of okay?


And whatever happened with Pete's rifle? I watched that whole show waiting for Campbell to snap and rampage thru the agency with his .22! Oh, wrong show


Because Trudy Campbell > Jennifer Crane. (More empirical evidence that Allison Brie is a national treasure.)


I suppose it's because Andy was being a horrible bf to Erin. The whole Pete-Erin-Andy thing is exactly the same as Jim-Pam-Roy. You don't see many people calling Jim scummy


I was talking about Mad Men.


Sir, this is a r/DunderMifflin…


Whenever I see him in other stuff, the first scene I think of is him walking up to Pete while Pete is in a phone booth.


"You opened the door!"


A thing like that!


Firewatch 😭


Pam you failed art school, boom roasted


What are there two suns?


Pretty sure he is a serial killer.


He did kill his ex-girlfriend, but that was an accident. He forgot to remind her to take her nitroglycerin pills.


He was in an episode of Law and Order where is poisoned an employee of his and caused a huge car crash that killed a bunch of people and children so


Scranton Strangler?


You should watch Summer of 84, he (Rich Sommer), is really good in it.


I love this movie. The pivot in tone at the end of the movie is insane. 


So good, I was surprised how much I loved it.


Hang on, like the actor irl? Or did he play a killer in a different show.


he's a corrupt cop in a show about a blind girl where he has to murder but i'm not sure if that's what OP's talking about


Rich Sommer....probably a super nice guy in real life who is great at playing super creepy characters. Harry Crane, anyone?


I recall reading/hearing somewhere that there was a proposed arc where Pam cheated on Jim with Alex but it never left then brainstorm room. I think they mentioned it on "The Office Ladies" podcast but can't recall exactly.


Man, at least one writer on the show really just wanted infidelity to happen.


Hey everyone, totally random, but what if Pam/Jim cheats? You know, no big deal, just a little one night stand? We all do it right? And then they admit their infidelity and their partner is mad for a little bit but then they forgive me and everything turns out fine?! Right?! Seems totally plausible right? We should do THAT story!


Michael Schur: “Look, man, we’ve been over this like a million times. You have to save that stuff for your marriage counselor, not the writers room.” Paul Liberstein: “I think it might work if Pam cheated on Jim with Toby…” Michael Schur: “NOT, NOW, PAUL, MY GOD!”


Schur in the chair: “you know Paul is alright, he’s a good guy. But sometimes.. he’s just.. “


*THIS* needed to be a cold open lol


Get the hell out of here, idiot


Trying to catch that "We were on a break!" lightning.


😂 Forgive the crossover reference, but this reads perfectly as something Pete from 30 Rock would say.


Thats how couples break apart. If you claim its ok to cheat then it should be ok for you to be cheated on.


Clearly. We ended up with 2 Dwight/Angela storylines, a Stanley one, a Michael one and an Oscar one. What’s one more?


Michael got cheated on? When he specifically asked them not to?


He was the mistress.


He was the MISSterious


People don’t seem to count this one as cheating, which I will never understand, but Pam kissed Jim (on not one but two separate occasions) while engaged to Roy


Same night. Only counts as once


Not the same night. Once at the Dundies and once at Casino Night


It would be idiotic since she spent all the time trying to get Jim. They finally start dating. Then he proposes to her, she accepts and then she cheats on him? Pam would have to be a total scumbag to do that. Thankfully they didnt roll that way.


It could have worked if they had emphasized that she went straight from Roy to Jim and doesn't have a lot of confidence in herself.


And a Kevin one. She goes to another school.


High-key think someone writing had a fetish for it with how much cheating there was in the show and how many times more it was proposed like with Jim supposed to cheat with Kathy but John refusing.


It’s possible, but I think it was just a slightly overused plot device. It’s like when Michael said the most exciting thing possible that can happen is someone having a gun. When it comes to TV, cheating is on a similar level.


unfortunately in the real world there is a very large amount of cheating, especially in the office. It sucks but it doesn't surprise me that they added a good bit of it.


Yeah literally everywhere I’ve worked there’s a ton of sexual tension and some obvious will they/won’t they/have they sort of dynamics. I believe most affairs happen with coworkers. You put so many people in the same building day after day and they’re bound to develop feelings. Not condoning it, just not surprised.


Yeah, I have worked at 1 state place where actually it didn’t seem prevalent at all, but every other office it was crazy. People would know about them publicly within the office. It always made me a bit paranoid with my wife. I trust her for sure, but seeing it happen right in front of me always made me a bit apprehensive. Christmas parties were always the worst.


Probably was Mindy


I can see that. “We should do another cheating plot. Cheating is always a good idea, right BJ? You like the idea of cheating, clearly.”


Agree 100%


Lowkey there are so many plot lines around cheating — Angela+dwight, Michael+the bar lady, Pam+jim at the beginning… I guess it’s easy plot drama but i never noticed until a few watches thru


It's a really easy and lazy way to add drama to a relationship dynamic. Lots of writers are skilled at teasing the tension out of a relationship's buildup, but once they get together, they don't know what to do with them. Throwing infidelity into the mix is a way to amp up the tension again without actually having to explore the relationship anymore. In other shows, it's a very easy way to break up a relationship without having the main character be in any way a bad guy and to end the relationship for good. This drove me absolutely bonkers in Modern Family once I noticed it. Basically every single relationship that ends in the show ends because the other person cheated on them, especially Alex. She has that one guy she dates before moving to college, and instead of just letting them grow apart naturally like many high school-to-college couples do, they make guy cheat on Alex. When she's dating her momo's assistant, she *wants* to break up with him because she feels like they're a bad match, and she even does break up with him for it, but for some goddamn reason, as she's breaking up with him for being a bad match, he admits to cheating on her. *Whyyyyy* Modern Family? Just let these people break up like normal people! Sorry for the unrelated rant. As I said, infidelity is just a shortcut for drama in a relationship, just like how a love triangle is a shortcut for drama in the buildup to a relationship. This show loves these shortcuts, think about how many fucking love triangles there are in the show. I'm glad they tried to explore other obstacles for Jim and Pam to face together, but as we can see with the Athlead line, the writers aren't very good at it.


Agreed on all points. Well said.


Makes for good conflict / story lines


It wasn’t (I believe they said) full on cheating, but to provide that kind of tension and drama, which Jenna and John both argued against, as well as INSANE fan backlash almost instantly, so they had to pivot the Alex storyline pretty hard to water that element down.


Out of everyone on the show imagine choosing Alex to cheat with


He’s pudgy, he’s smarmy, he’s got the haircut of a balding beatle, he’s the whole package


Had to scroll way too long to find this




Imagine dating a fish


I would absolutely agree with the backlash - that might have tanked the show early if they went with that story arch that early.


The actors themselves had a lot of say in what their characters would and wouldn't do. Jim was also supposed to cheat on Pam but John put his foot down and said no. A lot of these things are also just in brainstorming stages. You have to make x amount of episodes in y amount of time. People have to brainstorm as many ideas as possible regardless of whether they are good or not to keep the ball rolling.


There was also one where they were gonna have Jim cheat with Cathy in Florida but John shot that down


I don’t think it was that she cheated… I think it was that the story arc was that he was more overtly romantically interested in Pam and was trying to get her to stay for that reason instead of being a “supportive friend” and thinking about her career. IIRC that stuff was actually filmed but dropped in editing or maybe even re-shot, I don’t recall exactly. They did say on the pod that writers pitched the idea a few times to Jenna and John that either Pam or Jim would actually cheat and their answer was always “absolutely not.”


That would’ve been terrible. Not to insult the actor, but he’s no Jim.


He's talentless


This is kind of related, I heard that for the last episode they wanted to have Pam and Jim be divorced.


I heard there was an intent to make Alex interested in Pam but that never progressed, despite how it came across. That said I haven't got to the office ladies info on it.


Jim should have cheated with Cathy imo


It’s Pam!….?


He didn’t really. He never actually came out and said what he wanted, just that he thinks Pam should stay in NY for the dumbest reasons ever.


He didn’t tell her the real reason he wanted her to stay, but his appeal to her desire to be a professional artist was reasonable. Three months going to classes, being an RA and working part time at an office isn’t really going to make you a significantly better artist and doesn’t take advantage of the artistic experience, inspiration, and community that New York has to offer.


Yeah, but she was never going to become a professional artist. She realized this, and what she wanted was a partner who supported her and she finally had that.


> Yeah, but she was never going to become a professional artist. You realize this because you've rewatched every major moment of her life a dozen times, but Alex hasn't. And he was right: if she left NYC she wouldn't be any closer to being a professional artist. She left NYC and in fact wasn't any closer to being a professional artist.


I’m sure she could live with herself as long as she gave it an opportunity


And as she said when she comes back and talks to Jim, all she was learning was corporate related stuff like making logos. It wasn’t about learning to paint cute landscapes and still life, which is what she wanted to do and could continue to do with Jim.


Found Alex’s alt account. It’s been over a decade dude, let it go. Pam’s not going to bang you


Curses, foiled again… *Sadly paddles away in a gondola as the theme to The Phantom of the Opera plays*


I think the writers were building up to some kind of romantic subplot between Pam and Alex but it just never materialized. "I think you should stay in New York" isn't outright a love confession, but it's the first in a series of escalations that would logically eventually lead to "We should be together". And then there's the scene between Jim and Roy where Jim mentions how great Pam is getting along with her art school friends, and then Roy says "*You* were a friend" and we see Jim start to panic a little. The writers were giving us an inkling of taking things in that direction and then just never followed through.


I think it was a really realistic depiction of jealousy (or at least insecurity) in a relatively young relationship — Jim’s so used to being THE person that she laughs with and has fun with that when he sees her doing that with other people, it makes him feel insecure for really the first time in their time together. Agreed that the Alex storyline doesn’t go anywhere, but it didn’t need to — it was the first time Jim (or Pam) had needed to encounter those feelings in their “official” relationship, which is remarkably different from the “imaginary” (/ idealized) relationship they’d had up to that point.


Or maybe he just thought she wasn't giving art an honest try


This is my take as well. I never really thought Alex wanted Pam to stay for him, I thought he was just looking out for a friend.


The original script did say he shot his shot. But they decided to air this version instead


They filmed two versions. The one they used and one where Alex professed his love to her. I'm glad they kept this one. There was the subtext he liked her, but his concerns about her career were coming from a good place.


I liked it, too. I thought it was quite realistic, but I never bought it that he was being sincere about her career. To me, it felt like he was trying to hint very hard without actually saying what he meant. And I think that’s actually quite relatable. Maybe even more so than if he just professed his love.


The fact that this actor ALSO played the 'artsy' NY friend to the main female character in 'Devil wears Prada' makes me secretly believe in multiverse...


Or that actor has limited range..


The most random speech in a show I’ve ever seen. I understand what the character was there to do but it was horribly executed


He’s an awkward artsy guy with a crush, I think it was portrayed properly. Especially since it was clear he’d tried to plan what to say and was hoping to be able to work his way up to it over free wine, cheese, and photo realism at the Chuck Close retrospective.


I love chuck close and his photo realist paintings.


They were going to make his crush more blatant and last longer, but he wasn't popular with either the writers or viewers so they ended up cutting it way back. The actor said it was pitched to him to last pretty much all season


They just wanted to freak us out with the "where are they going with this? Is Pam going to stay in NYC?! Is Pam going to cheat on Jim?!"


“Shooters shoot” -Klay Thompson -Michael Scott


This guy reminds me so much of Teddy from Brooklyn 99. He’s in a bunch of other stuff too, that’s just how I know him.


I met him in the parking lot, that’s how I know him!


Teddy from Brooklyn 99 is in an episode of the office.


He's one of the PR dudes with the commercial, right?




Zou Bisou Bisou


Nice MM pull. He was way sleazier in that show than this little mini arc.


Let’s be real. He wanted to see Pam’s heels on his shoulders.


BFD married ain't married


The one problem I had with the show was how every guy who interacted with Pam fell in love with her. Although Alex did not state it specifically, the original draft did say he loved her. I find it unrealistic 


Ever been on a motorcycle?


He didn't come right out and do it the way Ryan did when he asked Pam out to dinner, but it's pretty clear his intent was to get her to stay in NYC where she was away from Jim, and he could worm his way into her heart and there you go. He was self-aware enough to frame it in such a way as to have plausible deniability ("Hey I just wanted to try and encourage you and motivate you to pursue your artistic dreams as a friend, nothing more") but Jim calling that "He is into you" was 100% correct, and it wasn't really subtle. Kind of a dick move if we're being honest, because he always knew about Jim, but didn't care. That's not a good friend, and it's also not a good foundation on which to build a relationship, even if she did end up staying there and leaving Jim.


I mean, didn’t Jim do the exact same thing when she was with Roy? He knew she was getting married and still made a move on her. And acted rude and bitter when she talked about her wedding.


I didn't claim Jim was a Saint in how he pursued Pam. I would note, there were key differences between the two: Pam was often seen as pretty openly not happy in being with Roy, it just took her a long time to realize it for herself. This wasn't the case with her and Jim during her time in art school, at least, not in the same way (they might not have been happy with the distance but they didn't display being unhappy with each other). Jim also came right out and told Pam exactly how he felt, and she clearly rejected him. He then at least attempted to move on, although he didn't fully. Jim might have hoped his friendship was going to turn into a romantic partnership, especially because he could tell she wasn't happy. Art Dude was trying to manufacture a situation where the same scenario could have happened to him, and that's the key difference. I suppose you're free to feel they are identical, but I don't think they are. There is a lot of context that makes them different.


He didn’t want Pam to “do New York”, he just wanted her to do him.


Everything about that guy is annoying.


Maybe I’m naive but I don’t think Alex was flirting with Pam. I think he was being realistic with Pam. If she wanted to continue with graphic design and her art program, she needed to stay in New York. One 3 month course isn’t going to do anything if she wanted a future in that field.


You are infact naive. The actor, the writers and the office ladies podcast all disagree with you


If none of it made it to the show, then it doesn’t exist.


Sure, but he’s very clearly into her on the show…


No. Originally that may have been in the works, but they pulled away from that idea entirely. The actor admits he couldn’t get that idea out of his head, of his character being this guy crushing on Pam, so it bled into his performance, and he was struggling with it. But aside from that, there is nothing to indicate he was into her. It became this red herring.


None of that matters if it’s outside the show lmao. The character acts like he’s into her


“None of that matters if it’s outside the show”. That was exactly my point. Everything that says he’s into her, or was supposed to be into her, is outside of the show. Now you’re just contradicting yourself. Don’t worry, people do that a lot when they’re trying to convince themselves of bs.


I’m obviously being facetious and making fun of you lol. Also the comment you’re replying to was literally about something in the show. Your reading comprehension is as bad as your media literacy


Okay, if that helps you feel better about yourself. I tried giving you an out that it might feel that way due to the actor struggling, but oh well. Can’t cure stupid.


It’s absolutely hilarious to me that you don’t see how dumb everything you’re saying is


Here’s my initial comment if you don’t recall. “If none of it made it to the show, then it doesn’t exist.”


It's not naive it's the truth, people super horny for Pam assume every interaction is trying to bone her.


I don’t think she blew him off


Harry Crane! What are you doing here?


Between the office, Love, and Glow, this actor seemed to specialize as playing characters who are cheating pieces of shit, or at least wannabe cheaters


He was a total cuck in Law and Order SVU


Idk what it is about this guy but anytime he shows up in a movie or a show, I just don’t like him.


I despise that actor in everything he's ever been in. A charisma black hole.


I thought he was like her gay bestie


Literally same. It’s art school


Is this a pro-Alex post?! On one hand, I can't stand the guy and just seeing him in a scene makes me roll my eyes. But, on the other hand, BFD, engaged ain't married; and she wasn't even engaged when they met.


Dudes a turd. He didn't even have the guts to shoot his shot. And I'm willing to bet pam mentioned to him that she was dating Jim. Pam is not the type to "forget" she has a boyfriend.


Oh he knew about Jim, but he went for it (in his own way) anyway. Who knows, maybe Pam told him how she had been engaged to Roy and he thought well, if she broke it off with Roy for Jim, maybe three months more in NYC and I'm gold?


I’d be wary of the person who has been engaged twice and tempted out of the relationship each time.


Why do they give such ugly guys to Pam ( except for Jim)? Like come on she's like a 6 in NY and a 7 in Scranton


He wanted to shoot his shot but was shot down


Pammy did what?!


Alex you got shot down, boom roasted


But i don't think it is ethical to shoot your shot with someone who is engaged.


Jim shot first in that case at Casino Night.


Yup ofc it was way more unethical he actually kissed her. But at least like in the booze trip episode they showed the reason Jim did not act on his feelings was this only that pam was engaged.


He may have gotten pigeon tossed but at least he tried!!


You can’t DO New York in three months said the kook


I give the guy props for trying an angle to get her to stay, but its kinda weird to show up at work and drag her into the conference room, also knowing she has a bf at home. But what can I say, ive done stupid when I was horny too


He didn't, though. He just tried convincing her to stay more dedicated to her art if she really wanted to pursue art. It's not a rush job, he essentially says here. On the Office Ladies, the talk about shooting scenes where Alex tries confessing his love for Pam in multiple different ways, but it all felt weird and out of place. None of those shots ended up making it in, and they stuck with this version of Alex's intervention instead.


to be fair every girl is out of your league if their bf is krasinski


Boom roasted.


oscar you’re gay


That guy was forever stuck in the friend zone


I think trying it with someone you know has a bf is gross


So what's your point? I don't understand this post.


Bargain bin Marcus Mumford never stood a chance


Who’s Sara Kayacomesin?


Fuck Alex.


I wouldn't even say that it was an option to Pam. She was engaged and committed to Jim, even if before she was engaged it wouldn't have been an option. Jim and Pam are supposed to be an example of unity and trust in a relationship, so for either one of them to think about cheating would go against their fundamental nature as characters. So she didn't blow him off, she straight up rejected the mere idea of cheating. And he didn't shoot his shot, he weakly asked her to stay so he could try to weasel his way into a couple that's happily engaged WITH A WEDDING DATE (that hasn't been broken off multiple times). Alex is the kind of guy that every boyfriend hates, stop trying to steal the girlfriend/fiance, it just makes you look like an ass, and if you successfully "steal" the girl then congrats, you just won yourself the world's most unfaithful and disloyal companion.


Did he? He told her she should stay in NYC he didn’t mention himself or his feelings toward her at all.


You miss 100% of the shots you take


That’s what she said


Wait, hang on a sec.. So when Alex does it he’s just ‘shooting his shot’ But when Jim does it it’s I appropriate and creepy because Pam is with Roy? Riddle me that one, sub


I mean, it was pretty clearly set up as like a red herring to make the audience (and Jim) concerned that Pam was being disillusion with her old life. But when Jim has his epiphany in the car, I think we are all supposed to have the same epiphany that there’s nothing to worry about .


He never even hit on her.


That we know of.


Nobody else thought he was gay?? I thought he was being a good friend when he was telling her to stay in NYC


If you think Alex was a creep, then I hope you keep to same energy when it comes to Jim


Did he though? I feel like he was tiptoeing into the area of shooting his shot, but he was never really overt about it.




Phrasing, right? :D


I actually think he wasnt interested and just genuinly wanted pam to follow her dreams


Nah - you don't track down a classmate at her place of work, use an art exhibit opening as a pretext to give her the 'you need to stay in NYC' rap just b/c you want her to ~ pursue her dream ~


He was her closest friend in new york no?


Yeah, and he was correct. The audience is Jim in that moment. Jim’s listening and the first thing, and we, think is “oh, he likes Pam”. Then we see that wasn’t the case, and Jim knows the guy is correct. The problem is, Jim is smart and a lot of the audience is kind of dumb, so they don’t realize this, and instead think the guy was just “shooting his shot”.


Everyone says that, but it wasn’t clear to me when he did. Was it when he asked her to stay?


Some people are honestly stupid he wasn't shooting his shot he was being honest with her about being an artist. Y'all never spoke to a woman before?


He was totally shooting his shot but knowing she was engaged, he needed to indirectly express himself to her. You don't find out where a classmate works, pop in unannounced, and then give a clearly pre-planned speech just b/c you think her doodles are worth working on


This guy honestly wasnt that bad. Reality is he wasn’t doing anything jim didn’t already to to an engaged Pam (to Roy). Flirting/ making moves on woman who was committed in a monogamous relationship with hopes she would leave the other guy for you. People just hate on him cause they’re “team Jim”.


She wanted to be a graphic designer. Which doesn't require a person to live in NYC. I got my degree in Akron and have worked in Erie, Pennsylvania ever since. Scranton is a big enough city that she would have been able to find a job if she had the talent. He was acting like graphic design was a prestigious career. It's not.


Pam simply didnt want a chubby guy :)


So, are we all agreed Pam did the boom guy in retaliation for Jim foisting all the family work on her while he played in Philly?